Meanwhile, Kol was sitting on the bed in Klaus' room as he read the letters from Klaus' trophy collection.

   After a moment, Elijah walked in and joined him, "Well, isn't this the welcome home," He spoke up in a sarcastic tone, "Already at the mercy of Niklaus, and just in time to help the rest of us clean up his mess. Do you miss being dead yet?"

Just then, Klaus came in with a glass goblet full of blood, Ophelia now back from her departure and standing alongside him, "Keep up your ceaseless whining, and I'm sure he will."

  Klaus held out the glass of blood toward Kol, "Here." He insisted and Kol's eyes widened at the sight of the blood, which caused Ophelia to raise a brow at him.

  After several moments and Kol still didn't take the glass of blood, Klaus began to talk in a sing-songy tone, "I compelled the housekeeper." He tried to convince his brother as he waved it in his face invitingly.

Hesitant for a long moment, Kol finally took the glass of blood from him, "Next time, a blood bag will be fine. I'm meant to be off the fresh stuff." He reminded his brother, taking a sip of her brother.

"Attempting to be a better man for your girlfriend?" Klaus asked Kol, clearly amused.

"Klaus, shut up and leave him alone," Ophelia warned the male hybrid in an annoyed tone.

Kol gave Klaus an annoyed look, feeling the same way about his comment as Ophelia did, "Well, I'd rather be with that girlfriend, but since your enemies have returned seeking vengeance, I suppose they ought to be murdered," He explained before pausing for a brief moment "So remind me, who is this Cortez?"

"His family decimated Belaga," Klaus informed his brother in a calm tone.

Kol groaned and laughed at the same time, "Ugh! Belaga," He responded in disgust, "That place was hideous."

Elijah, who was happy to hear someone agreeing with his opinion of Belaga, smiled and gestured toward Kol as he gave Klaus a smug look, "Thank you, Kol!" He spoke up happily.

Klaus looked between Kol and Elijah, both appalled and exasperated by their opinions, "No taste. Either of you!" He complained before gesturing toward Ophelia, "You know, if Ophelia had been there, she'd agree with me."

"I beg to differ," Elijah commented, earning a glare from Klaus while Ophelia laughed in amusement.

Kol stood to his feet and grabbed the letters, "All right, calm down. I know exactly how to find your enemies, as long as our new sister doesn't chafe at me for teaching her a quick spell." He paused, holding up the letters in his hands, "Mind if I burn these?"

Klaus gave Kol a curious look as the youngest Mikaelson brother turned to Ophelia, "Remember that tracking spell I showed you 1901?" Kol questioned her curiously, "The one that helped us track down the group of witches that were trying to kill you?"

"A lot of witches has tried to kill me, Kol," She reminded the male vampire, "You need to be more specific."

"The ones from the 9th ward," Kol continued to explain, "The group of Claire witches I ended up beheading and putting their heads on spikes."

"Ah, yes!" Ophelia exclaimed, coming to the realization of what he was talking about, "I'm guessing this is the same spell?" She questioned and Kol nodded his head, "Well, then, this is going to be a piece of cake."


   Later on that day, Kol and Freya were standing next to each other at the coffee table in the upstairs living room.

Just then, Ophelia entered, causing the group to turn to her, "And where have you been?" Klaus questioned Ophelia, who simply shrugged in response, "You're late."

"Nowhere important," She answered his question, walking toward where Kol and Freya stood.

Klaus immediately gave Ophelia a concerned look when she saw a bit of blood on the corner of her lips and a smudge of blood on her forehead as well.

  He decided not to mention it as Ophelia walked over to Freya and Kol and starting to burn the letters that Klaus used as trophies to begin the spell.

  Elijah and Klaus watched closely from nearby as Kol began to explain what they were doing, "Mixing the ashes of these letters with your blood, Nik, will show us where your enemies are." He explained as he gestured for Ophelia to continue.

She nodded her head before crushing the ashes up with a mortar and pestle and Freya handed Kol a gold goblet with Klaus' blood.

  Kol held the goblet out to Ophelia, who sprinkled the ashes into the goblet before Kol handed it back to Freya. 

  Freya poured the ash-blood mixture onto a map of the world, which was pinned down by white candles, as Kol pulled a spell written on parchment out of his jacket pocket and handed it to his sister, "With feeling now." He informed her with a smirk.

Freya laughed and gave him a look as she took the spell from him. She held her hands out to Ophelia, who stood across from her. The two females linked hands, taking a deep breath before they began to recite the incantation, "Calaste piso tal tras es tros. Calaste piso tal tras es tros." They chanted.

The blood started to break apart into eleven small beads, which scattered across the map. The closest locations were four total in North America, which happened to be in California, New Orleans, Mexico, and Chicago. The rest of the locations were either in Asia, Europe, or Africa.

As they stopped chanting the spell, Freya turned to Klaus, "Behold your greatest hits, Klaus," She informed her brother, "All over the world. But only one is here. Which means the legion of enemies you were worried about is an army of one."

"I assure you, this is your Gaspar Cortez," Kol told Klaus, circling the drop of blood on the map that was right on the dot indicating New Orleans, Louisiana.

Just then, Klaus was forced to leave, leaving the rest of the group alone to talk about the news.


   Nighttime had fallen and Elijah had just met up with Marcel in a dark alley in the French Quarter. It was clear that Elijah was not all pleased to be summoned there, "Went to the wrong dumpster. Of course, I have nothing better to do."

Marcel gave him an annoyed look before opening the dumpster and revealing the mutilated and torn up bodies of several vampires inside, "Davina found our missing Strix. Wolf bites. They were tortured and then torn apart," He explained to Elijah, who looked horrified at the sight of the bodies, "Elijah, Jackson was killed just around the corner from here."

  Elijah realized that Ophelia was behind this, and Marcel gave him a knowing look, "The Strix are still gonna want the head of whoever did this." He reminded the elder vampire.

Elijah, who was still stunned, walked away, gesturing toward the dumpster as he did so, "Burn the bodies." He demanded in a stern tone.

Meanwhile, in the nearby Warehouse District, a female vampire was been bound to a chair, a hybrid bite visible on her neck as she whimpered in pain.

Ophelia walked around her in circles with an emotionless expression. There were four other bodies of Strix Vampires around them, which Ophelia seemed to not notice or even care about.

  When the vampire gave her a vicious look, Ophelia, annoyed, backhanded her across the face as Elijah arrived.

The male vampire stared at Ophelia, clearly shocked and appalled by what he was witnessing, "Ophelia!" He called out loudly, "What is the meaning of this?"

Ophelia turned and glared at Elijah. After doing so, she turned back to the vampire, practically karate chopping the woman's neck, which severed her head from her body.

While doing so, blood splattered on her face in the process, the female vampire's heart, flying across the warehouse. Ophelia grinned in satisfaction and Elijah continued to watch in horror.

Moments later, Elijah was still angrily confronting Ophelia about her behavior at the warehouse, but Ophelia seemed to not care about his scolding at all, "This has to stop!" He shouted at her in a warning.

"Why the hell are you defending these people, Elijah?" Ophelia asked Elijah, taking a step toward the original vampire, "Oh, wait! That's right! It's because they're the only ones that can protect you from the white oak. But guess what, Elijah? I don't need their protection. I don't come from any of the original sirelines," She paused, taking the list of vampires she wanted to kill out of her pocket, "This is the list I've made of all the Strix who tried to take me down and killed my husband in the process. The ones responsible for his death, which I was forced to watch, unable to help him."

Elijah snatched the list from her and opened it to read for a brief moment before he looking back up at her, "The Strix will consider this is as an act of war, Ophelia," He reminded her, "Think of how you're acting. You always say you're nothing like Klaus. What does this show?"

"Do not use Klaus in an attempt to tame me, Elijah!" Ophelia shouted at him angrily, "You may be able to use me to tame Klaus, but in no way does Klaus tame me. Now, I have taken risks for every single person in our family for the past three hundred years. It is about time that I do right by Jackson, especially since I am the reason he's dead. I'm sorry, Elijah, if that's an inconvenience you. But honestly, I couldn't give a damn."

Ophelia glared at Elijah before storming away, causing Elijah to sigh in frustration.

After storming away, Ophelia found herself, grabbing a random individual off the street before speeding into an alley. As the woman screamed, Ophelia dug her fangs into the woman's neck, feeding visciously. Within seconds, the girl had been death because of how roughy Ophelia was being.

Ophelia let go of the woman, allowing her to drop to her feet. She tilted her head up, letting out a large sigh in relief as she felt as though a weight had been lifted.

The blood covered her mouth, chin, and her entire neck from her vicious feeding. Ophelia was snapped out of her thoughts as the woman's phone began to vibrate. Growing annoyed with the sound, Ophelia knelt on the ground and took the phone out of the woman's pocket. She pressed the decline button, only to come face to face with the woman's lockscreen.

It was a picture of the woman, holding two small children in her hands. One looked to be about two years of age while the other looked to be only an infant.

Ophelia quietly gasped, her eyes filling with tears as she became filled with guilt when realizing that the woman was a mother, "No, no, no," She said to herself, becoming distraught.

Ophelia quickly lifted the woman's body and placed her in her lap. She continued to mutter, "No" under her breath as she attempted to feed the woman her blood to revive her, "No, no, please don't be dead. Please don't be dead," She sobbed, becoming consumed with emotion, "Come on!"

"She's dead," A familiar voice spoke up, causing Ophelia to turn her head to see Elijah walking over to her, "There's nothing you can do."

"What have I done?" Ophelia sobbed, turning to face Elijah with tears streaming down her cheek, "I killed her. She was the mother of two children. What if those kids don't have a father? What if they're now orphans because of me!" She practically screamed at Elijah as she stood up, beginning to place, "I've killed dozen upon dozens of people this past year, most of them women. How many mothers have I killed during this time? How many families did I ruin? I'm a monster! For centuries, I've done everything to make sure I only killed when necessary. Now, look at me!"

Elijah sighed in defeat as Ophelia's emotions became unstable, unable to control. The street lights flickered before suddenly, bursting, "I'm a monster." She whispered to herself, coming to a realization as she finally began to calm down.

"Ophelia--" Elijah began to say, before he could finish, the female tribrid had sped off.


    That night, Ophelia, Klaus, and Elijah arrived back to the compound, where they joined Freya and Kol in watching the map as the drops of blood headed straight for New Orleans, some faster than others, "So this may only be a fraction of our potential enemies." Elijah told the group, "And from what Niklaus has learned from Gaspar Cortez, they are also after Ophelia, for reasons still unknown."

"Great," Ophelia spoke up in annoyance, "So, basically, I have now become a target for all of your enemies."

"In hindsight, we could've been nicer to people," Kol commented, glancing around at the group, "Or at least left fewer survivors."

No one in the group seemed impressed by his comment as Klaus turned to address Elijah, "We don't know all their motivations. Half of these people could want to put the bullet in your heart! End the sire war with the pull of a trigger." He explained to his brother.

"I have an army devoted to keeping me alive. The only people that care to protect you are standing in this very room." Elijah reminded Klaus as he gave him a serious look for a moment continuing, "As you well know, Niklaus, there is another way. For not just you, but Ophelia as well."

Klaus sighed, but seemed to know that Elijah was right, causing him to share a glance with Ophelia.

Freya looked confused for a moment before realizing what they meant, "You're going to run?" She questioned him.

Klaus chuckled at Freya's question, "There was a time when the name Klaus Mikaelson was little more than a rumor. A shadowy figure who cast fear into the very bones of any who heard whisper of him," he explained to his siter, "I don't run, sister. I disappear. And tonight, the three of you are going to make that possible for both myself and Ophelia."

  Klaus held up a burlap sack with bloodstains over it, causing Ophelia to frown.

"There's no way I'm running," Ophelia spoke up, causing the group to turn to her in concern, "Gaspar Cortez couldn't have been saying that the sire line wanted me dead as well just to scare you. Why should we believe him?"

"Are you really willing to stay here and find out if it's the truth?" Klaus questioned Ophelia with an attitude, clearly growing annoyed.

"I don't run," Ophelia argued, giving Klaus a glare before fleeing the room.


   Ophelia was sitting in front of the lit fire in the fireplace in her bedroom, her eyes red and wet with tears, when Elijah walked in slowly and cautiously, not wanting to upset her more than she already was.

He stopped right behind her and held out the list, which she took and opened to find that all of the names she had placed there now crossed off.

He sat next to her on the bench as Ophelia crushed up the list in her hands and threw it in the fire, deliberately not taking her eyes off of the fire, "I love him, Elijah," She told him, referring to Klaus, which Elijah knew without her having to say it, "I have always loved him. Jackson knew that, but he accepted it. Yet he died loving me despite it. He died because of me. Knowing that, it breaks me inside. Killing those Strix, it somehow eased that guilt. And killing those humans, it eased the pain as well, in a way I can't explain."

Ophelia became silent, looking up at the ceiling to stop herself from crying. She quickly wiped the stray tears from her eyes, "All of that, it didn't just ease the guilt..." She trailed off, letting out a large sigh, "It stopped me from being with Klaus. I want to be with him more than anything, but I can't. For Jackson's sake."

Elijah nodded, placing his hand on Ophelia's shoulder in comfort as she began to cry, "I understand," He finally responded in a calm tone, "And as much as you want to avoid Klaus, I believe you should leave town with him. Not for his sake, but your own. Staying here is dangerous for you, you need to leave."

Ophelia nodded her head in understanding before standing up, "I need to go somewhere before I leave," She told Elijah before leaving the room.


  Before leaving town with Klaus, Ophelia found herself at Davina's Attic. She arrived there to find Kol wearing only boxers as he sat at the foot of Davina's bed, where the young witch laid asleep in bed, a single blanket covering her naked body, "Well, this is awkward." Ophelia commented as she leaned against the doorway of the woman.

Kol turned to Ophelia with wide eyes, scared that she was about to go off on him for finding him and Davina in bed together, "Ophelia, I--" He began to speak up, but Ophelia quickly cut him off.

"It's fine, whatever," Ophelia assured Kol with a smile, taking a single step closer to him, but still remained near the door, "I came here to apologize to Davina for not taking her side a few days ago," She informed him, letting out a small sigh, "I also came to tell her goodbye, but I'd rather let her sleep. It's the only time she's actually peaceful. Well, except for when she's with you."

Kol smiled at Ophelia's comment before the female tribrid continued on, "For such a young girl, she has a lot on her plate," She told Kol, who couldn't help but agree. She smiled at Davina for a moment before turning back to Kol, "Just tell her I said goodbye and that I'll be back soon? You know, to properly apologize to her and be the mother I always said I would be to her."

Kol smiled at Davina, nodding his head in response, "Sure thing."

"Take care of her." Ophelia reminded Kol, who continued to smile as he glanced over at Davina, who continued to sleep despite the duo conversing.

"I will," Kol promised Ophelia, who smiled back at him before leaving.


   Just as Klaus and Hayley were getting ready to drive away in the car with Hope in the backseat, Ophelia suddenly walked over to the car, opening the backseat before entering, "I thought you didn't run," Klaus told Ophelia, who was silent for a long moment.

"I don't," Ophelia responded in a calm tone, "As you said, we're not running. We're disappearing."

Klaus smiled slightly, nodding his head before beginning to drive away.

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