"Okay, hey, let's talk about this." Jisung said nervously, pulling at his cuffed arms, "Just let me go. Please."

"Absolutely not," the man he remembered from earlier said, "You'll just try and smack us with those pillows again."

"What is in those by the way," another said, holding a wad of tissues to his bleeding nose, "Fucking rocks?"

"Don't swear infront of Minjun!"


The supposed leader rubbed the back of his neck, crouching down infront of Jisung, who flinched and leaned back as far as he could.

"Listen, sir. I think we got off on the wrong foot." He said genuinely.

Faintly, someone snorted behind him and muttered 'no shit' resulting in what sounded like a slap, followed by an 'ow dude!'

Jisung was growing more and more uncomfortable, unable to meet the eyes of the man infront of him, but also unable to look at Minjun since he was behind two of the other men.

"I'm Chan." The man said again, "The leader of this operation. And this-" he vaguely gestured to the group behind him, "Is my first command team. You'll be spending a lot of time with us." He finished with a smile.

But it only angered Jisung. Who the fuck did this guy think he was?

Jisung had to physically resist the temptation to spit into the mans face, and instead opted to growl from his throat, glaring menacingly, "Fuck off, I'm getting out of here. Minho won't stop until he finds me."

One of the other men groaned, "I know! I've had to give them fake locations and inaccurate leads just to keep them of out tail 4 times this morning! He's such a pain in the-"

"Woojin! Minjun is right here!"

Chan rolled his eyes, "How about instead of being idiots, introduce yourself to out guest?"

"I'm Woojin, but you probably already know that because of some idiots who revealed their names earlier." Woojin stated angrily, shooting a glare at two people who were infront of the person cradling Minjun. "I'm kind of the tech guy, to put it simply.

"Yeah, I'm Hyunjin, martial arts and weapon supplier." The tall one said, "I've seen you before, and galas with my dad. He own a company or something." He added on absentmindedly, as if it wasn't a big factor.

Jisung felt his throat grow dry, "Hwang Hyunjin? Wha...why?"

His question was ignored, and Hyunjin just gave him an apologetic glance.

Behind him, a short man cradling Minjun popped out, said baby happily in his arms. Jisung automatically hated this particular person more than any of the others in the room for that point alone.

"I'm Changbin, sniper- but also the financial advisor. These guys can't use money for shiz."

Hyunjin snorted, "Shiz?"

"And then me." The last person said, looking sheepish. "Seungmin, hand to hand and undercover."

That's when Jisung finally realised why the voice was familiar.

"You-" he said, his tone dripping venom, "You're a traitor."

Seungmin dropped his head, making Hyunjin glare at Jisung.

"Minho trusted you! He trusted you to have his back- but you're- you-"

"I trust him to. We all do." Seungmin said quietly, and all of a sudden all of the kidnappers faces fell into something more sad and sympathetic, "That's why we need you here."

Jisung's chest felt tight, "What are you? Who are you?"

"Please," Chan started, getting up and taking out the keys to the handcuffs, "Just listen to us. Please."

The room was silent as Chan moved around Jisung to uncuff him, all the other men staring at his expectantly. He felt under pressure, in a cage, being demanded of what he couldn't give them. Were they serious? Why would he even consider listening to them and their probable lies after he was kidnapped!

But their tones, they eyes screamed desperation.

The sound of his cuffs falling to the floor echoed through the room, and he stood up a little shakily, sweating and shaking uncontrollably. Not of fear, but of confusion and worry.

"Can I-" he barely whispered, "Can I have Minjun, please?"

His own voice was shaky, and it was pathetically submissive in his own ears, but the others must have heard his beating heart, as Changbin slowly walked towards him.

Jisung watched expectantly, reaching out to grab the boy softly and holding him close to his chest. Minjun, filled with so much empathy and care, must have felt Jisung's pain and inner-conflict, as he to whimpered.

Seungmin choked on his breath, bringing his arm to cover his eyes, "Oh god- I can't- I'm going to wait outside." He croakily said, quickly rushing out of the room, disregarding Hyunjin's words of comfort as he did so.

Hyunjin's face fell, as he too turned to run out of the room, but paused to look at Jisung first, an unexplainable mix of emotions thundering on his face.

Pain. Fear. Desperation.

"We're not the bad guys. Please. Jisung, Minho is in danger. We need you. He needs you."

And with that he left, leaving Jisung to barely hold his head up against the waves of uncertainty.

The room was still after Jisung sat down on the bed, Chan, Woojin and Changbin staring at him expectantly, sweat beginning to roll down their faces.

Jisung could tell they were nervous, and it comforted him in a strange way. Afterall it meant they wouldn't, or they couldn't harm him; but they definitely couldn't let him go after he'd seen their faces.

This was definitely some sort of physiological trick going on here, some bullshit stockholm syndrome that's polluting his mind. He doesn't genuinely care about what they have to say,

But he cares so much about Minho, enough to question what he should accept.

So he thought, what would Minho do in this situation?

For some reason, Jisung looked down at a half-asleep Minjun when he asked himself this, seeing his selfless, caring and justice seeking lover in the baby's mahogany eyes.

Jisung scoffed at that, looking up at the ceiling, as he tried to stop himself from bursting into laughter. Because he knew exactly what Minho would do.

Minho was brave, smart, tactile and caring- everything Jisung was lacking in, everything he wanted to be the best in.

So he, finally, met eyes with a concerned looking Chan, and masked his anxiety and dread with a famous Minho like-grin.

"Well then fellas, you've kidnapped me, might as well tell me why."

He hoped Chan couldn't see through his lies, but the pity and sympathetic glance he was getting in return to blatantly fake statement hurt more than the worry tightening around his stomach.

He really hoped Minho was alright.

"No I'm not fucking alright!" Minho shouted at Felix, gripping his hair tightly, "Someone is using my name to smuggle children on the black market! I can't even-"

"Sir- uh- is this a bad time?" A lighter voice said at the front door, eyeing the two men suspiciously.

To be fair they probably look like a mess, from all the crying and screaming that had taken place only moments before. And yet Minho felt his pride take over, as he straightened his back and said,

"What is it, Jeongin?" It was a cold tone, but no one missed Minho's voice crack due to his nerves.

Jeongin took a step back, "Perhaps I could talk to Felix alone?"

"No." Minho replied sternly. "What is it?"

The young, far too young Minho realised, boy hesitated, before he took in a deep breath and stated with a monotone,

"Seungmin's been captured."

Minho's heart dropped.

Felix stood up immediately, rushing towards Jeongin, "What? What happened? Report, immediately."

The frown of disgust was clear on Jeongin's face at the accusatory commands, but he complied, somewhat unwillingly.

"We split, up north. He went west with his group and I went east with mine- to cover more ground quickly. But his group- they got jumped- but..."

"But?" Minho asked in a whisper.

"Seungmin wasn't found with the rest of them. They all lived, only minor traumas and injuries- no weapons. But all his stuff, his clothes, everything was stripped from him and left behind."

Felix's mouth felt numb, "But- he's got a chip on him right? We all do? He-"

Minho looked up, confused, staring at Felix in wonder. But the other was preoccupied with losing a team member.

"We can't track him. They must have taken it out- or he's...he-"

"Stop, don't." Felix decided to spare Jeongin of confirming the friends death, and instead waved him out of the room. Jeongin nodded shakily, and Minho almost missed the glistening in his eyes as he rushed out of the room.

Felix turned back with an unreadable expression, but obviously dark in its origin.

Minho just felt sick, physically and mentally and even spiritually. He just felt horrible and wanted this horrid nightmare to end.

If he could, oh god if he could, he would move far away from korea. Some place warm and safe, with his husband and Minjun. They would have a small house and have normal jobs away from all of this torture.

But they weren't normal.


How? How could everything go so wrong, so quickly?

But there was one thing bugging him, something he had definitely never heard before.

"Seungmin's...chip?" He asked, more to himself than anyone else, but Felix looked up at him, lost in a daze.

"Did you say something?"

"What chips? You said you all had a chip?" Minho asked again, unsure.

Felix groaned, smacking his forehead, "Your dads going to be so mad at me for this."

"My dad?" Minho asked, now even more confused. "What are you?"

"We...all have a tracking chip of some sort. In us- somewhere. Everyone who works in the mafia, well everyone except...you."

"Hold on, tracking chip?! What is this- prison? Why the fuck would he need to track everyone?" He questioned, upset at being kept in the dark but more so for the lack of privacy. "And you allowed him to do it?"

Felix rubbed the back of his, "Well, not exactly. I didn't know until the next morning when-"

"You didn't what?" Minho was fuming, "He implanted a tracking advice on you, without your consent? Without anyone's consent?"

The freckled boy sighed and moved over the couch, but that was enough for Minho.

"And your telling me this now? What the fuck man? How old were you?"

"I don't know, like 16? 17? Look it's not a big deal." Felix defended, sounding tired, "He said it was for safety, it case we were to be kidnapped or get lost or..."

"Or betray us." Minho finished the sentence, anger boiling.

Although Felix knew the venom in his brothers voice wasn't aimed at him specifically, he forced himself to hide his grimace. Afterall, he did accuse and drive Minho to his first panic attack in years, therefore he had absolutely no room to object any malice thrown at him.

But Minho felt bad instantly, sitting down next to Felix on the couch in the corner, dropping his head into his hands in shame, faintly whispering, "I'm sorry, I just can't understand why everything is happening so quickly."

"That's okay!" Felix replied supportively, although in reality he simply wanted to cry, not touching Minho in his vulnerable state,

"We can work on that remember? How about a mental mind map? That worked before right? It'll help us both out!"

Minho nodded in his hands, and Felix leaned back onto the sofa, rearranging his thoughts.

"Right, the wedding happened. Straight after the wedding, we found out about the human trafficking going on. And now, one of our best assassins have been completely erased from the world, with no way to track him. But the last one is just so, surprising. They didn't hurt anyone at the wedding, so there's no reason for them to kill Seungmin."

The air was tense, the muffled background sound of other people in the house filling the gaps of silence.

"So why can't we track him? They can't have removed the chip, because hell, I don't even know where mine is. So it wasn't the clowns, since they're some sort of moral kidnappers. Which brings us to our problem now- who the fuck are they?"

Minho suddenly had very dark thought, and felt his stomach stir at just the thought of it, "You don't think that my father..."

"Your father? What? Kidnapped Jisung? Oh please," Felix scoffed mockingly, "The old man could barely control us as teenagers, let alone kidnap someone."

"No!" Minho stated, "Would he have implanted a tracker in Jisung? The night he was at the safe house?"

His friend recoiled, looking disgusted, "What the fuck dude- he wouldn't....do...that..."

The hesitance in his words was enough to send a tsunami of feelings surging through the son's chest. One of which was relief- as if so, then Jisung could be easy to find? And Minjun, right?

But there was also the feeling of anger, his father was implanting tracking devices onto people like mice. That was not okay, and will definitely no longer be happening.

"Wait wait- you've got your angry face on! I was there with him the whole time remember? I would remember if someone came in and knocked Jisung out!" Felix quickly said to calm his frustrated friend.

"No," Minho thought, "There was a 3 hour gap from where he was being watched by my dads men and then when you arrived."

Felix blinked, "Oh that old fucker, I can't believe he-"



hi ! sorry for the lack
of updates, it case
you didn't know from
my now-deleted but
frankly quite dramatic

i'm sick :]

and good news-
the next chapter
is already written
so expect that
sometime next
week !!

also; the chapter named
PHASE 2 marks the dramatic
turn in this the story.
and the password,,,
it's coming up,,,,maybe,,,

BYE <3


(someone might've
already found it,
but like, not yet
my dude 🗿)

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