Chapter Five:
The next few days had been rather quiet for Kya. She had been familiarizing herself with the bunker and binge-reading the book at the same time. As time progressed, she seemed much more open to talking and expressing herself. Although she was still rather shy, and still stuttered, she smiled more, and was more energetic about learning about the supernatural.
One morning, she walked into the kitchen where she found Dean and Sam. Dean wore a navy blue robe and had been drinking a strange brownish substance that made her nose itch. Sam was wearing a plaid shirt, sitting at the table with Dean, and a bag that smelled like food beside him.
As she entered the room, they both turned to look at her. "Mornin' Kya," Dean greeted.
"Good morning, Mr. Dean," she replied with a smile. "Good morning, Mr. Sam." She had been slightly proud she was able to say that without stuttering as she sat at the table.
She glanced at Dean's cup, her nose twitching. "W–What is that?" She asked, pointing to said cup.
Dean smirked, "Good ol' Joe," he answered, taking a sip.
"W–Who is Jo—Joe? Are you d–drinking them!?" Kya exclaimed, her blue eyes bulging.
Sam barked out a laugh as Dean shook his head, "It's just an expression, sweetheart. Joe means coffee, which is what I'm drinking — coffee."
Kya gave a small nod, "Ho—How does it ta–taste?"
"Well, I like my coffee black so... Bitter."
"What is bit–bitter?"
"Here," he slid the cup to her, "Try it."
She gave him a strange look, but brought the coffee mug to her mouth and took a large sip.
Kya withered as soon as the substance made contact with her tongue, making Dean laugh. She shuddered, passing the cup back and coughed, trying to get the taste out.
"That's not funny, Dean," Sam scolded, but Dean was too busy laughing.
"It was a little funny," he said, wiping a tear away. After recomposing himself he turned back to Kya,who was still making odd faces, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. "You okay there, kid?"
"I–I did not like th–that..." She murmured, going to the fridge, looking for food.
"I have eggs and bacon, Kya," Sam suggested, and she turned around, looking at him.
"M–May I have so–some, Mr. S–Sam?"
"Grab a plate," he answered. Kya swiftly went to the other side of the room, trying to reach for a plate off the higher shelf, with no avail. She huffed, flapping her wings to get her a bit of height, and was able to slip a plate off the top. She proudly brought it to Sam, a smile on her face.
He smiled at her accomplishment as well, giving her a healthy portion of the breakfast food, and she ate quietly.
Later, Kya sat in a seat, off to the side of the room, reading her book silently as Dean and Sam worked on a way to find their friend. She didn't exactly know his name, but they kept referring to him as 'Cas'. She wasn't quite listening, she had found an particularly interesting part in her book.
'The first demon was created by Lucifer, an archangel, after God banished him from Heaven for refusing to revere humans. In revenge, he—'
"Hey Kya?" Her eyes snapped up from her book and she looks at Dean.
"Y–Yes, Mr. De–Dean?"
"Sam and I are going to go out again. We might not be back for a week or so."
"I–I understand," Kya nodded. It would be like last time, but a bit longer and no torturing short men who talked strange in their dungeon. "W–While you are go–gone, may I g–go fl–flying?"
Dean frowned, turning to Sam, who shook his head, no. "Not without our supervision."
"You heard the man," he shrugged, ruffling her short, messy hair. "Sorry sweetheart."
"It is al–alright," she shrugged. "A–At least I–I can go wh–when you c–come back!" She smiled at him, and he smirked.
"That's the spirit," he messed up her hair, as he grabbed his stuff. "We'll be back soon." He assured. About ten minutes later, they had collected their stuff, and then they were gone.
The week had gone on rather quietly for Kya and Kevin. They both respected each other's privacies and leaving the Bunker also quiet. Of course, Kevin had to remember to make sure that Kya was getting fed, especially after Sam insisted on him remembering to ask her if she was hungry, since she didn't ask herself. It was kind of a difficult task seeing as his diet mostly consisted of black coffee and granola bars, but he did take some time out of his boring schedule to cook her something to eat.
Kevin also had to make sure that she took a got bathed as well, and this was easier because unlike most children her age — which had been around nine or ten — she actually liked to take bathes. Unfortunately, Kya was very clumsy and more often than not, she would slip on something and almost crack her head open. Not to mention that he sheer size of her wings were so big, it made it hard not to have to bathroom drenched in water by the time she finished in the shower. Kya always offered to clean it up, and she did, but when she accidentally left a few wet spots... Well, it didn't help his day get any better.
Even with all that, they both stayed out of each other's way. Kevin mostly in the main room, working on translating the Angel Tablet and Kya in the library, or what she calls the 'big books room', reading anything and everything she could get her hands on.
What Kevin had forgotten to account for was bed times, and since he always stayed up late, he frequently forgot to remind Kya to go to sleep as well. This caused for one or two all-nighters getting lost, finishing the first book of the Lord of the Rings series and several books on Supernatural beings. Not to mention the confusion of sometimes waking up in the Library with a book on her head, and forgetting where she was.
Nevertheless, it had been a very productive week for the both of hem, and before they knew it, Dean and Sam had returned, with someone Kya had never seen before.
After receiving word that Dean and Sam were returning, Kya had been very ecstatic. At least, in her own way, which was cleaning up practically the entire Bunker — more like misplacing and then having Kevin going behind her and putting it where it should go — and a failed attempt to make a dessert after reading that it was customary to greet people with food to make them happy. Luckily, Kevin had, once again, saved her from burning the Bunker down after trying to make... Brownies. To much of Kya pleasure, some of it was salvageable and she was more than eager to serve it to the Winchester brothers and their new guest.
Kya sat at the table, swinging her feet her wings out and feathers fluffed up in excitement. She even had a small smile on her face as she practically devoured another book, this one on ancient Chinese history.
And then she perked up, her heightened hearing picking up a car rolling down gravel driveway. She smiled even wider and her legs swinging even faster.
Then the door opened, and she looked up as an unknown man entered the room. He had on a blue button down shirt with several holes and a lot of... Blood on it. He had brown hair that also looked rather messy, and then light blue eyes that looked rather exhausted. He limped slightly down the metal steps, looking around, and before his eyes landed on Kya, who had already instinctively hidden her wings from the strange man.
Not a few seconds later, Dean and Sam stepped in the door, "Hey, kiddo," he greeted warmly.
"He–Hello Mr. Dean and Mr. S–Sam!" She perked, getting up from her seat to go up to them. Dean held a bag, which smelled like food, in his hand.
"How was the week?" Sam asked as Dean set the bag down, then, letting the strange man sit down as well.
"F–Fun! I got to re–read a lo–lot and Mr–Mr. Kevin ma–made me f–food, and th–then I ma–made br–brownies like ho–how I r–read i–in a bo–book, but then so–so–something caught on f–fire and t–the ceiling st–started to r–rain so I co–could not ma–make it an–anymore, but I–I–I did have a f–few, but then th–they dis–disappeared. Mr. Ke–Kevin says th–that the w–were so–so go–good that th–the air a–ate it!" Kya beamed proudly, happy with herself that her stutter hadn't been too bad with her story.
Dean and Sam chuckled a bit to themselves, "That sounds great, Kya," Dean said, ruffling her hair, then he motioned to the man who was staring at her through her entire story. "This is Castiel, he's a good friend of ours."
She turned to the man, looking at the ground shyly, "He–Hello Mr. Ca–Castiel," she said, giving him a small smile. The ends of the man's lips twitched upwards at this.
"Hello Kya, I've heard a lot about you," Castiel greeted, his voice a low rumbling in his voice.
"Do you mind showing Cas your wings, Kya?" Sam asked, but Kya frowned.
"I–I thought that—"
"It's okay, Cas is a friend," Dean assured. "He won't do anything." Kya gave a small nod, unfurling her thirteen foot wings, curling them protectively around her body. Castiel's eyes widened as he stared in awe at her whitish wings that almost looked like the ends were dipped in white paint because of its wing tips.
"And... She's human?" Cas asked.
"Yeah, crazy isn't it?" Dean chuckled.
Cas squinted at her, "What happened to your tertials?" She froze immediately snapping her wings shut to cover them.
"I–I, uh, it–it is no–nothing," she stuttered. "I... I wi–will g–go to th–the ki–ki–kitchen and, uh—"
"What do you mean?" Dean frowned.
"It–It is no–no–nothing Mr–Mr. De–Dean, do–do not—"
"She's missing nearly eight or nine of them," Castiel frowned, "What happened?" Now, all three of them were staring at her, very concerned.
Kya froze, her anxiety spiking, "I–I... It–It is no–no–nothing... It–It will gr–grow bac–back..." She murmured, looking away. "S–Sorry, I..."
"Hey, it's okay, Kya," Dean assured, "We'll deal with that later. Why don't you show Cas where the showers are."
Kya nodded, eager to get away, "Fo–Follow me," she said in a faint voice, walking down out of the room with Castiel following her.
Kya laid awake that night, after showing the man the showering room, she went to her own room, staying in there. Her floor was littered with books, all kinds of them. Currently, she had been reading a book called "Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz," and had been finding it rather interesting, yet strange at the same time.
She heard a short knocking at the door, "Y–Yes?" She stammered, setting the book down.
Dean entered the room, raising an eyebrow at the clutter in the room, "I see you've been to the Bunker's library," Dean chuckled.
"Ah, y–yes. So–Sorry, it is messy, I–I have, uh, ne–never seen tha–that many b–books before an–and I jus—"
"Hey, it's cool," Dean shrugged, "I was never into all that nerdy stuff, but Sam would have a ball seeing how much you love to read."
"H–He would... Have a–a b–ball?" Kya frowned in confusion. "I–I am sorry, I d–do not understand."
"Don't apologize. I mean, he'll be really happy," Dean chuckled, somehow finding his way to her bed. "So... Do you wanna talk about what Cas was saying earlier?" Kya froze, "Hey, hey, it's cool if you don't wanna talk."
"N–No, I just... I..." Kya sighed, "I... Be–Before I, uh, fell. I... Was, uh, taken b–by Erasers."
"'Erasers'?" Dean questioned, making the girl freeze again.
"I–I–I... U–Uh, well, th–they are k–kinda like, uhm, we–werewolves, b... But n–not really. Th–The Whitecoats m–made them..."
"So... They're like, genetically mutated wolves?" Dean frowned.
"I... It is m–more complicated th–than that..." She murmured. "T–They can look ex–exactly like a hu–human, like y–you. B–but, they can, uh, c–change from w–wolf to h–human. Th–they also have a mu–much shorter lifespan... Th–they only la–last a few we–we–weeks. Ma–maybe a month..."
"And... What does this have to do with your feathers?"
"Th–They, uh, plu–plucked them..." She said in a small whisper tone. "I–I can grow them back, b–b–but it'll ju–just, uh, take a wh–while..."
"How long?"
"I–It depends... Ma–maybe a month, am–maybe... S–S–Six..."
"Six months!?"
"I–I can sti–still fly, I just... I cannot s–steer as well. Tha–that is on–one of the r–reasons why I f–f–fell into you–your roof. Th–the Era–Erasers pl–plucked the on–ones that he–helped me st–stop..."
"Will you be okay?" Dean asked, concerned.
"Y–Yes. I can st–still fly. I w–will live..." She let out a long yawn. "S–Sorry."
"You look a bit tired. How about you take a nap, kiddo," Dean chuckled.
"N–No, I am," another yawn stopped her words.
"Get some sleep, kiddo. I mean it," he said, ruffling her messy hair.
"Y–Yes, Mr. D–Dean..." She muttered, lying down on the bed.
The next few weeks had been quite boring in the Bunker. Kevin had been working excessively hard, pulling all-nighters for sometimes a week straight.
Dean and Sam both decided that it'd be best to send him away on a angel-tablet free vacation for the weekend. Kevin was very much against this, especially when the two brothers tried to get him to take Kya with him. Luckily for him, Kya refused to leave the Bunker for 'unknown reasons'. He still didn't want to go to a motel for the weekend, but after a bit of coaxing, he agreed. Now, all he had to do was get Kya to agree to go as well.
"It'll be fun, Kya," Dean said, "It's only for the weekend."
Kya shook her head, "I–I do not wish to l–leave the Bunker."
She stayed silent, squeezing her legs to her chest again. "C'mon, sweetheart, if there's something that's bothering ya, you can tell us," Dean assured.
"I... I... Th–There is a le–lesser ch–chance of me ge–getting attack by E–Erasers if I–I stay here," she reasoned. "Pl–Please do n–not make m–me go, Mr. D–Dean..."
Dean sighed, "Fine," she shot up, smiling at him. "You can stay here, kiddo. But it's gonna be really boring, just to let ya know."
"T–Thank you, Mr. Dean!" She beamed.
"Yeah, yeah," Dean chuckled, "Don't turn this into a chick-flick." She nodded, even though she had no clue what that meant. "I'm gonna go drop Kev off. Sammy should be in the kitchen if you need him. See you in a bit, sweetheart."
"B–Bye, Mr. Dean!" Kya waved as he maneuvered his way out of the room.
After about ten minutes, Kya went to go find Sam. He hadn't been in the kitchen like Mr. Dean promised, so she wandered around the Bunker, looking for him.
She finally found him opening up a door in the storage room. Kya went to him, once again finding the short man in the chair who talked in the funny voice. "Kya?" Sam said, looking down at her, "What are you doing here?"
"I–I was looking f—for you," she answered, twisting her fingers.
"Oh look, it's the kid again," the man said. "How's the boys been treating you? What are you to them? Their sex slave? I didn't know you were into molesting children, Sammy."
"Shut up," Sam ordered, turning back to Kya, who had been staring at the man. "Go back upstairs."
She narrowed her eyes at the short man, completely ignoring Sam. Then, her eyes began to slowly glow blue as she continued to stare at him, as if to stare into his nonexistent soul. "What are you doing?" The demon demanded, "What is she doing?"
Suddenly, his eyes flicked to a dark red, "... Get... Out," he seethed. After a few minutes of a dangerously silent staring match, her eyes stopped glowing and she stumbled back.
"Kya—" Sam tried to say, but she was too busy leaving the room.
"And they just stared at each other?" Dean asked, giving his brother a strange look. The duo were walking down to the hall where the supposed 'computer' was.
"Yeah, and then he just said 'get out'," Sam replied.
"So, what, she was reading his mind?" Dean suggested, but Sam shrugged.
"I dunno. She just ran after that and locked herself in her room. She hasn't said anything since."
"Yeah, but she's not crying, I didn't hear her crying. She was just... Mumbling to herself."
Dean made a face, "Freaky."
"I know," Sam said, as they finally arrived to the said 'computer'.
A short knocking was at Kya's door, and she shot her head up, wondering if that was Sam again. "Hey Kya, open up," Dean's said, ratting his knuckles on the door.
She didn't answer. She heard a short sigh, then, the doorknob jiggling a bit, until finally, the door slowly creaking open. Dean stepped into the room. The lights were on, and Kya sat on the bed, staring at a book, "So... Sam told me that you did... Uh, something to that dic—... Crowley, in the dungeon. Wanna tell me about it?"
She shook her head, not looking up from her book. He stepped over, glancing at what she was reading, "Demons, huh? Why would you wanna read about that?"
"I–Is that not what that man is in the du–dungeon?" She asked calmly, flipping the page. "He is a de–demon."
"Well, yeah. He is," Dean nodded, finding no need to sugarcoat it. She already knew he was anyway. "His name is Crowley. He's the King of Hell."
She nodded, unfazed by this. "So... Wanna tell me why your eyes were glowing earlier? At least, that was what Sammy said."
"S... Sorry. It... I..." She stuttered, trying to form words, but not really knowing how to explain it. "I–It is a lo–long story..."
"I've got time," he shrugged. Charlie wasn't due until a few hours anyway.
Kya sighed, tugging on her curly hair. "W–Well... I can d–do this... Uh, thing..."
"What thing?"
She opened her mouth but then closed it again. "C... Can I j–just show y–you...?" She whispered.
"Uh... Sure."
Kya took a deep breath, "O–Okay, uh... Just, uhm, stay still." Dean rose an eyebrow as she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
"Uh... What are you—" he cut himself off as the room began to swirl with different colors, and then shift into a completely white landscape that seemed to go on forever.
"What the f—"
"It's your mind, Mr. Dean," Kya's small voice answered. He turned around to see her in some kind of pure white gown, her wings hanging out behind her. "This is what I like to call your... 'Soul home'."
"And that's what?" Dean asked, beginning to get very creepy vibes from her.
"It's–It's not anything... Bad, I promise," Kya assured. "It's just the place that you are most comfortable with."
"Then why is it white?" Kya rubbed the back of her neck.
"You could say that it is... Loading. Your soul is so bright and your mind so vast that it takes a while to... Process." Then, a second later, he was in a house.
Dean's eyes turned to saucers as he looked around. "What the hell?" It was his old bedroom back in Kansas. He'd recognize the baby blue wallpaper anywhere. And then there was his small bed with the comforter that matched the blue walls. His old dresser was small, holding clothing meant for a small boy, like he was.
"T... This is freaky," Dean muttered, running a hand through his hair. "How are you able to do this?!"
Kya simply shrugged, "I–I do not know, the Whitecoats always said that the avians in my generation were made to be twenty times better than the one before. If you do not want to be here, I can change it."
"No, no, I just... It takes a bit to take in, ya know," Dean replied. He glanced over at the dresser, where the objects on top seemed to be fading away. "What's that?"
"Your memory of this room is weak," she explained. "Most likely because it is old. When you cannot seemed to remember something, they simply... Fade away."
Dean nodded, turning to the girl. "Do you have a Soul Home?"
"Ah, no..."
"You can't make this for yourself?" He asked, motioning to the room around him.
"In order to have a Soul Home, you must have a place that you feel completely safe in," Kya explained. "You have quite a few, but this was the one that was easiest to recreate."
"Don't you feel safe in the Bunker?" Kya looked down.
"I... It is not that I do not, it is just... I feel like at any point Erasers will come and..." She trailed off, clearing her throat. "I do have a place that is somewhere similar to this though."
"Can I see?" Her eyes widened, "What is it personal?"
"No, no, I... Just do not get scared, okay?" Dean blinked, as she closed her eyes.
The room shifted again to a much, much darker one. The sound of silent screaming could be heard all around him. He glanced around, there were cages no bigger than two or three feet stacked all over the floor. Some of them empty, others having small, unmoving figures in them. A few had a child, sleeping or crying, or pounding madly on the cage door.
"Kya!?" Dean shouted, looking around, "Kya!"
"I am right here," Kya said above him. He looked up to see her, in one of the cages, somehow being short enough to sit down in it. "This... Has been my home for longer than I can remember..." She murmured, "I... I do not even know whether or not I can call this a home, really, but I have not been anywhere else, so... This is the only place I know..."
"Kya, what is this?" Dean asked, very concerned for the girl.
"This is the School. Or, at least the School I was in."
"What's that?"
"It is where the Whitecoats are from," she explained. Then, the door opened, and she gasped, jumping out of her cage. "Stay behind me," she ordered, watching as two large figures came out of the door.
Dean gaped at what he saw. They were werewolves, but nothing like the ones he knew. These had fur all over their bodies, and their noses turned into snouts like a dog. Although they were missing the ears and wagging tail, he would have mistaken them for Hollywood werewolves.
They growled at the children in the cages, some of them whimpered, others stayed silent, from either fear or already being dead.
The 'Werewolves' began to scan the cages, "If you're alive, move!" One of them ordered. Slowly, some of the children began to move in someway, but a others did not.
The Werewolves took the handguns off their belt, squinting at each cage. Some of them, they left alone but others, if they weren't moving, a loud gunshot would ring through the air. "Dead," they announced, marking the cage with a red tag.
Again and again they would do this, until they got to the cage Kya was in, or used to be in. Now, there was a smaller, ghost-like version of her that looked dirtier and meaner. "Are you alive, Mockingbird?" The Werewolves teased.
"Do I look dead to you?" The young girl snapped, turning her back on them. The Werewolves growled at her, one of them undoing the cage door and grabbing her by the neck, yanking her out.
From outside of the cage, Kya looked a lot smaller than she did now. She also looked scrawnier and underfed. "Last time I checked, Mockingbird, I was the one with the gun. Do you want a bullet between your eyebrows for being disrespectful?"
She merely sneered at him, unfazed by the much larger man in front of her, "At least... I would be out of... This... Hell..." She spat. Both Erasers growled at her, and then a gunshot went off. The girl cried in pain as the Eraser shot her in the foot before haphazardly tossing her back in the cage like a rag doll.
The scene slowly faded out of the memory and back to the white room that they started in. "I... I am sorry, I did not intend to show you that... I..." Kya trailed off, wringing her fingers.
"It's okay, kiddo," Dean said, rubbing her arm. "Is that all you wanted to show me?"
"No, there is one more thing. Whatever injuries you get in here will still count out there, so..."
"If you die in real here, you die in real life too?" She nodded.
"That is why I did not want you to get too close to the Erasers, in case they were too violent."
"Wait... Those were Erasers?!"
She nodded, "Did I not tell you they were like wolves?"
"Yeah, but... I really don't know what I expected," he chuckled. "So, how do we get out of here?"
"Like this," once again her eyes began to glow blue, and then the world went black.
Whee~ another chapter of GAW~
Edited: 3/11/17
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