Suicide Prevention Hotline - Part 2 (Fluff)

The adorable idea came from
TheDeadTraveler [< Support them or I will take your elbows and turn them into bonemeal] in the comments and knowing me, I am a massive hoe for fluff [and angst too]. Also, Sub2Pewds278 [ < Support their amazing trans Samgladiator story or I will eat your kneecaps] wanted a second part as well so I just couldn't resist myself.

:D Enjoy and thank you for the cute little prompt idea TheDeadTraveler! AND since multiple of you asked for a part two, WELL HERE YOU GO IT IS EXTRA LONG FOR YOU- I LOVE YOU GUYS <3)


It was... weird. 

Well, life is pretty weird. But it was especially weird when Grian opened his eyes to meet someone sitting in his hospital room. It was a man he has never seen before, one with messy black bangs. 

His face wasn't revealed since he held his head in his hands, trembling lightly in his plastic visitors' chair. Then, he heard the ringing of Mumbo's voice seeping into his mind.

"I have short, jet black hair."

Grian parted his lips to say something but he couldn't muster words and bring them out. Surely this isn't that Mumbo guy... right? He lifted his body, occasionally wincing while doing do. 

The shuffling of bed sheets alerted the man sitting on the chair. He lifted his head, his eyes bubbling with alarm and instantly gazing at Grian. He blinked his hazel eyes for a moment in utter surprise and disbelief.

"And this might be a shocker, but I have a black mustache."

The worried induced man sitting in his room has all the characteristic traits he heard Mumbo say about himself over the phone. Grian tired eyes gazed down across the figure.

"Let's see, just identify me in a white dress shirt and black pants with a tie."

That's exactly what the man is wearing. Mattered and wrinkled, a white dress shirt comfortably hugs his lanky torso, his black tie hanging since he is hunching over his lap a little bit. Not to mention, the man has pale skin with a black mustache settled above his lips.

Grian looks down at his own relaxed, weary figure to see what the damage is. His arms and legs are all wrapped with cotton gauze that scales up his limbs, a little itchy, with all of them painted red due to blood that is now dry. 

He looks back up at the man, the reality finally sinking into his skin. His brain is beginning to comprehend what happened and how he occurred in this situation, the events that lead him into this point of life swirling around in his memory.



Six months later was what heaved Grian into a massive state of surprise since he was astounded on how he ended up in proceeding to live his life. It was six months ago when he officially met Mumbo in the hospital, who had saved his life and stayed with him through all the troubles.

Six months ago...

And they began dating not long from the present. Grian attached his heart to him since Mumbo hardly left his side. He clings onto Mumbo, quite literally, and feels safe when he is around his boyfriend.

Despite them living hours away from one another, Grian often visited Mumbo when Mumbo was finished with his shift.

Grian ended up getting a better job with the help of Mumbo so he could quit his two other horrible ones. The dirty blonde cannot thank Mumbo enough.

There was something about the two that made them click. Was it chemistry? Perhaps so, but they seemed to be happy together without the aid of chemistry. Grian noticed Mumbo was getting little sleep since Mumbo constantly worries about him, so Grian would always scold Mumbo into getting some rest. 

They looked out for each other, physically and mentally, as a partner should do.

Mumbo didn't know why he liked him so much, but he lik- no, loved Grian with every fiber in his bones. Grian loves him back. There's just something about them that makes them click. Like Yin and Yang.

Grian has been wanting affection all of his life, real affection without someone who "cared" about him. Mumbo has been wanting a significant other in his life, one that always made sure his health was alright since he has a stubborn attitude and someone that would run up to him to engulf him in a hug every time they meet.

They found their other halves, all because of two ends of a phone call.

As Mumbo finished serving another human in distress, they thank Mumbo for the advice and helpful words before hanging the phone. Cleo waited patiently in the black frame of the door entrance of his office.

Mumbo sets his telephone back on its original stand before glancing up at Cleo. During the call, he was aware of Cleo's presence standing there but he couldn't hang up the call since he was talking to someone who needed their suicidal thoughts to be removed.

Cleo sighs with a small shake of her head before staring Mumbo intently.

"Mumbo, Grian is here..." Cleo says dully, her voice unamused without a single sign of being bright. Mumbo cocks one of his eyebrows and takes a glance at the computer screen in front of him to check the time.

"Grian is here? Why?" Mumbo asks back, asserting mentally that his shift is not over until another few hours.

"Er, he mainly said for personal reasons. But he wants you immediately down at the lobby on the first floor," Cleo informs before exiting Mumbo's office and shutting his wooden door.

Maybe Grian is going to scold Mumbo into another lecture, this one about taking a vacation day since Mumbo hasn't done so in months. He has eight vacation days that he needs to use up since he has been collecting them without any edible reason to use those free days.

He checks the clock on the corner of his desktop computer once again. 9:34 am... He just started his shift not long ago, but a vacation day does sound pretty nice right about now. Grian probably just wants to wait for Mumbo's entire shift to be complete and let him know that he is here.

He clicks the blue button on his beige telephone phone, initially shutting his phone down so it didn't receive any phone calls. All phone calls need answering, it will cost someone their job if they don't answer their office phone. 

That is why people can shut their office phones off so they don't obtain any calls from a person who wants genuine help while the employee is missing from their room.

Mumbo egresses out of his office after opening the cashew-colored door, and enters his pace into a casual stroll. He heads over to the grey doors that will lead him to the stairs since he didn't feel like taking the elevator. He was only on the fourth story, he can handle a few flights of steps.

After he entered through the leaden door across the story, he begins to step down the grey painted staircases. His black polished shoes click under every step, the noise of his pattering feet bouncing across the bland corridor.

After a few minutes of soaking in silence except for his tapping shoes, he reaches the first story lobby. He twists the brass handle of the door and swings the door open to enter inside. He releases the handle, knowing the door will shut on its own.

His eyes scan across the colorful room. He spots the familiar tuff of golden hair belonging to a young male, seated in a lounge chair across the other side. He can make out the hair over the receptionist counter and into the guest area of the lobby.

Mumbo wanders over into the room, passing the counter where the nice receptionist is deeply engrossed in a phone call. Grian perks his head upon seeing Mumbo's taller figure as his dull eyes brighten with delight.

"Mumbo!" whispers Grian loudly, not wanting to interrupt the phone call. "How are you?" Grian practically scurries to Mumbo and wraps his arms around his waist. He nudges his nose into Mumbo's shoulder as Mumbo reflects Grian's movements by encasing Grian in a hug.

"Eh, tired. Grian, what are you doing here?" Questioned Mumbo, and when asking that exact question, Grian's gentle hold turned into a clutch. His fingers begin to make wrinkles into Mumbo's work clothes and he began to tackle the anxiety piling under his skin.

"Oh, heh, me? I just wanna check up on ya!" Grian giggles, feeling a nervous shiver crawling along his spine. Grian didn't peel away when Mumbo attempted to. Instead, Grian kept his hold on Mumbo without faltering his grip and stayed in the hugging position.

"Grian..." Mumbo mumbles into his partner's earlobe, making Grian shiver more harshly than the shiver he just received from anxiety. He can feel Mumbo's lips brushing against the shell of his ear. 

"Y-Yeah?" Grian sputters out, his face encased in a blanket of pink. Mumbo coherently mutters into his ear, his hot breath gently overlying against Grian's ear.

"Tell me the truth. What is going on?" Mumbo draws his head back and awaits for Grian's answer. Grian slowly releases his hug from Mumbo, shifting his pupils to look into Mumbo's eyes.

Grian shuffles a handful of tiny steps away from the taller man, sheepishly fumbling with his fingers while looking down with shame. He takes a hurried glance at the lady behind the counter, who is completely ignoring them both.

"I did... something," Grian mentally confirms that the receptionist is not paying attention since she is still beguilingly talking on her jet black telephone.

Mumbo frowns deeply, his eyebrows stitching together as his eyes convey into puzzlement and concern. Grian keeps his gaze appointed on the dark blue carpeted floor.

"Grian, just tell me. I won't get mad, I promise," Mumbo smiles warmly and grabs Grian's quivering hands.

Grian removes one of his hands from Mumbo's grip and raises his loose sleeve. Mumbo felt the massive drop of his heart as it sinks from the sudden flood of emotions.


"I-I am terribly sorry, Mumbo! I know I said I would do better b-but- but-"

"Grian," Mumbo calls to break Grian's stuttering state. His regarding eyes skims across Grian's exposed pale arm, his eyes trailing along the new red lines that are imprinted into Grian's skin. 

Mumbo's free hand raises before the tips of his fingers gently glaze across Grian's fresh scars. He sighs gently, seemingly looking to be slightly disappointed but he didn't want to make that clear to Grian.

"Just.." Mumbo looks away and towards the glass front doors. "Just wait here for a moment." He pulls away from Grian and walks back to where he originally came from. 

A few minutes pass by, Mumbo clocks out from his shift and claims that he needed a vacation day. He had plenty of days all going to waste, so there was no harm in soaking under the sweet relief of missing work for a few hours.

After he went back into the front lobby, where Grian sat down to wait patiently while swinging his legs, he told Grian that they were leaving. Grian felt his confusion rise. He stands there for a moment, very hesitant because he wasn't sure what sort of punishment he would be receiving. A monstrous load of tickles? Perhaps...

But he stood still, rooted to the carpeted ground since he was just plainly bewildered. Mumbo rarely skips work and Grian experienced that the hard way one evening. Mumbo twists around to gaze at Grian while quietly asking himself what the hold-up is. He acknowledges Grian puzzled expression, entitling Mumbo to stroll back over to Grian.

"Mumbo, where are we going?" Grian asks while tilting his head upwards to meet eye contact. 

Mumbo perks a smile along his lips. Grian initially squeaks when Mumbo gingerly grabs onto Grian and lifts him to hold him like a bride.

Grian's face flushes into a deep red as he begins to protest and whine. Mumbo sticks his tongue out playfully before exiting the building with a small hassle.

Instinctively, Grian complains when they reach out to the public. Luckily there were hardly any people around since all the construction occupying the loner street are structures with factories and office buildings.

Everyone is in their work schedules this morning so there was hardly any attention. Grian still hated being seen like this in the outdoors since any pair of eyes that happen to be passing by can stare at them.

Mumbo approaches one of his few cars (because everyone knows he is a big nerd when it comes to vehicles), telling Grian that they can get his car later tonight. He sets Grian on the concrete pavement of the black parking lot.

He pulls out his keys before unlocking the door with a simple push of a button. Mumbo swiftly opens the passages car door with a gentle smile, causing Grian to grumble while the red blush proceeds to stain his cheeks.

He enters inside, Mumbo shutting the door after he got his seatbelt on. The taller man circles his car before entering the driver's side, quickly shutting his door and putting his seat belt strap across his chest.

Grian can feel some of the uneasy tension sliding into the atmosphere. He doesn't engage with eye contact or glances up at Mumbo, his bashful attitude turns more into shame with every quickened second. Mumbo was aware but he didn't want to speak since he felt as if Grian would feel uncomfortable with responding. 

The drive back to Mumbo's house felt like a long one. Nothing eased the silence, not even the radio on the quietest setting was playing in the background.

Grian wasn't entirely sure how he felt within those minutes of driving time. The scenery was just molded blur hastily passing through and it was hard for him to concentrate thoroughly.

He felt somewhat horrible about changing Mumbo's opinion on work today. He wasn't entitled to make Mumbo's choices, but he felt bad since he influenced them.

The sandy blonde perceives how much Mumbo enjoys working at his job since he always loves giving aid to others. He was an extremely compassionate man, one who has helped countless lives over the years.

When reaching Mumbo's house, located in a small suburb with a tiny, lovely neighborhood, Grian felt his emotions shift. He didn't know how to feel. Anxious? Mumbo wasn't smiling now.

After parking the car, turning the engine off, and exiting the vehicle, that's when Grian's apprehension rose to the surface of his emotions. He sunk into the cushion of his seat when Mumbo opened the passenger's side of the car.

Mumbo unbuckled Grian and performed to pick up Grian. Grian didn't know how to respond besides curling close to Mumbo, on the verge of crying with countless emotions just swirling around his mind. 

He was just confused and sad, give him a small break. He has never had anyone so kind hearted to treat him nicely but now that he has done a mistake, he is unable to decipher what the future will pursue.

Mumbo set Grian back down so he can open his front door. After doing so with a tiny struggle, Mumbo pulls Grian along inside his house with a gentle smile.

Grian still felt uneasy, especially when he glimpsed down at his covered arms downcasted. Mumbo kicks the door shut and makes sure to lock it so there are no intruders.

The smaller boy remained still on the wooden covered floor, again fiddling with his hands. Mumbo goes back and forth between rooms, weaving swiftly from one room to the next. 

All Grian could do was watch as Mumbo pulls off the upper layers of his work clothes. He sends Grian yet another reassuring smile before setting his tie on the beige couch.

The silence was deafening, engulfing them both as it proceeded to linger in the atmosphere. Grian looks up the stairs for a short while before tilting his head back down to face the ground.

Mumbo grabs Grian's hands to drag him again. He leads him up the white carpeted stairs, keeping a slow pace since Grian remained reluctant. 

Seemingly, it felt like ages before they reached Mumbo's bedroom. The sun is just piercing through the thin material of the curtains and shining softly on the reflection of Mumbo's television screen that is lounging in front of his bed.

Grian has always been jealous of Mumbo's house since it looked like it is owned by a rich person. Well, his job does pay pretty good considering that he is saving numerous lives every week. After all, if Grian never had depression, he would've probably never met Mumbo. 

"Grian, I am not going to do anything bad. C'mere," Mumbo encased Grian in a giant hug while smiling. It's the psychology that when a depressed person does something bad to themselves, their "punishment" should be love, not more pain and hate.

If it was more hate, they would only continue on with what they are doing with the newfound hate they are receiving. Yet, when you give them love, it makes them feel more connected towards society and leaves them less isolated. 

Both of them climbed onto Mumbo's mattress. Grian rests his head on Mumbo's chest, staring blankly at the white ceiling. Mumbo strokes the curly strands of Grian's fluffy hair and begins to play around with it.

"We can stay like this all day. No moving. Just being together unless we are hungry," Mumbo smiles and finally Grian can feel his tense body relax. His distraught body finally releases the tight muscles he was holding in from so much anxiety.

Grian closes his eyes and smiles with content. He makes sure to curl up next to Mumbo closely and make sure to never leave his side. He just wants this, nothing but tranquillity. 

Of course, Grian knows that life isn't a Hollywood movie or a fanfiction, and he figures Mumbo will go back to work the next day.

But right now, that thought is tossed out of the window. He just wants to cuddle with Mumbo and talk with him about their future together. He simply wants to cook food, making Mumbo's entire kitchen messy when preparing food for themselves later in the day.

In that moment of time, sitting comfortably with Mumbo next to his side, makes him ask one of his usual questions. A question that always leaves his boyfriend's lips to curve upwards into a smile.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" Grian asks, smiling ever so softly. Mumbo tenderly kisses the top of Grian's head with the smile that Grian predicted. 

The day went like that until they got hungry. They made food multiple times throughout the day before relaxing once more. 

Before they knew it, the sun slowly dipped below the horizon as the star infested twilight approaches. The night silently rocks them to sleep as they both gently hold each other in their arms.

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