Guardian of the wolves part: 6

She could hear the sounds of wolves howling... Guns firing. Rin bolted up and glared at the door.
"Hunters" she whispered. Getting up and grabbing her rifle.
"Rin what are you doing with that?" Kakashi asked.. Sleepily
"Just stay here. I just have to go deal with something"  Rin growled rifle over her shoulder as she stomped out and pointed the rifle up. Firing it, the rifle made a loud bag, she then heard people yelling to get out of there and cars started started, Rin then opened her right eye and aimed at a car. Moving forward as she Began to shout
"DONT YOU DARE COME BACK YOU HEAR ME?! IF YOU EVEN DARE TRY TO SHOOT ANOTHER ANIMAL IN MY LAND YOU WILL BE KILLED WITHOUT HESITATION!" Rin shouted, the hunters making a run for it as toadu and mapku came out and ran off. Rin following.. Rifle in had ready and loaded.
"You!" Someone shouted Rin then pointed her gun at the person that spoke and growled, finger on the trigger
"If you even dare think about moving I will shoot you" Rin growled
"What the hell is a kid doing with a gun?!"
"Asuma?" Kakashi spoked up. The other man then looked to kakashi and sighed in relief
"Kakashi thank god. Could you maybe tell the kid to stop pointing that gun at me please..." The man stated, kakashi sighed and put a hand on rin's rifle
"Calm down rin. He's a friend"
"Not to me" Rin growled lowering her gun and glaring, kakashi sighed and looked to the snow
"What's that in the snow?" Kakashi asked all three of them then looked to the snow too se an injured wolf, Rin just cursed and picked up the wolf gently
"Kakashi! Kitchen bottom draw is a medical kit. Go get it!"
"Yeah sure" kakashi muttered going back inside.
"How do you know him?"
"Helped me out, now help me!" Rin growled "how the poor things been shot! What's your name again?"
"Alright then asuma put pressure to the wound. We need to stop the bleeding alright?"
"Yeah" Asuma muttered, kakashi then came back out and handed Rin the medical kit
"Thanks" Rin muttered getting out a bag,
"Place him in the bag for now, he'll freeze out here in the cold" Rin whispered as the two men carefully picked up the wolf and placed him down on the bag.  Rin then slipped to thick sticks of wood between the handles and picked up one side
"One of you hold the other side the other get the medical kit and open the door" Rin ordered, kakashi picked up the other side.. Staring into the wolf's unusual bright blue eyes..
'It can't be' kakashi thought staring at the wolf.. Once the wolf was safely inside the house Rin let the other three wolves in and closed the door, kakashi putting more wood in the fire
"Alright" Rin stated kneeling down beside the wolf and looking into its blue eye.
"Your hurt pretty bad boy.. Lucky we found you"
"Yeah" Kakashi agreed, Rin smiled toadu sitting beside Rin staring at the other wolf in wonder
"Yes toadu that's a wolf that's what you are" Rin muttered chuckling a little as toadu whined
"Kakashi mind passing the bandages?" Rin asked. Kakashi nodded
"Here" he muttered, Rin nodded in thanks and took the bandages from kakashi's grasp
"It's freezing!" Asuma stated, kakashi chuckled
"Mind if I go help Asuma?"
"No sure, down the hall to the left"
"I know" Kakashi muttered leading asuma to the room... Rin sighed opening her right eye.
"Your lucky it hit your shoulder" Rin stated... The wolf whined at her.. "Figured it would hurt, you got shot with a rifle" the wolf the whined again making Rin chuckle
"Your an idiot of a wolf. Who the hell jumps up Infront of a bullet thinking its a fly?" The other three wolves snickered. While the wolf whined
"He's a boisterous one" kakashi stated sitting down on the couch, Rin growled
"Get off your lazy ass and go feed the wolves will ya? They'll starve"
"Oh... Right" kakashi muttered getting back up, the three wolves following him, the injured one snickered.
"Yeah he's an idiot, has to listen to me, my house my rules" Rin stated as she finished patching up the wolf
"What would I call you though?"
"His name is Naruto Rin!" Kakashi called from the kitchen over then growling of the wolves
"Back off!" Kakashi growled making all three wolves whine.. Kakashi then dropped the right amounts of meat on the ground, the wolves biting at it and growling at eachother
"Guys don't be greedy!" Rin shouted. "So Naruto was it?"
"Yeah. Comes from where I live.. That reminds me I still have to tell you don't I?" Kakashi muttered sighing
"Yeah you do. I've been curious"
"Sure you have wolf-girl" Kakashi muttered.. The wolf... Naruto... Whined and flattened his ears
"I'm lucky because I don't have to listen to anymore of his loud voice"
"That's good, I like peace and quiet" Rin stated sighing as Naruto laid down Infront of the fire and whined, asuma soon joining them in the lounge
"Thanks for saving my ass back there Kakashi"
"Eh I could of let her shoot you"
"I would have gladly done it anyway" Rin snapped. Kakashi smirked
"Yeah" Rin sighed getting up and pulling out something from the wall. It came down and there was a bed
"Really?! And you didn't tell me this why?!" Kakashi groaned annoyed, Rin smiled
"I may or may not have liked it last night"
"Geez" Kakashi muttered asuma sighed as Rin got a free pillow and a blanket and set them down
"You can sleep here tonight asuma"
"Oh uh thank you" asuma muttered sitting down on the bed and rubbing his hands together. Asuma was now dressed in a long sleeved shirt and jumper and just some normal tracksuit pants
"Thanks for the clothes"
"Oh uh no problem" Rin muttered sitting on the couch next to kakashi. Mapku Inbetween them..
"Silly wolf go keep Naruto company" Rin muttered mapku then jumped down and laid down next to Naruto.. All three wolves keeping the injured wolf warm.. Rin then moved closer to kakashi and sighed
"I'm glad I have something other then a wolf to keep me sane"
"You've said that" kakashi whispered.. Asuma had fallen asleep pretty quickly..
"I have?"
"Yeah you have" Kakashi said smiling. The two then just watched the fire burn the wood..

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