Send a Message
Chapter #3: Send a Message
Inside of Ra Cailum-class, docking bay where the mobile suits were.
As Baston/8-Ball got off the cockpit of his gunpla using the string to lower himself on the ground and seeing the shuttle that had the alliance pacifist.
United Earth Sphere Alliance pacifist was let on to the bridge of the Ra Cailum-class, to discuss about their situation.
Field Marshal Noventa: though I have to admit, I couldn't thank you enough for your dedication for saving us..
Baston/8-Ball: no problem, but I prefer going by my alias known as 8-Ball... And now we are in our army willing to fight for the people's freedom and hope And not like Oz or any of the other corrupted military organizations..
Field Marshal Noventa: I see.. and I would really am appreciated. By your way of trying to think of fighting for people's freedom..
UESA pacifist #1: Sir, we actually trust these people..?
UESA pacifist #2: Yeah, who knows if they might actually betray us or tried to stop us in the back..
Baston/8-Ball putting his hands up trying to actually stop the tension from getting any heated up.
Baston/8-Ball: I know all of you might be wary of us because of our machines are Gundams, but so we're not like them. Luckily we were able to prevent something like an international war from happening..
UESA pacifist #4: I see. Sorry that we might have already misjudged you..
Baston/8-Ball: It's all right the time big. You will stay in some of the quarters that we have prepared for you guys. If you have any questions, need anything like food or water don't hesitate to ask..
Field Marshal Noventa: Thank you so much! That is kind of you for actually letting us stay aboard your ship...
Baston/8-Ball: If there is any places that we might actually drop all of you off like a safe place..
As the United Earth Sphere Alliance pacifists settle into their quarters on the Ra Cailum-class, Team Pocket Frenzy were at the bridge. Still discussing about the events. Baston/8-Ball dropped his alias and took out the helmet.
Baston: (sign in relief) damn whoever knew that being in this event would actually take a toll on trying to act.. And I'm guessing this whole event felt so real, just like we're in the actual anime..
Lilin: I know... Judging from everything that's been happening, everything does feel real..
Mashima: And that we might actually tie at this event...
Rio: So this almost happened just like with the build diver team... What do we do now? Do we actually log out of the event...??
Baston: Hell no. We're allowed to keep on doing whatever takes and trying not to die as well.. luckily seeing that we have changed timeline of the alliance pacifist from being killed by the hands of Heero inside of his Gundam then meaning that we have changing the history itself...
Lilin: So what exactly are next move...??
Baston: Seria, any reports of any kind of situation that's been happening across the world...??
Seria: there have been many reports of soldiers from the alliance going rogue or causing rebellions in many other military bases across the globe...
Baston: So it has begun... Good. I want you to broadcast a message tomorrow to send a message to Oz..
The members of Team Pocket friends you look at the leader as if he was crazy.
Mashima: whoa whoa! Whoa now. Are you taking something too far?!!
Baston: look now I know that we're about to go to fight against the whole world, but we're not fighting against the world. We're fighting against Oz meaning we have to play our cards right.. and if we don't then more bad things might happen..
Mashima: God damn you really had the balls to actually come up with some crazy plan but screw it. I always like crazy plants!!
Rio: So what time will we begin with the public broadcast..??
Baston: (smirks) 6:00 AM. That should give us enough time to prepare and get the word out. We'll need everyone's support if we're going to take down OZ.
Lilin: Agreed. Let's get to work, team. We've got a world to save.
Mashima: but for the time big roll cuz you get some rest after crazy thing that you just did..
As the members of Team Pocket Frenzy go to their personal quarters that were in their own personal rooms. Getting some sleep ready for tomorrow.
The Next day
The next morning, at 6:00 AM, Team Pocket Frenzy begins preparing for their public broadcast, they know that they're taking a big risk. But they also know that they have the strength and determination to see this through.
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) People of the world, We are Team Pocket Frenzy...
As many people across the globe of Earth, including the people of the space colony. We're also seeing this as well, including many armies such as Oz.
At an Oz Base
Oz Soldier #1: Colonel Zechs. We got a transmission of this unknown army...
Zechs Merquise: Don't cut it off. I want to listen to what they have to say..
Oz Soldier #1: are you sure about that..??
Zechs Merquise: do you have a problem with that...??
Oz Soldier #1: no sir...
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) And we're the ones that were able to save the alliance pacifism which would be me the leader of my team..
The whole world of the people of both the Earth and colony were surprised. I sent that this unknown team was able to save the alliance pacifist.
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) do I have to admit I do wanted peace as well but not by force. I know that many of the alliance soldiers have gone rogue and that are also part of Oz.. I know that the condoms were also pawns of Oz...
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) I know that many of you might be scared, but we're here to bring hope. We're not like OZ. We fight for freedom and justice, not power and control.
Lilin/10-Ball: (in the video) Yes, with our machines to bring hope to the people and freedom that we are simple to show hope and liberate the corruption of Oz!!
At the main HQ of Oz, Treize Khushrenada and Lady Une watching a broadcast some neutral while others glare directly at the members of Team Pocket frenzy.
Treize: (smirking) So, this is the team that interfered with our plans. Interesting.
Lady Une: (nods) They're bold, I'll give them that.. should we actually send in some of our soldiers in Mobile suits to trace the signal on where the broadcast is..
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) If anyone who is actually part of Oz listening to the broadcast or trying to trace the signal on the broadcast, we have nuclear weapons on our disposal, meaning we are willing to use it on any of you arrogant bastards were willing to fight us...
Making every single Soldier and staff member in Oz in complete shock and horror on what he was saying that he had nuclear weapons in his disposal.
Oz Soldier #3: This guy is crazy!?
Oz Soldier #6: there's no way that he has access to nuclear weapons!?
Oz Soldier #1: It has to be a bluff!?
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) there is no bluff watching this, I'm going to show you image of my Gundam it's bazooka it's custom made having a nuclear warhead on it!!
The image of the hanger showing 8-Ball Gundam equipped to the rocket launcher with a nuclear warhead, making the All Oz soldiers the complete fear.
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) And considerate that this is more of a warning to any Oz Soldier that's willing to fight us or trying to hunt us down. I am not willing to hesitate to fire this nuclear warhead!! But I'm fighting for a purpose and that purpose is fighting for the people's freedom and their hope to liberate the corruption!!
Zechs Merquise: (smirking) A bluff, but an effective one. We can't take any chances. Prepare our forces for battle.
Lady Une: (nods) And send a message to our allies. We need them on our side if we're going to take on Team Pocket Frenzy.
Treize: (smiles) It seems we have our work cut out for us. But I have no doubt that we will emerge victorious.
In a desert of Quatre place, It's too belongs to another military organization known as Maganac Corps also watching the broadcast that was broadcasting by either of Team Pocket frenzy.
Rasid Kurama: these people really have the guts to actually try to threaten Oz with nuclear weapons...
Quatre: I know, but isn't that taking things a bit too far...
Abdul: My kinds for agree as well. I've been using nuclear weapons as kind to have an extreme..
Ryouma: (smirks) But they've got guts, I'll give them that. If they're willing to go that far, they must believe in their cause.
As the world watches the broadcast, tensions rise, and alliances are tested. Team Pocket Frenzy knows that their actions may have dire consequences, but they are determined to see their mission through to the end. They are willing to do whatever it takes to bring peace and justice to the world.
Baston/8-Ball: (in the video) This is your warning, Oz. If you continue down this path of destruction and oppression, we will not hesitate to use our nuclear weapons. We will fight for the people, no matter the cost.
Lilin/10-Ball: (in the video) Remember, we are not your enemy. You are. We fight for freedom and justice, while you fight for power and control. Choose a side, and make your choice wisely.
The broadcast ends, and Team Pocket Frenzy braces themselves for the fallout. They know that their actions have put them in the crosshairs of Oz and its allies, but they are ready for whatever comes their way.
As Baston suit took out the helmet and was taking in a few deep breaths in and out realizing that he was about to clear war but a war to actually stop since violence.
Baston: (to his team) I'll talk about one hell of a performance I might actually put in..
Lilin: normally I'm guessing that the media would actually give us some good response or maybe back lashes...
Mashima: no kidding. The world might actually think of us as terrorist groups or probably rogue Alliance soldiers with Gundams...
Rio: how to imagine it seems that that the whole army of Oz is going to be in the whole uproar..
Baston: I know the public and the media will actually give us some good black lashes or the worst kind of backlashes. Just trying to think of us as more than bad guys...
Mashima: You don't think it could possibly be Treize Khushrenada I'm trying manipulating others, especially the media itself...
Baston: I always knew the guy was a bit of a manipulated snake just like Char in the Universal Century..
Lilin: should we actually go after and kill him once and for all...??
Baston: hell no they'll be too damn risky for all of us.. after all, the nuclear warhead that was attached to the bazooka was nothing poor but just a bluff..
Mashima: Right I forgot damn.. bad we could have actually actually got ourselves a real nuclear just like what happened in Stardust memory..
Baston: I know what you guys are getting cuz I do not want to cause any more bloodshed for the time being..
Lilin: So what exactly is our next move...??
Baston: The next part of the plan is that I will go in Solo helping Zechs piloting the Tallgeese.
The other members of Team Pocket Frenzy were completely shocked at their lead to Wing a solo mission, teaming up with Colonel Zechs.
Mashima: are you completely insane!?
Lilin: I agree out of everything this planet of yours isn't the most riskiest thing you have ever came up with..
Rio: I think you might have already gone but too far..
Baston: I know what I'm doing is foolish or idiotic but still if I do not help Zechs and if he dies early then everything will be changed permanently.... Change things for a better or for the worse..
Mashima: (sighing in annoyance) normally I would stop you or all of us would stop you. But you're the captain. The leader of this team won't force seen that this is your decision..
Baston: (nods) I appreciate your support, guys. I know this mission is risky, but I believe it's the right thing to do. We can't let Zechs die, and if I can help him, maybe we can change the course of this war.
Lilin: (sighs) I still think it's a bad idea, but I trust your judgment, Baston. We'll support you in this mission.
Mashima: (grumbles) Fine, but if you get yourself killed, I'm gonna be really pissed.
Rio: (nods) We'll help however we can. Good luck, Baston!
Baston: (smiles) Thank you, guys. I know I've put you through a lot, but I promise I'll come back in one piece.
As Baston prepares for his solo mission, he knows that he's taking a huge risk. But he also knows that he can't let Zechs die, and if he can help him, maybe they can change the course of this war. He's determined to see this through, no matter the cost.
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