Disney Marathon (Fluff + Lime)
((Sigh, you guys always like the horniest options. Well, luck is on your side because I'm a horny motherfucker also. This is going to be closely related to my previous one-shot "Asexual Appreciation" but it's g a y (e r)
Also, I think I might be passing my writer's block. Fuck yea homies! I don't think I wrote a kissing scene better than this one, so buckle up everyone))
°•Mumbo's POV•°
I never really understood the point of having a movie night with all the Hermits. Well, almost all of them. Considering the evening time, Bdubs didn't join the movie marathon because of his fear of the night. We're watching the movie outside, under the diamond twinkling stars, sitting on blankets and towels across a patch of open grassland close to the main jungle of Season 7.
Impulse offered to tag along with Bdubs, not because he disliked movies, but to rather provide him comfort and make him feel less isolated from the rest of the group. That meant two Hermits were gone, but that's not my primary target of what I'm trying to understand.
Grian was the first one to click me out of my ponderous thoughts.
His little fingers, in comparison to my bigger ones, wrap around my hand. My heart flutters rapidly like the wings of a hummingbird, twisting and turning sharply with every little action Grian did. His toothy grin under the limited light of the projector screen was brighter than any of the shimmering dots hanging over our heads.
Of course, it was no secret of my massive crush on Grian, the details of my crush getting exposed sooner than I would anticipate. I wish I didn't make it obvious, but of course, my horrible stutters, red-painted cheeks, and anxious body language made it quite clear. Grian claims he has the same mutual feeling towards me, but I sometimes get skeptical if that is true.
With our lack of interaction and the fact that we haven't claimed to be dating, I find myself crestfallen. No one will make the first move, mostly because I fear denial, and I constantly think he won't make a move because he truly doesn't want to be with me. My mind forces me to remind me of such thoughts. I either get my hopes up only to find them shattered, or I wait and see if he will take an interest in me.
I am throwing myself way off-topic. Grian raises my hand for something I don't even know, but all I know is that I am voting for something, Grian making me vote for an unknown movie. When the movie election finished a few minutes later, Grian lowers my hand and pulls off another signature smile.
The movie Frozen has started, with the beginning scene of the men breaking ice blocks and tossing them into sleighs. I guess I unknowingly voted for Frozen. I don't mind, however, the bad karaoke to 'Let It Go' will be fun and any commentary on the movie will also be entertaining with this audience of hilarious Hermits.
"Afterward, we're watching Frozen 2," Grian informs me with the smile still fixed on his cheeks. I have the feeling he noticed my gaze, the lost gaze where your mind takes a journey away from reality and stares blankly in a random direction.
"Oh, well, that's nice. I keep losing attention, sorry," I say honestly, trying to smile back but the smile ends up faltering. Grian slightly giggles with my embarrassing attempt of smiling rightfully. Since we're sitting more in the back of the group, not fully in the back where we are invisible to everyone, but enough to avoid some eyes if we move around to get comfortable, the giggle didn't hook the attention of the Hermits sitting closer to us.
The element of darkness doesn't help with our invisibility, because a small fire pit with baby ember flames is settled in the ring of Hermits. Boxes of graham crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey breakable bars are sprinkling across the grass in case someone gets hungry for a classic s'more.
Tango, Stress, Scar, and the gremlin besides me are already stuffing their faces like untamed animals with the delectable treat.
The projecting screen displaying the movie and small flames are the only wellspring for light. It's peaceful, tranquil, and surely provides a nice aesthetic. The movie rushes on to where the two sisters engage in a fight and the eldest one runs off. Suddenly, something dark gets raised in front of my eyes and blocks my view of the screen.
With the flames in front of me, a silhouette of a s'mores lifts into view. The cooked marshmallow trickling down the golden, cinnamon cracker and the tiny glimpse of a chocolate square wedged between the layers was surely taunting in itself. Not to mention the sweet scent radiating from the marshmallow drives my stomach to twist in hunger.
Of course, the culprit beside me pulls off a guilty grin while shaking the treat in front of my face. The sugar smell wavers, getting weaker than stronger as it sways closer to my nose then farther away. I look down at Grian finally and take the s'more into my free hand, my other still laced with his fingers.
"Alright, alright," I laugh quietly. I make sure to smugly, yet playfully, eat the dessert in front of Grian's face. My entire awareness is pinned to him as I stick my tongue out, little crumbs of crackers and magma thick marshmallow on my tongue. He sticks his tongue out to retaliate and it becomes a war between us.
Just us. Sharing a little moment.
I bite into the multiple layers of my dessert again. My tongue gets swarmed with the vanilla sugar of the marshmallow and creamy milk chocolate. When I finish, I try to lick my sticky fingers but when it comes to s'mores, I feel like it gets everywhere and can be hard to wash off, like glitter.
I twist my head towards Grian. He still holds a smile on his face, but more gentle, and his half-lidded eyes are training specifically on my hazel ones. I gulp, my heart picking up in pace with his stray stare. He seemed focused on me as well as not being focused on me at the same time, it made me confused.
His arm reaches out until his fingers curl and sink into the fabric of my clothes. In a gentle tug, he hauls my body forward until our sugar-coated lips connect. The grasp on my clothes vanish and he twirls his arms around my neck as if he's trying to pull me closer. I felt it again, the rush of dissolving under his touch, the surging tide of warmth spreading across my body, the tingling in my veins.
All the limbs in my body beg to fall limp as my world falls dizzy. I finally allow my eyes to close shut. One of my hands lifts to cradle Grian's smooth cheek, and the other grips onto his ruby sweater, the only steady thing in my swaying world.
We break the kiss for a small breath of air. Then I claim his lips again. And again. I secure my lips onto his soft ones and drop into a state of bliss while his fit perfectly against mine. His lips part open so he can glide his tongue on mine, and I instantly knew what he's silently pleading for. He presses his chest flush against mine until my back presses flatly on the blanket below us.
A moan threatens to escape past my vocals, forcing me to pant to instead as my cheeks flush a ferocious pink. His hands roam across my sides like he's mapping out my body. The only place I can manage to steady my hands is in his hair as my fingers venture in between his curly strands.
Even though the movie is still playing, it drowns out as I listen to the other scenery. The crackling flames, Grian and I gently panting, the ruffle of his hands sliding down my clothes. My undivided awareness is on him, and him only. My lips split apart which promptly brought our tongues to meet.
We make-out on the ground, sensations buzzing through my nerves. My chest is blooming with not only warmth but with raw intimacy. It was like a hole in my heart was filling. My legs end up hugging his waist at the same time as his hand's cup both sides of my face.
"I sense sexual tension," a female voice suddenly says.
I quickly remember that we're not alone.
Grian draws back, a thread of thin saliva between our lips. He wipes it with a heavy blush forming on his face and looks up to greet eye contact with False. Her arms are tightly crossed over her chest as one of her eyebrows raise in question.
He nervously laughs in response as a few more pairs of eyes hunt us down, ultimately making me blush massively as well. False punches Grian's shoulder, not too roughly though, and rolls her eyes with a tiny smirk twitching on her lips.
"Just keep it PG, please. We're trying to watch a Disney movie," she remarks and shuffles back to her seat next to Cleo and Stress, in which they are seated next to Iskall and Joe, all who have their eyes ogling us. Grian slowly got off of my frame and looks forward to the movie. I sit up with said blush still on my cheeks.
I'm not sure which one is worse; sexual tension around a group of friends or awkward tension between myself and the one I love. I didn't even realize how much of a disturbance we were being.
Grian sneaks a glimpse at me. I catch it in the corner of my eye. I shoot him a tiny glance as well, almost laughing at ourselves.
Whatever, I don't care about what the Hermits say. As long as I have the man of my dreams next to me, I'm going to be happy, no matter what.
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