Chapter Eleven

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As is the yearly custom or sometimes biennially, usually lasting for a number of months per episode, the National Staff Body of Universities (NSBU) embarks on a strike action due to the lack of payment of years old arrears by the government and a host of other negotiation and policy based conflicts with the executives and staff members of the NSBU. At some point in the history of this nearly romantic relationship, the sitting governments were held fully responsible for the nationwide debacle each year it took place, particularly due to its recurring failure to keep its legal promises to adequate effect and its apparent unwillingness to improve the general remuneration system for staff in higher education. However, in recent times, the masses have come to see strikingly through the claims and counterclaims of both the NSBU and the government, and identified how much there exist many key areas of improvement to be made by both sides, if the service of quality education at the tertiary level is to be delivered effectively, sustainably, innovatively, transparently and in ways that are devoid of unnecessary politics or corruption.

Same agrees Mr. Abubakar, one of the lecturers of the department of Computer Science who majors in data processing, as he ends his class by announcing to the current second year computer science students that the school will subsequently be closing activities because of the strike.

"From next week, your friends in the NSBU and senior administrative staff will be going on strike. So, happy holidays!" he proclaims.

"Damn it!"
"Oh nooo.."
"Which kind thing be dis nau??.."
Students continue to remark in dismay, in response to the news.

"Yes.." Mr. Abubakar continues.

"But sir.. it's not fair!" Anita interjects.

".. I know, my dear. But sadly, this is the country we are living in and why we need to change it. A place where humans who have children and who themselves have been through the rigors of higher education, choose to sustain a cycle of callousness by enacting policies and negotiation strategies that are harmful to the welfare of young citizens and can jeopardize their futures."

"But sir.. many of their children are not in this country!!.." Shola wails in passionate anger, ".. Many of their children are studying abroad, in the UK, in Canada.. in the US! But they make the education system for those of us studying in Nigeria difficult and demoralizing. They make every sector of our society difficult and demoralizing!"

"Yeh!!" the class echoes in acknowledgment.

Mr. Abubakar responds, "My brother.. See.. Shola, one thing you need to understand is that it is not only the government. It is not just the agbada or.. the pot bellies of corruption you need to worry about. Yes, I know.. they carry a huge responsibility, both of modern day.. and historical significance. But when you look at the people that speak on behalf of us at the top.. many of them.. their children.. where do they go to school? Private at minimum.. or instead, abroad.. in Switzerland, Canada, the US or the UK. Famola, the current minister, was once a lecturer. But where are his children? In Dubai, in Denmark.. And then the last one was discovered recently by WACCNews to be a D-List musician in America.. what's his name.."

The class echoes his name in response and then begins to burst into laughter.

Wilson turns to Jimmy and says humorously, "Na your idol dem dey destroy so."

"Mtchew.. the guy na fool na." Jimmy responds, nearly rolling his eyes at the teacher's words.

Mr Abubakar continues, "So, you see.. No matter what happens, the people who are making the decisions, signing the deals and have the educational fates of Nigerian students in their hands are not affected by the policies they dish out in solidarity with the masses. And even if Halumi pays us today, assuming he could source the money in this economy.. the national cake would first need to be shared at the top before anything of significance trickles down to the bottom."

Janet raises her hand to share her opinion, "Sir!"

"Yes, Janet.." he beckons her to speak.

"I agree with everything you've said, sir, and I think it's painfully pretentious that the NSBU would try to sell to us and the rest of the masses the story that their actions are motivated by their desire to help us, the Nigerian students or to improve the quality of our education. Since the dawn of NSBU strikes in this country, we have seen only how much Nigerian students have lost and lost. But in spite of the improvements that need to be made on both fronts, I have a question.." She continues, ".. When a leader volunteers themselves, boasts of competence, claims goodwill, vows dedication, makes other meaningful promises and is therefore appointed with the resources and legal authority to manage the affairs of a team of individuals.. But then during their management tenure, a lot of fundamental projects are a failure, many challenges end in a deadlock, and chaos remains the prevalent state of the team, while they on the other hand and their handful of elite allies ultimately seem to lose very little or gain far more than most in the team. When investigating the source of the problem, the source of incompetence or the source of ill will towards progress.. When investigating the source of unhelpful action, harmful nonaction or significant corruption, who would you query first? The most subordinate members of the team and all those who possess the least power? Or the people at the top tier of the helm of affairs in that group or system, who have the most power?.."

"Say it again!"
Some guys in the audience begin to let out dramatic screams, while some other people around the class clap in response.

"This girl too smart abeg." Robo remarks to a friend beside him.

"That's my Janet!" Shola shouts humorously from behind the class.

Then Mr. Abubakar shuts him down in a cheeky manner, "Come on, keep quiet. She's not your Janet."

Everybody bursts into laughter.

Then he turns to her and continues, "Well, Janet, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You have said it all. And it's a good thing that young people like you are aware of the things going wrong in our system. It means that you will be most equipped to change it when the time comes."

"Dem go allow us??.. President is seventy nine years old!.." Shola screams again.

Everybody laughs.

".. Incoming candidates are recycled fossil fuels in their eighties." he adds.

The laughter continues.

After the humour in the air resolves, Mr. Abubakar tilts his head to the side, widens his smile and finally adds, "That is why moving forward.. we need more young people like you and everyone else in this class to participate more in politics and in various aspects of public decision making. If they refuse to let the mandate drop from their frail hands, then your relentless participation and passionate push for accountability will enable you to take it from them. So.. Go And Get Your.."

The entire class echoes, "PVC!!!.."

"And if you get there one day, make sure that you don't end up like them. Because if you continue the same cycle, all the sacrifice and suffering would have been for.."

".. Nothing." the class responds.

"Alright. Have a nice day, everyone." Mr. Abubakar bids before exiting the classroom.

Denis, the Class Representative immediately rises from his seat and follows the lecturer behind out of the building.

Within the class, the antics of recess fully take hold. Everyone is either unwinding, chatting, perambulating, munching snacks or galavanting with others across the classroom. Shola reaches Janet's seat, stretches out his arms and makes an obeisance in the air, and they both laugh.

"Ahh.. What is this one nau? Please o! Abeg.. Shola" Janet implores earnestly, not wanting him to create a scene.

"I'm bowing to you nau. Maximum respect.. Madam President.." Shola proclaims.

In utter shock at his words and embarrassment at the fact that some people may be listening or watching the display, she quickly beckons him to be calm and sit down, "Shola please.. calm  down. Stop whining me. You know sey na you be president. In fact, you don already be minister."

"Minister of where?.." he asks in a warmly confused manner.

"Minister of this Classroom.." she responds in laughter.

Then Shola continues with almost theatrical passion, "Ohh, Janet.. you misunderstand me. I am simply but elaborately in awe of you."

"Eh, na so." she responds sarcastically.

"Your intellect. Your magnificence. Your exquisitely articulate takes on issues defying their ostensive frontage of sophistication."

"Wahala!!" Janet exclaims in equal drama, ".. Where is my mobile dictionary?"

Like a stringing harp, Shola continues, ".. The stupendous way in which you douse the milieu of every room you enter with vigorous insight.. and with graceful courage, chart the course for transformative change, transcendent evolvement and salubrious growth."

Janet shuts her eyes, breathes in dramatically, lets out a witty cough and then clears her throat saying, "Oh, Mr. Ojo.. you have said it all. And indeed, I shall never remain the same again."

They both burst into mischievous laughter.

"But really, that was nice. I like your point of view." Shola finally says.

"Thank you. Same here. And what you composed just now off the top of your head was like.. really incredible. Have you considered going into poetry or writing?" Janet inquires with a warm but sharp honesty.

"Well, when I was in secondary school, I scribbled a few things here and there, but nothing major. I started getting interested in computers and tech, you know.. a field that has more prospects."

"More prospects? Have you seen the number of opportunities out there for young Africans in various fields that require writing? Even in our field of computer science and tech.. from program applications to product copywriting, data analysis writing and even essay competitions that are quite lucrative. I saw one yesterday worth ₦300,000."

"Woah! Really??" Shola widens his eyes in surprise.

"Yes! And I don't even feel like I have the writing skills, but I just want to try it out. But you.. after hearing you, Mr. Shakespeare.. I think it would be great for you to try it out as well.. if you have the time."

"Oh, Janet.. This is why I love interacting with you. You make me feel like I'm not doing enough.. but in a good way. And it always motivates me to surpass my limits."

"Awww… I'm glad to know that I've been helpful. And also that.. it's been in 'a good way'. Sorry if I'm a bit forward with my opinions."

"Don't apologize," he says assertively. Then he adds slowly with an almost devious smile, "Smart ladies don't apologize.  Beautiful ladies don't apologize."

"Oh, please.." Janet rolls her eyes at his second line of flattery. Then she smiles, ".. Anyway, on a more serious note, Shola.. you and I both know that you've always had it in you to do amazing things. So I think it's high time you brought out your wings.. and.." she opines, imitating a soaring bird.

Staring deep into the sea of possibilities through her eyes, he finds her words not only flattering and inspiring but also overwhelming because they tug at the strings of some of his deep seated insecurities and fears of failure, loss or not being enough. He also marvels at how effortlessly brave and emotionally certain she is when making existential decisions. Her mind is already prepared for a potential failure yet it doesn't faze her resolve at all to try. It's almost as though she sees the process as a training ground for herself, her skills and her goals, and as nothing more but expedient fuel for ultimate long-term growth. This fascinates Shola and makes him a little jealous because in his opinion, he could barely be that logically shrewd about anything he puts his interest and effort into. But it arouses his mind all the more to be closely engaged with her, or maybe that's just the raging male hormones doing their usual thing. Nevertheless, he and Janet are just friends and from all indications will remain so. Speaking of which, he comes to remember that there are a number of girls in his dm at the moment who he needs to text back.

"You're right." he says in acknowledgment. Then he asks, ".. What's the name of the competition?"

Janet smiles, "The 'Speak Nigeria' Essay Competition. And the topic is on Digital Divide. The deadline is about three weeks from now. I'll send you the link and details via chat."

"Alright. Thank you, I really appreciate this.." Shola responds warmly, placing his hand on the side of her arm.

"Hey guys!!" Erica, the social queen bee of the second  year computer science class cuts their conversation short with her vibrant presence and continues,  ".. Well, it seems like you're both having a great time. Sorry to interrupt. I'd just like to inform you, especially Shola who.. has been on our team before, that as part of our upcoming faculty's social week, our student organization will be hosting a picnic, and this year, it's going to be a very special picnic party at the Minton Reserve. I will be serving as the head of the hosting committee this year, and my team and I have recently started selling tickets and collecting donations and contributions from members of each class. Janet.. we'd really love your  contributions this year. And one of the extra benefits we're glad to be able to provide this year is that paying for this picnic qualifies you to get a free extra ticket to bring a plus one!.. And also, to get a 20% discount on the main Computer Science Student Faculty Dinner Tickets, which are ₦8,000 only!"

Now, Janet is a very nice and graceful but practical girl. She is not mildly interested in the proposal being made. Firstly, because she already has active plans leading up to the announced date of the event and secondly, because the financial requirements for attending the picnic seem to be quite large in relation to any fulfillment she would stand to gain from the event. But in the past, she has encountered a number of personal challenges, social complications, expressive pushback and visceral conflicts particularly in her years of highschool, that have served in part to make her decide to mould her behaviour almost radically into the best version of her present self. And on this quest for self improvement, she has delicately worked to prune younger inclinations, modify her excesses and seek healthy ways to fit more wholesomely into the social society around her. Nevertheless, a good number of her existential preferences and boundaries still remain without any interest in unfulfilling compromise, regardless of the costs. However, such tendencies for resistance to the social prompts and influence driven forces of others, she prefers to reserve only for prime time situations. At other times, she has come to find that it may be more beneficial to at least try to go instead with the flow. "Ohh.." she responds with a smile, ".. How much are the picnic tickets?"

Erica continues, "Well.. it depends on the package. There's the green package, the red package and the gold package. The green package is for singles or any other individual who seeks to go flat rate or maybe bring along a friend. It's ₦8,500. The red package is for couples and aspiring valentines. We have a whole selection and invitation system set up to make this interesting. It's ₦10,500 only. And then finally, the gold package is available for both the single pair mat option and a mat with companions of up to four, including baskets with wine, sponge cake, small chops, barbequed fish et cetera. Twenty five thousand naira."

"Wow.. alright, nice" Janet responds.

".. Which means we're really going big this year," Shola adds charismatically.

"Of course.." Erica smiles and continues, ".. Bigger year, bigger goals. And I know we're equal to the task."

Shola nods and smiles warmly back at her in response, "Alright, no wahala. We'll get back to you soon, Erica. Thank you for letting us know."

Janet nods in concurrence.

"Alright then," Erica responds and moves on to the next group of people.

"My honourable Committee Chair!" Shola praises her as she glides away.

Afterwards, Janet turns to him and asks, "You're going for the picnic this year?"

"Nope," he responds, ".. I have better things to do."

Janet widens her eyes in shock, "But you just told her that.. "

"I told her what she needed to hear. You can thank me later." he replies with a smirk, and then adjusts a part of her braids that fell out earlier to the side of her face.

"Heyyy!.." another voice echoes from a short distance whilst walking towards their table.

"Wilsonnnn!.. How far? " Shola calls out excitedly. They shake hands.

"I dey o." Wilson responds, ".. Hey, Janet. How're you doing?"

"I'm doing good, thank you. How are you?" she responds warmly, stretching out her hand.

"Very nice. Oh.. so we're on a strictly handshakes basis now?" Wilson says almost cheekily.

"No!.." Janet responds sheepish, embarrassed by his inference, ".. Ah ah.. You know we are guys nau!.. Our relationship is unique." She stands up and opens her arms for a hug across the table.

"Ohh, now, my heart is at peace." Wilson remarks.

"Wahala.." Janet remarks similarly, and they all laugh.

As she takes her seat and puts the two notebooks on the desk into her bag, Wilson rests on the table and then asks, "So what cooking? What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing much.." Shola responds, ".. I was telling her how much her opinion was on fire today! And how much I need to escape from this country."

"Like.. So f-ing essential, bro!" Wilson echoes, ".. My flight ticket has already been booked. I'm just waiting to finish this course and then Japa."

They all burst into laughter.

"No looking back o." he adds, ".. I know only patriotic citizens like Janet will stay behind to serve her country."

"Which country??.." Janet retorts.

Both guys laugh fraternally at the briskness of her response.

"Yes o.. speak for yourself, my brother." she adds.

They all laugh again.

Then she continues, "Although.. Japa is not my major priority right now. But if the opportunity presents itself.. una go hear sey I don jand. "

"Heiii… And Janet will just leave us like that.. without notice. Without even a call. Be having conscience o." Wilson remarks.

"You wey don already book flight nko? " she queries jocularly.

Then he smiles coyly, ".. Ehh.. at least, I am telling you in advance. Two years in advance.."

"So am I." she asserts.

The boys burst into laughter again.

"And if we're being honest.." She continues, ".. It's likely going to be more than that, as long as the NSBU lives."

"Oh nooo!!.. Whyyyy?" Wilson grabs his face in sad horror, as he remembers the fact that the NSBU has just announced an indefinite strike. "These people.. What did we do to them?.."

"I wonder.. truly." Shola replies, in similar emotion.

"It's really sad and disappointing. But at the end of the day, it may be all good.." Janet remarks, "At least, with this time, we can invest into more productive things that would help us long-term. Wilson, you now have enough time to improve your coding skills and maybe finally start that business you've been thinking about. Shola, you can now make more money by putting in extra work time at Mr. Cosmas' computer shop. And on my end, I've been thinking of the best time to start building my soft skills as well as a good career CV. Now is the perfect time."

"Madam strategy!" Wilson remarks, with an almost radiant smile on his face.

"Show us your ways." Shola adds dramatically.

"Ohhh.. you people should stop whining me. This is not strategy. This is survival. Are you guys on that professional social media platform they call Lykedin? I need some help creating a profile."

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Whining- false praise
Japa - run away
".. una go hear sey I don jand. " - ".. you guys will find out that I've touched down somewhere across the globe."
"Be having conscience o." - "Do have a conscience." (jocular and sarcastic)
"You wey don already book flight nko? " - "What about you who apparently already has their flight booked?"

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