
Thanks for the beautiful cover sanayakhan76

Hussain's POV:


My breath hitched in my throat as her words seeped into my brain.

Millions of thoughts started occupying my brain with whirlwinds of emotions and confusion blowing at full speed.

Breaking the hug slowly, i looked into her brown eyes that were full of surprise and confusion.

My hands were still resting on her shoulders and my heart was thumping loudly.

'Are you okay, Saroo?', asked Leeha with her knitted eyebrows as her eyes roamed over my face that was adorned with incomprehensible expressions.

Leeha is my mystery girl...

Realization hit me like truck and my hands slid down her shoulders.

'Leeha?', i asked but my voice came out like a whisper.

'Nope.. Hades!', said Leeha smirkingly and it was confirmed.

Leeha and that mystery girl are same..?

I had been going mad for Leeha from past two months?

If Leeha was that girl then why didn't she tell me?

Why i couldn't feel the similarity between them?

All these questions were killing my head and i didn't know how to deal with this situation.

'Hussain!', i heard Waqas' holler but my eyes didn't tear away from Leeha's face who was now attentive to the boys coming towards us.

I needed space.. I had to deal with the shit i have got myself into. I needed to absorb the information that my search is over and in most unexpected way.

'Sain.. Where are you going?', Shehry yelled behind me but i was deaf to everything around me.

Leaving Leeha with the boys, i strode to the fountain and threw myself on the bench, holding my head in my hands.

Events from past two months were swirling in my head.

Its been two months that i have been searching for that girl and from same two months i have been talking to Leeha..

I never saw that girl before because Leeha moved to Houston two months ago.

•She doesn't like to be called bitch just like that girl that i saw at Subway..

'I will poke your eyes out with fork if you said that word again'

Her words echoed in my head.

•She was the one that i saw at boutique on that day.

'I am wearing white dress'

She did told about that in group.

•Then at the mall.. Those girls.. She was there too.

'I am at the mall..',

All those wires were connecting now..

Everything was making sense now. I was given so much hints by fate that Leeha was the same girl but i couldn't get them.

But i shared everything with Leeha about that girl then why didn't she tell me that she was the one i was looking for?

Why did she keep it hidden from me?

I was upset but jubliant at the same time. Upset becuase i couldn't feel it before that Leeha was the mystery girl and jubilant becuase i finally found her.

And just then another feeling rushed in..


How would i tell Leeha that i am in l-love with her??

Embarrassment brought another feeling with it..


What if Leeha refused to accept my love? What would i do if she leave me again? What if she ridicule my feelings?

Would i be able to put up with the rejection?

My heart stopped at this question and i was being made realize that i would never be able to survive the rejection.

Damn you Sain, you ass!!


Leeha's POV:

I was hesitant, would be an understatement. I was scared. I was indecisive. Every limb of me was crying 'don't go!', but i had to shut them out.

I didn't have the courage to see his face.

Screw you.. Leeha! You are so fucked up!

Okay.. I have something to confess..

I like Saroo.. I mean Hussain.. But Saroo suits him more.

Even tho i tried it for umpteenth time to get over with him but how can i get over with him when not even a single day passes by when we don't talk?

He loves someone else, Leeha..

I have been telling this to my stupid stupid heart everyday but i don't know how this fucking traitor started beating for him and it's so annoying now.

After one hell of insistence of boys, i decided to meet them but now i regret my decision.

I don't have courage to see his stupid face and then it would be damn difficult for me to control my already screwed heart!!!

'Control Leeha!! You got this.. Breath in.. Breath out!!', i muttered to myself as the engine died in front of the park.

Checking myself in the car's mirror and rubbing my sweaty hands on my jeans, i stepped out of car.

We are cool, Leeha.. Just act normal..

My brain instructed and i followed him obediently.

With my confidence level raised to acceptable level, i walked through the park's door.

Looking around, i searched for the fountain that boys told me about. As i walked further, i saw him standing there alone and my heart started drumming loudly.

There we go again..

I halted in my steps but my sanity stroke me again and i came back to senses.

Act normal.. Act normal..

Smiling, i started walking towards him. He was standing there, wearing unintelligible expressions on his face. It looked like as if some lightening stroke him. He was looking at me and my body started sweating.

Just then, a strange thing happened.. Something i never ever imagined.

He was running towards me..?

Did he recognize me?

But how? He never even saw me..

Before my mind could answer these questions, i was crashed into a hug.

And my brain.. My only friend..stopped working.

His cologne hit my nostrils and i inhaled his amazing fragrance.


Fireworks started exploding within me and my heart.. It felt like my heart was dancing..

That bastard..

I was standing still with my eyes wide open and having his arms wrapped around me. I could even listen his heartbeats. His heart was beating as fast as mine.

'I didn't expect you to be that much eager to meet me, Saroo!', i said chuckling into his neck as my head was resting on his chest.

And his grip on me loosened. Pulling himself back, he stared into my eyes, making my heart go wild.

'Are you okay, Saroo?', i asked after seeing his flushed face.

But he didn't answer. His face was showing mixed emotions that i couldn't comprehend.

'Leeha?', he whispered and my heart skipped a beat.

Fuck you heart!! Stop being so despo!

'Nope.. Hades', i said trying to lighten up the atmosphere but failed as his eyes went wide open.

'Hussain!', a voice echoed and i turned around to see the owner of the voice and saw Shehry, Waqas and Atif coming up to us.

I smiled looking at them. As the boys approached us, Hussain strode off.

What's up with him?

'Hussain..where are you going?', asked Shehry as they all came up to me.

'Leeha?', asked Atif curiously.

'The one and only', i said smugly, flipping hair over my shoulder and they all laughed.

'I  am finally meeting you, daughter', said Waqas wiping his imaginary tears and i giggled.

'It's really nice to see you, Leehay!', said Shehry bringing forth his hand.

'Feeling's mutual', i said honestly, shaking hands with him.

'You are so beautiful, Leeha dear!', said Atif smiling and i blushed.

'Unlike you!', retorted Waqas and Atif narrowed his eyes at him.

'Women are being called beautiful.. Men..handsome..unlike you!', shot back Atif with smirk.

'Would you both shut your effing mouths? At least try to act civil in front of a girl', reprimanded Shehry and i chuckled.

'It's okay, Shehry. It's not like i don't know about their antics. They don't have to act in front of me what they are not', i grinned.

'Was it compliment or insult?', whispered Atif in Waqas' ear that was audible enough for me to hear.

'I think we have been insulted nicely!', stated Waqas grimacing and i found it hard controlling my laughter.

'What's up with Sain?', asked Shehry with his gaze focused on Hussain who was sitting near the fountain, staring in the air.

'Yeah.. That's what i was going to ask.. Does he always look so lost and confused?', i asked raising my burrows and they all shooked their heads.

'How did he recognize you? We saw you both talking here', asked Atif demandingly.

'I myself don't know, dude. I was just coming to the fountain when i saw Saroo.. And he.. He ran up to me and..and h-hugged me', i stammered and tried my level best not to blush simultaneously.

'He hugged you?', they all shouted in unison and i took a step back, startled at their reaction.

'Y-yeah.. Weird, right? Like how did he know me? He never saw me, right?', i chuckled nervously.

They all shared odd looks with each other and then Waqas nodded his head, making Atif's eyes go wide.

'So we were talking about Saroo's condition.. Did he lose his lucky pants today?', i asked in order to change the tense air around us.

'No', said Waqas chuckling.

'Then his car's keys?', i asked another lame question.

'Hell no', said Shehry smiling amusingly.

'Okay i was going to ask about sanity but just then i realized that you can't find a thing that was never yours.. So never mind', i waved my hand dismissively and they all erupted into laughters.

That's how you change the air around you.. Ladies and gentlemen!!

'I don't think he's lost something today. He found something this time', said Shehry looking at me affectionately and i shot my left eyebrow up.


'What do you mean?', i asked crossing my arms over my chest.

'Why don't you ask him yourself?', asked Atif with fainting smile.

Why the hell are they all smiling like creeps?

'But.. Okay finnee!!', i drawled and trudged to Saroo who was staring at his shoes now.

I was about to ask from boys that Is Saroo on his man period? But thank God my brain sent restraining orders and i saved myself from embarrassment.. Just sharing a thought tho..

Just stay calm.. Shit's under control..

'Heyaa Saroo.. Why so Saroo today?', i asked chirping as i sat beside him at the bench.

But no response came from other side.

'Ummm.. Is everything okay?', i asked softly and his head snapped up with his eyes meeting mine.


'Yeah.. Why?', asked Hussain confusedly.

'Nothing.. Just the way you were staring the shit out of grass, i thought that you might be spying on the cockroach who stole your girlfriend', i blabbered nonsensically and closed my eyes, so that i may not be able to see Hussain laughing his ass off at my stupidity.

Die Leeha Hassan.. What shit are you speaking today? Where the hell are your jibing comebacks?
Shame! Utter Shame!

I opened my left eye slowly and saw Hussain gaping at me.

'What?', Hussain deadpanned and i felt like hitting my head on the wall.

What the fuck is his problem?

'What what? What's the matter? Why are you acting like a lost child in a county fair, huh? You should've told me if you didn't wanna meet...

'It was you!', whispered Hussain, making me cut my rant off.

'Excuse me?', i asked narrowing my eyes at him.

'It was you.. All this time.. It was you.. In the park.. At Subway... At boutique.. At the mall.. It has always been you.. You were the one i have been searching like maniacs..

I have been talking to you..telling you everything.. But you never told me that you were the one i have been looking for.. Why did you do this to me, Leeha? Why didn't you tell me that you were my mystery girl?', asked Hussain with pained expressions on his face but there was something else too.. Joy.

His rant left me speechless. I didn't know what he was talking about. I sat there staring at him with my mouth slightly agape.

Is he telling me that i am his mystery girl? He's been searching for ME?? But how can it happen?

Numerous questions started popping up in my head but not a single word made it's way out of my mouth.

'Tell me Leehay.. I shared everything with you.. I told you that i am searching for that girl.. I told you every time i saw her..

Damn.. I even confessed my feelings for that girl without knowing that you are the same girl.. Without knowing that to whom i am pouring my heart is the one who took my heart.. But you knew that.. Then why did you keep it hidden? Why didn't you try to put my search to an end?', asked Hussain jolting me shoulders but i sat there numb, staring at him, his dark brown eyes that were full of emotions.

'It was you whom i saw in the park, helping that little kid..You were so soft hearted..so brave.. Then at Subway, when you knocked the lights out of that scoundrel who annoyed you.. I saw you there as a girl standing for herself.. Then at the boutique in white dress.. looking so pure and beautiful.. Then at the mall.. I heard you talking with your friend.. you sounded so full of life...

All this time when i was falling for that girl...but the fact was that I was falling for you.. Your personality attracted me in every way..whether it was seeing you in person or chatting with you.. You did no good to me Leehay, you didn't try to help me', said Hussain chuckling bitterly and my mind blew.

His bitterness at the end broke something inside me.. Perhaps my traitor heart..

Served ya right, Mr. Heart!

'How the hell i was supposed to know that you are talking about me, Saroo? You never told me about that girl in clear words..

You never talked about her directly.. All the time you used to say that you saw her.. Where? Never told. When? Not mentioned. Then how i would have known that the girl you are seeing is me.. You never..

'I love you',

His three words took all words away from my mouth.

And once again ladies ans gentlemen.. I was left speechless.


Hussain's POV:

'I love you', i uttered the words that were playing upon my tongue the time she came in the park.

Her eyes went wide at my confession, with her mouth hung open and my heart melted at her cute expression.

I smiled smugly after seeing her cheeks going red.

Cute af!!!

I saw her opening and closing her mouth for several times like a fish.

Putting my finger at her lip, i saved her from further misery.

'Close your mouth, Leehay. Otherwise a fly's gonna make house in your mouth', i said winking and she frowned at me.

'Stay away.. You idiot!', shouted Leeha, jerking my hand away and i laughed whole heartedly.

Oh God.. How much i missed this..

'Isn't it ironic, Leehay?', i asked scooting closer to her.

'What?', asked Leeha biting her lower lip and my heart skipped a beat.

She's shyish..

Stop it Sain.. Don't act like an ass..

'That.. All that time i have been talking to the same girl i was dying to talk to.. I used to get help from you to get that girl out of my head without knowing that you are helping me to get yourself out of my head.. Ironic, right?', i asked shooking my head, laughing.

'Yeah.. You have been moron like that since forever', said Leeha shrugging nonchalantly.

'Oh yeah??', i asked mischievously, pulling my face closer to hers and she gasped with her eyes wide open as saucer.

'Ahemm Ahemm', someone cleared his throat, making us jump with a start.

It was Shehry who was grinning vilely with Waqas frowning at me and Atif somewhat upset.

'Keep it halal guys!', sang Shehry smirking and i smacked his arm, trying hard not to blush.

'We weren't up to such thing, right Leehay?', i asked from Leeha who was tucking her hair behind her ears.

'Yeahhh.. Plus it's so unhygienic here!', blurted out Leeha and after realizing that what escaped from her lips, she sighed defeatedly.

We all laughed at her deer caught in headlight look and she frowned at us.

'So finally..Our Romeo got his Juliet', squealed Shehry and i smiled warmly with my eyes focused on her beautiful face that was blushing like hell.

'Don't you ever try to break my daughter's heart and the next thing that would break is gonna be your face', warned Waqas with his index finger pointed at me and his arm slung over Leeha's shoulder and i wasn't liking any second of it.

Jealous much? Wtf? Why i would be jealous of Waqas.. He's just Leeha's friend..

But what about Atif?

My brain started teasing me with it's new questions and i looked towards Atif who was looking somewhat cut off from our conversation.

I need to talk to him..

'Done worry, Father! I would do that honorable deed by myself', Leeha's cheerful voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

'That's like my girl', they both high-fived and i rolled my eyes at their antics.

'Ati.. Side ayeen zra.. I wanna talk', i said to Atif slowly and he nodded.

'What's up, man?', asked Atif trying to sound cheerful.

'Are you okay, Ati?', i asked worriedly.

'Yeah dude.. Em all fine. Why are you asking?', asked Atif smiling.

'I..uhh..just.. Do you love Leeha, Atif?', i asked the question that was killing me from past ten minutes.

'What?? Hell No! Are you out of your mind, Sain?', asked Atif incredulously.

Well.. I wasn't expecting that reaction..

'Uhh.. I just thought that you might like her..uhh.. Like the way you were talking about her at noon. I thought you..

'Aik lgaun na tere munh pe.. How could you even think about me like that?

I was never in love with her.. Yeah i might be attracted to her but when i saw her.. She's not my type.. I mean she's beautiful but all those tinsy minsy feelings died on the spot. Plus when i came to know that she's the same girl you've been looking for.. I felt ashamed of myself but believe me.. I don't have any special wali feelings for her.. She's meant to be yours, Sain!', said Atif softly as he pressed his hand on my shoulder and i felt overwhelmed by his last line.

'Khush kiya e, jigar!', i said hugging him and he laughed.

'If you guys are done with your bromance, i think we should move.. Em so hungry!', said Waqas pulling long faces as they all came up to us.

'Me too!', pouted Leeha and i couldn't help staring at her lips.

'Like father.. Like daughter', muttered Atif and both of them grinned.

'Let's go', announced Shehry as they turned around.

Just then i grabbed Leeha's wrist and turned her into me.

'Where do you think you are going, girl?', i asked huskily whispering in her ear as i placed my chin on her shoulder.

'To eat food, duh', said Leeha dryly and i could see her smiling.

Turning her around and making her face me, i narrowed my eyes.

'Oh really? Itni jaldi kya hai..', i said smiling mischievously and she frowned.

Damn.. her frown...

With her hands resting on my chest, my arms wrapped around her waist and our faces few inches apart, my inner world was turned upside down.

'Stop it Saroo.. Let me go', she squirmed in my grip and i was enjoying her helpless condition.

'Only on one condition', i said smugly and she grimaced.

'To hell with your conditions.. Leave me Saroo.. Or you know that i can use other ways as well', said Leeha exasperatedly and i raised my eyebrows challengingly.

'Say that you love me too', i whispered placing my forehead on hers.

'No in hell way!', whisper-yelled Leeha and pushed me away with all the force.

As she was about to escape, i held her wrist again.

'I just recently found you, Leehay.. Now don't you even think about leaving me again because em never gonna let you go..', i said with my voice filled with emotions and she turned her head around a bit.

'Expect the same from me, Saroo.. Because i don't think that i can find an idiot like you', said Leeha sticking her tongue out at me and ran off.

I was given the answer..

She is mine..

I never believed when people said that there comes a person in your life that changes your whole life and becomes the most important part of it..

I have never been a big fan of new people in my life.. I didn't know what sort of changes they bring with them. Everybody enters in your life for a reason..Some people come to bring the best in you..some the worst.. Some come just as a lesson..

But now.. I believe in whatever they say. I never thought that Leeha would enter in our lives like that and become the part of them..specially mine.

Now i believe that we should let new people enter our lives.. Who knows if they make your life heaven or hell.. At least you would learn a lesson..

And my life.. I know its gonna be a mixture of hell and heaven..

Because my girl is an angel with devil horns!!


Hello people!!

How are y'all? :))

So this was the last chapter of GCWDB.. *wipes the tears and blows nose*.

Thanks for all the love and support.. I never thought that my work would be appreciated that much..

Massive thanks to those who read my book, voted and commented their hearts out.. You guys are my fav kind of people.. :)) And those who didn't vote.. Umm.. Nvm. You just even read my work is enough for me..

And yeah.. thanks to all those who made covers for my book and gave shoutouts. Thanks guys.. I didn't even ask for that but em glad that i have such readers..

And yeah i might upload a bonus chapter and epilogue.. So do pray that i get free time for writing them.. Cuz you know em lazy af!

Do share your thoughts about the last chapter and sorry.. I suck at writing about feelings.. So if i did any mistake then avoid it..

That was all from me..

Happy Reading and keep loving Leehay and Saroo! :))

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