*Three months later*
Leeha's POV:
'Screw this!, flinging the book on study table, i threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes.
I was tired.
I was hungry.
I was sleepy.
And i wanted to set everything on fire.
But just then my phone pinged.
Frowning and wondering that who would message me at 2:30 am, i picked up my phone.
'Of course who else can it be',i mumbled smirkingly.
Saroo: "What's cracking and lacking, girl?😏😋"
Rolling my eyes at his silly antics, i started typing.
Me: "My head is cracking and em lacking patience! 😒✌"
Sometimes even i wonder at my flow of sarcasm that never fails to surprise others.. Where does it come from? God gifted maybe..!
The phone vibrated in my hand again, breaking the chain of thoughts.
Saroo: "Tell me something that i don't know.. Wait!"
And i knew what was coming up next..
His call.
Chuckling, i picked up his call.
'Why are you up so late?', was the first thing that made its way to my ear.
'Hello to you too', i said sarcastically and he huffed.
'Stop being a brat already and tell me that what are you doing waking up at this hour of night?', question was asked seriously this time but i was in mood of annoying him.
I loved teasing him to bits, when it gets under his skin and when he huffs in annoyance. Priceless!
'I was up to get rid of the dead bodies but just then you called. So hurry up.. The blood is flowing so bad already', i said trying to create thrill.
'Can't you get serious for once, fiance?', said Hussain sighing and my heart skipped a beat at his word 'fiance'.
Yeah.. We have been engaged from past two months and i have been enjoying every moment of it.
Hussain's good.. In fact perfect for me. He's funny, handsome, cute and yeah he acts dumb sometimes.. Actually most of the time. But he loves me a lot and i love him too.
If anyone had told me five months ago that i would fall for someone that i never met, i would have died laughing but now its most important truth of my life..
Life's good..
'Hello?? Back to earth, Leehay!! Stop zoning out on me!', Hussain's voice brought me back to senses.
'Uhhh yeah?? Why are you not sleeping?', i asked yawning.
'You didn't answer my question then why should I?', counter questioned Hussain and i rolled my eyes.
'Project.. I was working on my project..', i said dryly and rubbed my eyes that were getting heavy due to sleep.
'Did you have your dinner?',asked Hussain worriedly and i tilted my head to right side, looking at the small heap of chocolate wrappers.
'Except chocolates, of course', retorted Hussain curtly before i could say anything, making me laugh.
He knows me too well..
'Nah', i stated briefly.
'Figured.. come to the window', i heard him saying.
Pulling the phone off my ear, i stared at it weirdly as if i was staring at Hussain.
'I have no plan of eating leaves, Thank you very much', i snapped, referring to the tree near my window and this time he erupted into laughters.
Seriously.. I wasn't that much hungry.
'I am not asking you to eat leaves, lameo. Just come at the window', this time it was an order and i humphed.
'Okayy..', drawling, i got off of the bed and trudged to the window.
Opening the window, i saw him standing there with a grin spread over his face and my jaw dropped. I blinked my eyes rapidly but he was still there, leaning against his car.
'Hello fiance!', his voice came through the phone as i saw him waving at me.
Shining stars and moon was making it possible for me to see him clearly enough.
'What the hell are you doing here, Saroo?', i whisper yelled at phone.
'Just came to see my girl', i heard him saying amusingly.
'Seriously? Dad's at home, you idiot!.What he's gonna think? Go back home!', i panicked, glaring at the moron who was shooking his head in denial.
'Okay.. I thought that you might need Mac's extra cheesed burger and grilled chicken. But never mind. Good night', he said feigned dismayed and my eyes went wide open.
'Kha khasam!', i said abruptly in urdu and the response was ear piercing laughter that made me frown at him even more.
'What the hell? Why are you laughing like maniacs?', i gritted my teeth.
'It's kasam.. Not..khasam..', said Hussain in between his laughters and i rolled my eyes.
'Same difference', i said dryly as i saw him coming towards my window.
'Rapunzel... Let down your hair!!', sang Hussain and i chuckled humorlessly.
'I can only let down a rope around your neck and suffocate you to death!', i said sarcastically, leaning against my window.
'Okay then forget about the food as well!', said Hussain and i could feel him smirking.
The nerve of that idiot..
'Okayy.. Come up!', i said giving up and cut the call.
I saw him climbing up the pipe with great skill. Soon he was near the edge of my window.
'Give me your hand', said Hussain breathing heavily.
'Food first!', i brought forth my hand and he looked at me incredulously.
Now who's the boss?!!
'You are unbelievable!', said Hussain handing me the bag and i clutched his hand as well.
Placing the bag on table, i pulled the monkey out that was stuck in the window.
'You should start dieting, Fatty!', i groaned, rubbing my hands.
'Em not fat.. Em just too muscular to enter through your small window!', said Hussain jumping in.
'Yeah whatever floats your boat!', i said shrugging and jumped on the bed with burger and fries.
'Oh God.. What a hell of fiance you have given me.. I am standing here looking handsome as fuck and she is just so busy in gulping down the food. What did i do to have such girl?', i saw him standing there with his hands crossed over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at me.
'O cut the drama, man! I am hungry', i said taking bite of heavenly burger and moaned in pleasure.
What could i do? There was a zoo running inside my belly and i just simply can't ignore them for a boy whom i can't eat.. I am not a cannibal.. Unfortunately.
'Yeah i can see that', said Hussain sitting criss cross on the bed.
I was so busy in extinguishing the fire of my stomach that i almost forgot that there was another person in the room who was staring the hell out of me.
'What?', I asked raising my burrows but due to fries stuffed in my mouth it came out more like a mumble.
'Nothing.. Didn't your dad teach you sharing?', asked Hussain advancing his hand towards the burger and i slapped his hand away.
'Nope! And if you were that much hungry then you should've bought yourself one as well. Stop eyeing my food', i said placing my hands on the food bag and he pouted at me with puppy eyes, making me blush.
Ughhh.. This jerk knows how to control me..
'Okayyy.. This is the last time that em falling for your stupid trick.. Don't you ever expect me to fall for it again!', i said pointing my index finger at him and he nodded smirkingly.
I forwarded the burger to him and that scoundrel took a mouthful bite of it, leaving a small piece for me.
'You idiot!!!', i hissed, slapping his arm and he grinned with burger showing off in his mouth.
Swallowing it down, he burst into laughters at seeing me frowning at him.
'Sshhuusshh', i smacked my hand on his mouth to shut his roof exploding laughters down.
'You're gonna wake Dad up, you dunderhead.', i said smacking his head and he tittered under my hand.
Just then i realized the awkward position i was in. I was leaning over him with my one leg wrapped around his left leg and my one hand on his mouth and other lying near his face. And my face was few inches away from his.
And he stopped laughing. Rather he was looking into my eyes and i felt like burying myself in the ground of embarrassment.
Fuck your reflex actions, Leeha Hassan!
Clearing my throat, i got up of him with speed of lightning and sat on the side of bed biting my lip.
'Hey.. What happened?', sat Hussain near me as he bumped his shoulder into mine slightly.
'Nothing.. Umm.. Em just so stupid...
'I know right..', said Hussain cutting me off and i turned my face to him and saw him smiling evilly.
'Aur isi main mere mazay lgay huay', said Hussain winking and it took me three seconds to understand what he said. And when i did, my eyes went wide open.
'Stay the fuck away, you moron!', i said pushing him away as i didn't want him to see me blushing wildly.
'So what was your project about?', asked Hussain as he went up to my study table and satrted checking out my books.
'Nothing special.. Just some computer shit.', i stated cleaning the rubbish from my bed.
'Woahh..What's that?', i heard him asking surprisingly and after seeing what he was seeing, i smacked my forehead.
Uh ho.. Here we go again..
Hussain's POV:
'Woahh..What's that?', i asked somewhat amazed at the sight before me.
A wall full of photographs..?
There were like hundreds of photographs, clicked with Polaroid.
There were pictures of her with her friends, Dad, with Shehry, Waqas, Atif and me. There were pictures of different places.. Sceneries.. Clouds and rain.
'Where did you get all these from?' , i asked mesmerized by all those pictures.
'I don't carry my polaroid all the time with me just to increase the burden on my shoulder. I use it for this', she answered sarcastically as she stood beside me.
"There was a picture of Leeha,Me Waqas, Shehry and Atif.. Atif was looking somewhat pissed off while rest of us were laughing our asses off with our fingers pointed at Atif."
I remember that day when Atif was attacked by a dog. He hates dogs.
"Then there was a picture of Me and Leeha. We were standing at the edge of a boat, doing Titanic signature move. I was looking like out of the world with my closed eyes while Leeha was sticking her tongue out at me."
I chuckled looking at her funny face and caught sight of her. She was smiling too. I grabbed Leeha's hand and entwined my fingers with hers, pulling her closer to me.
She looked at me with incomprehensible look on her face and i smiled.
Turning my face back to wall, i started looking for more pictures.
"There was a picture of us with Maha. We all were looking like monkeys with our faces and clothes besmeared with chocolate syrup, flour, eggs and butter. Leeha and Maha were sitting at the shelf with large bowls on their heads while all of us boys were sitting on the floor with determined looks on our faces."
We were trying to bake cake for Mum's birthday and i still remember that how Mum scolded us for ruining her kitchen and then she made us clean it as well.
"Then there was a picture of our engagement. I was slipping the ring in her finger and she was blushing. Waqas, Atif and Shehry were standing there like three monkeys. Waqas,covering his ears. Atif, his eyes and Shehry, his nose".
'When did this happen?', I asked from Leeha who seemed lost in the pictures.
'Uhh...That? That happened when you were out of your senses..that you are like most of time.', said Leeha smirking and i rolled my eyes.
'I was so mesmerized by you that i couldn't notice anything else around me.', i said huskily, winking and she puckered up her eyebrows.
Just then my eyes fell on a picture that was placed in the middle and my heart filled with happiness.
It was picture of our very first chat and it was having the description:
'It all began with this..'
'That's so pretty.. I never knew that i mean that much to you', i said standing in front of her.
'Yeah..because you always have been that much dumb', said Leeha pinching my nose and i frowned.
'Why i never saw this before?', i asked confusedly.
'Because.. You have never been in my room like this, Einstein! Now move.. I have to brush my teeth.. Em feeling damn sleepy', yawned Leeha as she pushed me away.
'Okay.. And i think i should leave.. It's pretty late now', i said looking at the clock that was telling me that it was 3:25 am.
'Not before brushing your teeth!', ordered Leeha yanking my arm and my mind blew.
'What?? Why..why i should brush My teeth?', i asked incredulously at her stupid statement.
'Because you ate junk food as well..', the lame excuse was presented and i stared at her as if she was talking alien.
'I just took one bite, woman!', i said throwing up my hands in the air.
'Yeah.. Bite.. That one of size of Asia..', said Leeha crossing her arms over her chest and i couldn't help thinking that if she has gone mad.
'So what? I would brush my teeth at home. Why are you so persisting?', i asked thrusting my hands in my jeans' pockets.
'Because i don't trust you!', was the answer and i deadpanned.
'Okayy fine!! You ain't gonna drop that, so let it be!', i said doing the peace sign and she grinned.
'Okay let's go', chirped Leeha as she went into the bathroom.
I quickly went to that wall and tore off the pic in which Leeha and I was smiling at each other.
The only sober pic on the whole wall..
'Here', Leeha handed me a tooth brush as i went into the bathroom.
'You have spare tooth brush?', i asked grabbing the tooth paste.
'Yep.. Sometimes my friend comes to stay with me', mumbled Leeha brushing her teeth and me...who was having that brush in my mouth, choked on the tooth paste.
'So it's her brush??', I yelled, glaring at my stupid fiance.
Like who the hell in this world makes you brush your teeth with her friend's tooth brush??
'Nahh!! She always has hers.. And for your kind information its new', i was informed.
I groaned at my present condition.
I was in the bathroom.. With my fiance.. And the hell we were doing? Brushing our teeth! Fucking awesome!!
All credit goes to my fiance..!
'Can you think Leehay.. What boys are gonna think when em gonna tell them that i was in the bathroom with you.. The scenarios they are gonna make in their heads..
'Ha!! You can't even touch me, boy!', Leeha cut me off with tooth brush still in her mouth.
'You are challenging me?', i asked raising my burrows.
'Not really.. Just stating the facts', said Leeha with great indifference.
'So you are saying that i can't do anything?', i asked stepping closer to her but as she was busy in brushing her teeth so she didn't notice my move.
'Em just sayi...
And her words vanished in the air as i placed my lips on her cheek. Hugging her by her shoulders, i pressed my tooth paste-striken lips on her left cheek.
Electric currents were running through my spine and i could feel my heart going mad.
After seeing her eyes wide open and the tooth brush falling from her mouth, I smiled against her skin.
'Don't challenge me again or i won't be responsible for the consequences!', i whispered in her ear hoarsely and her head snapped at me.
'Youu.. Hussain.. Em gonna kill you!!!', shrieked Leeha and i knew what was coming next so i ran out of the washroom.
I jumped on her bed, hiding myself under her blanket.
'Em gonna kill you.. How dare you do that?!!', i heard footsteps coming towards me and then my blanket was being pulled.
'Okay.. You didn't see that.. I'll do it again', i said cockily as i pulled the blanket.
We both were currently involved in a blanket fight.. She was trying to take it off of me while i was pulling it on myself.
'You are an asshole, Mr Hussain Asif!! Em not gonna spare you!', said Leeha furiously and i snickered.
'I don't want to be spared either', i said jerking the blanket to myself forcefully and this time it brought Leeha with it.
She fell on me with her head striking mine and we both groaned in pain.
'You just simply can't resist me, babe!', i said pinching her cheek smeared with tooth paste.
'Don't call me that, you twit!', said Leeha smacking my forehead and i pouted bringing my face near to her.
'Let me go, you jerk!!', squirmed Leeha in my grip as my hands were wrapped around her waist.
'Don't you need your good night kiss?', i asked smugly and her eyes went wide open at my reference towards her t-shirt..
She was wearing a black tee with 'kiss me good night' written on it. I saw it the time i came here and was planning to tease her on that since then.
'Nope.. I only need to kick your ass out of here.', said Leeha gritting her teeth and i laughed, amused at her frustration.
Her hairs were covering my face and having her this close to me was doing no good to my heart that was beating for stupid things.
It was taking me one hell of will power to not to stare at her lips and i finally decided to let her go or i would do something really stupid.
Catching me off gaurd, she pulled herself up with full force and i sat on the bed.
'Now don't sit on my bed like fucking bride and get out', growled Leeha curtly but i could see the pink shade creeping over her cheeks.
'Bridegroom.. To be exact!', i said smugly and she grimaced.
Woppss.. Someone's looking beyond pissed now..Nikal le Hussain beta..
'Okay! Em going.. There's no need to make such crabbed faces.. They ain't suit you', i said getting up from bed and she rolled her eyes.
'Bye, fiance!', i said walking up to her and she placed her hands on her hips which means that she ain't in mood of buying my shit.
I sighed and turned around with my drooping shoulders as i walked up to the window.
'Bye Saroo and thanks for the meal!', her laughing voice made me turn to her and i saw her lying in her bed with her covers on.
My fiance is the most unpredictable girl in this world..
'Good night, Leehay!', i said softly as i sat on the window.
'Good night, Saroo!', her mumble made my heart stop and i felt like running to her and hugging the life out of her.
Control Hussain...
Smiling, i climbed down the pipe but not before throwing a glance at my feisty little devil who was in deep slumber now.
Going to my car, i ignited the engine and pulled the car on the road.
Heading to my home with my heart filled with happiness and tickling feelings, i felt like most lucky person in the world.
Just then my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a message from Shehry.
"Shehry: Where the hell are you, Salay?? Mum's awake and she's gonna kill me with questions!! Come back home, you asshole!!😑😬"
Uhhh oo.. You spoke too early, Sain!
Happy Reading :))
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