Chapter 14

Shadow burst through the roof, the metal panel from the air vent making a loud bang as it hit the ground, and the hedgehog tackled the Commander to the ground. The gun in his hand went off, lightly grazing (Y/N)'s arm as she flinched away.

She yelped, cowering as far away from the two as she could, her (e/c) eyes closed tightly as the dark hedgehog punched the human. The Commander's head slammed into the ground, but miraculously, he was still conscious as he raised the gun to the hedgehog's chest.

"You'll pay for this..." The human let out a growl, only able to keep one eye open; he was fighting unconsciousness.

"Over my dead body." Shadow growled back, before snatching the gun from his hand and hitting the butt of it into the Commander's neck.

The old human crumpled, letting out a struggled grunt as he fell, knocked out.

Shadow huffed, before standing and glancing around the room. Two guards stood there, guns trained on him. He only offered a smirk, before running at one and disarming him, firing the other in the leg.

The first soldier stumbled back, falling against the wall as the other yelled and fell to his knees, gripping onto his thigh. Neither dared to move as the hedgehog dropped the gun, walking over to the shaking (a/t).

He felt the anger in his stomach start to disappear as he looked over her shaking form. She was still alive. But he still frowned when he saw the bruises and wounds along her arms and legs, one of her eyes was black and swollen, and her wrists had rope burn.

She still didn't look, too terrified to move anymore. What was happening? What was that bang? Her mind reeled with endless possibilities.

Had Shadow really come to save her? But... Why?

"I'm sorry I took so long..." The hedgehog said slowly, still watching her. How does he deal with a terrified (a/t), especially one from the past?

She didn't respond, her ears twitching lightly in recognition.

He let out a sigh, before grabbing a small pocket knife and cutting her free. Once the rope fell to the ground, the hedgehog turned and walked to the door.

"We need to go, can you walk?" He asked, picking up a gun and aiming it at the first guard. He scrambled to his feet, opening the door for them.

(Y/N) didn't react, all she did was slowly move her head. Her (e/c) eyed were shining as she looked up at the hedgehog, relief swimming in her features. The hedgehog sighed, before walking back over to her and kneeling in front of her.

"(Y/N), I need you to focus. Can you walk?" He asked, holding her arm lightly. She flinched slightly, his gloved fingers brushing against the slight burn on her wrist; but she nodded.

"I think so." She finally mumbled and the hedgehog nodded.

"Only one way to find out, try standing." He took a step back, his ears twitching to the loud alarms that still blared. It was only a matter of time before they are cornered.

The (a/t) gave a curt nod, before gripping onto the arms of the cold metal chair, before pushing up and standing on her feet. She wobbled slightly, but kept her ground. Although she was standing, Shadow could see her body shaking; would she be fine, or fall over?

He huffed to himself, they didn't have time for this. Should he just grab her and run?

"We need to leave. Right now." He stated, gripping back onto her arm as the (a/t) wobbled again.

"N-No." She pulled her arm away, "I'm... I'm alright... I can do it myself..."

"(Y/N), we don't have time."

"I want to do this!" She shot him a glare, and the hedgehog stared at her. That was the first time she had snapped at him like that, the first time she had been mad at him.

Or was it?*

"Alright, fine. But come on." The hedgehog stepped out of the room, the sound of repetitive thuds came from around the corner.

Soldiers were on their way.

"(Y/N) now." He gave a low growl, he normally cut things close, but this was uncomfortable even for him.

"I-I know." She stated, the anger in her voice already gone. The (a/t) took a shaky step forward, before letting out a sigh and taking another. By the time she reached the door, her knees were visibly shaking and she buckled.

Shadow was by her side in an instant as the guards all ran around the corner. Guns were trained on the hedgehog's chest as he held (Y/N) protectively, letting out a growl. He won't let them hurt her anymore.

"Shadow..." The (a/t) mumbled quietly, her voice quivered against his ear, "I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, I'll get us out of here... Somehow." The hedgehog watched the guards as they all started forward, slow and cautious.

"The... The Commander..." She gripped onto him tightly, watching the people get closer.

"What about him?" The hedgehog asked, turning his red gaze on the (a/t) for a moment.

"He has... The Chaos Emerald..." (Y/N) glanced behind them, "In his jacket."

"And you're only telling me now?" The hedgehog slowly wrapped his arm under her, back to watching the gaining soldiers.

He'd have to time this right to make sure (Y/N) doesn't get hurt; he'd have to time it even better so that he doesn't as well. His next move was to grab the artefact from his quills and push it into the (a/t)'s hands.

"Hold this." He said, before he readied himself. One of the soldiers saw him move and tensed, coming to a stop. The others followed suit.

She took the artefact from him, hugging it close to her chest. The hedgehog watched the guards, it was like a game of snap. One move and they'd shoot. But it was a risk he was willing to take, especially if it meant getting (Y/N) out of there.

A beat of silence passed.

"Chaos Spear!" The hedgehog yelled, throwing a hand at the guards.

The soldiers all startled, falling back with the expectation that a spear of chaos energy was flying at them. Shadow chuckled to himself and took off back into the room the (a/t) had been held. Guns started blazing, pelting bullets into the walls around the two as Shadow held (Y/N) in front of him, his body her shield.

A few hit the hedgehog's back and side as he stumbled over the Commander, searching his pockets for the yellow emerald. Finally seeing it glowing lightly in a pocket, the hedgehog snatched it out and held it up.

"Chaos Control!" He yelled, and a white light enveloped them, making the two disappear.

*Tbh it's been a while and I can't remember, sorry about that

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