You could hear the loud click of the lock as the bronze key turned inside of it. "Come on, we don't have much time before the others awaken and alert the guards," my father said quietly. I nodded in response, nimbly stepping out of my cell. My dad closed the cell back swiftly and we climbed up the stairs, careful not to make a sound.
Once we were outside of the dungeon, we had to find a way to get out of the castle, without the guards noticing us. "Hey Maeve, over here," my dad motioned. I walked over to him, a confused expression worn on my face. "What is is dad?" I whispered. "Look over at this rope, it's called a portcullis, usually chains or ropes are attached to an internal winch," he said fascinated.
"Say what now?" I said, more confused than ever. My dad sighed loudly to himself. "Basically a heavy iron gate that can be lowered to prevent people from entering." he said. "So right now, the gate is down and we need to open it." "Oh, I get it now." I said, my confusion slowly departing from my mind.
"Now, on my count we lift. Quietly." He said, putting one finger to his lips as the "shh" gesture. I nodded my head hastily, getting the idea.
We both pulled on the rope, the rough material scratching my hands as I gripped it. My knuckles were turning white as I felt the rope slowly slipping from my hand. "Weren't they supposed to make this easy to open?" I grunted. "That's only for closing the gate," my father said, making strange noises with his mouth as he pulled. I looked at the gate and saw it opening slightly. "Dad look!" I said, releasing one hand from the rope to point at the gate.
Suddenly, the gate dropped and a loud crash echoed throughout the empty castle. "Maeve," my dad groaned. "Sorry," I said shamefully. "Come on, there's a chance we can find a low window and jump out before they catch both of us. Hopefully we'll only get a minor injurie, like just a broken bone." I nodded, determined not to get caught.
We ran away from the gate as we heard loud footsteps approaching. "Maeve come on!" my dad yelled from way ahead of me. "Stop running so fast!" I called out to him. I could hear the guards coming closer and closer. Suddenly, the best idea I ever had struck me. I stopped, crouching down, setting one knee on the ground and shot upwards, my wings sprouting up from my back. I looked behind me and saw that one of the guards fainted, causing the other guards to fall over his paralyzed body. I snickered to myself. "Dad! Your wings!" I shouted out to him, zooming ahead.
A look of uncertainty laced over my dads face. "I-I'm alright here on the ground." "Dad! Stop joking around! They're gaining up on you!" I shouted, worried soon they would catch him. "It's okay Maeve! I will catch up!" my dad called out to me. "No dad, stop being such a snuffle-puff and just fly," I said forcefully. "I-I can't! Alright? I can't- I can't fly anymore." my dad said, salty tears slowly dripping down his face.
"Oh dad..." I said softly, not really knowing what to say. Loosing your wings was loosing a part of you. The only thing that really made a fairy a fairy. It's your escape in a world that's full of greed and war. Another world awaits your arrival, but the only key of entrance is your wings. It's a way to cope with yourself and all the other dreadful mistakes you made. Every time you shoot up into the air, or feel the wind whipping across your face, that giddy feeling in your stomach that makes you feel as if nothing can and ever will harm you again, was gone. A part of him was gone, and there was no getting it back.
"Take my hand." I said, my voice glazed with determination. My dad nodded, his hand shaking slightly. I felt the firm grasp of his hands in mine as I struggled to pull him up.
Arrows were being fired at us. I grunted loudly as I attempted to keep my firm grip on my fathers hand, and navigate the castle at the same time. Then, almost as if an angel were listening to my thoughts, I heard the ever so sweet sound of glass breaking. I faced the source of sound and saw a window. An opening. I flew outside of the window, the cold breeze sending spine chilling kisses down my back. I looked back at my dad and saw he was struggling to hold on.
"Come on dad," I grunted. "I'm trying," he said, exasperation replacing his once determined tone.
Arrows were being shot at us every five seconds, and each arrow that was sent flying towards us got more and more accurate then before. "ARGH," my dad screamed in agony. Dread filled my mind as I looked down at him, and saw his chest impaled with an arrow. I felt tears filling my eyes, that were threatening to release any moment.
I flew deep into the forest, my dad grunting in pain, and small whimpers of fear coming out of my mouth. Once I was satisfied with where we were, I immediately landed, resting my dad by a tree. After settling down, I got a closer look at him and I felt as if just then, my heart had shattered into a million pieces.
"I'm so so sorry daddy," I sobbed, as I held myself in his arms. "There must be something I can do, a spell- a potion, anything to make this better," I said frantically, trying to fix his wound. My dad held his hand up in protest. "There's nothing you can do honey," my dad said lightly. But as soon as I heard his monotone voice and I felt as if everything I said passed through him, In one ear and out the other.
I made a lame attempt of trying to tell him a joke, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. He listened to me as I tried to cheer him up and make him laugh, but his eyes are dead and that warm light within him is missing. And all I can think about is how to get it back.
I ripped a piece of my cloak off, attempting to stop the blood from gushing out, but a small puddle has formed already. "Oh Maeve, please, there is nothing you can do. I want to live my last moments with you. Now come sit close," my father rasped as he motioned me to come over. I chocked back a sob as I cuddled against him, feeling the last bit of warmth of his body, listening to his unsteady breathing.
"Now listen, I'm going to show you something very special, and your going to have to promise me something, alright?" He said, slowly guiding his hand toward his pocket. "Okay daddy," I said, unsure of what was awaiting me.
My dad took out a small leather notebook with intricate carvings on it. "Dad, this is beautiful," I gasped. "I know," he said chuckling lightly. "This right here, is a record of all my adventures, all these little notes I made for you and your mother while I was held captive. Some of the things inside might not be pleasing, but hey, life isn't always unicorns and rainbows," He said, getting cut short by a coughing fit. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, just a reminder of how helpless love can make yourself feel.
He handed me the notebook, the old scent of time lingering on the brisk, frail pages. I rested my head on his shoulders, listening to the shaky rising and falling of his chest. Our hearts became one, our minds connected through the pain and misery we both endured. The silence between us had said more then everything.
The small glances we exchanged every couple of minutes were just a small fracture of what could have been. I felt the vibrations of his heart beating slower and slower until it was nothing at all. His breathing had stopped, his face had stopped twitching, and his expression remained peaceful, only a couple of wrinkles left on his otherwise timeless face.
I stood up and took a deep breath, willing myself to not loose control. This was the hard part. I wasn't allowed to feel. I can't feel upset, or sad. I can't ever be too happy or too nervous. I was being controlled like some puppet on a string. I'm not allowed. Those three words had enough meaning in them to fill time itself.
I sighed loudly, bringing myself back to the present. I slowly gathered some logs and made a simple raft, and decorated it with some flowers and vines. I lifted up my fathers body and placed him into the raft, releasing him to the water. The source of life. The start of new beginnings. The small opening to take a chance.
"Goodbye Father."
The Wolf's Questions
Today we will be interviewing... Alpine! The Packs therapist/"Dive Deeper" person
Alpine: Good evening sir
Interviewer: Afternoon madam, today we will be answering some questions about this chapter
Alpine: Sounds good
Alpine gives the camera a paws up
Interviewer: So, what did you think about this chapter in general?
Alpine: Well I really thought a lot of meaning was put into this. Like I could feel how deep this was
Interviewer: I agree
Interviewer: Would you have used your magic if it was your father?
Alpine: I'm not really sure. I would want to spend the time left with him, instead of wasting it on the unpreventable.
Interviewer: Wow, thank you so much Alpine. (For once we have a sensible wolf in this pack)
Thank You guys so much for the support! It really means so much to me! I love each and everyone if you guys! Bye and stay safe!!
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