Guardian of the wolves part: 11
Rin froze at the sound of a screeching voice.. It was like someone running their nails against a blackboard. A terrible noise, Rin looked up to see a blue eyed, brown haired scowling lady.. Rin rolled her open eye and let go of kakashi. She just sat there with an annoyed look...
"RIN! WHAT THE HELL IS A MAN DOING HERE?!?!!" The lady shouted. Rin the got up and sighed
"None of your business mother"
"That's Rachel to you wolf" the woman spat. Kakashi sighed and stood up
"I'll tell asuma we have company"
"Thanks" Rin whispered as kakashi went back inside. Rin glanced to her mother and sighed "what are you doing here Rachel?"
"Why to visit my daughter of course!" Rachel exclaimed. Rin sighed
"How's the city?"
"Better then this dump" Rachel stated. Pushing past Rin and walking inside. A man and and a girl probably at the age of 6 followed. Rin sighed and went in afterwards, closing the door behind her as she let out a shaky breath. Rachel then screamed again
"What in the world are wolves doing in this house?!?!" Rachel shouted keeping the girl close.. Rachel wore a long cream coloured dress that went to her feet.. A white fur scarf and a black beret on her head.. Her long brown hair out and a handbag handing from her left arm... Rin sighed. The man was wearing a tuxedo and the little girl wearing a frilly dress that had puffed up shoulders... Along with a pink best with fur around the collar. Rin could tell the girl was spoiled just by looking at her. Rin whistled making all five wolves come over and whined, Naruto hid behind rin's legs, kakashi and asuma in the kitchen observing.. Rin then slipping into the kitchen to join them; the wolves following her quickly.
"Sorry.. Thought she was coming later"
"Yeah and what an entrance" kakashi whispered Rin chuckled
"Yeah she always does that. Screaming is what I know about her most, screams about everything she doesn't like"
"You know who the guy and little girl is?" Asuma asked quietly. Rin sighed and shook her head
"No first time I've seen them" Rin whispered. Rachel then looked back to the three of them
"Rin! Come here! And bring your friends!" Rachel ordered. Rin looked to the two men who just sweatdropped
"I really don't feel like listening to her" kakashi whispered. Rin chuckled and pulled him with her
"She'll scream at you"
"Figured" he stated quietly as Rachel, the man and the little girl sat on the couch. Asuma and kakashi sitting on the fold up bed and Rin on the floor.
"First! Rin. I'd like you to meet my husband... Michael" Michael nodded making Rin sigh
"Pleasure" Rin stated sarcastically.. Rachel glared at her and sighed
"This is our daughter.. Crystal" Rachel stated softly.
"Hi! Can I have the doggie?" Crystal asked
"No sorry" Rin stated making the girl pout
"I want that doggie!!" She shouted. Rin groaned, getting up and making the wolves go outside. The little girl began to cry making Rin internally groan.. Rachel sighed
"Rin I really would have thought you would have been a little nicer to you step sister"
'She. Is no where near my sister. I may be related to you Rachel but I am in no way related to that spoilt brat' Rin thought sighing as she looked to her mother
"Sorry.nill try a little harder"
"And what is with that hideous Christmas decoration on the door? It's disgusting" Rachel stated making Rin cringe..kakashi sighed as he got up. Grabbed rin's arm and walked out. Dragging her with him.
"Kakashi-?" She tried to say as he brought her outside and sighed as he leant against the door
"You can't let her be so bitchy towards you Rin. She has no right to say those things to you in your face" kakashi stated arms crossed.. Rin sighed
"She can take this land away from me kakashi. She can take everything from me. I'm not 18 yet, I have to do what she says"
"She's not even around half the time Rin! Just kick her out. Or something" kakashi growled.. Not liking the situation, Rin sighed and leant against him.. Hugging him
"Look I know your concerned about me. But I've dealt with this for the past 3 years. I think I can deal with it now" kakashi sighed as he hugged her back
"Sorry if I snap"
"Why would you snap?" Rin asked... Kakashi sighed
"I'll try to keep myself from joining in the arguements"
"Thank you kakashi" Rin whispered hugging him as he sighed
"Yeah. No problem Rin" he whispered. Rin sighed at him as they went back inside, asuma watching closely. Kakashi then sat back down next to asuma who watched his friend..
"What was that about? You almost lost it"
"I know" Kakashi whispered as Rachel stated at him. Kakashi sighed and glanced at Rin who was sighing
"So how did you and he meet?" Rachel asked. Rin looked up at her
"You and that man I saw you with"
"None of your business" Rin stated
"Oh it is. If your dating him then I should be the first to know"
"We aren't dating. He's a friend" Rin stated glaring at her mother as Michael stood up
"Why are there even men here?" He asked.. Rin sighed
"Because I let them stay here. Is that so bad?"
"Taking people off the streets is wrong. I raised you better then that!" Rachel shouted as she stood up
"I'll be finding a room. And make sure my daughter gets what's she wants" Rachel stated, Rin sighed and got up walking outside, crystal ran up to kakashi and smiled widely
"Hi mister!"
"Hi" kakashi answered watching Rin walk out, Rin glanced at him and signalled him to get up. Kakashi looked to asuma,
"Come on" asuma whispered as the two men got up, kakashi ignoring the little girl Infront of him who pouted and began to cry
"Your mean!" She shouted, kakashi ignored her and groaned
"That voice is going to get annoying" asuma muttered
"I know" the two then went outside to see Rin sitting in the snow with the wolves
"You alright Rin?" Asuma asked. Rin looked up and nodded
"Yeah just a little overwhelmed is all" Kakashi nodded as he sat next to her
"Understandable. That kid's voice is so annoying"
"I know. It's like her mothers.... screechy"Rin whispered in agreement. Riku on kakashi's lap making him smile
"Which wolf does she want?"
"Geez" asuma muttered, Naruto whined and howled. Rin smiled
"Yeah she is freaky isn't she"
"I dot like any of them" asuma stated
"Yeah same here. Pack of weasels" kakashi muttered making the other two laugh.
"Your so right kakashi" Rin stated. The three then laughed at each other's words... Sitting in the snow with the wolves..
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