Rescuing Ivy
You, Harley, and Frank got back to Gotham City, it was now the next day, and were now overlooking where Ivy was being held, you had your high-tech rifle with you, scoping out the place from afar.
"Ugh, it's my fault she's in there." Harley groaned, looking around the place. "I can't even imagine what they're doing to her...You don't think it's, like, torture, right?."
"I don't think it's like torture," Frank said. "That's mother fuck' torture right there!."
"Screw this." You said, getting out your rifle. "I'm getting her out."
"That is a lot of big boys with guns, and you two are one petite young woman with a bat and one hot-headed assassin with a small pecker, they aren't gonna come at you one at a time, that's not how that shit works!."
"Mmm, that's actually standard goon operating procedure," Harley said before a car pulled up to the base and an old man got out of it.
"Excuse me." He groaned. "I'm so dang lost and so--"
Before he could even finish, fifty guards riddled the old man with bullets, getting blood and brain all over their hazmat suits, emptying several mags into his corpse.
"Oh, they're doing the "all at once" way now." Harley looked at you, biting her lip.
"Well, good thing I brought my rifle." You adjusted the scope. "It's the only thing we need-"
"No, you know what you need?." Frank looked at you and Harley.
"More bat?." Harley asked.
"More guns?." You pulled out two pistols that were in your suit jacket.
"More crew," Frank answered his question. "You gotta get your friends back, make things right, and save Ivy's ass from being in the obituaries."
"Well, I won't lie, she does have a nice ass-" You smiled, looking up into the sky before Harley slapped you across the face.
"What did you just say, babe?." Harley raised an eyebrow at your comment, putting a lot of emphasis on the word, babe.
"I'm just saying, Ivy's got that...I'm trying to think of the correct term-"
"Um, hello, who is your girlfriend again, cuz last time I checked, it was me." Harley yanked on your ear.
You had to remind yourself that you were also now dating Harley...behind Ivy's back...
"I know you are, Harls...but I mean, come on..." you said. "Have you seen Ivy's ass, it's like a whole bakery back there-"
Harley, clearly jealous and upset you are checking out Ivy, kneed you in the balls and you went down like a bag of potatoes, all while Frank laughed his ass off.
"Hello, Gotham, Riddler here." Riddler smiled as he was being broadcasted all across Gotham city. "Sorry to interrupt your football match, but I've hidden a bomb somewhere in Gotham..." everyone began screaming. "Oh, but don't worry, Batman, here's a little riddle to help you find it."
The Riddle twirled his cane a few times before saying the riddle.
"You throw away the outside and cook the inside, then you eat the outside and throw away the--"
"You're doing great, boss." Clayface interupted.
"You throw away the outside..." Riddler began again before a cell phone rang.
"Oh, sorry." Clayface quickly canceled the call.
"Uh, you throw away the-" Riddler began once again, gritting his teeth.
"You throw away the outside and cook the inside--" Clayface interrupted again.
"What the hell are you doing!?." Riddler growled.
"I just have one tiny thought," Clayface suggested. "Maybe say, "Throw away the outside." but like this, do you see where I put the emphasis?."
"Did you just give me a fucking line reading?." Riddler glared.
"We're live!." The camera goon told Riddler after he dropped the f-word on the broadcast.
"All right, You know what?." Riddle turned to the camera. "Screw it, it's corn, the bombs at the corn factory....Cut the feed."
The camera cut and Riddler growled in anger before walking away from Clayface right as You and Harley walked in.
"Uh, can we borrow Clayface for a minute?."
"Borrow?." Riddler glared at you. "Take him, please, now, forever, be gone."
You and Harley walked over to Clayface.
"Hey, Clayface!." Harley smiled, waving at him, the actor folded his arms and turned around.
"Hmm...HeadHunter...Miss. Quinn." He greeted.
"You look great." Harley tried buttering him up. "Have you lost some clay?."
"Yes, I'm feeling very fulfilled," Clayface answered. "My life is thick and rich."
"Listen, I know I promised to take care of you guys, instead, I left you out to dry." Harley spoke up. "You guys aren't just a crew to me..."
"You're the only family I've got." Harley spoke to Psycho who was now a fortune teller, reading people's minds for cash.
"You're thinking of the number 17, also, FYI he's banging his assistant, Denise," Psycho answered at the couple at his table before turning around to Harley. "We are not family!."
"You're right. I didn't treat you like family..." Harley answered before continuing to speak.
Another timecut...
"Well, I did, but I treated you like my family treats people, which is bad, not good." Harley was now speaking to King Shark who was at a computer store, typing into a computer.
"Now, Denise, do you know your boss' password?." King Shark looked at the woman before looking at Harley with a glare. "And, yes, I heard you, but I'm passive-aggressively not responding!."
"All I'm asking for is a second chance," Harley begged. "When I got to the Legion of Doom, I forgot that the only reason I was there was because of you guys."
Harley was now talking to everyone back at the mall, you were beside her.
"But I won't forget again." Harley looked at all of them. "So, what do you say?."
"No." King Shark answered.
"No." Clayface also answered.
"Never gonna happen." Psycho glared.
"For fucks sake Harley-Ivy's been kidnapped, people!." You shouted out.
"What!?." Psycho shouted.
"Not Ivy." Clayface shouted.
"We got to save her." King shouted.
"Where the hell did you learn how to give a speech?." You looked at Harley. "You put your thesis statement at the fucking top!."
"Sorry, sorry, sorry!." Harley put her hands up before turning back to the others. "Look, Ivy needs us, and Y/n and I can't rescue her on our own."
"We'll help you, Harley." Clayface smiled.
"Yay!." Harley smiled back.
"For Ivy." King Shark glared.
"Still yay." Harley gave a thumbs up.
"And then we never want to see you again, all right?." Psycho glared
"Less yay, but more yay than I had this morning." Harley smiled weakly before looking at you and grabbing your hand.
"What's happening?." Sy rolled in out of nowhere. "What's shakin'? We pullin' a caper?."
"What, No!." Psycho looked at the old veteran. "Where the hell have you been?."
"We broke up a week ago." You added.
"What? We broke up? I'm devastated." Sy began weeping. "I thought this was my forever crew."
"What the hell are you talkin' about?." Harley raised an eyebrow. "You've never been in the crew...But you can come to help rescue Ivy."
"Hi-ya, You won't regret this, Harley baby." Sy fist pumped. "I'll do the driving, I'm an excellent-"
Sy then fell asleep in his all looked at each other before you tried to quietly leave.
"Driver!." Sy snapped awake with a smile, startling you all.
You were all in the back of a food truck, Sy was driving...on the wrong side of the road.
"Hey!." Sy shouted. "Get out of the road... Ugh, you schmuck."
The truck nearly hit a couple walking down the sidewalk and Sy blew past fifteen red lights.
"Come on!." Sy shouted. "If you don't wanna die, get out of the road!."
"When the fuck did we have Demonic Toreto on this crew!?." You looked at Harley as you were flown from your seat and into the opposite wall of the truck, Sy had hit a speedbump and you all bounced up and down, Harley landed on top of you, she smiled and when nobody was looking, put her lips on yours.
"Don't throw up, don't throw up." King rocked back and forth. "Don't throw up!."
"Stop verbalizing it." Clayface shouted. "You're going to make me--"
Clayface then vomited up some clay...however because he was made of clay, the vomit went right back into his body.
"...I do not know how you live with yourself...." King looked disgusted by what he had just seen.
The truck pulled into the parking lot gate, right up to the window.
"Hey, how you doing, buddy boy?." Sy smiled at the guy in the window. "Where do you want me to set up the pretzel-wrapped wieners?."
"Pretzel-wrapped wieners!." The guy at the window smiled. "Oh, boy, what's the occasion?."
"It's a big thank you from the boss for all your hard work." Harley tossed him one of the wrapped wieners and he removed his hazmat helmet and took a huge bite out of it.
"Oh, that is just...You think they don't notice, but they notice." He then took another bite. "It's like eating my childhood."
You all awkwardly watched as he deep-throated the prestel-wrapped wiener.
"He's going to make someone real happy one day..." you whispered to Harley
"Here, let these guys in." The guy at the window said to the guards who opened the gate and allowed Sy to drive the truck in.
"Who wants a pretzel-wrapped wiener?." You shouted out to the worker who all began chomping at the bit for one.
"Gentlemen and Psycho, begin phase two." Harley smirked.
As everyone was eating, you all began subduing them and put on their outfits like it was something out of a hitman game.
You all got out of the truck with the hazmat suits on, Harley's was to big, King's was way too small, Clayface's stomach was sticking out of his, Sy could only get the top half of his on with his chair, and Psycho's was dragging behind him.
Ivy slowly woke up and Scarecrow was giving her an evil smile.
"There she is." He laughed. "Congratulations, Mom, you're going to give birth to the destruction of Gotham."
he then took out a test tube of her pheromones.
"My pheromones." Ivy glared. "What did you do with them?."
"Oh, I'd love to show you, but by the time I unleash it, you'll be too busy screaming." Scarecrow then took out one of his fear gas canisters
"Oh, no, fear toxin." Ivy rolled her eyes. "Didn't see that coming, Hey, shithead, poisons don't work on me, that's, like, literally my thing."
"Which is why I used your DNA to engineer a special blend just for you." Scarecrow laughed as he put the pheromones into the canister and sprayed her with them, making her fall unconscious.
"Was it fun henching for Riddler?." King asked Clayface as you all walked down the halls.
"I heard his breath smelt, but the person who told me that had nasty breath, so he could be an unreliable source." Clayface answered.
"Guys shut it!." Harley snapped. "We can't find Ivy if we can't hear her!."
That's when you all heard Ivy's screams throughout the building.
"That's her!." You sprinted down the halls. "Follow me!."
Everyone followed you as you followed her screams and then when you reached the right room, kicked the door down like it was nothing.
"IVY!?." You shouted, running over to her.
"Oh, my God!." Harley also ran over to her. "What'd they do to her?."
"I fear they've poisoned Ivy." Clayface said, everyone looked at him, knowing it was fully pun intended. "Nothing?...Should've saved that for a lower-stakes situation."
"Ive, it's okay, I'm here!." You ran over to her, looking right at her face.
"Actually, it's not okay." Psycho also looked at Ivy. "The fear toxin's destroying her brain, unless we do something soon, she's gonna be stuck like this forever."
"Don't worry." Harley smiled. "I know just how to save her."
Harley then punched Ivy right in the face, knocking her out cold.
"Why the fuck did you do that!?." Psycho shouted.
"I had to knock her out so we can get into her brain like I was knocked out when you went into mine." Harley smiled proudly.
"Uh, no." Psycho facepalmed. "You just happened to be knocked out before, so, really, all you've done is punch your friend in the face, you idiot."
"Oh, well, whoops..." Harley's eyes widened. "All right, let's get in there and fix her up...Also, let's not mention the whole face punchin' thingy."
"Let's go!." You quickly grabbed her hand as well as King's trying to get everyone to hold hands so Psycho can do his thing.
"But if we go in her brain, that'd leave our bodies out here all cute and unprotected..." King looked scared.
"I'll protect your cute bodies." Sy raised a hand.
"No, no." Psycho shouted. "Last time you were alone with our cute bodies, you tried to burn them!."
"Hey, hey, hey, I could've done much worse," Sy answered "Come on, get in her noggin, Evie's counting on ya."
"It's Ivy!." You and Harley both shouted.
Psycho did his brain power magic and you, Harley, King, himself and Clayface were all sent into Ivy's brain, landing in a creepy ass forest.
"Holy shit..." You got up and looked around.
"The fear toxin has activated all of Ivy's biggest fears." Psycho looked around as well.
"Hey, guys, over here." A voice spoke out, you saw a very happy tree waving. "Wow, what a beautiful day to meet some new friends, I'm so lucky-"
That's when a giant woodchipper grabbed the tree and shoved it into its grinders, getting blood and leaves everywhere.
"That was incredibly violent," Clayface said.
"I did not realize there was so much stuff inside of trees-" King added.
"It's comin' for us!." Harley shouted, grabbing you and running away, you looked back and saw it was getting very close.
"Somebody do something!." You shouted, Psycho using his telepathic powers, picked up Clayface and shoved him into the woodchipper, he screamed as it ground him up into bits of clay, then it stopped and broke down before Clayface reabsorbed.
"Good thinking, old chum, knowing I would clog up its gears, but it wouldn't kill me." Clayface smiled at Psycho.
"Yeah, that was, uh...that was definitely a thing I knew." Psycho looked away from Clayface.
"What the hell are we supposed to do now?." Harley asked.
"Oh, does someone have a plot-driven question that needs a magical answer?." Frank came out of nowhere, smiling. "Let me be of service...I wish I had that magical sound in the background."
Sparkles appeared and his eyes and hands appeared with the magical sound in the background
"There it is!." He smiled.
"Can we stop with the Frank show and get on with it?." You glared.
"Ivy's brain is warped by Scarecrow's fear toxin, which has activated all her biggest fears," Frank explained. "To save her, you need to destroy the thing she fears most."
"And how do we figure out what that is?." Psycho asked.
"Well, I guess it's not this monster wood chipper." King looked back at the busted-up woodchipper.
"What the hell else could it be?." Harley asked
"Do you not see the creepy ass mansion right there, huh?." Frank pointed at the said creepy ass mansion right in front of you all.
"111 Creepy Ass Street." You read the address. "You know, I think I actually killed someone there a few years ago."
"Oooh." Clayface smiled. "Details?-"
"Guys, stop fucking around!." Harley shouted at the both of you before kicking open the door, what you all saw was Ivy, five years old, sitting at an empty table, a birthday cake in front of her, and a banner that read Happy Birthday.
"Aw, little Ivy." Harley looked sad as Ivy began crying.
"Pamela, where are all your friends?." Ivy's father asked, looking around before turning his head. "You were right, dear, she has no friends."
He then walked up to the child and shook his head.
"I thought you had at least one friend, but Mother knew better....we should've hired those dwarfs to pretend to be kids to pretend to like you."
Ivy cried harder after hearing that, and you, now enraged, pulled out one of your pistols.
"Alright, pop's is getting put down in the fucking ground." You shouted.
"Of course, Ivy's biggest fear is her cruel father." Harley looked at you. "Oh, we've all got daddy issues..."
You remembered how her family was last night and patted her on the shoulder before turning back to Ivy's father.
"Hey, we're gonna kick your trust-fund-having ass right back to boarding school!."
Ivy's father suddenly began laughing and in the blink of an eye, his head morphed into the wall and his giant mouth opened up and the room tipped upwards and you all began falling, you pulled out your knife and stuck it into the wooden floor, which kept you from falling, you grabbed onto Harley, who grabbed onto Clayface who then held King by his tail and he held Psycho by his hair.
"Help me!." Little Ivy screamed as she held onto the table. "Help me!."
"Hang on, little Ive, I'm comin' for ya!." Harley made you hold onto Clayface as she shimmied down everyone and reached out to little Ivy, but before she could, Little Ivy's grip slipped and she fell into the mouth.
"You let me die!." Little Ivy shouted as the mouth closed and all of you were shot out of the house.
"Okay, we gotta figure a way back into that mansion to kill that son of a bitch!." You put your knife away.
"Ivy's dad is not her biggest fear," Frank spoke up. "Her biggest fear is on the way."
All of you heard a rustling sound through the bushes and trees as it seemed like something big was approaching.
"Everybody feel that pucker in your assholes?." Frank asked. "That means shit is about to get real."
You drew your handguns again, your eyes darting around after hearing different sounds from different directions, everyone did the same then suddenly, The Grim Reaper came out of the forest.
"Oh, well, that makes sense." Psycho shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, it's a little Christmas Carol, but, eh, let's just kill 'em."
Sy was falling asleep in his chair, his head leaning towards the button that said "Emergency!." Sy was inches away from pressing it before he snapped awake.
"We're good, we're fine." He blinked, trying to stay awake. "Doing great, a-okay, super-duper.....Hunky dory." he then fell back asleep and his head hit the button, sounding the alarms as two people came rushing in.
"Hey, what's going on in here!?." They shouted.
"Hey!." Harley dodged a fireball that was thrown at her. "Watch the hair, shitbag, I can't pull off a Felicity season two."
"No one can," Clayface added. "Not even Felicity itself."
The Grim Reaper began burning rocks and chucking them at everyone.
"Okay, he's burning rocks." Psycho quickly ran away. "I'm out."
You saw a fireball head towards King and tackled him out of the way.
"I got your back, big guy." You said as you got behind him, firing everything you had at the reaper, who took the bullets like they were nothing. "Oh come on!."
"Clayface, I appear to have misplaced my bat..." Harley looked at the actor, smiling, Clayface quickly transformed into a bat which Harley then held in her hands.
"Batter up!."
"Oh, that's clever." King smiled.
"It was good, wasn't it?." Clayface looked at the shark before Harley beat up Grim with Claybat, making him bleed from under his cloak, doing it over and over until Grim was dead..
"Harley, you slash-mostly-Clayface did it!." King smiled.
"Now, to find out how gross your face is." Harley removed the hood...revealing her own face under the hood, all of you look shocked.
"Oh, shit!." You said, looking at the face of the other Harley, it was like a bear had clawed it to pieces.
"Dear God." Clayface gasped. "We're Empire Strikes Back-ing it."
"You're her biggest fear?." King Shark looked at Harley
"I did not see that coming." Frank spoke. "That's some M. Night Shyamalama shit."
"What the fu--" Harley slowly backed away before a portal opened up underneath all of you and you all woke up in the real world again...what you saw were several guards dead, Sy was in his wheelchair and had several gun attachments coming out of his chair.
"Oh, Lordy." Clayface gasped.
"What happened here?." You looked around.
"Pretty great, right?." Sy smiled proudly.
"Why would these guards commit suicide?." Clayface asked.
"Suicide!?." Sy shouted. "I killed them, protecting your cute bodies, you're welcome!."
"Good for you." You clapped slowly. "Would you like a medal, old timer?."
"Why was I her greatest fear?." Harley asked, looking confused before you all heard was Ivy, who sat up slowly.
"Ivy!." You and Harley both ran over to her.
Ivy opened her eyes and the first thing she was all the dead guards, one had four arrows in his eyes and chest, one was pinned to the wall by an axe, some had limps ripped off and/or missing and blood was everywhere!.
"Ivy!" Clayface smiled and waved at her.
"Though I have so many questions, they're about to destroy Gotham, so we've gotta get out of here." Ivy got up and felt her hair. "Who the fuck braided my hair?."
"I was bored." Sy raised his robotic arm.
"Oh, Jesus." Ivy rolled her eyes before fixing the braid and getting off the bed, she quickly began walking down the halls, and you all followed her.
"Ive, why am I your biggest fear?." Harley got in front of her.
"Harley, I can't talk about this right now." Ivy moved past her friend.
"Is it because when we go out to eat I always ask to get a dessert menu and that makes the dinner last five minutes longer?." Harley asked.
"No, but I do hate that because you never order anything." Ivy turned around and looked back at Harley.
"It's 'cause I always forget that we have cookies at home." Harley frowned. "Listen, Ive, I can't live with not knowing why I'm some bad guy in your brain settin' fire to things....I love you."
"Harley, later." Ivy shouted. "Scarecrow's about to use my pheromones for some kind of biological warfare, we have to stop him!."
"I think we gotta stop them." Psycho picked up a black trash bin that read "L.O.D, proud to recycle." on the front.
"Legion of Doom." Harley growled. "Those pricks!."
"Yes!." Ivy shouted before smiling. "But it is nice to see they're recycling."
Everyone ran ahead of Ivy but you grabbed her arm, holding her back for a bit.
"Hey..." you said, looking worried. "You okay?..."
"Of course I'm okay, I'm just pissed by what's been happening, not one good thing has happened with my life so far..." She then looked down and then back up at you. "Besides getting together with you..."
You saw her look away and her cheeks turned green, you smiled and wrapped your arms around her, she then backed away when she felt your hand traveling down her back.
"Not right now!." She nodded then ran after the others, you smirked at the look you were getting and followed Ivy outside.
"Vroom, vroom, boys." Scarecrow laughed. "Gotham awaits."
A few trucks pulled out of the warehouse and you all just got outside to see them leave, you turned to the wiener cart and saw a towtruck towing it away
"Shit!." You ran after the truck.
"All right, that's my fault." Sy frowned. "That's on me, I parked in the handicap spot,
I know, I know I could get the pass, but I'm off the grid here, I'm not putting my name on some fakakta government hit list."
"Not a car in sight." You looked around.
"You sure about that?." Sy rolled past you all and onto the road.
"It's time, Sy." He said to himself. "You can do this."
After three seconds, his back snapped completely and you all looked shocked as he began shaking.
"In 1984, a toy company came out with a new line." Sy weakly said as his back exploded and the back of a car came out. "It was a huge success, and the CIA took notice."
You all watched on as Sy began changing.
"For my last assignment..." Sy groaned before his legs ripped apart, blood getting on the road. "Fuck you Mother! Ugh!." he groaned in pain.
"I underwent a procedure using an experimental technology." Sy's arm popped out and his stomach twisted around. "It changed me forever..."
Sy's body then began assembling parts together.
"It made me..." Sy groaned as his head was put on the hood of a car. "A transchanger."
You all looked horrified as Sy revealed this about himself.
"Quick, get in me." he groaned, you all got in the car and Harley gripped the steering wheel and you all began driving after the trucks, King and Clayface were up top in the gunner positions while you, Harley, and Ivy were all in front seats, yes, there are three seats up at the front.
"Over there, I see 'em!." You said before seeing they went onto a pink highway, it looked like a Mario Kart track and the car slowly rolled up next to the trucks, a giant L.E.D sign Harley was holding a bat that blocked the start of the track, then up above, it made three dinging sounds just like in Mario Kart before the bat was raised and the trucks took off, Harley drove after them, going down the first slope and up the second one.
"Harley, I don't think I've ever ridden on Harley Quinn Highway." King was sitting in the backseat.
"Yeah, they let me design it myself when I threatened to nuke the city." Harley nodded. "Kind of regrettin' some of my creative choices right about now."
The car kept going up and down the slopes, and you all began feeling sick.
"It can't get any worse right?..." You looked at Harley who chuckled looked ahead and saw a massive jump from a ramp to another side of the track, there were two rings of fire and a pit of alligators waiting for anyone who didn't make the jump.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!." you screamed as you held both Harley and Ivy tightly as the car jumped through the first ring, over the pit, and finally through the last one, and landed back on the track.
"There's the bastards." Sy caught up with the trucks. "Let her rip, boys."
Clayface and King began unloading on the turrets on the trucks
"I love guns!." King smiled as he kept hitting the trucks but the bullets didn't do anything. "I think the trucks are bulletproof-"
"Just get me close, and I'll handle this." Ivy reached out of the window and ripped off a vine from a tree, she used it to get onto the closest truck and used it to cover the guard's vision, the opened the door and began firing bullets at her, she kicked the first one off and ducked a bullet the second one had shot at her, she threw him off and used the vine to drive the truck as she was still standing on top.
"Ive, wait up." Harley got out of the car and climbed up onto the truck beside Ivy's.
"Hey, now that it's just me and you, I was hopin' we could talk a little bit about why one bestie would think of the other bestie as her worst nightmare."
"Not now!." Ivy shouted as she moved her truck over to slam into the truck next to her, Harley leaped onto the same truck as her, then was thrown onto a different truck that Ivy crashed into.
"Uh, what about now?." Harley asked as she knocked one of the guards out with her bat.
"Fine!." Ivy shouted. "You want to know what my biggest fear is?."
She then looked down.
"Finally allowing myself to count on someone and then having them ditch me!."
"But I was still plannin' on helping you." Harley spoke up.
"You were my one friend, and I asked you for one favor, but instead you ditched me for the Joker, who treats ya like shit." Ivy looked away with tears forming. "I thought you could change, but I was wrong, you still live your entire life based on what he might think."
Everyone went silent, not knowing what to say.
"So, how do we fix this?." Harley asked.
"I don't know." Ivy continued looking away before they both looked up.
"Loop!." They both shouted as both of them got closer to the giant loop around, Ivy's truck made it around but Harley's truck was slowing down.
"Harley's truck's not gonna make it!." You quickly climbed up to the top of the car as Harley began falling, the truck exploded when it landed next to the car and you managed to catch Harley, who clung to you.
"Thank you so much, babe!." Harley clung to your body tight.
"What did you call him?-" Psycho looked confused.
"What's the situation?." You quickly asked Harley.
"Ivy's mad at me for months of emotional neglect." Harley looked down.
"The road, schmuck, the road!." Sy shouted. "Situation on the road!."
"Oh, two trucks left, but there's Ivy!." Harley pointed upwards. Ivy leaped onto another truck and used a leaf to slit the throats of the two guards inside.
"Oh, shit...." Ivy looked ahead and saw there was a turn, but the leaf had blown away so the trail went sailing off the edge, Ivy screamed loudly as she went spinning into the air.
"Ivy!." Harley put her arms out to catch her but you got in front of her, blocking her.
"Hang on!." Sy shouted as he drove the car off one of the ramps, while in the air, you caught Ivy and the car made it over the ramp.
"Sy, after today, you're in the crew, even if it's just you, Y/n, and me." Harley looked at the war veteran who smiled.
"Thanks, H-bomb." Sy smiled. "I told ya I could..."
"Scarecrow's getting away!." Ivy glared at both of them.
"On it, On it!." Sy drove after Scarecrow's truck.
"He's takin' the Gotham Park exit." Sy said.
"We're not gonna catch him." You added.
"Drive over the weapon cache!." Harley pointed at the ramp with a crane above it, there was a rocket launcher in place, the car drove over it and it dropped into Psycho's hands.
"Good God!." He shouted. "Tax dollars actually paid for this?."
Harley grabbed the rocket launcher.
"Pull over!." She said to Sy who pulled the car over, you all got out and watched as Scarecrow's truck drove around the giant loop of a statue made of Harley, Harley aimed the rocket launcher at the statue, but slowly looked back at Ivy.
"Ivy, you're right....I let Joker get to me." She sighed. "I turned my back on my friends and on you, but that is the old me."
"Time to blow yourself up!." You shouted at Harley who turned back around and shot the rocket at the statue, it blew it up and the head of the statue blocked Scarecrow's pathway.
"See how selfless I am now?." Harley smiled at Ivy. "Best friends again?...Water under the bridge?..."
You saw Scarecrow's truck reverse and then break through one of the exits, he laughed as the truck went right into the Gotham Lake that ran throughout the entire water supply, the water began bubbling and it started turning green.
"That bubbling seems ominous." Clayface said.
"No shit Sherlock." you saw a bunch of killer trees start to emerge as they now grew eyes, arms, feet, and mouths as they began attacking random citizens.
"So, the guy at the Smart Bar said that everything should be fine." Denise was speaking to the man who was cheating on his wife.
"I did it, Denise." The guy smiled. "I told Cheryl I'm leaving her, now it's you and me forever."
He pulled out a wedding ring.
"Oh, Daniel." Denise leaned in for a kiss but one of the trees shoved her in its mouth and chewed her up.
"Oh, shit." Daniel said before another tree did the same to him, you all saw a bunch of people being attacked by the trees and the carnage that was being unleashed.
"So, this is not great...." Harley slowly said.
"Hey, a little help over here." Sy grunted, you all turned around and saw that Sy was trying to turn back into his normal body but his car parts began falling apart and locking up.
"Anybody have any WD-40?." He groaned. "Maybe some coconut oil?... I'm in a lot of pain!."
Clayface threw up a bunch of clay again as Sy tried to change back.
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