*Two years later*
Hussain's POV:
"We were lost in the middle
Like bottles in the ocean
But we found one another
Like the answer to a question
Like words to a love song
Like a river to the red sea
Finding you is so hard
But loving you is easy
Loving you is easy, loving you is easy
Finding you is so hard
Loving you is easy"
Standing there in balcony, my mind was occupied with this song. The breeze of December was blowing softly with snowflakes riding along.
I have never been a nature person, standing for a minute and staring at beautiful things around me but today everything around was fascinating me, looking breathtakingly beautiful and why so?
Becuase i was happy today.. Not like everyday happy but there a was great ecstasy in today's happiness and why so?
Because i got married today.. Married to Leeha.. Married to the girl about whom i didn't even know three years ago that she exists.. Married to the girl with whom i shared most beautiful days of my life and with whom I am gonna enjoy the rest of my life..
Her face brought an unconscious smile on my face as my mind recalled today's event.. She was looking beyond this world.. so beautiful.. so mesmerizing.
'Hussain', a tap on my shoulder brought me back to senses and i saw Mum standing beside me with a confused look etched on her face.
'Ji Maa?', i asked softly, hugging her.
'Why are you standing here? Itni sardi main.. You'll get cold.. And why didn't you go to your room? Is everything okay? Are you guys..
'Mommm!! We are okay. Everything's fine. I was just..you know..', i trailed off, making an innocent and perplexed face.
I was hesitant.. I mean come on.. This is my first wedding, dude... Itna to banta hi hai..
'Awww my baby is scared?', asked Mum chuckling as she pulled my left cheek and i huffed in annoyance and embarrasment.
'Don't worry, Leeha ain't gonna eat you.. Wo bechari bachii b sharma hi rahi ho gi.. Just go now', said Mum pushing me forward with a manly dab on my shoulder as if sending me on war and i snickered mentally about my mum's innocence that she actually thought that Leeha would be shyish.
Saying that Leeha is shying away is just like saying that Lion eats grass.. Sometimes it eats grass as well tho but it happens rare.. So it can happen that Leeha might be shying today just like lion eats grass to improve his digestive system once in a month..
What the hell are you thinking, Sain? It's your wedding day..not the time to research on lions... Fuck your timings, Mr.Brain!
'Umm.. Where are the boys?', i enquired from Mum as we walked to my room.
'I don't know.. I haven't seen them in a while.. Must be sleeping. Now you go..', said Mum going downstairs and it was another shocker for me.
Boys are sleeping?? But i thought that they must be up to something today..
Well.. Good for me!
Shrugging, i twisted the knob of my door and it opened.
Stepping inside the room, my stomach was filled with giddy feelings. The room was simply decorated with red and white roses with dim light, of small lanterns placed in middle of roses at the tables.
And then i saw her.. Sitting in the middle of the huge bed with a veil and i smirked.
It somewhat satisfied my male chauvinist instinct that she is sitting there all beautifully dressed up for me.
But it surprised me to bits as well. Because i wasn't expecting her to be sitting like that in all that conventional bride style.. I expected her to be roaming around in the room in her baggy sweater and pajamas.
And i might liked her more seeing her like that.. The same tomboyish Leehay who doesn't give a shit about her being misfit.
Stop zoning out, you moron.. Just go to her before she changes her mind and insult the shit out of you..
My mind reprimanded and i cleared my throat.
Fuck.. I was feeling nervous..
I took the garland off my neck that had been annoying me since the time i was forced to wear it and threw it on the couch.
With butterflies dancing in my stomach and my heart picking up pace now and then, i felt more nervous than walking into exam hall..
Screw you Mr. Hussain Asif and your stupid similes.. Stop being a fucking scholar and go to her.. Man up a bit, would ya??
Taking slow steps i went to her and sat in front of her.
Damn!! What should i say to her now? How am i supposed to start?
•Hello Leehay, wassup?? Nahh..
•Heya Leeha.. How's you?
Think.. Think you peanut-head.
•Assalam-u-alaikum Leeha.. Kya haal hain?
• Versace Versace, what's popping, nigga??
Seriously? You are talking to your wife.. not your chaddi buddy, man!!
How do they do it in movies? Recall some movies..
With that thought, i started rummaging some movies through my mind and the scenes that flashed in my head were enough to make my eyes go wide.
Fuck off..
Shooing the silly and stupid thoughts away, i glanced on the girl in front of me..
Why's she looking so huge? I mean she wasn't that much healthy when i saw her like few hours ago..?
Would you stop checking her weight, dude? When are you going to talk to her? After the birth of your grandchildren?
Startled at my brain's malfunctioning, few words escaped from mouth.
'Well.. That's that!!', my own words left me dumbfounded.
Way to go, asshole!!
What the hell did i just say? What does it even mean? What would she think?
'I mean to say that finally it happened, what we have been waiting for..', i presented another lame remark to add to my misery and embarrassment..
What a cover up!! Attaboy.. Salute to your uncontrollable mouth..!
'Ughh.. I can't do it. To hell with all this lovey dovey act.. Let's be real here.. I know it's not comfortable for you as well.. Because we have never acted like that..', i said chuckling and i saw her veil shaking a bit which means that she is laughing as well.
Well.. That's better now.
'Thank God.. I was so fucked up with this typical husband wife relation in just few minutes.. I don't know how i was supposed survive with this typical relationship stuff..
And i know that you can't put up with this shit as well.. So we are going to be same as we used to be before our marriage.. Are you..umm..happy, Leehay?', i asked nervously and she nodded her head.
Ehh? What happened to her feisty tongue?
'Well.. Em happy too.. I mean 'wow'.. I never thought that I would fall for someone like that and then actually get her.. You know what Leehay, when I saw you at Subway, I had no intention of falling for you.. I just wanted to talk..
And then whenever I used to see you after that..my wish of talking to you was accompanied by to be with you and then it kept on forcing me to search for you..'
i said smiling warmly as all those events started playing in front of my eyes like a film.
'I almost gave up searching for you.. But then you yourself came to me and put my search to an end.. You are the most beautiful thing that happened to me, Leehay!', i said with my voice laced with pure emotions and my heart thumping with joy.
The thought of having her close to me forever was alone enough to drive me crazy.
'In this crazy world the choices we have got are only two..
Either you are coming with me or I'm coming with you..
Cuz i finally found you..!', i sang Enrique's song with passionate voice as i held her hand in mine.
But just then i felt something really strange.
Why the hell are her hands so hairy and so manly?
'Leehay, why your hands are so hairy?', i voiced my thoughts and stared at the veil confusedly.
'Wo threading k liye dhaaga (thread) nai mila tha na!', a manly voice came from the veil and then roars of laughters.
The veil was being taken off and there sat Shehry smiling girlishly at me.
What The Fuck?????
Just then I saw Waqas coming out of the cupboard as he fell down on floor laughing like retards.
Then Atif popped out from couch's back with his hand on his stomach.
The rustling sound of curtains caught my attention and I saw Leeha and Maha coming out of curtains with both of their mouths covered with their hands.
What the fuck is going on in here???
And lastly, my eyes fell on Shehry who was rolling the bed with red veil still sticking to his head and him laughing like donkeys.
I got up from the bed with speed of lightning and stared at the morons who were all looking like on verge of death, laughing.
'Threading.. k liye.. dhaaga.. was..the highlight.. Shehry!', said Waqas in between hislaughters as he was trying to get up from the floor.
'I know right.. And the way he was singing that song!! Epic!', said Atif controlling his laughter in order to complete his sentence and when he did, another session of laughing started.
All those mushy and gooey feelings evaporated away and utter embarrassment amd rage took their place as i stood their with my hands crossed on my chest and shooting deadly glares at the laughing idiots around me.
'How could you think that we are going to leave you that easily, baby boy? 'Where are the boys?', mimicked Shehry just the way i asked from Mum and mtmy response was only a straight af face that was enough to make him stop laughing.
'And did you guys see that how much nervous and scared he was looking.. His face was like as if he's going to puke right now due to nervousness..haha!!', this time my so-called wife made a remark as she shared a high five with Maha and the rest of them snickered.
'Yeah.. but I was in veil so i couldn't...
Shehry's words vanished in the air when he saw that I was about to explode and he gulped.
'Uhh.. Heh. I think we should go now.. Enough fun for today.. Let's go boys.. Come on Maha..', said Shehry pushing everybody with his eyes not tearing away from my cold ones and the rest of them shared unwillingness to move but when their eyes fell on me, realization dawned on them and they all started moving out with 'Run for your life' look prevalent on their faces.
'Hey.. Why are you guys going? Just stay for a minute naw.. We were having fun..!!', i heard Leeha requesting them.
'Yeah right.. If we stayed there for any other minute then we won't be able to have fun in our life ever.. So bye!', said Waqas grinning at us and banging the door.
My eyes moved to my bride who was standing there looking beautiful as hell and damn cute in her efforts to hide her smile.
Seeing her like that made all of my angry feelings disappear but i continued frowning at her in order to make her realize that i was mad.
'I.. umm.. I was saying that you looked cute when you were.. umm..confessing your feelings to your..bride!!', and with that she erupted into laughters with her henna tattooed hand on her mouth and another on her stomach.
If there was any other girl in front of me, she would have started crying or at least stopped laughing after seeing her husband glaring at her like that but she was Leeha and after seeing my deepened frown, her laughters went more loud.
'Awwiee Saroo', she drawled and walked up to me as she pulled my cheeks, eventually making it hard for me to frown at her.
'I wasn't planning on this but when Shehry came to me with such marvelous idea, i just simply couldn't resist!', said Leeha batting her eyelashes and grinned cheekily at the end, making my heart melt.
Her hands were lying on my chest now and mine were wrapped around her waist.
'Why always me?', i asked sounding feigned hurt and she rolled her eyes.
'Cuz it's only you upon whom i have my claim.. And you haven't just signed on that marriage certificate.. You have also signed on Leeha's contract in which i have all of my rights to tease you, insult, annoy you and bully you!', she counted the contents on her finger tips and i chuckled.
'And what about loving me?', i asked huskily as i placed my forehead on hers and she bit her lower lip with her downcast eyes.
'Umm.. We'll think about some additions later!', she said blushing as she pushed me away but i held her wrist, making her halt in her way.
Hugging her from back, i placed my chin on her shoulder.
'Where to, Mrs. Hussain Asif?', i whispered in her ear and she tilted her head to my side.
'Where can i go NOW?', question was asked with disappointment dripping from her words and it left me speechless.
Is she unhappy with me??
But just then she burst into laughter and pulled herself away.
This brat!!!
'Okay now if you don't mind.. I wanna change this dress. It's fucking heavy and this jewellery.. God... I don't know how all those brides wear them.. Em feeling like a jewelry showcase!', i heard her saying as she started taking off her necklace and earrings.
Nothing surprising.. I know she wasn't accustomed to all this heavy dress and jewelry.. She was not the girl who would die for all makeup stuff and branded clothes.. She was the one who would feel comfortable with a loose tee and a jeans. She was Leeha.
Even tho i didn't want her to change her dress but as she wasn't feeling relaxed..So I had to.
'Where would be my clothes?', i saw her tapping her chin.
'In the wardrobe!', i told her in duh tone and she rolled her eyes.
She walked up to the wardrobe and stood there for seconds.
'What happened?', i asked sitting on the couch and started taking off my shoes.
'I can't find them!', said Leeha exasperatedly.
'What? I myself saw your clothes hanging there!', i retorted.
'Yeah. But i can't wear these at night, can i?', snapped Leeha waving an embroidered dress and i grinned.
'All of these dresses are so heavy and there's no sign of my pajamas and tees! I guess that suitcase is still packed', said Leeha sitting beside me on the couch as she closed her eyes with her head on the back of the couch.
Awww.. Poor soul.
I so wanted to pinch her cheek but i knew that she wasn't in the mood so i got up and strode to the wardrobe.
Grabbing my navy blue long hoodie with black pajamas, i closed the wardrobe.
What else could i do?
'Here!', i forwarded the clothes to her and she stared at me.
'Okay fine!', snapping the clothes from my hand she rushed into the washroom.
What a bride i have got for myself?!
Sighing, i pulled out some clothes from my closet and dust off all those petals from my bed.
Like who the hell sleeps with petals around him? Creepy!
Just then the door of the washroom opened and came out Leeha with my hoodie reaching to her knees and a blue colored pajama that wasn't definitely mine. Her hair were sprawled on her shoulders and there was no sign of makeup on her face.
'Well your pajama was too big and loose for me so i decided to keep on wearing mine!', i was told with great indifference.
'And where did you get this one from?', i asked pointing at her legs.
'I was wearing this under my gown, idiot!', i was infromed curtly and i 'ohhhed'.
'Brides wear this too? You know what i never had any experience of peeking under girls' gowns and i also lost the last chance of doing that..so never mind!', i said fake dismayed and she gasped.
'You are such a pervert!!', i heard her yelling at me with her big brown eyes staring at me and i laughed heartily.
Throwing my clothes on my shoulder, i went into the washroom but not before bumping my shoulder into Leeha's who was standing their with disgusted look on her face.
'Moron!!', i heard her shouting as i closed the door and chuckled.
Taking off my wedding clothes, i pulled on my black t-shirt and black jeans. After washing my face, i came out. Wiping my face with towel, i looked around and saw her nowhere.
What the hell??
Throwing the towel on sofa, i went to bed. She wasn't there plus the blanket was gone as well.
After looking behind curtains and every possible spot in my room, i stood near the bed with frustration and apprehensions occupying my mind.
Where did she go?
Was she that much offended with my innuendo?
What if she was gone to Mum?
But i didn't do anything yet.. I mean anything to offend her..
But she doesn't get offended that easily..
Damn you, Sain!!
Running a hand through my hair, i was trying to calm myself when my eyes caught sight of slightly opened door of balcony.
The fuck???
Has she committed suicide??
And my heart stopped.
What the fuck are you thinking, Mr. Brain!!??
What? Leeha's missing and so is blanket.. There can't be any better guess..
My mind answered and i felt like shooting my brain out.
'And why the hell am i talking to myself?', i yelled annoyingly.
I was on the verge of madness. With fears in my heart, i ran to the balcony and opened the door with a bang.
Panicking, i looked around and saw her sitting there with blanket wrapped around her, on the sofa.
'Leehaaa!', i yelled and ran to her and the sight there was enough to make my mind blow.
'Yeah?', she asked licking her chocolate-smeared fingers and grinned.
She was sitting there eating CHOCOLATE!! FUCKING CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY!!
My mind was yelling all this but i was too dumb to speak any word.
This girl never fails to surprise me!!
'What the hell are you doing here?', i asked gritting my teeth or i should say that my teeth were already rattling due to fucking cold.
'Eating chocolate!', answer was given innocently with her face printed with 50 shades of chocolate.
'I can see that!!', i snapped, scrunching my nose at her difficulty in handling Dairy Milk Silk that was melting in her hands.
'Ohh so you thought that I ran off with my ex boyfriend or committed my myself to death?', asked Leeha in casual tone that left me wonder at how well she knows me.
'Well yes to second option and.. No.. I didn't even think about you cheating on me!', i stated honestly as i rubbed my hands on my arms.
'Awww come here', finally i was offered to sit with her in blanket.
'You are mad, Leehay!', i said wrapping the blanket around us.
Wooff.. That felt better..
'Have been told so.', she said shrugging nonchalantly as she offered her half eaten chocolate to me and i furrowed my burrows.
'Where did it came from?', i asked taking a small bite that melted in my mouth instantly.
'Well.. I was having this in my clutch.. Plus Maha brought me some as well.. She's such a sweetheart!', i was told.
'Tmhari aur Maha ki kuch zyada nai ban gai?', i asked smugly as i wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer and she frowned.
She always does that whenever i try to make a move.. So never mind..
'Stop being jelly, Saroo!', said Leeha placing her head on my shoulder.
I looked up and saw the moon slowly moving out of clouds. It wasn't snowing now but it was still damn cold. There was complete silence between us..of course except the sound of her chocolate wrapper.
Just then a question bubbled inside my brain and i couldn't help asking.
'Leehay, did you have a boyfriend?', i asked somewhat lost and her head snapped at me with questioning eyes staring at me.
'No.. And why are you asking that?', she asked looking confused.
And i felt like hitting my head on the wall..
What the fuck is wrong with you today, Hussain???.
'I-i just.. It's just when i eavesdropped on you and your friend and she said something about the boy whom you l-like but you didn't tell her and..
'Hahahah...', my stuttering speech was cut off by her uncontrollable laughter and i glared at her.
'Seriously Saroo? Oh God.. You were jealous of that boy? How ironic. Who gets jealous by himself, jerk?', she said wiping her tears with back of her hand and it left a trail of chocolate mark there.
'What do you mean?', i asked raising my eyebrows.
'It was you, idiot. Susie was talking about you.. There was nobody in my life before you.. You moron!!!', said Leeha laughing and smacked my head and i felt so overwhelmed that i didn't think of anything and pulled her into a hug.
'Leave me now.. Or I'll print your shirt with chocolate', a warning was being whispered in my ear.
Her warning proved effective and i reluctantly let her go.
'Don't you know manners of eating chocolate?', i asked looking at her face that was having patches of chocolate here and there.
'This demands to be eaten like that!', she said pointing at the chocolate in her hand and i rolled my eyes at her logic.
Leeha and her logics..
'Yeah wherever!', i said giving up and pulled a tissue paper from the tissue box lying on the table and started cleaning her face.
'Thanks!', she chirped and then something happened that i never expected in a million years.
Her lips were on my cheek!!!!
Though it was just a peck but it was enough to make me crazy.
I stared at her with my eyes wide open and mouth hung open as well.
My heart was dancing with utter joy and i could hear the blood rushing in my veins.
'Munh to band kar lo', i heard her laughing as she placed her head on my chest and i placed my right arm on her shoulder.
'You look so cute like that, Saroo!', i heard her mumbling and an idiotic smile crept over my face.
Then there was silence again.. Not awkward one but peaceful silence..
After few minutes that felt to me like forever, i decided that we should move inside now.
'Let's go, Leehay. It's getting colder now!', i said jolting her a bit but she didn't budge.
I lowered my head and saw her eyes closed.
She was sleeping peacefully with her head on my chest. She was breathing slowly and softly whereas my heart was beating fastly and wildly.
'Abi to jaag rai thi aur sath hi so gai.. Ye larki b na!', shooking my head, i picked her up in bridal style with the blanket wrapped around us and walked into the room.
Placing her cautiously on the bed, i tried to untangle myself from the blanket and after few embarrassing efforts, succeeded.
Shutting the balcony's door and turning off the lamp, i plopped on the bed and slid into the covers. Turning my face to her, i saw her sleeping like a child who just had a tiresome day.
Pagal na ho to...
Pinching her nose, i placed my hand under my face and closed my eyes but not before praying for our 'Happily Ever after!!'
Heya people!!
So this book has officially been completed now.. Tada!!
Now you guys don't have to wait for my slow af updates cuz there ain't gonna be any after that.. 😁🙈
Thanks again for all the love and putting up with my slow speed 💗
Now I'd be able to focus on my other book.. Finally! ✌
Yeah.. Bye now!
Happy Reading :))))
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