Boarding a ship he had decided to go to The United States of America. Once there he found they were on the brink of war within themselves. Making his way down towards southern Illinois he settled in keeping low and out of sight. Something was going to happen and he had to keep himself relatively inconspicuous or they would try and use him for their war.
Sure enough they broke out in a civil war. He created Golems that looked extremely human and used them to usurer people near the fighting to safety. He also used them along with himself to work the underground railroad. Getting Slaves through the northern states and into Canada as soon as they found themselves at his door. He sent Golems that looked to be in the image of runaway slaves in another more open direction to draw the hunt away from their true path. The war raged on for years and Grismore never stopped what he was doing helping people remain safe in his area as well as working the underground as often as he could. Of course to keep himself out of any activities as he had planned the credit to their escape always went to someone else, he made sure they all agreed to that one bit before he actually helped them.
After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated Grismore stayed a few more years, helping to calm the country to the best of his abilities. It was no easy feat when they had been at war for so long about their beliefs and through the prejudices would still be there he made his way back to France, back to Grant who had given up on finding his daughter alive so many years after a normal human would have died. He however was still determined to find out who had taken his family from him. Or find proof of who he already suspected. Grismore at this point gave Grant use of any of the estates that had been given to him. They were scattered through out the world and Grant was also given access to the funds that Gottschall had given Grismore. He had explained the fortune grew dispute his attempts at getting rid of it. And he wanted nothing to do with that man.
After a few weeks of helping Grant with his search they decided to split up and follow one of two leads that they had found. Grant took one that lead him away towards the west, Grismore having things to do in Japan took the lead that lead there figuring it was better to kill two birds with one stone.
Making his way into Japan Grismore met with a man who had heard of Gottschall but had no idea where the man had gone from that small village after he left. Sticking around to look into the lead for Grant, Grismore heard of an artifact that is rumored to trap souls for the use of evil doing. Deciding to search for that Grismore turned his attentions to fully focus on locating the artifact only AFTER learning the lead for Grant was a dead end. Writing the other male a letter he explained his findings and lack of further proof that what he was looking for was in Japan, he also let the male know he would be in Japan for the foreseeable future and gave him an address to further contact him at if he was needed.
Research lead him to place after place and myths about the artifact were not exactly clear about what the thing was. He didn't know if he was looking for a cup or a blade or anything. All he knew were the symbols that had been carved into it. Asking around about the symbols only lead to him being scorned and scolded for meddling. However in his search he met a couple who were willing to help him on his search. They were both sorcerers and expecting a child. Little did Grismore know they were the ones who had the object, and that they had already used it. [This bit of information can go into Tanlija's history when you write it.] Feeling as if he were on a wild goose chase Grismore began to give up on finding the artifact, that was until the couple found it and gave it to him. The artifact was a small smooth rose colored soap stone with the symbols carved onto its surface. However the rose color indicated the stone was empty. The couple explained the legend that when the stone was dark colored it held souls, but when it was a light color there were only one or two trapped inside.
After they had their child Grismore chose to stick around and study the artifact more closely, the couple agreed and asked if he would help teach their child the ways of an elemental wanting to have her as learned as possible. He agreed but chose to wait until she was older. However when she was twelve her parents had been murdered and no one could find the culprit. Grismore had his suspicions about the killer. Tanlija, their daughter had been dark in many ways and Grismore couldn't help but make a few connections between the deaths of [Get names from Tanlija's character page.] and Tanlija's powers they had failed to teach her to control as they should have. Her parents were obsessed with teaching her the darkest of magics and keeping her dark. On having a small test done on her, he had learned that she was conceived to be the darkest sorceress there was. Feeling as if he needed to teach her to control her powers and not be as dark as her family had been trying to make her he took her under his wing and began to teach her.
When she turned sixteen, she became drawn to the dark magic that she possessed and despite his efforts Grismore failed to keep her steered away. She had meet a man learned in Rune magic and began to learn from him while learning from Grismore. The mix of the two magics began to tear her apart and even possess her mind. She had shown up to a lesson with Grismore and tried to kill him. When she failed and came to, she seen how angry he had become and she ran. Grismore followed her and soon found she had covered the tower she ran to in runes designed to hold another being. However she failed to remember he could control elements and therefore he would be unaffected the moment he altered the wood and stone she had carved into. Lunging at him with an old rune covered dagger Grismore caught her wrists and applied Pressure.
"Tanlija, you know you cannot control this magic in you. Why would you try and use another magic to confuse you further?" He asked. His voice had gone cold, eyes emotionless. She grew angry and tried to use vines to pull him back but Grismore having more control over them shrugged them off and stumbled slightly as she kicked him backwards. Going to stab him once again, he met her in the center of the room and applied a little more force to holding her at bay. This resulted in a struggle that lead to her tripping over an old fallen beam and falling out the window of the tower. The fall to the cliff side below was too far for her to have survived. Holding onto the window sill Grismore closed his eyes and shook his head. When he looked back out of the window he had seen her body had disappeared into the water below. He could see the body sinking and it was there that he left her.
Contacting an old friend he had made on his first arrival to Japan he left the stone with the male believing that artifact needed to remain in Japan where it belonged. Once he left Japan he spent a few months traveling the countryside of Asia as he walked his way into Italy. The loss of Tanlija weighed heavily on his heart and he felt as if he needed to clear him mind by reconnecting with the elements around him.
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