Super Special (Part 2)

MPREG Bonus (Completely out of the realm of my experience--except I've had kids at least)

A/N: In fact, this chapter would have been posted earlier but there was a LEGO emergency at my house that trumped my wattpad time. I can't believe how long this is getting, and there's still at least one more chapter. Just remember, this isn't really real...Darn @Fhanth and @DragonFlames32 . This is all their fault!!

Later that day the doctor, however had no problem with saying what both Mel and Gareth had been thinking. "It sounds like you're pregnant, honestly. The nausea and vomiting, swollen and sensitive nipples, odd food cravings, dizziness, all point to one thing if you were female. Were you born intersexed by any chance?" He checked Phillip's temperature and noted the results on the computer in the cramped exam room.

"Not that I know of. I obviously don't have a vagina or breasts, if that's what you mean," Phillip tried not to sound out of sorts with the doctor, but was failing a little. He was also excessively uncomfortable.

"Mr. Cameron, have you ever had an ultrasound for abdominal issues or the like, or maybe a colonoscopy?"

"No, never. I occasionally I get indigestion, but I've always been very healthy. You have my records, I've been your patient for years." Gareth took Phillip's hand to try and calm the man down. It was very obvious to Gareth that Phillip was agitated.

"Some patients go to walk in clinics when they can't get appointments, that's why I asked," the doctor explained. "No tenderness in the anus or discomfort having bowel movements?"

Phillip coloured like a beet. There was definitely more than one reason he hated going to the doctor.

"Uh, Doctor, we're a versatile gay couple with an active sex life. Both of us might have a little 'discomfort' in that area from time to time," Gareth stepped in, trying to alleviate some of Phillip's embarrassment. "You know, depending on how vigorous the activities." He was sorely tempted to add hand gestures.

"Uh, yes, well..." Now it was the doctor's turn to colour a little. He cleared his throat and continued, "There's a clinic in the next office over. I need you to get an ultrasound and blood test." The doctor wrote out a script for both, stressing iron and hcg for the blood test even though Phillip was a male, and lower abdomen as the target for the ultrasound. "I'll have the receptionist call right away to see if they can squeeze you in. This is a peculiar case. At any rate, the ultrasound can help diagnose any number of issues."

The doctor left the room for a moment, while Phillip pulled his clothing back on. Somehow, although he wasn't sure why, he felt very strange. The idea that he, a male, could be pregnant was beyond comprehension. And the fact that the doctor could even put any stock in that sort of bizarre idea was even more shocking.

"Don't worry, Phillip. It will be okay," Gareth rubbed small circles with his palm on Phillip's back. Gareth was more relieved that the doctor was getting tests ordered. He finally found love, and someone who loved him back, loved the children, regardless of the baggage, and he wanted to make sure that Phillip was healthy. He didn't want to lose him so soon after finding him, as worst case scenarios flashed through his mind.

There was a light knock on the door before the doctor re-entered the room. "We're in luck, gentlemen, the clinic can take you in twenty minutes."


"Okay, this is going to be a little cold," the technician said, as she squeezed a bit of the gel on Phillip's exposed taut abdomen. He flinched with the contact. Phillip and Gareth exchanged a look and a bit of a snicker as they both recalled their first encounter together with lube--it was pretty much the same consistency and temperature of this gel, but thankfully was being applied to a different, less sensitive area. She took a flat, metal probe and began to rub it into the gel, spreading it around a little near Phillip's navel, gumming up his treasure trail.

The image on the screen flickered as different blobs started to appear following the movement of the wand. Gareth held Phillip's hand, not too tight to be careful of squeezing the arm where the blood test had occurred, as the men peered at the screen.

"Now, this is where your bowel is, and you can see your bladder here..." her voice trailed off as she persistently moved the wand back and forth over an area a little farther up. "Huh." She clicked a button to take some pictures.

"What? What is it?" Phillip asked, feeling more than a little worried. His stress levels were a mile high, and he was really trying to keep the vomit at bay.

"Uh, well, umm. I'm just a technician, so I can't really say, but judging by this little Y shaped organ right here, I'd say you have a uterus and there might just be something taking up residence in there," she pointed to a small object on the screen that was tucked in alongside some other lumps, "I'd say that's what your doctor was hoping to find."

Gareth stared slack jawed at the screen, while Phillip tried his hardest to digest the information given. "I don't understand." Did he have a parasite?

"Hmmm, I don't either, but your doctor ordered the ultrasound, and I pretty much spend all day looking at wombs. And that's one, right there." She took another photo. "I'll be right back, I need to call your doctor." The technician stepped out of the darkened, white walled medical imaging room, leaving the two men staring at the screen, frozen on the image of Phillip's supposed uterus.

Phillip just couldn't figure out what was going on. Was this some sort of huge joke? An elaborate prank? Unless Gareth was the best actor in the world, there was no way he was in on it, at least, because he looked just as dumbstruck.

"I'm sorry, Gareth," Phillip said, uncertain of what kind of conversation could even be had at the moment. He was a freak. A total freak of nature. Maybe Brian really was right. Maybe he was the most bizarre thing going. Phillip tried to keep his breathing even, but it was really difficult.

"Sorry? For what? I'm just so relieved they didn't find a tumor or something. I love you, and whatever is going on isn't going to change that," Gareth looked deeply into Phillip's concerned eyes and swooped down to give his partner a kiss. Phillip wound his arms up around Gareth's neck to hold the man closer, just for a moment, and take comfort from the embrace.

With a rap at the door the technician stepped back in, the older women had a gentle, apologetic smile. "Your doctor and a few others are on the way and should be here shortly. In the meantime I have to prep you for a slightly more invasive ultrasound."

"More invasive?" Phillip questioned from his laying down position. Gareth, on the other hand, could see the latest pieces of equipment the women pulled out. A condom, more lubricant, and something that resembled a utilitarian dildo, complete with wires attached.

"Isn't that the wand for a transvaginal ultrasound?" Gareth asked, trying to keep his voice light as to not bother Phillip.

"Yes, but it's also used elsewhere," she replied as she rolled the medical grade condom over the probe--it certainly wasn't ribbed for anyone's pleasure. At least Phillip had experienced something larger up there before, and as much as they'd snickered about the lube from the previous test, there was no doubt somewhere more sensitive was about to get probed. "Now, Mr. Cameron, I'm going to have to have you remove your undergarments."


The doctors were transfixed. Phillip's family doctor brought an obstetrician and radiologist with him from the medical centre where he worked because whatever was going on was far out of his expertise, but he knew it was important. And, let's face it, when else would they get the chance to see a male with a uterus? Phillip was feeling a bit like a specimen. A very exposed freak of nature. He adjusted the paper cloth across his groin again, trying to keep at least a little of himself covered, considering his ass was being poked and prodded--not by Gareth and not in a good way. It was completely mortifying that the technician had to use her hand to keep his sac from getting in the way of her probing his ass.

After another ten minutes of hemming and hawing by the doctors, Gareth felt he had to step in. "Look, I realize this is all fascinating to you, but Phillip is uncomfortable and nothing is miraculously going to change right this minute. You have photos. Please allow him to get dressed."

"Oh, yes, of course," one of the doctors said in an offhand manner. They were still staring at the photos.

The technician carefully withdrew the probe and pointed Phillip to the bathroom where he could clean himself up and get dressed. He climbed down from the table and wrapped the paper sheet around him as best he could while Gareth followed behind with his pants and underwear.

By the time all the industrial strength gel had been wiped away and Phillip dressed, the doctors were prepared.

"We can't really confirm much without more tests, but your case is too rare to handle here. We've made an appointment for you tomorrow with the best geneticist in the province."

Phillip's doctor pressed an appointment card into his hand with a printed set of directions and sent the men on their way, while the doctors still conferred over the images on the screen. It wasn't very comforting to Phillip.

"I don't understand why they can't tell me anything," Phillip fretted on the drive home.

"But they did tell you something, Phillip," Gareth said gently, knowing the events were a shock. "You have a uterus. We saw it."

Phillip shook his head in consternation. "That's just preposterous. I'm a man."


"Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome"

With the results of the blood test from the previous day, and more poking and prodding, there was an official diagnosis. That was what the specialists at the hospital called it. 'It' wasn't really an appropriate term, more like the rare genetic condition that allowed Phillip to carry a child. Which he was. Pregnant. Intersexed. The whole thing was insanely confusing and unsettling. For someone who doubted he'd ever father a natural child, now he was going to mother one? And the hospital dealing with his case wasn't the little city one in the place they lived, no. He'd been sent to see genetic counselling specialists, gynecologists, and obstetricians dealing with high risk births in Toronto at one of the biggest and most renowned hospitals in the country. All the staff dealing with Phillip's case had to sign non-disclosure agreements, which further convinced him of his freak status.

There was, in fact, not only a uterus secreted inside Phillip, but fallopian tubes and ovaries. One of his testicles wasn't even a testicle, it was actually an ovary, and apparently that was fairly common to the syndrome to which he was afflicted. One working testicle and one working ovary. The other pair of each were tiny misshapen things inside his torso. How could all of this be lurking inside his body?

As it turns out, when he had Gareth go at him deep and rough, he'd actually slightly ruptured the membrane that was covering his cervix, essentially really truly breeding him. When Gareth filled him, it was a million to one shot, literally. For Gareth to do that at just the time when Phillip's one functioning ovary had actually ovulated was yet another total coincidence. The doctors were amazed and the men were totally stunned.

"Congratulations gentlemen, you're going to be parents!" Doctor Hemmer said, giving Gareth a pat on the back, while all the people in the room stared back at the screen. Gareth and Phillip held hands and squeezed back and forth, with little reassurances, as they tried to digest all the information.

This was the second ultrasound in as many days, but it still didn't quite feel real. Phillip squinted at the minuscule blob that had been magnified within an inch of its life. Again, it looked like nothing really. How could something so completely tiny make him so very ill? How could it even be inside him?

"What should we do, doctor?" Gareth asked.

"What do you mean?" Concern was written across the doctor's face.

"I mean are there any restrictions that we should adhere to? I know the usual diet related ones from the birth of Gabe and Franny, but anything special in Phillip's case?"

"I run a landscaping business, work outside a lot, and drink coffee at breakfast and tea nightly," Phillip clarified. He didn't know anything about pregnancy restrictions. As much as he detested Leeann, he was at least glad that Gareth had gone through pregnancies before. Getting rid of the fetus wasn't even an option for Phillip. If he and Gareth had created a child together, he was determined to keep it.

"Ooohhh." The doctor seemed relieved that he wasn't going to be losing the most interesting case of his career due to a termination. "No, just nothing too strenuous. Avoid really heavy lifting, stay hydrated. Sex is okay, too, as long as you're careful. Your HCG levels, that's the pregnancy hormone, are at a very good level and we will do regular blood tests and ultrasounds to track development, but you seem to have a well developed womb. The increase in hormones might make you a little more emotional, but everything looks good to carry a baby full term, pending any natural problems. Sometimes people miscarry for no discernible reason, but because your case is so unique, you will have all the best prenatal care."

Something struck Phillip as the doctor was talking, and it wasn't the same thing that Gareth was worrying about. "How am I going to deliver the baby, doctor? I mean if I carry it to full term?" Phillip was worried, trying to figure out exactly how the baby was going to exit his body. Heck, no matter what they said, he still wasn't even entirely sure how the baby got in there in the first place. There were going to be more tests for that--invasive tests.

"Most likely you will require a cesarean. But that's a routine procedure."

"Oh." Phillip paled a little, thinking of the surgery. Gareth was more concerned with the emotional fluctuations. Phillip didn't handle emotions well now. How would he be when there were more of all sorts of hormones flooding his system?

"Doctor, am I still a man?" Phillip asked after thinking for a minute. "I mean I feel like a man. I've always been a male in my mind, yet I am carrying a baby. I have a womb. And eggs. And a penis. With testicles. Does this mean I could somehow impregnate myself?"

"Ah, no, likely not. But more testing with the geneticists will have to happen to determine the extent of your case. It's rather rare for males to get pregnant, but you are still male. You just have an additional female chromosome, too."

The doctor discussed the science of Phillip's condition with the two men for a little while longer before he allowed Phillip to get dressed and book another appointment in a few weeks time. As the men made their way back to the parking lot, Phillip clutched at Gareth's hand in a manner that broadcasted his distress.

"What's wrong, Phillip?" Gareth asked gently. The men got into the car, and Gareth turned to face Phillip before starting the car.

"Are you okay with all of this? I mean with me and the baby and everything? I'd understand if..." his voice trailed off, uncertain and wavering. His eyes were watering and lip quivering. If you want to leave me...Phillip was thinking, because there was no way in hell he was ending the pregnancy.

Gareth reached over and began softly rubbing a reassuring pattern on Phillip's knee. "Oh Phillip, I could never leave you, and of course I am okay with this. Sure it's a surprise, but I love you and no matter what, you are still the man I fell in love with. And I will love our baby, already do love our baby, and so will the kids."

"I need you so much Gareth, you and the kids. Just the little time alone at the beginning of the summer taught me that, but I know nothing about babies and I'm terrified."

Gareth leaned over and kissed Phillip's tempting lips tenderly but with passion, trying to convey all he was feeling, as he slipped one hand onto Phillip's abs under which their baby was growing. "I can't wait to go on this journey with you, and I am so relieved that you aren't ill. This is the happiest result that could ever have come from these tests."

"I love you, Gareth. So much." He gave the man a contented smile, his eyes much clearer until they crinkled with concern. "But what are we going to tell the kids?"

"Ah, well...Nothing until after the first trimester, just in case of miscarriage. That's the standard rule," Gareth explained, knowingly. "But you will have to tell Mel since she already suspects and there are just some things at work you can't do." He started the car for their lengthy journey home.

"I think she already knows anyway, but yeah, I guess I'd better." That was a conversation that he was dreading. How could he tell his essentially infertile friend and business partner that not only was his work going to be restricted, but that he was going to have a baby. It was mind-bogglingly bizarre.


When the men returned back home, Mel and Vern both were waiting with the children. They'd spent the afternoon baking a cake, and Vernon was explaining the finer points of a crumb coat before the final layer of icing. They'd volunteered their services as sitters after the men returned from the previous day's appointment with another one scheduled with specialists.

"Daddy! Phillip!" the children called, giving the men messy hugs.

"Is everything okay?" Franny asked, her face smattered with a bit of flour.

"Yes, honey, it's nothing to worry about," Phillip said, giving her a small squeeze. "I'll just feel a bit ill for awhile, but it should get better over time."

Mel and Vernon exchanged looks before Mel subtly asked, "So was it what we thought?"

Gareth nodded at her slowly and her face fell a little. She excused herself a second to go to the bathroom, while Vernon distracted the children with more icing. Phillip ventured after her once he'd extracted himself from the children, besides, the smells in the kitchen were threatening to trigger his gag reflex again.

"Mel?" he said softly through the bathroom door. He could hear the sink running.

She opened the door, her eyes damp with tears and a bittersweet smile on her face. "I'm really happy for you, Phillip, honestly, I am. I'm just...I don't know, shocked maybe? Jealous?"

"If it makes you feel any better, I found out that I as much as I'm a guy, I'm also part woman. That was surprising."

"Oh Phillip, you're right, it's got to be completely weird, but it sucks. Here you find your perfect man, and he comes with a great family already with kids who adore you, I might add, and yet you're still having a child of your own with the person you love."

"I'm sorry, Mel."

"No! No, never be sorry." She shook her spiky head vehemently then carefully wiped under her eyes to avoid smudging her make-up. "This is a blessing, not something to be sorry over. You're going to have a child with Gareth. That's amazing! And I'm going to make sure our company makes a huge profit so that Vernon and I can afford whatever fertility treatment I need, or even a surrogate." Mel gave Phillip a determined grin.

"So it's not an impossibility for you to get pregnant?"

"No, just really unlikely, although IVF could be a possibility. It just costs a lot." She shrugged.

"Well, stranger things have happened," Phillip joked, pointing at his stomach. "You never know, if this pregnancy goes well, I could always be your surrogate."

"I'm not sure how I feel about Vernon getting you pregnant," she retorted.

"Heck, I'm not even sure how Gareth got me pregnant," Phillip admitted. "It was highly unlikely."

She gave him a playful punch to the arm. "Well, when big bad Gareth poked you with his big, hard....hmmm. Wait, is the baby going to come out your ass? How does that even work? How did you get pregnant?"

"Apparently I've got a bit of everything in there, or at least enough of everything to have a baby. I have to go for more tests next week."

"What the hell, you ask me to be business partners then constantly bunk off work? I'm going to start docking your pay!"

"Well, that's only fair, Mel," Phillip said, reasonably.

"I'm kidding, gosh Phillip, I'd never do that. Besides, you're going to have to help support a family of six. That's a pretty huge responsibility for someone who last year at this time was only ever responsible for plants."


That night, after all the revelations, Gareth and Phillip laid together in the bed. Gareth carefully traced the outline of Phillip's swollen nipples, enjoying how the puffy flesh felt under his fingertips. Apparently Phillip enjoyed it too, based on the little noises he was making and the stiffening of his member which was filling out his pajama pants.

"God, Gareth. You're driving me insane. I need you. I need you so much."

Gareth smiled devilishly as he lifted off Phillip's shirt, then leaned over and took a nipple in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it and sucked gently. Phillip groaned in pleasure softly and arched off the bed. It felt like there was a line of nerves straight from his chest to his hard cock and the teasing was causing him to throb with need.

"Please Gareth!" he panted. While his nipples had always been sensitive, this was something new altogether, it felt almost like they were filling out further and it was dizzying. Gareth lifted his head and licked his lips before switching to the other nipple. "Oh god!" Phillip moaned while he was sure a little bit of fluid had leaked from his erection due to just how amazing he felt.

Gareth eventually halted his assault on Phillip's chest by moving lower, licking a path down. He dipped his tongue into Phillip's navel, then skillfully pulled the straining and damp pants down with his teeth. Phillip's erection sprung free and whacked against his belly, leaving a bit of liquid which Gareth lapped up. He then opened wide and took all of Phillip's shaft into his mouth as deep as he could go until he could feel Phillip's bulbous head pressing at his throat.

"Oh, fuck!" Phillip moaned as Gareth began to suck, moving his tongue expertly along the shaft as he bobbed up and down, trying to please his man as best as he could.

Phillip felt amazing, fantastic, and so very close. Everything was swirling in his head and his hips kept pushing farther and deeper into Gareth's mouth. He could feel the explosion building within him from his very spine. His tender nipples had been teased to their max, and as Gareth sucked, Phillip put his own hands onto the tender buds teasing them just a bit more. Gareth looked up from between Phillip's legs and groaned when he saw what Phillip was doing with his hands, so he took his own and ran them along Phillip's ass, teasing his hole.

The added sensations were just too much. Phillip couldn't stop, hold back, or even think. The only thing that mattered was release. His balls tightened and everything tightened, and then he just pulsed with his orgasm as Gareth greedily drank it all up. It tasted slightly different, but Gareth didn't care. This was Phillip, his lover, his man, and the one carrying his child. And he was so thrilled he could give him pleasure after day of wildly swinging emotions.

"God, Gare, I love you so much," Phillip breathed, once he was thinking clearly again. "What can I do to help you?" he asked, noting Gareth's still hard cock in his pants.

Gareth could tell Phillip was exhausted, and he really didn't want to test his gag reflex. He also wasn't sure about penetrative sex. "Can I just put on a show for you?" he asked with a suggestive lick of his lips.

Phillip was relieved. He wasn't sure his stomach could handle the movements associated with giving or receiving a good fucking, and nor was he sure he could handle giving a blow job right now. Besides, whatever show Gareth was thinking of would probably be insanely sexy. "Show me."

Gareth kneeled upright between Phillip's legs and slid his pants down slowly. His pubic region being revealed centimeter by centimeter. Phillip salivated as he saw the base of Gareth's stiff erection finally appear, then more and more of the shaft. When all was finally revealed, Gareth began stroking slowly, working over his purple head, the slit glistening with a sticky drop of clear fluid that Gareth gathered with his thumb and brought to his mouth.

"Oh holy shit, that's so fucking hot," Phillip moaned, watching eagerly as his own satiated member twitched back to fullness.

Gareth leaned down and gave Phillip a kiss, then sat back up and took both their erections together in his hands. The heat and soft firmness of Phillip's erection against his own was mindblowing, and the view of the two members together was exquisite.

"I'm not sure I can come again, Gare, but please shoot your load on me," Phillip said huskily.

"Oh, I will Phil, and it's going to be a big one, you've gotten me so worked up. To know I've really bred you, now I'm going to paint you." Gareth continued to stroke their erections until he could take it no longer. He stood up straight on his knees and each pulse of cream left a line down his partner's body. Across Phillip's abs, down his chest, and even a little on his cheek. Gareth shuddered along with each shot, then sat back on his heels, admiring his handiwork.

"Sticky," Phillip said with a smile, as he wiped the splatter off his face and licked his hand, "and delicious."

Gareth laughed. "I love you, Phillip. Let me wipe you off and then we can sleep. I'm exhausted."

A/N: Part 2 is pretty darn long....and there's still more to come! Crazy!

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