Chapter 1


My name is Clara Amelia Higgins, I'm 13 have long black white hair, blue eyes. I love to read and playing the violin and sing.My dad is always telling me about the game that he and his friends won as a kid on basketball, he has a picture frame with a photograph of him and his coach and friends. I was in my room playing my violin, when I heard my dad talking throw the phone.

"Yeah ok, I will see you tomorrow" Dad says, I exit my room and go to him.

"Who are you seeing tomorrow?" I asked.

"It's my old coach buzzers funeral tomorrow" He answer a little sad.

"I'm so sorry. It'll be alright, I'll go with you." I says hugging him.

'Thanks, Amy."He says.

"Oh, okay." I answer him.

"And also pack some clothes we are going to the lake house." He scream with excitement.

I run to my bedroom and pack my things, and my violin of course. I put some books in a bag.


I woke up the next morning changed into a black clothing for the funeral and let my hair down. Actually I look the same because I always using black. I go to the kitchen and grab an apple to eat, put my headphones listen to some music to wait for my father to go. Ten minutes later he shows up and we go. We put our bags in the car and start the trip to the church. I just look out of the window listening to my music, 30 minutes later we reach there. I get out of the car an start to walk with my father to some people. We hear Mr. Feder or Lenny talk to his kids.

"No cell phones!" Lenny says to his son.

"What no cell phones then I'm out here, well Amy will if no cell phone." My dad says putting his hand on my shoulder guiding me, I'm still with my headphones listening to music and looking throw my phone. 

"Hey! Higgins" Lenny says. I think is his nick name.

"Who's ready to get there funeral on?" Dad says doing a dance as I shake my head in disapproval "I'm sorry death makes me weird, uhh this is my daughter Clara Amelia, Amy these are the boys I always talk about." My dad says, but I'm not paying attention to him.

"Amy. Amy. Clara Amelia Higgins!" He try to cal me but don't work, he sighs and grab one of my headphones pulling out, when he pulls out you could hear really loud the songs.

'All teenagers scare

 the living shit out of me

They could care less

As long as someone'll bleed!

"So darken your clothes

Or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone, 

but not me'

Everyone that was there was looking at me and at my taste of music. 

"Hey!!" I say to dad.

"Amy, put your cell phone in your bag and say 'hi'" he is so annoying sometimes.

"Hi" I say shyly.

"Hi" everyone answer.

"Sorry, she is shy." Dad say making then laugh.2 kids walk to me to start a conversation. 

"Hey I'm Charlotte or Charlie for short" She seems nice.

"And I'm the better sibling Andre" He says as Charlie rolls her eyes.

"I'm Clara Amelia, but you can call me Amy or Clara."Andre walks off when Charlotte pulls me away.

"OMG, Lenny's son Greg is totally staring at you" She says, I turn around and I see a guy with brown curly hair. He quickly looks away and continues to talk to what looks like his brother.

I giggle a little then go to the church.

My Dad and I sat behind the Feder family. I heard Roxanne talk to Lenny about the lake house we were all staying at for the weekend. Lenny said something about money and my dad butt in on their conversation.

"It's your money, it's his money, it's my money. Let's all put it in a cash pile and split it." He told Roxanne, "Ha ha ha. That's a nice hat it brings out the death in the room. I'm sorry I'm nervous, it's a funeral I get weird." I snickered as he got back in his seat. There is so many people here, some people have to stand outside!

"Coach Robert 'The Buzzer' Fernando, was a caretaker by profession. What a wonderful word that is to describe a fellow man. He truly took care. When Robert knew that his time was short, he told me that there was one specific man he wanted to say to memorialize him. So I'd like to ask Lenny Feder to come up now." The preacher said.

Lenny stood up and walked over to the stand, " I'm sorry I'm not prepared at all. I'm very honored that Coach asked me to do this. I also feel terrible, because I haven't seen the Coach in so long and he always wanted me to come to town to see him, I got caught up in what I've been doing and I regret it. I understand that the Saint Martins Championship of 1978 is the only team that Coach ever had and uh that's very impressive, judging from the talent we had to offer. Believe it or not Ravi and Marcus were actually shorter in 1988." This made everyone laugh.

"Yeah but they mastered something you never have, they knew how to pass the ball." Lamonsoff commented which made everyone laugh again.

"Looks like someone has to learn how to pass the Kentucky Fried Chicken." Lenny shot back and everyone laughed again, "I'm kidding I'm kidding. Look we're saying goodbye to a big part of our lives, all of us, you affected everyone in this room. And um I hope we get to live our lives like you, have no regrets when lives final buzzer sounds. So uh let's all bow our heads in silence."

I had a really hard time containing my laughter as dad's friend Rob was singing Ave Maria, I mean he was pretty good... but pretty bad. I leant over dad, ''Ten bucks that it takes him to one knee.'''

'You're on.'' He chuckled, and continued to watch Rob make a fool out of himself. Rob held up a picture of Coach Buzzer and walked over to an Angel, he also got down on one knee, dad gave me ten bucks. Dad, Kurt, Sally, Lenny, Lamonsoff and I continued to die of laughter. Dad and I looked at each other. '

'Arrgh!'' We both yelled, making a sound of a Buzzer.Rob looked up and glared, ''Grow up will ya!''

''Oh look at him now.'' Lenny pointed, ''Don't be so mad there Robby.''

After the speeches we went outside and had a little party sort of party Charlotte, Donna and I were walking to a table when Donnas mum said something."Sweetheart could you use a fork please"

"No No NO NO NO!!!" Donna yelled throwing her cake on the floor and storming off.

She have anger issues, I back up a little and go to a quiet place I start to listen my music again. I set under a tree, I get my book out and start to read. 


 We walk to the front when Lenny's daughter Becky asked something"Daddy what's the machine doing?" Becky is soooo cute.

"It's uhh getting rid of the moths honey." He says.

"Where's it taking them?" So cute.

"Hell" my dad says, I push him a little. 

"Don't say that Higgins" Lenny says.

"Dad." I said.

"I'm sorry, not hell, Mexico" He says making my chuckle.

"It's giving them electricity so the moths fall asleep." Lenny continues.

"It's electrocuting them?" Becky cries.

"No no no -" Lenny gets cut off by Becky.

"Daddy there dying!" Becky scream.

"It's killing them!!" Donna & Charlotte say at the same time, making me hold in my laughs and roll my eyes.

"No" Lenny says again and the buzzer goes off.

"Daddy, No!" Becky cries .

"No no its not" He runs and turns the buzzer out. "They're all right I promise you, See? Look at this guy." He says taking out a moth and throwing it in the air. It just hits the ground.

"Hes still sleeping" Becky nods

"Its dead dad" Greg says and Mrs Feder pinches him "Oww!" Poor thing.

"ooo a porch swing" Deanne's mum says pushing kethie over. She then walks over and squishes the moth.

"Now its dead." Lenny says, making me roll on the flor from laughting.

We walk inside.

"Welcome back to the 1978 lake house everybody" We all walk in and it's actually really nice.

Donna and Bean ran over to the orcha and started to bang on it. Mrs. Lamonsoff ran over to her, "Ok honey you might not want to bang on that"

"But I like playing it like this."And she continued to bang on it.

"So whos getting what room?" I ask looking at Rob.

"I have actually made a map of who gets what room, I took the liberty of reserving the water bed for gloria and myself." He says making me gag a little

"Ooo someones doing the backstroke tonight" Gloria says making me gag a little more.

"Oooo i wanna go swimming with you guys" Donna says standing up, gosh how stupid can she be.

"Oh were not going swimming, what i ment was-" She was cut off by Donnas mum

"Thats okay she dosent need to know. I don't even know what you mean."

"Oh I know what she means" Dad said and he made a throwing up motion. I start to laugh because he was rigth make me want to vomit.

"Okay let's get back to the room picking. Rob would you like to take us on a tour perhaps?" Mrs. Lamonsoff asked. "Oh yeah I'll show you the tour."

Everyone started talking at the same time and it got really loud. Rob opened a bedroom door, "Okay here's the big daddy, the master bedroom."

"You know what? I think Lenny should have that." Mr. Lamonsoff said. Mrs. Feder started to walk to the door and Mr. Feder stopped her.

" No no no honey honey honey! C'mon let the kids have it. It's a fun time for the kids to be together in, they can do kid things. Go share it, go share the master bedroom." He said. We walk to the room, it is huge!!!!!

"Dad whats the big box attached the back of the TV?" Greg asks as i roll my eyes.

"Thats the rest of the TV idiot" He just glares at me

"I like your daughter Higgins" Lenny says

"Wow that is some stone age shiznit!" Kethie says

"Yeah thats real wack" Lenny says as i giggle.

While all the kids were just sitting talking we heard and saw Bean run into the room screaming.

After about 2 hours I was lying down in the couch inside with my phone listinig music, with my eyes close trying to focus on the lyric to try to play later in the violin

"But dad my highscore" I hear Greg complaned.

Seconds later someone pic me up, I open my eyes and see dad putting me outside of the house.

"Take of your cell phone I don't wanna see you using it in the holiday." He say, I put away and follow him.


"Hey Greg," Kurt called out "When we were kids, your dad use to talk us into doing the craziest stuff. I remember one time we got our shower curtains and shopping carts and went shopping cart sailing."

"Wait how did you steer," Andre asked.

Lamonsoff said "We didn't."

"How did you stop?"

"You just smashed into stuff," Lenny said "Now that was the fun part."

"Remember when we use to shoot bottle rockets at each other?" Dad laughed "You always go for the other guys face to blind them."

"That's a little much pal,"Lenny said.

"No I know. Kids don't do that. You know what, erase and reboot." He made a rewind sound, I jut look at my dad like he is crazy.

Lenny stopped at a tree and said something about building a fort "Rob ended up making one of those for a year," Lamonsoff muttered.

"Why?" I asked.

"My dad took away my roller skates."Rob said.

"Uh oh, Vietnam flashback." Dad says.

"Wait a minute! Are you kidding me," Lenny asked and I was confused. What could possibly be so exciting out in the woods?

"Rope on a tree baby you know what that means?" Lamonsoff or Eric said.

"We get to hang ourselfs" Charlotte says making me laugh.

"You see a rope and a lake and that dosent wanna make you go nuts?" Lenny ask.

"I want to go." I says putting my hand up, everyone look at me the kids like I was crazy and the grown ups ith pride.

I look to Greg to see him look at me scare and worried, I just smile at him.

"Ok, go on Amy." My dad says. I take off my shoes, sock, flannel, everithing that I can lose in the wather and give to my dad.

"Okay kid, hir is the rope and go to that big rock than jump." Lenny says givin me the rope.

I grab the rope, walk to the big rock and propelled me. I jump and swing when I'm in the top of the wather I releseade the rope and fall on the wather.

"That was aweson." I get of the lake and everione cherr for me, I put back thinghs on.

Then Eric gets on the rope and swings, but he gets to scared and dosent let go, he swings back into a tree and falls to the ground.

"OWW" We all say.

"Oh god! my legs snapped!!" Eric yells with his bone sticking out, i then burie my face in someones shoulder next to me.

"Its a stick! i got you" He adds doing a dance, i look up and i see a smirking Greg, i get off his shoulder and look down blushing.

"Daddy that birdy is hurt" Becky says i look and see a bird trying to fly

"Oh my god i'll got get a uhh shoebox" Lenny says running back to the house, my dad then goes and Eric up, so we just go back to the lake. I was sitting on the grass near the lake with Charlotte and Becky just talking.

"Hey did you really land on that bird man? " He asked him.

"I'm not really sure. I did hear a chirp and a crunch like noise, but that could have been anything."

"Is the birdy going to be okay?" Becky asks, omg shes so cute

"Yes the bird is going to be fine" I say giving her a side hug.

Edited: 07/21/2016 - 23:16

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