Pumpkin~ (Fluff)

((This is for a contest on the Grian Protection Squad discord, but Goose, is that competition still going or no? Meh, I still made this anyways. Oh! Someone also mentioned there's a Mumbo Protection Squad also?? Can someone please provide me details? I would love to join :)

But in all honesty, how many of you guys actually miss me and my writing?? Sometimes I wonder if you guys miss me :') ))



"Grian," Mumbo interjects to cut off Grian's high-pitch tone at another fruitless attempt to whine. "How many times must I say no? No, no, no." Mumbo hisses and glowers down at his boyfriend, who puckers his bottom lip in a big pout. The smaller crosses his arms, tucking his hands under his armpits with a strong, determined motion.

"But Mumbooo," Grian begs, dashing to the front of their cart so Mumbo couldn't push it any further. "It's so cute!" He gushes with a giggle while his freckled cheeks crease upwards under his happy smile. As soon as Mumbo delivers another glare towards Grian, the smile on his face falters and twitches, threatening to fall.

"Grian, we don't need to waste the money on a stupid octopus plushie. I know I work with a wealthy company, but that doesn't mean I'm entitled to be rich," Mumbo grumbles as he uses his forefinger and thumb to rub his irritated eyelids. His hand lowers back at his side and he glimpses over towards the sauces. The many bottles that line the shelf ranging between soy sauce, Gaeng Thai curry paste, Hoisin sauce, and Mala sauce caught his attention.

His mind and focus instantly got caught inside the delectable sauces, and he began treading towards the spices as well. Star anise. Cumin. Saffron. Turmeric. Although he hasn't decided what to make when he gets home, he couldn't help himself as his mouth watered at all the delicious types of foods he or Grian can prepare.

Yakitori, with skewed, grilled chicken and shio, or salt, on a bamboo stick and drizzled with tare sauce, in which that is a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar. He can practically taste the perfect mixture of tang between the sweet and salty balance inside the savory sauce. But he faces a dilemma as he contemplates other dishes he can provide. Tempura. Okonomiyaki. Tonkatsu. So many tempting meals he can treat his boyfriend with, knowing full well Grian enjoys many of those Japanese foods.

Which one can make Grian happiest? Mumbo has no intention of buying the ridiculous plushie that Grian keeps ushering him to buy, so he figured he must choose the best dish to raise Grian's sour attitude back up.

While his eyes scan aimlessly among the many products and selection to make his food more interesting, in the corner of his vision, he notices Grian creeping to the cart with the same octopus stuffed animal in his hand. The same adorable pink octopus with a cone on its head, making it look like ice cream. Not to mention, there are miniature ones sewn on it as well, one tiny octopus pink and the other a baby blue. He lowers it inside the cart and Mumbo sighs deeply.

"Grian, take it out," Mumbo demands, not even giving a single glance towards Grian as he proceeds to eye the shelf in front of him. A whine tugs from the back of Grian's throat, driving Mumbo to pinch his eyebrows together as a frown crosses his expression. "Take it out. I'm not a millionaire."

"Says the guy who wore a tuxedo to McDonald's," Grian retorts while sticking his tongue out. He steps up on the cart and grips the caged end to steady his balance.

"That's because I was in a rush to a Sahara meeting and I wanted a coffee and small breakfast," Mumbo grumbles back, paying half-attention to his boyfriend as he climbs the cart. He still has not plucked the useless item from the shopping cart. Mumbo knows Grian won't take it back to its rightful spot on the shelf, so he would have to do it himself for the umpteenth time. "At least I'm not wearing a tuxedo right now." He absentmindedly added.

Grian scoffs and leans forward, now hovering above the shopping cart and the contents laying inside. "But still, you have a good income."

"Yes, but I don't need to waste my income on some useless toy for kids. Why are you so attached to it anyways?" Mumbo finally gives Grian a brief look. "You can draw a kawaii face on paper and stick it to the wall and it will still have the same level as cuteness."

The tension between them stacked heavily and Grian looks at the tiled floor with a down casted expression. He steps off of the cart, holding onto the edge, ready to take the large plushie back to its original spot in the store. Under Mumbo's gaze, he shifts on his feet uneasily and taps his fingers against the cage of the cart.

"You always go on business trips and such. I miss you so badly when you leave and I struggle to sleep because I want - or preferably need - another presence around to make me comfortable. I just thought... you know, it reminds me of you. I'll put it back now," Grian says the final line more quietly than the rest, nearing the border of being a whisper.

Mumbo was frozen as he watches Grian pick up the endearing plushie. It has never once crossed his mind that Grian had trouble sleeping, mainly because he was hardly home. The clues finally clicked in his head, such as Grian calling late at night to chat, or the pillow is always flat when Mumbo returns home because Grian cuddles it relentlessly as a way to cope with his isolation.

He has been dating this young man for two years now, his child attitude never ceases to make Mumbo's day brighter, and yet this is the way Mumbo rewards his boyfriend through all the business trips he goes on and such?

He's starting to realize how much of an absolute asshole he has been.

Mumbo reaches out and latches onto Grian's sleeve. "Grian, wait," Mumbo begins, but he wasn't sure where to start with his words. As much as he wants to apologize, he figured doing it in a public place would not be the best time around.

But if he could do something right now, it would be to silently promise that he will do better for their tipping relationship. "I'm sorry." The apology slipped from his tongue's grasp before he could catch himself. Then he continues after realizing he actually said the words out loud. "I'll buy it, just for you, because I love you and I want you to be my happy pumpkin. Put it in the cart."

Grian's eyes grow wide and fill with stars, his lips hauling to a wide smile that stretched to his eyes. He squeals in delight while jumping, and before Mumbo could advise Grian to be quiet in the public store, his smaller boyfriend hops up, wrapping his legs around Mumbo's waist as his arms bundle around his neck. Mumbo's first automatic reply was a small "Oof" as he wasn't prepared for that and certainly wasn't prepared when Grian pressed many tender kisses on Mumbo's lips.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuu! I love you!" Grian titters sweetly and connects his lips on Mumbo's again. As much as Mumbo wanted to cradle Grian's cheek and kiss him more passionately, he had to hold up Grian's legs so the smaller wouldn't fall. Plus, a public establishment such as a store is not exactly the best place for a make-out session.

After a few more pecks got passed between them, whether it was kissing the tip of their nose or their cheeks, Mumbo sets Grian back on the ground. Grian puts the octopus plushie inside the cart, keeping the same bright smile steady as he skips around. Now that Mumbo has seen his boyfriend happy for the day, he smiles softly with warmth developing inside of his chest.

"Is there anything else you want?" Mumbo asks. Grian twists his head to look at his boyfriend before narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"What happened to 'I don't need to spend money on useless stuff', huh? Who are you and what have you done with the real Mumbo, sir?" Grian questions and leans forward to stare at Mumbo more intensely, but also holds a tone of playfulness, as usual.

"Well, I'm sort of in the mood to spoil you now. Plus, I want to see you smile, sooo take whatever you want. Just please don't go overboard, like getting a new phone or something," Mumbo nervously smiles, not sure how far Grian will reach with this new power. There's a limit, but Mumbo wasn't sure what the limit was.

"You're the best!" Grian gives a toothy grin before running off to another part of the store. Mumbo can only shake his head with the following grin and looks back towards the sauce collection.


As Grian stuffs another Kinoko No Yama, (in other words 'Mushroom Mountain') biscuit in his mouth, he hands a Pocky stick to the phone in front of him. With the bundle of sweets he grabbed from the store, such as a large bag of Konpeitō to his left or a package of green tea flavored KitKat on his lap, he looks like an emperor on a throne, the plushie happily sitting on his right as he snuggles it.

"Oh yes, that Pocky is so delicious. Send more, would you kind sir?" Mumbo chuckles and smiles over the phone while watching Grian as he grabs another Pocky stick and sets it in front of his device. "Be sure to save some for me when I get back, though."

"No promises, Mister Jumbo, I love candy. You would have to do a lot of convincing for me to save you some. That, or you can come home right now before I eat them all," Grian smugly grins and rests his head on the available space of the octopus plushie, or rather "Jeffery" as he named it. The other mini octopus were called "Jeffery Junior" and "Jeffery Senior".

"Come on, Grian. You know I can't do that. Buutttt I can-" Mumbo heads out of view, and Grian watches closely as there's a movement coming from the other end. Mumbo appears back on Grian's phone screen and holds up what looks to be two flat tickets. "Buy us some tickets to go to the city of Kyoto." His lips crack into an easy grin.

Grian drops the phone, making Mumbo laugh on the other end before Grian hastily obtains his phone into his grasp. His eyes are wide as his jaw falls limp.

"You did not," Grian says with disbelief weaving in his tone.

"Oh," Mumbo's grin grows wider as he fans himself with the tickets. "But I did. In two weeks, vacation, just you and I. No Sahara for the entire week, just relaxing Buddhist temples, meditation, and tourist attractions."

Grian pulls up a huge smile and kicks his legs in the air while plopping on his back, squealing with sheer excitement. He was positive Mumbo had to turn down the volume because of his full exhilarating attitude towards the surprise trip. If he knows one thing, Mumbo disliked taking breaks because he often enjoys working at the position he owns. So while Grian knows Mumbo has taken the dedication to take time off, he also believed Mumbo has been thinking about him recently.

"I can't wait! Oh! We can try out the soy sauce KitKats and the Morinaga Chocoball refreshing soda flavors! Oh, I can't wait, Mumbo. I love you so much!" Grian's eyes water as a tear threatens to escape the corner of one. As soon as the phone call ends, he will be jumping around. And when Mumbo returns, he sure as hell will plaster his face with more kisses than he can count.

Mumbo laughs lightly, his shoulders bouncing as laughter rolls from the back of his throat. He watches as Grian tries to contain composure over himself. The smaller takes a deep breath, giggling again over his exaggerated reaction, and looks back at the screen.

"You're the best, Mumby Jumby. I honestly can't wait now, I'm so excited. Can we also try out Saishuan Shiraki while we're there, pleeeease?" Grian implores with the same whine, holding out his phone and laying across his stomach. Mumbo's smile didn't waver or crease down but rather curved up a tinge more while he shuts his eyes cheerfully.

"Of course! Anything for my sweet little pumpkin~"

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