Mumbo vs Doc

(This is an AU where Mumbo is the one who created G-Team and is facing Doc. Mumbo Vs Doc in the Hermitcraft Civil War. So this will have a tinge of Gridoc [However you spell that ship name] and Grumbo. Enjoy! And short note: Suicide Hotline Part 2 will come out soon hopefully :D)


Mumbo couldn't help but send a threatening glance at the creeper cyborg across the grass ridden field that separates the G-Team building with Team STAR's castle. 

Scar and Cub both have smirks plastered along their lips, intrigued about this war. Their averting eyes constantly glance back and forth between the two from the wooden ConCorp platform they planted in the war zone.

Grian is standing in the direct middle of the field, glancing between Mumbo and Doc with anxious eyes. He keeps twisting his head, unsure of where to settle his attention.

"Okay guys, this is funny and all, haha but I am starting to get the dread feeling that maybe this war isn't so fun and perhaps... more serious?" Grian remarks with a questioned tone, being noticeably reluctant about his choice of words.

Doc strikes the soft soil with the three rods of his trident and leans some of his weight, proceeding to stare down at Mumbo from the numerous meters that segregate both of the rivals. 

Mumbo pulls out his Fork of Friendship, keeping his daring and dangerous attitude, using the other end of his trident to stab the ground and lean on it to mock Doc.

Grian can feel the antipathy atmosphere crawling down his neck, the tension is so abundant that he can probably cut it with a butter knife if he wanted too. Scar's evil beam is so wide that it seemed like it was crossing from one of his ears to another.

"Maybe you are right, Grian. Maybe this war isn't all fun and games like most first thought." Doc has spoken first to answer Grian so he can get less of Mumbo's voice in the situation. 

"Okay, then, heh..." Grian can practically feel his puny physique shrink as he sinks his posture in. Oh how he wishes he can just melt into the grass or if the land beneath him can just swallow him whole.

"You know, Doc. We can make this entire 'prank'-", Mumbo used air quotes with his fingers, initially making Grian's anxiety skyrocket. "-fun and games, for Grian."

"Oh, you mean with actual bombs and lava buckets raining down on you? That would be amazing! Gladly!" Doc raises his bearing and sticks out his hand, a fake grin dawning across his expression.

Mumbo was not amused, the atmosphere gradually increasing in tension. Grian nervously emits a chuckle at the back of his throat while tugging the collar of his ruby sweater.

"Haha, come on guys, this has gone on long enough. Let's just end the war!" Grian perks up a wavering smile while pointing one of his forefingers into the thick cloud infested sky.

"Not until you choose a side," Doc growls lowly. Grian looks back and forth once again, observing the intense staring contest they are sharing.

"A-... A side?" Grian looks at Doc with a confused gaze. Doc coughs with a slight shade of dark green covering his half creeper face and he immediately redirects his face to turn away from Grian, breaking the 'glaring' contest he shared with Mumbo.

That little quizzed face of Grian, his brilliant diamond colored eyes and the slight tilt of his head was enough to drive Doc into a small moment of blushing. Grian didn't seem to notice. 

However, he did notice when Scar gasped and began to shake Cub's shoulders madly, thrilled about the tension and the arousing hostility that is sprouting with the surrounding environment.

Mumbo casts a simpered countenance, being pleased by Doc's little moment of informal behavior against this tense ambiance. Grian looks away from Doc, aware of the growing grin on Mumbo's lips as it curves upwards.

"What in all hell is going on? You two have been acting weird lately and I do not know how to handle this!" Grian bursts into a sudden fit of rage, his emotions being consumed by frustration since he honestly did not know what was happening.

"Well, you see..." Mumbo begins, now only leaning on one arm like a massive supervillain pose. He plays with the skin at the tips of his fingers, looking unamused but his heart is beginning to hammer inside of his chest.

"Well?" Grian draws his attention away from Mumbo and glances back at Doc, who has finally managed to recollect his thoughts and gather his menacing aura once more.

Doc and Mumbo send one last quick glare, their eyes glowering before both of the men point at each other like children, their dark moods vanishing under one bat of the eye.

"He likes you!" Mumbo and Doc yell in unison, their fingers locked onto one another as they point across the field. Grian places his hand on the side of his head, his fingers tangling themselves into his golden locks as he tries to wrap his head around what the two just shouted.

Mumbo was the first to break the childish trance, fear bubbling into his hazel eyes after the realization settled into his pale skin. 

They both pull their arms down as the air suddenly enveloped in silence, well, except for Scar screaming "I knew it!" as he continues to shake poor Cub in his wooden seat. 

The upcoming wind from an approaching storm is beginning to take the lead of noise, the limbs of trees groaning and leaves shuffling against one another from the undeniable draft. 

Doc's white quartz colored lab coat is beginning to sway under the harsher breeze. Scar holds onto his brown cowboy shaped hat so it doesn't fall into the wind's clutches, excited about what will come next as his long, almond-colored trench coat also begins to oscillate.

Vibrant, green leaves begin to flip and detach themselves from their twigs, soaring into the sky as a low roar of thunder calls from the near horizon.

"Yeah! Woah! Let it rain! This will be intense!" Scar cheers while throwing his free hand into the air, his smirk now gone and replaced with an innocent smile.

Grian removes his hand from his hair as his locks begin to follow the lead direction of the wind. Mumbo pulls his enchanted trident from the soft war-zone pasture, pointing the three separated blades in Doc's direction.

"Alright then. Whoever kills the other first, wins," said Mumbo, his scowl growing extremely dark as his eyes hunt down Doc. Doc pulls his trident with an absent-mind, following Mumbo's rules and pointing the end of his trident towards Mumbo.

"I accept," Doc smirks with a few of his pointed teeth being revealed. Grian's eyes grow broad, knowing full well with absolute certainty that this will not end pretty. 

They both have taller figures, Mumbo's being slimmer and he can use that to a swift advantage, but Doc has more of a muscular build, easily being able to use the muscle to his strength as well. 

It's all in the strategy and strength, but it's hard to determine who will win since Doc has the upper hand with brawn while Mumbo has the skills of moving quickly because of his thinner structure.

The rumble of thunder echoes off in the distance, noticeably getting closer based on the wind power and the dawning leaden sky, not to mention the closer approximation of the thunder hauling closer with every minute.

Grian felt the little drop of rain on his head, the little droplet of water falling on his scalp making his eyes shift upwards towards the grey sky. The few raindrops turn into a dozen as water lightly begins to sprinkle down.

"I'll have you know that I will completely crush you like a toothpick, Mumbo," Doc mutters loud enough for everyone to hear. Scar, still equipped with a giant, animated smile, begins to build a wooden roof over his and Cub's head to shield themselves from the sudden storm.

"And I will have you know that I will have your severed head on my trident in glory before you get the chance to crush me," Mumbo snarls back with an equally intimidating voice, his voice reflecting off of Doc's to prove that he can be just as forbidding. 

As the rain slowly begins to get heavier, the three out on the field begin to get into a state where their hair begins to fall under the weight of the water and their clothes latch onto their skin.

It was silent, Scar and Cub placing down the last block of wood to block the rain, delightfully being dry as they watch from the guidelines. Mumbo and Doc stay in their battle positions, waiting for the other to attempt the first move with their foremost effort.

Mumbo spins his body to gain momentum and tosses his trident straight at Doc's direction, the trident hurling right at Doc's head like a spear. Doc deflects the trident with his own, but before he can tug his attention back at Mumbo, the said man strikes towards Doc with a diamond sword in his grasp.

Doc acted fast, throwing his head backward and watching as the diamond blade skims past his face. With his lower position to his advantage, he swipes his feet across Mumbo's legs which entitled Mumbo to slip and lose his balance.

Grian watches with a mortified expression as Doc charges his trident at Mumbo, but Mumbo blocks the blow with the dull flat of his blade. Doc presses down on Mumbo which gives Mumbo the quick opportunity to use his legs to kick Doc backward.

Unfortunately, it worked as Doc stumbled back a few paces. Mumbo used that sparing second to jump back up to his feet, but just as he reclaimed his lost balance, Doc swiped his trident messily. 

The side of Doc's trident hit Mumbo's torso which forced the raven to get knocked back down to the wet blades of grass.

Grian takes a step back with wide, saucer-like eyes. The rain is starting to pour down by the bucket loads. Another crack of thunder ripples across the endless dark sky. 

The pouring rain scattering down to the ground and the racket of weapons crashing against one another are the only noises furnishing the downcast rain outside.

Grian couldn't move because of the mass amount of surprise and shock coursing within his blood. He felt useless, too afraid to engage with the battle that is breaking out right before his eyes. 

It was just hard to take in the entire information all at once. They both started a war, a fun, silly war that was meant to be playful but that quickly turned into a bloodfest.

This entire prank war started because two guys fell in love with an adorable, prank inducing dork who loves to crack a cute, harmless smile with friends. It was never about the pranks.

It was about him, Grian, the centerpiece and the last piece of the puzzle on why this war erupted in the first place. The pranks were just a cover-up so Mumbo and Doc didn't have to say the real reason behind this entire war.

They love Grian and they hate each other since they are in an incredibly strong rivalry to see who Grian likes more. Xisuma even vaguely warned Grian about choosing one side, at a point in time, since it can alter the entire war with one word Grian says. 

Because of Xisuma's warning and the gut feeling inside of Grian, he refused to ever join one side since he knew it was his choice that mattered. 

He wanted to join the silly event, but when he figured out that Mumbo killed Doc by encasing him in a room of obsidian to burn Doc alive, or that Doc destroyed Mumbo's iron farm while killing Mumbo in the explosion, he knew that this wasn't what it seemed. 

Even though Mumbo and Doc always told Grian it was a 'harmless' joke with a fraudulent smile to reassure Grian.

Those sly bastards, easily faking and stating that the entire war was a joke when in all reality it wasn't. They repeatedly were ushering Grian into joining one of their teams even though Grian refused countless times. 

Grian wished he saw it sooner, the way Mumbo and Doc were at each other's throats, wanting to tear each other limb from limb. He should've noticed the more time he has spent with the two since they wanted to latch onto Grian. 

Mumbo happily states he would help and teach Grian with any sort of redstone, as long as they spent some time together. Doc would always want to make sure they get less time together, so he always makes excuses for asking Grian's honest opinions on a project and asking Grian if he needs help with anything with a pure, kind-hearted attitude.

Grian feels like an absolute fool, not noticing the entire issue sooner. He just thought that no one liked him like that, especially when he told the Hermits he was homosexual. He simply thought everyone would either support him or find him to be disgusting, one or the other.

He never anticipated two of his fellow friends to be battling with one another for his affection. 

But as he watches with his frozen figure, feet cemented to the ground, he yearns to help but he couldn't muster any drop of courage. He watches the entire scene play right before his vision, the water pouring down alongside, making Mumbo and Doc drenched as Scar and Cub watch from the side.

It was that moment when Grian saw a jet of blood fly into the air, molding into the rain and falling right back down, that he suddenly realized that he had to do something. 

The soaked, dirty blonde Hermit runs towards the two. He was cautious about not getting struck with the weapons as he goes in between them.

Mumbo and Doc both strike their weapons down in unison. Grian swiftly catches the dull ends of their weapons, his arms quivering as he holds both of their weapons momenta right in the center of the two.

"STOP!" Grian hollers out, putting the deafening thunder to shame. Scar spits out his soda drink in alarm and begins to choke which brought Cub to gently pat his back to help aid him.

Mumbo and Doc raise their weapons but Grian doesn't release his clutch on them, making both Doc and Mumbo reel their weapons back downwards. Grian's revealed teeth are gritting together as he twists his head back and forth to gaze at both of them.

It was shocking for Mumbo and Doc as they stood there, Grian holding on their weapons since they wouldn't release their hands from the handles. Pattering against the trees and grass, the rain continues to pour, in which the three on the patch of land are now soaked to the bone with water.

"I just want everyone to stop..." Grian has no falter to his iron grip. His voice cracks as he softly speaks. "Please."

Doc let's go of his trident, Mumbo following pursuit. Grian drops the diamond sword and trident to the ground, both discharging a gentle thud when they landed on the ground. His head hangs down like he is in shame and that allows his water covered bangs to overlap across his eyes.

"Can this entire thing just be over? I..." Grian balls his hands into a tight fist as his knuckles arose into a pale color. He looks up with evident pain crossing over his eyes. "I can't bear to see you guys fight for me!" 

It was as if the tension just doubled if that was even possible. It only occurred to the both of the taller men that this entire situation is harming Grian mentally, messing with his head and making the poor boy be frustrated and endowed in confusion.

"I'm calling off this entire war! No one wins, got it?!" Grian states in a harsh tone to get straight to the point. 

"Grian..." calls Mumbo as he looks down. "If you don't like us, just say so. We can end this entire thing."

"No! You are not ending this, I am! This entire-" Grian waves his hands in the air to signal everything included in this situation. "-thing is not continuing because I am putting an end to this, now!" Grian hisses out the words before grabbing the weapons from the ground. 

Grian takes a small pace away from them both as they direct their attention away in utter shame. They hover in their same spots before Mumbo holds his left hand sheepishly.

"Truce...?" Mumbo says solemnly, averting his eyes to meet with Doc's. Doc didn't want to agree but he latches his hand onto Mumbo's with a firm shake. 

"Truce... This is for Grian," Doc states lowly so the storming, raging male didn't hear. Grian turns around with a tiny smile before plunging his entire expression into a crestfallen one. He tosses the weapons on the ground, far enough that the two wouldn't be able to reach it if this backfires.

Grian wonders back towards the two. The three sit in an awkward silence after the small moment of truce and Grian's little outburst.

"Just say the words and tell us that you don't like us and this thing can officially finish..." Doc trails loosely, not greeting anyone with eye contact since all of them refused.

"No... I-er... sorry guys..." Grian says. Mumbo can feel his heart drop like an anvil in his chest as Doc can sense the unbearable amounts of pain entering into his heart. "I just... How can I choose when I-...When I like you both...?" Grian squeaks a little bit at the end, making truckloads of shock enclosure around them.

"Pardon, what?" Mumbo questions. Grian nervously chortles and stares down at his shoes.

He really did like them, there was no doubt about it. He has shown Doc and Mumbo affection more than any other Hermit, which probably veered their interests onto Grian, simply because he showers them both with his heart-warming hugs or smiles.

It would make sense. If someone is receiving loads of attention, they might gain feelings for that person who is giving affection. 

Scar groans in the background, calling this scene cliche and lame. He chants that he wants a blood bath and gore on the field, but alas, his wish didn't come true. His arms are crossed over his chest in raw annoyance since he was hoping to see an epic battle and one winner.

"You both are tall," Grian frowns, finally gathering some confidence. Mumbo lifts his head and Doc looks at Grian with a concerned, puzzled countenance.

"What?" Doc asks, saying a reply since Mumbo is on the verge of being frozen from confusion since height has nothing to do with this scenario.

Grian takes a few steps and raises his hands. His left hand obtains Mumbo's deluged red tie and he twirls his fingers around the torn item. His right hand derives the white lapel of Doc's inundated coat.

Before any of the two can respond, Grian heaves them both down to plant a tender kiss on their cheeks, first planting his lips on Doc's before kissing Mumbo's.

Both of them stagger after Grian's grip escapes, both taken aback by Grian's bashful attempt to show how much he cares about the two. Doc hides his face in the collar of his coat as Mumbo turns away.

"Now that is settled, I want to get-get," Grian sneezes a squeak, making Mumbo jump slightly. "I wanna get out of this rain."

"Oh my word," Mumbo says with a revelated face. "You sneeze like a kitten!" Doc lightly nudges Mumbo with his elbow, smiling now that they have something else to tease Grian with besides his height.

"Sh-Shut up!" He sneezes again.


Grian whines out in pain, his pale face a constant reminder that he is ill from the storm days prior. His red nose simply will not stop pouring snot and he constantly has to fight the pain to grab a tissue from its cardboard box.

That is until he ran out. He dropped another tissue to the wastebasket lounging beside his wooden bed frame. He releases an obnoxious groan since he is tired of the sickness that has latched to him like a leech and wouldn't let go, despite the medicine that Doc scolds him into drinking. 

Bleg, it tasted gross.

Mumbo and Doc stumble into Grian's futuristic base, both of them holding what looks to be a glass of water in their hold. Mumbo's cup is missing almost all the water and Doc's cup has a crack sprouting on the side of the glass.

"I win!" Mumbo slams his glass on the coffee table next to Grian's pillow, smiling with pure triumph. Doc places his next to Mumbo's and is careful since he dropped his cup a second before without it breaking.

"Mumbo! Yours barely has any water in it because you were fighting me!" Doc growls and crosses his arms across his bare chest. Mumbo kicks out his foot and snarls playfully with a zestful behavior.

"But yours will run out of water soon because there is a crack! Which, in the end, I win!" Mumbo points at himself with his thumb as his smirk still plays along with his lips.

Grian watches as they both ramble with a stupid attitude, both obviously joking but also being serious together. Grian's eyes look at the empty tissue box that the cups are next to. He was about to reach over to grab another tissue, but then he noticed that he had no more.

"Hey, guys?" Grian asks in a rather raspy voice. The third, aching voice paused the bickering and the pairs of eyes landed on him. Grian points at his tissue box and sighs. "I ran out... Can someone get me more tissues?"

"On it!" Mumbo yells and grabs his fireworks. He launches out of one of the entrances, Doc promptly protesting as he follows closely behind Mumbo.

"No, I will get them!"

"Doc, I am the better man!"

"Mumbo, I will get them!"

Their voices fall out of Grian's line of hearing. He rolls over, pulling the blankets over his eyes to block the sunlight and smiles under the sheets.

"I can't wait until I get those two sick..."

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