New Event
Chapter #2: New Event
It was Summer of June 1st, 2024 Monday, the beginning of Summer break for everyone.
Baston, Mashima and Lilin leaving their all team after betrayal and cheating several years past and they formed their own team based on a pool game. The team name of their new group it was called Pocket frenzy and their avatars work based on characters from fortnite: (8-Ball, 1-Ball and 10-Ball)
Team Pocket frenzy was able to make Yukon flaw with some upgrades and some new equipment to make things even interesting.
Pocket frenzy was able to get a lot of ranks from on top when it got higher. Gunpla battlers such as Master Jim And his team was able to defeat easily, which they had a bit of sportsmanship vibe unlike arrogant and Cocky gunpla battlers.
Luckily they were able to get number two high rank on next to one of the biggest gunpla teams.
June 10th, 2024 Tuesday
At GB4 lobby room Cafe area, Team Pocket frenzy relaxing and while also cheering seeing how strong they have gotten seen that they were the strongest of all of gb4.
However, they noticed that team miracle was dropping in last place in gb4 because the lack of strategy and teamwork.
Baston, Lilin, and Mashima looked at each other, disappointment and disgust on their faces. They knew that their former teammates had gone through a lot, but they also had to accept the consequences of their actions.
Mashima: Man, it's sad to see them like this.
Lilin: it doesn't really matter see that is there a problem not ours..
Baston: like I care for an old team of mine that just betrayed me and left me.. after all we're in the top leagues of gb4..
Mashima: I heard that they would actually give us a special reward for actually being on the top 10..
Baston: do you have any idea what this special reward is..??
Mashima: to be honest they never said what it is but they said we'll receive it..
Baston: that is rather honestly suspicious and also rather intriguing...
???: Hey guys, how's it going..??
The three members of Team Pocket frenzy seeing their new recruits: Rio Hojo and Seria Urutsuki.
Rio Hojo a young man at the age of 14 with his gunpla known as RX-78-lā-III Lah Gundam, and Seria Urutsuki isn't a gunpla fighter battle for herself, she is more like an assistant.
Baston: Hey how exactly was your first match..??
Rio Hojo: Oh I've been doing great! Thank you so much!!
Seria Urutsuki: anyway, what is this that we hear about so got a special reward that you guys got...??
Baston: Well we don't know what this special reward is..
Mashima: to be honest we don't know what it is. We're just waiting for something to happ---
For the group to get notifications on some head display of their reward turned out to be some kind of mission event, which was rather surprising.
Mashima: Well, now, I didn't expect our special reward to be a mission event...
Baston: not also that this mission event will take place in the series of Gundam wing...
The surprise the members of Team Pocket frenzy even more, but this mission event takes place in the series of Mobile suit Gundam wing.
Lilin: And it certainly seems that this submission objective is to stop.. Heero In his wing Gundam from killing the United Earth Sphere Alliance pacifist..
Baston: Well now it certainly seems this is running interesting admission event saving to United Earth Spear Alliance pacifist...
Mashima: Right, if he did kill then all hell would break loose and if we saved him then things will actually take a different turn.. why do I get the feeling that we're about to get ourselves transported into the anime itself...
Baston: for some more reason I kind of agree which I also have a feeling that we might actually have a bit of a and interesting and a spectacular encounter in this event..
Rio Hojo: Then what are you waiting for? Get ready to do it!!
Baston: All right. All right. Calm down newbie after all. I got myself the ship that we need and it's definitely the ship from universal Century: Ra Cailum-class...
Mashima: I see you really have a taste from the classics, a universal Century spaceship from char's counter-attack how very classic of you..
Lilin: So are we going to begin the mission event..
Baston: all right. All right. Calm down guys after all. I'm ready to do it...
As Baston Briggs starting the admission event, however causing the ground shake and causing them to teleport into the bridge of Ra Cailum-class, had seen that they were no longer in the cafe in the lobby but now on the bridge of Ra Cailum-class.
How for looking outside of the window of the bridge of Ra Cailum-class, seen that they were outside of the United Earth Spear Alliance base where the Gundam Team of gunda wing was attacking.
Baston: Well now it seems that this is some weird way to start the event..
Mashima: wow! This almost feels a bit real... too real...
Lilin: something tells me that the diagnosis system that I ran seems to cause some kind of unknown glitch or bug..
Baston: do you think someone might have rigged this mission event...??
Lilin: it's highly not a possible hacker or a bug or a glitch in the system. It seems that this is completely 100% legit..
Rio Hojo: So does that mean we still have to go ahead and help United Earth Spear Alliance pacifist..??
Mashima: Right then who exactly is going to be piling the ship..?
Seria Urutsuki: I'll be able to pilot ship, while you guys go ahead and get into your gunpla..
As Seria Urutsuki using the controls to Pilot the Ra Cailum-class directly towards United Earth Spear Alliance base.
At United Earth Spear Alliance base
Heero: [sees the shuttle] That's it!
Heero inside of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam transforms into Bird Mode and flies off after OZ Shuttle that has United Earth Spear Alliance pacifist.
Inside of OZ Shuttle.
Noventa: This is just an unfortunate incident. I don't want to consider this an obstacle to the peace negotiations.
Officer: Marshal!
Noventa: What?!
As Heero inside of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam transforms mobile suit mode getting out. It's a beam saber ready to destroy the shuttle.
Noventa: [sees Wing] Don't do it, young man.
Heero inside of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam was about to destroy the shuttle until a bean blast hit his gundam's left shoulder getting his attention.
Heero: What the?? That I miss an unknown enemy...!?
As Heero looked at the screens and trying to figure out who exactly hit him when the moment he saw something heading towards his position. He used the gundam's camera eyes to zoom in at the object. His eyes wide to see it was a mobile suit, but however the head was the one thing that got his attention that it was a Gundam.
8-Ball Gundam piloted by Baston Briggs in his online avatar as the fortnite character 8Ball.
Heero: What the another Gundam but I thought we were did Oz build their own gundams... This was never mentioned in the mission...
As Baston Briggs piloting his gunpla 8-Ball Gundam flying towards XXXG-01W Wing Gundam.
Heero: Right then this is going to be my new mission check to defeat that Gundam!!
Heero inside of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam flying towards 8-Ball Gundam using beam saber on the gunpla, However, the beam saber didn't any damage to Bastons gunpla thanks to the Full Cloth Unit I-Field Generator.
Heero: What!? my beam saber did not do any damage!?
8-Ball Gundam that is rather in the torso of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam causing it to fall down a bit but only hovering, Baston Briggs opening a private Communications call to United Earth Spear Alliance pacifist.
Baston/8-Ball: (on private comms to Noventa) am I speaking to the United Earth Spear Alliance pacifist...
Noventa: (on private comms to Baston/8-Ball) Well yes I am Field Marshal Noventa.. And who am I speaking to..?
Baston/8-Ball: (on private comms to Noventa) I go by an alias 8-Ball... We're part of a neutral army known as pocket frenzy...
Noventa: (on private comms to Baston/8-Ball) Well I think if we generosity..
Baston/8-Ball: (on private comms to Noventa) Head towards the ship. You'll be safe amongside many of your other councilman calls. Let me safe while this mess will be taken care of...
On board the shuttle many of the councilman of United Earth Spear Alliance pacifist We're in shock and in awe to see the ship known as Ra Cailum-class hanger doors to open for safe landing for the shuttle.
Heero inside of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam was furious for someone to interfere with the mission to see 8-Ball Gundam landing of room meters from him and the other gundams as well were in awe seen as unknown individual.
Duo Maxwell inside of XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe
Trowa Barton inside of XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Custom
Quatre Raberba Winner inside of XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock
Duo: Well no in the world is this guy??
Trowa: another Gundam...
Quatre: the design on that machine it's different compared to ours and it doesn't seem to be belong to Oz...
Heero: (on comms to Baston/8-Ball) Why the hell did you interfere with our mission!?
Baston/8-Ball inside the cockpit of his gunpla, couldn't help he could help but smirk underneath the helmet he was wearing.
Baston/8-Ball: (on comms to Heero) If you're wondering who I am, you can say we're more like a neutral arm before known as pocket frenzy. I'm the leader...
Duo: Pocket....
Quatre: Frenzy...???
Trowa: The odd name for neutral army of four...
Heero: (on comms to Baston/8-Ball) I don't care if you are part of a neutral army. They wait and if I have to kill you...
Baston/8-Ball: (on comms to Heero) Fair by me. So you know this has to be a one-on-one battle if anyone tries to interfere between me and Heero then my ship will fire on all four of you!!
Heero: (on comms to Baston/8-Ball) You wouldn't dare!
Baston/8-Ball: (on comms to Heero) Try me.
The other members of Team Pocket Frenzy watch the situation unfold with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Lilin, Mashima, Rio, and Seria know that their leader has the skills to handle this situation, but they also realize the gravity of the situation.
Lilin: (nervously) Baston, are you sure you want to do this? Heero is a skilled pilot...
Baston/8-Ball: (confidently) I know, but I have to protect the peace negotiators at all costs. This is what we do.
Mashima: (nodding in agreement) He's right, Lilin. We have to trust him.
Seria: (looking worried) But what if he gets hurt?
Rio: (excitedly) Don't worry! Baston is very strong and a great pilot!
Baston/8-Ball: (over the comms) I appreciate your support, but I need you all to focus on keeping the peace negotiators safe. I'll handle Heero.
Both Gundams have their beam melee weapons with their thrusters charging directly at each other for their weapons to clash against each other.
Heero inside of XXXG-01W Wing Gundam trying to actually get a direct slash 8-Ball Gundam However, when the beam saber made contact with the cloak, it didn't do any damage, only four Wing Gundam to receive around house kick from 8-Ball Gundam.
As the fighting could have escalated any further only for the fight to come to a halt from flamethrowers in between the fight four to two Gundams to look at XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam piloted by Chang Wufei.
Chang Wufei: Morons! Haven't you had enough meaningless fighting already?
Heero: What the hell?
Chang Wufei: Don't you get it? You've fallen into OZ's scheme.
Quatre: What?
Baston/8-Ball: (over the comms) He's right what you were about to do could have caused something on a global scale!!
As XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe, XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Custom, XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock and XXXG-01W Wing Gundam looked directly at Baston/8-Ball inside of 8-Ball Gundam.
Trowa: (over the comms to Baston/8-Ball) exactly you mean...
Baston/8-Ball: (over the comms) for one you dumbass idiots would have actually killed the pacifist of United Earth Spear Alliance.. And they were asking for furries for the colonies instead. You would have just done something idiotic..
Heero: I...I...could have...
Baston/8-Ball: (over the comms) meaning you guys could have caused an international war... And lookedly I was able to prevent it...
Lilin, Mashima, Rio, and Seria watched in amazement as Baston skillfully defused the situation, using his words and strategic thinking to prevent a potentially disastrous battle between the Gundam pilots. They knew that their leader was not only a skilled fighter but also a wise and level-headed leader.
Lilin: (impressed) I can't believe he was able to talk some sense into them. That was incredible.
Mashima: (grinning) I told you he had it in him. He's not just a fighter, but a true leader.
Rio: (excited) We make a great team! We should go help Baston!
Seria: (nods in agreement) Yes, let's go support him and our team.
With Baston/8-Ball
Baston/8-Ball: (over the comms) but luckily thank goodness that United Earth's Spear Alliance pacifists are on board my ship. Making sure that they have treatment and are all right..
Chang Wufei: (over the comms) do I have to admit? Thank you for actually making sure that incident doesn't happen publicly..
Baston/8-Ball: (over the comms) And I get the feeling that either he has underneath the media wants to actually try to tarnish you guys name or actually just trying to make up some kind of bullshit lie..... I don't really care right now, I have to head back to my ship..
As Baston/8-Ball inside of 8-Ball Gundam flies off towards his ship Ra Cailum-class.
Inside of 2nd OZ Shuttle.
Septem: That other Gundam was able to save the alliance pacifist... There wasn't record of another Gundam was there..!?
Lady Une: Colonel what exactly should we do now...
Treize: to be honest, I wasn't expecting there to be a 6th Gundam to actually save the alliance pacifist..
Treize was calm on the outside but in the inside he was furious for an unknown party just to save the alliance pacifist out of the blue and ruining the plan could tell that he wasn't working with the Gundam team.
Treize: we'll move on to other means of our plans..
Septem: Wait, what are you---
As Lady Une press the button for Septem to fall to his death, only for Lady Une getting a pistol and shooting him in the head.
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