Ep4: A New Friend

Narrator POV

It was another day, and we saw Y/N and Isabella walking to school. While they were talking, Isabella asked.

Isabella: Hey little bro, are you sure you want to join Rias's peerage? You seem kinda nervous

Y/n: I'm sure besides I want to learn more about this Enerjak guy that Rias is talking about

Isabella: Are you really sure?

Y/n: Of course, I'm sure

Isabella: Alright dude, You do your thing, and I'll do mine

Y/n: By peeking on me while I'm changing?

Isabella: Hey, it's not always like that, and besides, I'm not a pervert all the time

Y/n: Of course you're not a pervert 'all the time'

Isabella: What do you mean, "all the time"?

???: AH!

They turn to the right and Y/n uses his hat to look away quickly because this girl fell over and her underwear was exposed and even her butt. Isabella on the other hand was looking at this girl butt like a pervert and Y/n rolled his eyes.

Y/n:*thought* Not a pervert all the time she said

Y/n jumps up a little bit to use his dreadlocks to fly over to the girl and reach a hand out to her.

Y/n: You ok miss?

She grab Y/n's hand and he help her up. He saw young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward. For her  attire consisted of a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip (where she holds her Bible), and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck.

???: Thank you kind boy

Then Y/n landed on his feet, and with a smile on his face, he said.

Y/n:*smile* No problem, I'm Y/n Hyoudou and this is my sister Isabella

Isabella: Sup

Asia:*smile* Its nice to meet you, I'm Asia Agrento and I'm kinda new to this city and also lost. And I was hoping if one of you may show me around

Y/n: Sure, we will gladly show you around the town

Isabella: Yeah

Asia:*smile* Thank you very much, you two are very nice

(A while later)

We saw Isabella, Y/n, and Asia walking around town, and Y/n and Isabella were showing Asia around when Y/n asked.

Y/n: So what brings you here?

Asia: Well, I'm here to be an assistant to someone in this town

Y/n: Ah, that's must be an important job

Isabella: So who is this person?

Asia: He works at a church somewhere here but I kinda forgot where it is

Y/n: That's alright, we are kind of forgetful sometimes. Like me, I kinda forgot my hat and I had to race back home to get it

Asia:*giggled* Yeah, you're right

Then they hear a child crying, and they turn to see that a boy had fallen off his bike and hurt his knee. They ran up and Asia said to the boy.

Asia: Don't worry I'll heal that up

Then she hovered her hands over the cut, and there was a green glow coming out of her hands. After a while, Isabella and Y/n were surprised that the cut was gone.

Little boy:*tears* Th-thank you miss

Asia:*smile* Don't worry there no need for tears

Y/n: Hey, I know to cheer you up

Y/n takes off his hat, revealing himself to be Rockruff, and he jumps off of Y/n's head and walks towards the boy and starts nuzzling him, making the boy laugh and have a smile on his face. Asia and Isabella also smiled after they cheered up the boy. They continued on, and Asia said.

Asia:*smile* That was impressive of how you cheer up that boy

Y/n: It's no problem. I just want to see everyone happy, and Rockruff always makes me happy.

Asia:*smile* Well, I'm happy for that

Y/n:*smile* Yeah me too

Then soon they stop and see a church at a hill and Isabella asked.

Isabella: Is that the church you talking about?

Asia: Yep that's it, thank you for showing me around you two

Y/n:*smile* No problem, Asia hope we see you soon

Asia:*smile* Alright goodbye Y/n and Isabella

They wave goodbye, and they go their separate ways. Y/n felt a weird presence, and he looked back at the church and saw someone at the window staring at Y/n. He found this creepy, but he turned forward and walked back to school with Isabella.

(At Kuoh Academy)

Y/n was walking through the halls of the school when he heard Yuuma calling for him. He turned and saw Yuuma with a box in her hands, running up to him. He ran up to her and Y/n hugged Yuuma.

Yuuma: How are you?

Y/n: I'm doing good

Then they let go of the hug.

Yuuma: That's good

Y/n:*smile* I'm glad you made it for school on time

Yuuma: I'm happy that you're ok. Hey, the reason why I was late is because of this

She held out a small box and opened it and Y/n smelt the food. It was delicious. Inside were some chicken breast, some sliced apples on the side, and some pasta at the bottom.

Y/n:*surprised* Wow that smells good Yuuma

Yuuma:*blush* I made this for you because I knew you like it

Y/n:*smile* I love it Yuuma, thanks

Yuuma:*blush* Y-your welcome

Y/n: But I can't eat this by myself, so you want to join?

Yuuma:*surprised* Are you sure?

Y/n:*smile* Sure, we are great friends after all

Yuuma:*smile* Yeah sure

They sat in the cafeteria together, eating their lunch together. They ate the food that Yuuma had eaten, and it was delicious, and Y/n loved it. Yuuma sees Y/n smiles and she blushes with a smile on her face.

Then Tsubaki came to them and sat at their table.

Tsubaki: Hi Y/n

Then Y/n looked at Tsubaki with a confused look on his face.

Y/n: Who are you?

Tsubaki: I'm Tsubaki Shinra and I'm a friend of Sona

Then Y/n looked at her with stars in his eyes.

Y/n: You are?

Tsubaki: Of course and she want you at her office right after lunch

Y/n: What's wrong?

Tsubaki: She just want to have a chat and get to know you more or something

Y/n: Alright thanks Tsubaki

Then she blushed a little, and she stood up and walked away.

Y/n: I guess I'll see you at Occult Club?

Yuuma: Alright, I'll see you then. I hope it's not trouble

Y/n: Don't worry, what ever it is I'll deal with it

Yuuma:*smile* Ok

Y/n smiles and they finish up their lunch and Y/n head to Sona's office.


Y/n was at Sona's office when he knocked on the door and Y/n called out.

Y/n: Miss Sona, I'm here. Can I come in

Sona: Yeah, come in

Y/n, open the door and come in.The place was nice with a fireplace and two chairs, and Y/n walked inside to see Sona at the fire bit, lighting it up, and turned to Y/n and smiled.

Sona:*smile* Hello Y/n, it's good to see you here

Y/n: Is there any problem Miss Sona?

Sona: No, I'm just want to talk about these fallen angles that you encounter before

Y/n: Alright

The two sat down across from them and Tsubaki came in with a tray and in it were tea and some cookies. She strolled it up and Y/N grabbed a cup and so did Sona.

Sona: Than you Tsubaki*turn to Y/n* So tell me about that fallen angel that you have been hanging?

Y/n: Well, Raynare say that she want to protect me after I got turn into a devil

Sona: Any reason why?

Y/n: Because I was hanging out with her before I know her real name

Sona: That is strange, it's impossible to have fallen angel to act like this.....unless

Y/n: Unless what?

Sona: You see, Rias told me about these stories, and I wonder why that fallen angel wanted you dead. I've sent out my team to investigate, and one team encountered a dying fallen angel by the name of Dohnaseek. He ran away from them because these men, named Caesar and Zero, were worshipping a demon named Seelkadoom

Y/n: Who's that?

Sona: We believe that he's the leader of an called Chaos Enforcers and the most powerful one of his kind

Y/n: So why Raynare is just worshipping this Seelkadoom guy?

Sona: I don't know but that's why you must be careful, who knows what their next plan will be just to take you out

Y/n: Ok, I understand

Y/n sipped his tea and so did Sona, and she asked.

Sona: So how have your days been in Kuoh Academy?

Y/n: It has been great Sona, everyone is very kind and even though there are demons in this town. I'll do everything to protect this school and everyone

Sona: I'm glad for that because I have some girls in my life who can't stop talking about you

Y/n:*smile* Yeah, I kinda get that a lot with other girls around this school

Sona:*smile* But I'm glad that you're enjoying it. If you need any help, you'll come to me

Y/n:*smile* Ok Sona

Y/n finished his tea and he stood up and headed to the door.

Y/n:*smile* I have a great chat, maybe we do this next time

Sona:*smile* Same here, see you around Y/n

Y/n, open the door and close it behind him. Once Y/n left, Tsubaki came to the room and said.

Tsubaki: He seems a very nice kid

Sona: Yeah and........kinda adorable as well

Tsubaki looks at Sona and realizes what she said. She blushes a little as Tsubasa smiles and gets the empty cups into a tray and takes them to get clean.


Y/n was in the Occult club and Rias told everyone about today's mission.

Rias: Ok, we have reports of a betrayed familiar at the abandoned building near the forest

Y/n: A betrayed familiar?

Akeno: There are monsters that betray their master in order to do whatever they want. They must be destroyed in order to keep people safe

Rias: However, I've got a word that there is an fallen angels at the junkyard so I decided to split up into teams. Y/n and Raynare will go after the fallen angels while the rest of us will deal with the familiar

Isabella: Good luck, little bro

Y/n: You too sis and be safe

Kiba: Don't worry, we do this a lot so I'm sure we can deal with it

Koneko: It will be a piece of cake

Akeno: Just be safe ok Y/n

Y/n:*smile* Sure, you'll count on us

Isabella: Before you go

Then Isabella threw Y/n's hat at him and he caught it, put it on, and gave her a thumbs up.

Rias: Alright let's go

(At the junkyard)

Y/n and Raynare arrived at the junkyard, and they slowly walked inside and looked around for any fallen angels in the area.

Raynare: Ew, this place smells terrible

Y/n: I know but we to find these fallen angels

Raynare: Right, you see anything Y/n?

Y/n: Not one movement at all. I can't hear anything

Raynare: Could it be flying above us

Y/n: I hope not

Soon they arrived at the middle of the junkyard, and they looked around and didn't see any fallen angels.

Y/n: Where is these fallen angels?

Raynare: Don't you think it's a trap?

Y/n:*anxious* I don't but let's turn back and...

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared below Raynare and a huge magic circle appeared around her, trapping her. All escaped for Y/n as he turned and pushed her out of the magic circle.

Y/n: You ok?

Raynare: Yeah, I'm fine, but what's going on?

Zero: I'll tell you what's going on, traitor

They look up and see Zero and Caesar there and beside them was three fallen angels, a girl with blonde hair styled into twintails and blue eyes wearing a gothic lolita attire, which consisted of a black Lolita dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair.

Next to her was a tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye. Her attire consisted of a maroon, trenchcoat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. The trenchcoat top was open at her chest, giving view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wore a gold necklace around her neck. She appears to wear a white shirt underneath her top, but it can only be seen from the bottom.

Raynare: Zero, Caesar! Why are the fallen angels with you?

Caesar: I guess I must explain why. Why did I want to kill Enerjak? Or why did I send you out to kill him? Well, because Enerjak and all the gods are weak and fools. We fallen angels were just blinded by them. Now we've opened our eyes and see that Lord Seelkadoom is our true god and we must worship him as our true god!

Raynare:*anger* So that's you sent me to hurt Y/n

Zero: Exactly, because you were too blinded and must be destroyed so Seelkadoom will rise and take over the world

Y/n then went in front of Raynare with his arms out.

Y/n: I'm not gonna let that happen

Caesar: You're no Enerjak, you're just an echidna who just weak and scared that doesn't belong to world

This causes Y/n to feel anxious but Raynare walk in front of him.

Raynare: You don't have to fight just stand back

Zero: Mittelt, Kalawarner, go take care of the traitor, and me and my brother will take care of this faker

Then Zero cracks his knuckles while Caesar is walking towards him with an evil smile on his face.

Zero: Ready brother?

Caesar: Of course

Then Raynare got into her fighting stance while Y/n is still feeling anxious.

(Raynare and Y/n vs Zero, Caesar, Kalawarner, and Mittelt)

Then Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt jumped in the air with clashes of their weapons while Y/n looked at Zero and Caesar while they had light arrows in their hands.


Then they both threw the light arrows at Y/n, but he dodged them and started running away while Zero and Caesar grew black bird wings and flew up in the air to chase him. While Y/n was getting chased, Mittelt was about to strike Raynare, but she blocked it and Kalawarner kicked Raynare down to the ground, where they landed on the ground while Raynare got back up.

Kalawarner: Just pathetic, you can't take on us

Mittelt: You just could've kill that echidna

Raynare: You don't understand this echidna. He's nice, caring, and funny

Kalawarner: So what?

Raynare: And he's also cute and doesn't give up on anyone who is upset. He'll give you a smile on your face

Mittelt: I don't believe you traitor and when we done with you, we'll go after him

Then Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Raynare charged at each other, making a clash. Meanwhile, with Y/n, he's still getting chased by Zero and Caesar, then he sees two light arrows and dodges them.



Then Y/n took a hard left on a corner, but there was no avail. Then Y/n took out his gloves and had an idea. He then put them on and jumped up and punched through the total car and started climbing as fast as he could.

Y/n:*thought* I wish I was at home

Then, out of nowhere, he bumped into a pile of cars, causing him to fall down and feel a sharp pain in his back.


Then he tried to get up and someone put one foot on his back, revealing that it was Zero who was stepping on him while Caesar was getting ready to shoot a light arrow at him.

Caesar: Any last word?

Y/n: Look up

Then Caesar looked up and saw Raynare in the air and kicking his head, causing him to fall down and Zero to run towards him.

(Raynare wins)

Then Raynare ran towards Y/n and set him up.

Raynare: Are you ok?

Then Y/n was getting up slowly while he was putting his hat back on.

Y/n: I'm fine, what happened to the other two?

Raynare: They were thinking about what they done

They then returned their gaze to Zero and Caesar, but before they attacked, bullets flew past Zero and Caesar to Y/n and Raynare, but they evaded the bullets.

Y/n: What the?

???:*laughter* So much fun, you're fast than I thought you were Enerjak

Then they looked back to see a man with short white hair and red eyes. As a priest, he was dressed in clerical clothing and often had a disturbing smile on his face with a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand.

Zero: Freed, I thought I told you to keep an eye on our rookie?

Freed: Yeah, I know but she'll be fine after all I've been dying to kill this bitch

Freed then charges over and swings his sword back, but Raynare blocks it and they clash weapons. Soon, they entered a weapon lock and Raynare asked.

Raynare: Why working with the Chaos Enforces? They are evil?

Freed: Hey at first, I refused because how stupid people like me would join some stupid cult like that. But they told me a secret that changed my mind and now I'm serving Seelkadoom now

Raynare: What secret?

Freed: Something that you'll never know

Freed then kicked Raynare and shot her many times in the chest and Raynare fell on the ground. She then looks up and was met with a kick by Freed and Raynare rolled onto the ground and she cough out blood and got into her hands and knees and look up to see Freed standing over her.

Freed: Any last words fucker?

Raynare: You're.....making a huge mistake Freed. The Chaos Enforces will betray you and rule the world without you

Freed: That kinda shitty last words, oh well time to die!

Y/n: NO!

Then Y/n jumped up in the air and was about to punch Freed, but he hit Y/n with the butt of his sword, causing him to fall to the ground and Freed pointed the sword at Y/n.



Everyone turned and Y/n was shocked to see Asia there as she ran up to Freed.

Y/n: Asia?

Caesar: Asia, what are you doing here? I thought you were surrounded the place with a magic shield?

Asia: But why is Y/n getting punished? He's my friend

Zero: He is a threat to the Chaos Enforcers and to Seelkadoom. He must be destroyed

Asia: What?

Freed: You see this little bitch is actually a god but we don't need him so he must be destroyed so Seelkadoom will become god

Y/n: Asia doesn't listen to them. Seelkadoom and the Chaos Enforcers are evil and they just want to destroy humanity. They just trick the fallen angels just so they can kill me and.....

Then Freed steps on Y/n's back causing him to scream and cough up blood.

Asia: Y/N!


Then Asia got in front of Freed and pushed him back. Freed was surprised, as Asia said.

Asia: This wrong and we must not do this. Y/n is a nice boy and I cares about everything and wants to keep them safe. If he is a god then we must treat him with respect!

There was silence as Zero stared at Asia and then said.

Zero: You're nothing like the rest. Goodbye

Then Zero summon an holy spear and launch it at Asia. Then Y/n heard someone say to him.

???: Full Heat

Then Y/n stood up and got in front of her and there was an explosion and smoke filled the air as Raynare got up and turned the corner where Y/n and Asia were standing.

Raynare: Y/N! Y/N!

There was silence as Raynare look down and thought Y/n have died.

Zero: At least this is the end of their...

Then Zero and Caesar's eyes were wide open in shock and everyone turned to see that the smoke had cleared up and Asia was fine. When Asia looked up, she was shocked to see Y/n in front of her with his fists together with a red flaming aura surrounding him, while his changed to red with small purple orbs surrounding him as well.

Caesar: WHAT!?

Raynare: Y/n is still alive but with a new ability?

Asia was surprised that Y/n protected her, but Asia said.

Asia: Y/n, I'm...

Y/n: Don't worry, Asia, I don't blame you for this. You didn't know to watch me fight to save your smile

Y/n then took off his hat and started to walk over towards Frees and fallen angels.

Freed: Ooh that's good looking power up ya got there. Too bad I'm gonna fucking destroy it

(Y/n vs Freed and the Fallen Angels)

Freed and the fallen angels charge at Y/n and they strike at him, but he didn't get damage as Y/n swung his fist and the three got punched. Freed and the Fallen Angels stumbled back and Freed charged in and tried to strike at Y/n once more, but Y/n blocked his blade and they clashed with swords and fists together.

The fallen angels charged into the fight and Y/n punched Freed back and turned and punched his fist into the three fallen angel's stomach and then turned into dust. Now Y/n turned to Freed and Freed fired his pistol at Y/n but his bullets bounced off of Y/n's flaming shield as he walked towards Freed and he grabbed his pistol and twisted it upwards.

Freed was surprised and then Y/n grabbed Freed by the shirt and threw him towards Zero and Caesar as Freed rolled on the ground and Y/n turned to them and said.

Y/n: Leave now Zero because no matter what, I'm still around and I'll keep this town safe even if I sacrifice myself just to save people smiles

Freed stood up and was about to charge at Y/n once more, but Zero stopped him and said.

Zero: There's no point, let us retreat for now but we be back


Caesar: Do you want to taste Lord Seelkadoom's power?

Freed: I guess not

Zero: Then let's go

A magic appeared below them and they disappeared. Y/n dispersed the full heat.

(Y/n wins)

Raynare then ran up, picked him up, and hugged him.

Raynare: I was worried that you're dead

Y/n: I'm sorry if I worried you

Then Raynare puts him down and turns to see Asia was about to leave, but Y/n calls out to her and she turns and Y/N runs up to her and says.

Y/n:*smile* Asia, thank you for saving me and making the right choice

Asia: You're welcome but I don't what to do now

Y/n: You'll be better if you join Rias Gremory household. It's safe and there is nice people there, what do you say?

Asia: Are you sure! I've heard that she's a demon including that girl

Y/n: True but they're not evil, they're actually nice people that you'll be safe there. So what do you say?

Y/n lifted out a hand and Asia thought about it, then grabbed Y/n's and said.

Asia:*smile* If you say their nice then I'll join you

Y/n smiled and included Raynare as they head back to the house of Gremory to have Asia turn into a devil.


We see Y/n at the Occult club house with Rias there and Rias said.

Rias: So it is true

Y/n: Yeah, now three fallen angels are now working for Seelkadoom

Rias: I see, we must make sure that Seelkadoom and his army won't destroy this world and drive the angels and devils into another war

Y/n: Yeah, I'm glad Asia is now a devil now and she is safe

Rias: Yeah, I should apologize for not being there soon or whether sent you there in the first place. It's my fault that you're injuried

Y/n:*smile* I don't blame you Rias. You're a smart girl, and it's OK to make mistakes because that's what we are. We may be devils, angels, or fallen angels, but we are people and we have what everyone else has. We make mistakes or we do something stupid, but that's alright as long as we make things right

Rias:*smile* Yeah, you're right

Rias walk over to Y/n and bend down to Y/n.

Rias:*smile* You're such a nice boy and I wish there was more people like you in the world

Y/n:*smile* Thanks Rias, I kinda get that a lot from...

Then Rias kiss Y/n on the forehead and Y/n blush a little and Rias see that blush and giggled.

Rias:*smile* You're cute when you blushing. But let's not make the new one get jealous

Y/n:*blush* Huh?

When Y/n turns around, Asia is also blushing because she saw it.

Y/n:*surprised* Asia, I didn't know you were....

Asia:*blush* No it's my fault. I shouldn't have stumbled here and seen that. D-dear lord please forgive my sin of...

Then Asia felt a sharp pain in her head and bent down. Y/n came up to Asia to help her.

Y/n: Asia, you ok?

Asia: Yeah, it felt like my head was being stabbed through by needles

Rias: You shouldn't pray while you're a devil. That's against the rules

Asia: Yeah, but I'm glad I'm here and I'll spend more time with you, Y/n

Y/n:*smile* Yeah me too

Then Isabella and everyone came into the room, and then Akeno and Raynare came in with a tray of drinks and food on it.

Akeno:*smile* Have the food you want everyone

Raynare:*smile* There's plenty for everyone to enjoy

Everyone grabs some drinks and some food as they have a small party as Isabella and Y/n stand near the window and Isabella.

Isabella:*smile* This is a kickass party

Y/n:*smile* Yeah

Isabella raised her drink to Y/n and he smiled, and they tapped the drinks together, and they enjoyed the rest of the party. But little did they know, there was a small phoenix bird standing on top of a tree branch watching the party.

(Unknown location)

We saw a mysterious man watching the party going on through his phoenix eye and smirked and said.

???2:*smirk* Soon, I'll have you as my bride Rias and soon we'll be the most powerful demons in the underworld.....forever

See ya in the next chapter


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