
Time - 1660 ---

Kongpob's Pov---------

Arthit and I followed his parents to the house we were going to for a small get-together. Currently, Arthit was holding the apple pie I had made and he was practically salivating over it.

"Arthit, that pie must remain intact till we get there"

I teased him. He looked over at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"You know Kong, maybe I should taste test this. Just to make sure you have put enough sugar is in it"

He gave me a not so innocent smile.

"As sweet as your intentions are, I am sure that the pie is fine"

I shook my head trying to hide my smile. Arthit stumble slightly but steadied himself prety fast, He almost dropped the pie in the process.

"You drop that pie on purpose, Arthit Perawat Rojnapat, and that will be the last pie I make for you"

I threatened.

And... Arthit paused, I can see him calculating in his mind. He pouted slightly then turned to me.

"How did you know my middle name ??"

His question made me realise my mistake.

"I have my ways"

I said simply keeping my answer vague.

"I do not know yours"

Arthit pouted and I just shrugged and looked away, enjoying playing with him a bit. Arthit pretended to fumble with the pie.


I scolded as he smirked. His Mother turned around to us.

"If you can not handle the pie, I can take it "

She raised an amused eyebrow.

"I can handle it. Besides I do not trust you with the pie. You enjoy Kong's pies just as much as I do"

Arthit got defensive.

"Well, it would be a shame if the pie hit the ground"

Mrs. Rojnapat said as she and Arthit exchanged a smirk with one another.

We were approaching another large house, there were a few people still outside. A few girls around our age spotted us and started squealing and practically jumping up and down while waving. A few were shouting Arthit's nick name. It was like we are at one of my concert or something like it, the only difference is that Arthit is the main attraction here. I started to feel a little jealous but was instantly relieved when Arthit groaned beside me.

"Should I be calling you, Oon too ??"

I teased knowing full well he gets irritated when Bright called him that.

"Please, do not"

Arthit begged me with his eyes with a pained look in his eyes.

"You seem to be quite popular, Arthit"

Arthit grimaced. I took my other hand and move it to the crook of his elbow and gave it a light squeeze. Arthit gave me a small smile as we come to a stop at a gate.

Before we could say anything, a group of girls came over. Nearly all of them had their hair the same way and were wearing similar pink dresses. However, I did notice one red head girl who was wearing a dark color dress, she seems different from others.


Arthit nodded his head to them politely, but he didn't single any girl out.

"Oon, we were wondering who you were taking to the picnic next Saturday ??"

The girl in front of him batted her eyelashes blatantly and the other girls were doing various things behind her. Like twirling their hair, smoothing their dresses, sticking out their chests.This remind me of girls, fangirling over me, in my time and I found it all to be too funny to be jealous anymore.

"Well, ladies, I am going with a friend of mine this time. Mr. Kongpob Suthiluck. Here he is...."

Arthit smiled warmly at me. I saw most of the girls scowl at me.

"Is he a cousin of yours ??"

A girl in the back piped up.

"No, He is a son of a close friend of my mother's. He has come to stay with us since his parents have passed away"

I could see a few girls had the decency to look sympathetic. A few others, especially the one in front, gave me hard cold stares.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Suthiluck"

The redhead girl spoke from the back.

"I am Millie, this is Violet, Jennifer, Sandra and Jessica"

"Nice to meet you everyone. Please, call me Kongpob"

I smiled as I speak softly.

Mr. Rojnapat called for Arthit in the background.

"Ladies, Excuse me for a minute, Kong I will be right back... "

Arthit handed me the pie and then walked towards his father.

"Be back soon... "

As I gave him a brief look, I balanced the pie in one hand. When I turned back, I found a young boy walking towards me with a polite smile on his face.

"Hello Mr. Suthiluck, I am Thomas Pattinson. I work with Mr. Rojnapat, at his firm"

"Hello Thomas, Nice to meet you "

We shook our hands and then I followed him out back to where there were small tables set up. I placed the pie on a table with other baked goods. Mrs. Rojnapat introduced me briefly before I sat at the table and Thomas joined me.

"Is this a colour theme party, where everyone is supposed to wear same colour clothes, specially the girls ??"

I joked to Thomas, he seemed to have a good sense of humor.

"Well No.... They dress like that all the time. Certain colors on certain days, it is supposed to mean that they are the elite of the elites"

He rolled his eyes.

"They always dress the same ?? They think that is a symbol of their status ??"

I whispered disbelievingly.

"Yes, they are girls who have had everything handed to them, And They look down on girls like Millie"

Thomas frowned.

"Why would they look down on her ?? she seems pretty good girl to me, Humble and polite"

I asked.

"She is Jessica's cousin, that girl who was talking to Arthit earlier. Her parents took Millie in when she was five, after her parents died. From then on, she was always looked upon as a charity case. Jessica sees her as a burden on her family and does not let Millie forget it"

Thomas sighed, looking down at his folded hands.

"That's horrible that she treats her like that, especially since Millie is her family"

I muttered, glancing at the said girl who was giving me a death stare.

"What is her problem ?? Have I done something to offend her ??"

I whispered.

"Her problem is the same as most of the girls in the area. You have captured the attention of a certain Arthit Rojnapat"

Thomas laughed.

"Jessica has believed since the dawn of time that they belonged together. She is a daughter of a big landlord and Arthit will be following in his father's footsteps soon"

Thomas rolled his eyes.

"She wants Arthit just because he is supposed to become his father's firm's owner and is supposed to be one day rich. That is horrible. Arthit deserves better than that"

I hissed, taking a sip of my tea. Thomas smirked as he sipped his tea as well.

"I wouldn't bother getting upset over it. It was quite obvious that Arthit was looking at you like he is already in love"

He teased and I blushed.

"Its still not very common.... But I have seen two or three same sex marriages happening around here in last few years. So.... Is Arthit officially courting you ??"

His eyes widen in excitement. I shook my head. At least I didn't think Arthit had. Was that what all the notes and small gifts were ??

"We have gone for walks and all that but....He has not said anything to me"

I informed Thomas.

"Arthit rarely talks. Trust me, he is definitely interested in you. It took me about a month for taking Millie for walks and such, before I confess to her"

He replied with a goofy smile on his face.

"You are dating Millie ??"

I asked him slyly. His cheeks turned as red as Millie's hair.

"She is a very special girl. I wants to marry her. I am saving up money to buy us a house. We are hoping to get married next spring"

He told me.

"That is wonderful"

I told him. He played with his cup before he put it down. He peeked at me.

"Something tells me that my wedding will not be the only one in the next year"

Thomas teased.

"Who else ??"

I looked around.

"I do not know, but I would not be surprised in the least if a certain hazel eyed boy gets down on one knee before a certain chocolate eyed ones"

I smiled sadly.

Even if he was right, Arthit wouldn't be here next spring.

"Even if you are right, I don't think it's happening anytime soon. Arthit dosen't want to marry so young, he plans on study more before bearing the responsibility of providing for the family"

"What does age and studies have to do anything with marriage, he can do whatever he wants to, even after getting married. You look the same age as him... Right ?? so you both can provide for your families. When you meet the right person for you, why wait for marriage ??"

I thought over his words. Thomas had a point, if you knew you were going to marry someone did it really matter if it was at the age of twenty or thirty ?? Would Arthit want to marry me in this time ?? If somehow we did, what did that mean in the future ?? Would we technically still be married ??

A while later, when we were leaving, Jessica and her mother, Mrs. Sutton, were saying good-bye to us at the gate.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Suthiluck. The pie you made was simply delightful."

The older version of Jessica looked down at me for being a man and still like cooking and baking. For some reason her tone seemed less than sincere.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sutton. You have a lovely home"

I told her.

"You made the pie, Konpop !! You cook ??"

Jessica smirked at me. I didn't miss her purposely messing up my name.

"Yes, Kongpob makes wonderful pies. Me and Arthit adore his pies. Come, Kongpob, we must be going. We will see you ladies later"

Mrs. Rojnapat took my elbow to guide me away.

When we were out of hearing distance, Mrs. Rojnapat spoke.

"I do hope you were able to have a good time. I was worried you would get bored after Arthit had to leave with his father for some work."

"Its perfectly fine, I had fun. Thomas seems like someone who can be a good friend. But those girls, well..."

I trailed off trying to find the proper wording so I did not offended.

".....Are spoiled and self-righteous."

Mrs. Rojnapat smirked.

"I am sorry if they treated you poorly. I guess I should not be surprised after watching how they treated Millie"

She sighed as we walked on the cobblestone path.

We were silent for awhile as we kept walking, getting closer to the house before she spoke again.

"Let me offer a bit of advice. Your worth dosen't count with your status and money.... At least not for me and Arthit.... He is completely different from his father. Let him show you his real self.... "

"I will keep that in mind"

I replied, impressed with her way of thinking and putting it out in words too.

The afternoon faded away as we stepped into the house. I offered to work with Mrs. Rojnapat preparing the evening meal, since it was Maria's day off.

Before I knew it, another week has gone by and we were in the park again. Many other families were there as well. The morning had gone by quickly, while we watched the children games, three legged races, potatoes sack races and egg tosses.

There were other events too, like baking and knitting competitions. At Mrs. Rojnapat's urging, Maria entered my own pie. Surprisingly enough, I won with a cherry pie. Although, that was not the highlight of the competition, Jessica had entered her own pie. She had been batting her eyelashes at Arthit saying how he must try her pie. The judges, upon tasting her pie, spat it out. Jessica was so mortified that she ran off.

Arthit and I were walking towards the blankets for lunch, afterwards would be the baseball game. Arthit was carrying the cherry pie, smiling happily.

"You know this is the first time I have ever participated and won any baking compitition ??"

I mused.

"Well, I told you, your pies were the best in the city. It is a shame I had to share it though."

Arthit grinned at me.

"You still have to share it with the rest of us."

I looked up at him as he pouted.

"Look on the bright side. At least, you do not have to eat Jessica's pie. Although, I am sure you can have that pie to yourself if you wanted"

I teased as Arthit shuddered.

"I would pass if I were you. Seems my cousin mixed up her sugar and her salt"

A voice from behind us spoke up. I turned to see Millie and Thomas walking behind us.

"How did she do that ??"

I inquired.

"Seems the labels got switched."

Millie shrugged, but had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What a shame ??"

I bit back my laughter. I could see Arthit's mouth twitched as well.

"Kongpob, Congratulations for winning the baking compitition"

Thomas said with a smile.

"Thank you Thomas"

I replied kindly.

He noticed Arthit eyeing him carefully.

"Arthit, how are you, today ??"

"I am well, Thomas. Are you playing today ??"

Arthit answered politely.

"Well, I am going to try. I have never been much for sports."

Thomas chuckled nervously. Millie hugged his arm a bit.

"You will be fine. Just make sure you are on Arthit's team, he always seems to have the luck"

Millie told him enthusiastically.

"I will see you on the field later, then. Excuse us, Kongpob and I must get back to my parents"

Arthit politely excused and steered us to his parents' blanket. Arthit's face was slightly tense.

"Millie and Thomas make a nice couple. He is so excited to be getting married next spring to her"

I brought up and saw the relief flood Arthit's face.

"They are ?? I have not heard "

Arthit was smiling now.

"I am not sure if it is public knowledge yet. He told me last week at the get-together"

I answered back. I hoped I hadn't talked out of turn. Maybe there was a reason it wasn't public knowledge.

We came to a stop at a shaded area where we had our blanket set up. His parents were already there. Spread out on the blanket was cheese, bread, cold fried chicken, and fruit. Arthit set the pie down and we both proceeded to fill our plates. Arthit and his father also finished off the cherry pie I had made. After our meal, We left our basket under a tree, it reminded me of the difference of my time, where it would be a risk leaving your things unattended.

"Are you sure, you don't want to play Kongpob ??"

Mrs. Rojnapat asked.

"Yeah I am preety sure, I have never been good at sports"

I replied, in reality I was afraid of making a mistake in the game because I was used to play with so many advance rules then this era, in my time. I feel it's better if I only watch the game for the first time. I will play, if there is a chance of playing next time.

"Where should we sit, To watch the game?? "

Mrs. Rojnapat said indicating to some bleachers on the right side of the field.

"First row will be fine"

I answered. We took our seats on the smooth wooden bench and I automatically scanned the field for Arthit. He was not too far away warming up. He spotted me and gave me a lopsided grin and a wave. I waved back to him.

"Good, both of them are on the same team this year. So there will be no fighting later that the other cheated"

Mrs. Rojnapat looked relieved.

"Mrs. Masen, Mr. Suthiluck, what a pleasant surprise"

I tried not to groan as Professor William stepped in front of us, blocking our view of the field. I could see Arthit frown at the sight and started heading towards us.

"I do not see why, we are here every year"

I heard the irritation in Mrs. Rojnapat's voice.

"Yes, well...Mr. Suthiluck, care to join me for a walk ??"

He cleared his throat and looked at me. He was already sweating and his once white shirt with tinged yellow around the collar. He smelled like he could use a bath as well.

"No, thank you. I have been looking forward to seeing Arthit play"

I answered him.

"Oh... well...I think I will join you"

Professor William sat next to me on the bench. Although, he placed a decent amount of space between us, he still felt much too close. He took his hat off and nervously ran a hand through his thinning hair. I tried to avoid looking at him and focused on Arthit who was still headed towards us, he was within hearing distance now.

"Mr. Suthiluck, I have been meaning to ask you if you could join me to the celebration for young Arthit"

He sputtered out, actually spitting a bit on me.

"I am sorry, but..."

I started to say...

"Mr. Suthiluck has already accepted to go with me"

Arthit spoke up, his voice was hard and cold. I looked up to see that Arthit appeared to be murderous. The first time I had seen that look on his face was when he talked about Lilly, My kidnapper.

"I see"

Professor William turned red. I sensed something had to be done about the situation fast. It seemed that Mrs. Rojnapat agreed with me.

"Arthit, dear, they are waiting for you"

She told him. Arthit broke his glower and looked towards his mother, his expression softened as he turned to leave.


I called, he turned to me.

"Good luck and have fun"

I smiled at him.

It didn't take long for Arthit to get into the game. Soon his face was full of enjoyment. Watching Arthit play briefly reminded me of the game we were going to play before my accident.

Arthit was definitely one of the best on his team. He was definitely the fastest runner.

It was the ninth inning with bases loaded and Arthit was on first. The batter hit the ball and Arthit took off running. He tried to make it home and had to slide, colliding with the catcher. I cringed when I saw Arthit get knocked in the head.

"Oh, I hope he is okay"

I gripped Mrs. Rojnapat's arm. She looked worried too. Both of us let out a sigh of relief, when Arthit stood. He was safe and he headed back to his team's bench. Right after that, the next batter struck out, Arthit's team had won. I was the first to my feet and made my way to Arthit. He had just finished shaking a teammates hand when he turned to me.

"Are you alright ??"

I asked, looking him over. I was so used to be, with a rock solid Arthit, who could never be hurt with anything like a human.

"I am fine, Kongpob. No harm done."

Arthit chuckled. My eye narrowed in on his head where there was a dirty cut and bump. Luckily, there was only a little dried blood.

"No, you are not. You have been hurt. Come here"

Without even thinking, I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to a nearby fountain. I wet a handkerchief and started to clean the cut. I didn't realize how close I was standing to Arthit until he cleared his throat.

"I can take care of the rest"

He said softly taking the cloth from me gently. It was then I noticed our chests were practically touching, was it too forward of me in this time ?? Heat radiated off him and he looked sweaty. Yet the smell was still pleasant to me. I took a step back turning bright red myself.

"I am sorry"

I mumbled, looking at my feet.

"There is nothing to apologize for. Thank you for helping me"

Arthit's eyes were gentle but his face was pink.

"I may owe you an apology, though. I hope you do not feel obligated to go with me to my celebration, because I told my professor that you would"

Arthit looked guilty.

"I do not feel obligated to, I would be happy to go with you. Unless, you feel obligated to take me ??"

I answered fast then backtracked.

"I would be honored to take you"

Arthit smiled shyly as he folded the handkerchief and placed it in his pocket.

"Fair warning though, you may want to change your mind. I do not know how to dance"

I told him reluctantly. That had been the main reason..... I am a Rockstar, who perform on stage but I have always been struggling with dance moves. But right now I am living with the Rojnapat's, I don't think skipping is an option.

"I will teach you"

Arthit offered. I glanced away from his heated stare to the ball field. Realizing Arthit teaching me to dance would be a good excuse to be held by him.

"You played very well"

I complimented.

"Thank you, it would have been great if joined me too"

Arthit answered back as things became slightly awkward.

"You look like you could use something to drink. Would you like me to get you something ??" I asked looking around for a lemonade stand I had seen earlier.

"I have a better idea. Will you allow me to get you another ice cream cone ??"

Arthit asked. I nodded so Arthit started to steer us in the right direction.

We came to his parents first.

"We will meet you two back at home. Do not be long"

Arthit's father told us. We agreed.

After we quickly got our ice cream, we started walking back in the direction of the house. Before we could leave the park, three boys stepped in our path bringing us to a dead stop. The one in front was about the same height as Arthit, his hair was blonde and he had blue eyes. To his left was a boy who was also blonde, but with brown eyes. This boy was a few inches shorter than the first guy. The third guy was shorter than me, plump and he had dark hair and dark beady eyes. I didn't care for how he was looking at me. I unconsciously took a half- step closer to Arthit. Arthit stood tense besides me, trying to cover me, using his body as a shield.

"Arthit, we never see you anymore now that you are no longer at school. Do not be rude, introduce us to your friend ??"

The one in the front addressed Arthit.

"Mr. Suthiluck, this is Mr. Jason Sutton, Mr. Henry Butler and Mr. Benny Clann. Boys, this is Mr. Suthiluck"

Arthit made the introduction gruffly. I nodded my head and tipped my hat, to each as they lifted their respective hats.

"Is he mute ??"

The one named Jason asked, staring at me in a way that made me want to shudder.

"Mr. Suthiluck can speak perfectly well. He is quite intelligent, in fact. Perhaps, it is just the company."

Arthit said through gritted teeth. I had a feeling I needed to get him out of here fast. I knew vampire Arthit tended to have a hot head. I wasn't too sure about this one. I touched his sleeve, he only half turned his head to me.

"Arthit, I do not want to be rude, but your mother is expecting us"

I told him softly, giving us an excuse to be on our way. He nodded his head.

"Excuse us, my friend is right. We need to be on our way"

Arthit offered me his palm and I grabbed a hold.

"One moment, Mr. Suthiluck. Will you accompany me to the celebration for Arthit's graduation ??"

Mr. Sutton asked. Arthit's muscles tightened under my hand.

"I am sorry Mr. Sutton, but I am going with Arthit "

I answered politely. The boy named Jason frowned and looked at Arthit.

"Looks like my sister, Jessica, will be disappointed as well. Mr. Suthiluck, I guess I will just have to settle for calling on you one day..... Arthit, have a Good day"

He turned and walked off before either, Arthit and myself could say anything. The short boy, Benny followed him. The one named Henry paused.

"Sorry about him. Mr. Suthiluck, would it be alright if I ask you to spend some time with me, or would I be wasting my time ??"

He gave a nervous glance at Arthit.

"I am sorry, but you will be wasting your time. You may want to pass that information on to your friend too"

I told him. He nodded to me and then to Arthit.

"Good day"

He started to walk away.

"Good day, Henry."

Arthit called after him.

Our walk was very silent on the way back. The look on Arthit's face was making me nervous.

"Arthit, is everything okay ??"

I asked just as we were coming to the gate.

"Everything is fine"

Arthit lied giving me a half-hearted smile, I felt a twinge in my heart. The day had been going so well, I hated to have it end this way. I was used to be the centre of attraction for young boys and girls in my time and I thought that it was all because of my Rockstar status..... But I can't understand why it's happening in this time ?? I am not a celebrity here....!! No one knows me in this time....!!

I want only Arthit's attention.


The week has been fairly miserable. It started off alright. The morning after the picnic, Arthit was back to his smiling self. So, I thought he had gotten over whatever was bothering him. After church, he offered to start teaching me to dance. He placed a record on his player then started teaching me some dance steps.

Slowly, as each day went by, things got more and more sour. Starting Monday, while Arthit was giving me a dancing lesson, A gentlemen arrive with his daughter and requested me to accompany her to Arthit's graduation ceremony. I did not accept his request and told him that I had no intentions of courting his daughter or any other girls around here right at this time.

However, Arthit would get increasingly put out. Maria just told me he was jealous and hopefully it will serve as a wake-up call for him to declare his intentions to me.

One fine morning, I was talking to Maria and the door bell rang, she answered it. The man behind the door was none other than Jason Sutton. Since he spotted me, I was unable to turn him away politely. Mrs. Rojnapat whispered her apologizes to me as we led the young man into the sitting room. From there we commenced in a boring, mainly, one sided conversation.

Of course, to my misfortune, Arthit came home in the middle of the visit. He took one look in the room and the blood drain from his face. The fact that he looked so hurt killed me. I never wanted to be the cause of pain for him. He curtly said 'hello' and turned to leave. What angered me even more was the smirk Jason threw at Arthit's back. I went to follow him and Mrs. Rojnapat stopped me, shaking her head.

As Jason was leaving, he asked me to go out with him and I curtly declined. Once the door was shut, I hurried up the stairs to Arthit. I heard the piano playing so I knew where he was. I knocked on the door and volume on the piano increased. I tried the knob and it was locked. I took a deep breath and decided maybe it was best to let Arthit cool off. I knew he could be unreasonable when he overreacted.

Arthit didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. I only got a polite nod when I wished him good-night. That night I had a nightmare of Arthit leaving me, along with my parents.

I woke up with a headache and feeling unrested. On top of it all, it was a rainy day. I had to fix this. I had to get him to talk to me, to make him realise that Jason caught me off guard and I had no intentions to even know him formally. While I was getting ready, I realized I hadn't received any notes or flower from Arthit since Monday. I hoped this didn't mean Arthit has giving up.

The morning started off much like yesterday afternoon. Arthit ignored me. I could tell even his mother thought something was wrong. I choked down my breakfast, working up the courage to say something to Arthit.

I didn't get my chance until after lunch. I followed Arthit up the stairs and stopped him right before he entered the library.

"Arthit, can I please talk to you ??"

I asked from behind him. He turned to me, his stare was cold and hard.

"What is it Kongpob ?? I have to get back to my studies."

His voice was harsh and cut straight to my heart. I blinked back my unwilling tears from both rejection and anger. He could have at least listened.

"Never mind, I just got my answer"

My voice broke as I snapped at him and I choked backed my sobs. I wanted to get away before I broke down and he started to pity me.

I turned to walk away fast, and since, I was hurrying, I trip and landed flat on my face.


I heard Arthit come up behind me. I see him hold out his hand but I ignored it, getting up myself and rushing up the stairs.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon in my room. There were a few knocks on the door, but I ignored them. Shortly, before dinner, I decided to take a risk and leave the room. I knew I wasn't going to be able to be in any condition to see Arthit. After I peaked out the door, and seeing the coast is clear, I exited the room. I used the servant's staircase to avoid running into anyone.

When I got to the kitchen, only Maria was there. She looked up and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Everything will be okay"

She came over and gave me a hug. She handed me a glass of water. I opened the packet of powder Dr. Noor gave me and I poured it in, then grabbed a spoon to stir. I drank it down before speaking.

"I don't think I can make it through dinner"

I placed the glass on the counter.

"I understand. Go on back upstairs and lie down. I will bring you something to eat, later"

She told me moving about the kitchen. I turned to head back up the stairs.


I turned back around.

"I know he is hurting you right now and you have every right to be upset"

She started spooning out the mashed potatoes.


I urged her on.

"Remember that this Arthit never has been attracted to anyone, let alone to a boy, and he has never been jealous before. He deflected to protect himself from being hurt, because he is afraid to accept his own feelings and defying his father at the same time"

She answered.

"I know that. That is why I gave him space and then tried to talk to him. But he shut me out, and brings back memories of when he was so hesitant to change me..... or to be with me for Forever"

I felt at a lost.

"He will come around. Just let him in.... when he does"

She had moved onto the vegetables at this point.

I walked up the stairs and went back to my room without running into anyone. I went to bed and laid down, closing my eyes. Hopefully, the headache powders will relief my head enough to sleep.


Arthit's POV------

Time- 1660

I messed up. I messed up big. I let my jealously get in the way. I knew Kongpob had no interest in Jason Sutton. But that did not stop me from becoming an idiot, when I walked into my house and saw Jason sitting there with a cocky smile with my mother and my Kongpob. Well, he technically was not my Kongpob at that time. I might have screwed up any chance when he tried to talk to me and I was rude to him. The second I saw his eyes well up, I realized how I have been a jerk. Kongpob did nothing to deserve the way I treated him.

I tried to follow him, but he refused to answer the door for me. I deserved it. I left the house and came back before dinner. My plan was to beg Kongpob to talk to me after dinner. I entered the dinning room to find Kongpob was not there. My mother was giving me a disappointed look. I took my seat as Maria entered.

"Please, wait for Kongpob, Maria,"

My mother said softly.

"Mr. Suthiluck will not be joining you tonight. He is not feeling well and has taken to bed"

Maria started serving us. I got up from my seat. I had the strong urge to check on Kong.

"Where do you think you are going ?? Sit and eat, young man."

I automatically sat with a bit of shock. Maria was hardly cross with me. She was always more like a second mother to me than hired help.

"I wanted to check on, Kongpob. Do you think we should get his cousin ??"

I asked not giving up yet.

"You have done enough for now. I will check on him in a bit. There is nothing wrong with him a good night sleep will not cure."

Maria said sternly.

Was I the cause of Kongpob's absence from dinner ??

Guilt filled me.

"Yes, Ma'am"

I answered and I picked at my meal. I felt the loss of not having Kongpob beside me. Two and half weeks and he already seemed a permanent fixture in my world. I was going to fix this.

After dinner was cleared, I started to get up to leave.

"Son, I would like a word with you"

My father spoke up.

"Yes, sir."

I sat back down. He looked at me sternly.

"Have you declared yourself to Mr. Suthiluck ??"

He asked. I noticed he didn't even ask if I had feelings for him. Was I that obvious ??

"I have left him flowers and notes"

I told him.

"Have you declared yourself, verbally to him ??"

He asked aloud. I shook my head.

"I strongly suggest that you don't do that, ever. He is a wonderful boy without a doubt... But you and him... Are not a suitable match for each other. You both need to find a partner for yourselves who can help you to build up your carrier, with their wealth and connections "

My father advised me.

"But father.... We are not poor, I don't need anyone else money to help me"

I muttered.

"I am facing so much trouble and misfortunes in my buisness these days.... And it's your duty as my son to help me out, and our family. I was only searching a wealthy bride for you till date, but now I know you are interested in same gender as well so this will boost up my search list "

My father informed me. He left me there at the table to my own thoughts.

I needed to take a strong decision.

I couldn't find the will to loose Kongpob. So I decided to follow my heart for the first time. I will make my father understand in time. But right now I need to apologize and declare myself to Kongpob, I will do it tomorrow. Hopefully, it is not too late.


Kongpob's Pov---------

When I awoke it was the middle of the night. The room was dark. Apparently I never woke up after leaving Maria in the kitchen. I slowly slid out of bed to go use the bathroom. I didn't make it two steps before tripping over something in my room. I land on something other than the floor and I heard a familiar 'oohhfff' I removed myself quickly and looked down.

"Arthit ?? What are you doing in my room ??"

I whispered. Arthit was now sitting up looking disheveled. The light from the moon shone brightly in the room. I could see his face clearly. He looked embarrassed and upset. He ran his hand through his hair and started stuttering as he spoke.

'I.. am soor..ry . Kong...Youu....III..."

I stopped him.

"Take a deep breath and start again. You are not making sense"

I told him. He took a deep breath. When his eyes opened he still looked troubled.

"I am sorry, Kongpob. I did not mean any harm. I came in to check on you. I was worried when Maria said you were sick. You were thrashing about, yelling for your parents and then.....yelling for me not to leave you. I tried to wake you, but I could not. When I touched your shoulder, you calmed down. So I stayed. I meant well. I only want the best for you. I guess I fell asleep in here. Please, do not be mad"

He begged me, He looked so remorseful that the anger from earlier was gone.

"I am not mad"

I whispered. I was not even that surprised to find him in my room.

"Not even after how I have treated you ?? I deserve it. I have acted like a jealous, spoiled jerk. I am sorry for that. You did not deserve to be treated that way"

Arthit pleaded with me.

"I can forgive you. Can you forgive me for unintentionally hurting you ??"

I asked back.

"There is nothing to forgive. You have done nothing wrong. I am the one who twisted things and made more of a situation then there was. The fault lies with me, only. I should have..."

He trailed off. He was now looking at the floor.

"Should have, what ??"

I prompted.

"This is not the time for the conversation. Will you go on a walk with me tomorrow ??"

Arthit asked.


I whispered, with a smile on my face. Arthit stood up and offered me his hand. I took it this time.

"I should leave before my parents find me"

Arthit started to head for the door. I followed him. He looked at me questionably.

"I have to use the bathroom"

I replied. Arthit nodded and gestured for me to go first.

"Good night, Kongpob"

He whispered when we parted in the hall.

"Good night, Arthit"

I whispered back.

When I got back in my room, I noticed a flower and a note on the vanity. Rather than wait for morning I picked them up. The flower was a purple Hyacinth. Inside the note was simple.

My Dearest Kongpob,

I am a jealous fool !! Please forgive me !!



I placed the note into the drawer with the others and climbed back into bed to go to sleep.

The next afternoon was sunny, but my nerves were on edge. Although, Arthit seemed back to his normal pleasant self, I was still cautious to not get to happy too soon. After Maria saw me fret all morning. she told me to stop over thinking. She told me to relax.

After Professor William left for the day, Arthit and I set out for our walk. Arthit seemed as nervous as me. His mouth moved silently as he seemed to be working out what he wanted to say.

When we approached the bench where we sat last time, I sat.

"Would like some ice cream ??"

Arthit asked. I shook my head the butterflies in my stomach would not make a good mix right now.

"No, thank you"

Arthit sat down beside me.

"Kongpob, I realized that I may not have been clear with my intentions. I thought, that with the flowers and notes I had been, but I guess I was wrong."

"I enjoyed receiving them from you"

I answered when he paused.

"I am glad, but my mistake was not talking to you. I knew you had been hurt with your parents sudden demise and I did not want to rush you. But, now I realize that I may have waited too long. Potential suitors..... male and female... both are already lining up for you. I can not blame them, for you are the most beautiful, sweetest, kindest and intelligent boy in the city"

Arthit spoke while keeping his eyes on me. My cheeks brightened on his compliments.

"You are exaggerating"

I told him as my cheeks turned red.

"And you are the very modest. Any Other person would have reveled in what I just said, but not you, which just proves how special you are. I guess what I am trying to say is that from the moment I met you, I felt this connection to you. I care for you a great deal and I wish to court you properly. Please, say you will accept ??"

Arthit's voice got softer towards the end. Relief flooded through my body, then happiness.

Arthit wanted to court me.

"Arthit, I would be happy to have you court me"

I smiled at him.

His face broke out into a big grin. He pulled my hand to his lips and gave it a kiss.

That night, When we were parting for going to our own rooms, Arthit hugged me, after making sure no one was looking. The feeling was great to be in his arms again. It ended all too quickly for my liking. I could have stayed in his arms forever.


A/N: So... How's the jealous Arthit ??
I am sorry for updating late, have been too busy with life. But I will try to update regularly. I do hope you all will enjoy this chapter to the fullest. Please share your thoughts with me in comment section.

I will be back with a new update soon, Till then stay safe and healthy 💖💖

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