Hipster: hey Matthew, I'm really sorry for how I acted, it wasn't right and I just wanted to apologize

Pancake: Emmy!!! No you're okay!!! It was my fault for being inconsiderate of your feelings, I was just worried that you were lonely but I realized that you still have us!

Hipster: yeah, thank you for being my friend :)

ChingChong: see I told you he'd forgive you.

PastaLord: well I'm glad our little group full of crackheads is back together, btw Leon I saw your IG post so you and iceicebaby huh? ;33

Pancake: they've been dating, what?

Awesome: Emily is back!!! JASS!

Tomate: oh! I saw the post too! They're both in China!

Pancake: haaaahh??? And you didn't tell us!!?? Not even your weird Uncle ^^^

Hipster: so Toni being my weird uncle is just a universally accepted thing now?

All: yes

Hipster: ok fuck you

And I was going to tell you but I was upset and I just found out after I did my no break. Which I broke that break promise so I guess that says a lot about me

PastaLord: HAHAHA idiot! What are you doing rn anyways?

ChingChong: we're on our way to my brother's house, Yao wanted to meet him

Pancake: not to be racist or anything but Asian people SUUUUU-

Awesome: I love you so damn much

Tomate: I like how Mattie is the memer here

PastaLord: idk if I want to be disgusted or not

Tomate: you're always disgusted but it's okay we love you anyways

Hipster: Leon is laughing so hard rn it's ridiculous. Anyways I'll ttyl

PastaLord: if he has a pool don't have sex in it

Hipster: what? Why??

Tomate: just don't

ChingChong: oh my god you guys totally ducked in the pool and not your bed

Pancake: I'm just gonna claw my eyes out thanks

Awesome: oooookay now that I've read that and seen Toni's bright ass face I'm just gonna go on a limb and say that they're officially the freakiest of us all. Ttyl Em!

Emil made a disgusted expression before turning off his phone and grabbed Leon's hand. "So... how do you think they'll like me?"

"Pretty good chance they'll love you," Leon spoke vaguely before booping Emil's forehead, "they're chill, I promise."

Emil hummed, "fine... but how many of your siblings are going to be there?" He asked.

"Yao, Yao's husband Ivan (he's creepy but I promise he's a cool dude), Kiku, Mei, and Yong Soo. I have others but they don't live with Yao at the moment, oh and they're all adults so don't let their faces fool you, especially Kiku's, he's like twenty five." Leon explained, "though Yao is the oldest at twenty eight. A lot of my siblings are adopted because my family also travels a lot."

"Wow... that's a lot, but it sounds nice..." Emil murmured, lightly leaning into Leon.

"Yeah I guess, but you also have a lot less privacy and you get bullied a lot more by siblings," Leon sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead with his free hand.

The Chinese mansion came up ahead, giant stone walls encircled the entire thing so no one could see into the yard, and there was an iron gate at the front to lead to the door.

"Whelp, we're here," Leon gently tugged the star struck Emil along.

The mansion was definitely a lot smaller than Lovino's, but it was quite a size bigger than Emil's own house.

Inside Leon yelled out some Cantonese and soon they heard footsteps walking out from the kitchen.

The man was very tall, very muscular, and very intimidating. Emil assumed he was Ivan, "uhm... h-hi..." He greeted.

Ivan smiled at the small blond and nodded, "da, hello, Yao-Yao will be out shortly," he informed sweetly (though it sounded eerie).

By shortly- it was only a few seconds. Yao walked out from what was the kitchen. He had long brown hair tied back into a high pony and he had on a pair of black kung fu pants and a red tank top, "Ah! You must be Emil!" He quickly made his way over and gently grabbed the boy's surprises face, "soft and pale skin, blond hair, pretty eyes... very nice."

Emil had a slight embarrassed flush to his cheeks and Leon just groaned, "Yao, you're startling him."

"Oh! Sorry! Leon doesn't bring guests often- very hard to meet." Yao spoke, but from the slow pace Emil guessed Yao wasn't exactly comfortable with English. Not that he was judging, he much preferred a Nordic language himself.

"It's fine... uhm... you look very pretty as well," Emil shyly spoke, his cheeks burning- especially at Yao and Ivan's surprised expressions.

"Haha! Thank you! Leon, this Emil too cute, very pleasant," Yao gushed, patting Leon's head.

"And you're not- anyways where's the others. They wanted to meet Emil," Leon asked.

"Hm... Kiku upstairs, Mei with Yong Soo at shopping. Might not be back in time," Yao informed.

"That's fine, Emil will be in China for a month anyways," Leon said.

"Oh? What for?" Yao asked Emil with curious eyes.

"Uhm... my cousin-in-law works for this international data company. APH I think? Associates Private Hub?" Emil said and blinked at everyone's stunned staring, "what..?"

"Dude... Yao is a CEO there- it's my father's company," Leon burst into laughter.

Emil gasped, "what?! Oh my god! If I make a bad impression please don't take it out on Berwald!" He was red in the face.

Yao smiled brightly, "no no! You fine! I know Berwald, he a good worker. Very diligent. Funny coincidence though!"

Ivan smiled at Yao, "didn't you invite Berwald to come over for a meeting?" He asked.

"Yes I did! Emil, you stay for dinner!" Yao spoke excitedly.

Emil looked helplessly to Leon who looked very entertained, "I'll show you Kiku, see you guys at dinner," he led the awkward teen up the stairs.

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