Guardian of the wolves part: 12

Rin sighed... It was 5 days exactly till Christmas.. The one thing Rin didn't want her mother to be around for... Rin walked around on the porch... Everyone still asleep.. She then looked out to the valley and grabbed a pack...
"Might as well" Rin whispered packing a few things.. Mainly survival tools.. Rope. Knifes. That kind of stuff. Rin then wrote on a note that she would be gone and placed it down on kakashi's face.. It made her smile as she exited the house.... Riku and Naruto following her as she walked... Rin sighed... Naruto following close behind and Riku in the bag. His head popping out of the pocket as he whined
"What is it Riku?" Rin then heard wolves growl... Rin then smiled and opened her right eye
"Friends" she stated making the wolves lighten up, and follow her... Some wolves sniffing Naruto making the blonde coloured wolf jump around.. Naruto then ran ahead but stopped as the blonde wolf ran into a female. Rin smiled
"You found yourself a female Naruto. Must be good with the ladies huh?" Rin stated laughing. Rin then looked to the female wolf
"So your Sakura?" Rin asked crouching down. Naruto was jumping up and down up and down.
"Your lucky these wolves even let you near their food. We should tell kakashi and asuma huh naruto?" Rin said smiling, Naruto howled and nudged the female. Rin laughed as the femal bit Naruto's ear.
"Alright cool! You can come with us on our hike" Rin stated smiling as she pulled out her gun and growled
"Who the hell is there" Rin growled.... A lady soon came out.... She had black hair and red eyes... Rin lowered her gun
"You know kakashi?" The lady looked surprised
"Yes. I do. What's it to you?"
"He and asuma are back at my place"
"Asuma's alright?!" The lady shouted. Rin nodded
"But we'll have to wait a little bit"
"Okay" Kurenai whispered..
"Anymore of you from your world?"
"Yes.... Hinata?" The lady spoke softly as another oddly coloured wolf appeared from behind the lady's leg.
"Alright. Have you seen any others? I'm sorta In the middle of helping them and getting rid of my mother"
"No. We haven't seen any others"
"Alright. Is any of you injured or hungry?"
"Hinata... Sprained her ankle.... She can't walk properly" the lady stated. Rin nodded and came closer.. Taking her bag off her back and lifting Riku out
"Cheeky little wolf... Go play with Sakura and Naruto" Rin whispered Riku did as he was told making Rin smile
"Come here Hinata" Rin whispered softly as she took out a bandage... Hinata then sat down beside her and whined..
"Alright... This hurt?" Rin asked, the timid wolf looked scared as Rin looked at the pale bluish purple furred wolf with both eyes. Rin then closed her wolf eye and sighed
"Sorry must of been freaking you out. So that hurts yeah?" Hinata whined in response. "Alright" Rin then began wrapping Hinata's leg up... Securing it with a broken branch Naruto collected for her...
"Thanks Naruto" Rin muttered. Naruto sat next to Rin as she worked
"Can you understand them?"
"Oh sorry.. Must have been a little creepy with me talking to the wolves... And yeah...I can.. A little talent I have" Rin whispered "I'm Rin yukisashi by the way"
'That's the same name as-' the lady began to think as she sighed
"Yuuhi Kurenai" Rin nodded and smiled... As she put away her things and looked around
"Geez.. We should get Home before it starts to snow again, you guys can come too" Rin said sighing as she whistled. Naruto then ran to her and howled
"Good Naruto, Riku!" Rin called picking up the baby wolf and placing him back in her backpack as Kurenai watched as Rin put her pack up and sighed
"Come on"
"Won't we get lost?"
"No Way. I've explored every inch of this place. i know where everything is and all the wolf territories are" Rin stated as Sakura walked beside her
"So you know kakashi?" Kurenai asked. Rin smiled
"Yeah. Met him in town. Must of gotten lost or something, ironic that I ran into him. Usually don't meet anyone in town" Rin stated. "He and asuma are living with me. Just until they find away to get back to your world of course" Rin added. Naruto whined
"No Naruto you can't stay with me forever" Rin said to Naruto
"And don't scold him Sakura.. A wolf is meant to work together with their pack-mates. Not fight" Rin told the pale pink furred wolf. Kurenai smiled
"You like wolves?"
"I live with them" Rin stated smiling as she jumped over a fallen branch. Rin then looked up and opened her right eye.
"Careful. This place is were hunters are... Some hunt in the daytime" Rin whispered to the three wolves. Rin sighed as she pulled Kurenai down just as a gun was fired, Rin the got out her gun and growled
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!YOU TRYINT TO GET SOMEONE KILLED?!" She shouted rifle loaded and ready to fire, the gunman dropped his gun and stepped back "GET OFF MY LAND!" Rin yelled annoyed as she fired her rifle upwards. Sending warning shots to anyone else who wanted to hunt.
"Stupid hunters, think they can hunt on my land" Rin stated annoyed. Kurenai stared at her
"How the hell did you even get a gun?!" She shouted alarmed
"My dad taught me how to. Good for scaring off hunters" Rin stated snorting a little as she heard trucks start up and drive off.
"Idiots, I'm sure the others heard that"
"Well you are quite loud"
"Only when I'm protecting my friends" Rin stated as she heard someone scream.
"Okay we're close" Rin stated sighing as she spotted kakashi walking down
"You should wake me up next time!" He stated. As Sakura and Naruto ran to him. Rin laughed and walked up to him, Kurenai and Hinata close behind
"We'll be grateful you didn't come, might have been shot"
"Yeah, should of seen your mothers reaction.. She screamed as soon as she heard the gunshots"
"What a wuss" Rin stated sighing,
"Kurenai" kakashi stated as he sat up and smiled
"And Hinata and Sakura"
"So that's why two of them attacked me" kakashi muttered smiling as he patted sakura's head
"Glad to see you too Sakura" kakashi stated getting up..
"RIN YOU BRAT!" Rachel shouted stalking over and going to hit Rin over the head, kakashi grabbed Rachel's hand and growled, tightening his grip
"You dare hit her and I'll shot you" he growled.
"Let go of me!" Rachel shouted as kakashi let go and growled. Rin chuckled
"Stop that" she stated poking him in the stomach with the back of her rifle making him smirk
"Not until that little slut stops being a bitch towards my friend" kakashi stated sighing, Rin sighed looked forward..
"What happened to the wolf on the door?" Rin asked... Kakashi sighed
"Rachel uh.."
"Trashed it!" Rachel shouted. Kakashi growled and pushed the lady to the side Making her Land on the dirt. Kakashi then grabbed Rin's hand
"Come on" he muttered, the wolves up ahead and Kurenai close behind smiling cheekily as kakashi pulled on rin's hand..

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