I'm sorry for having a lot of Lily chapters in a row!


It was late and Lily sat on her bed with a book in her knee. Mary hadn't talked to her since their argument and nor had the other girls. Lily just wanted someone to talk to about everything, but it didn't seem like Mary would do that.

'Mary look,' Lily said and put down the book. It had only been a few hours but she still couldn't stand being enemy with her best friend. 'I'm really sorry for what I said. You're the nicest person I know, I can't stand you being angry at me. Please forgive me!'

Mary looked up. She looked sad, but not as sad as Lily felt. 'I'm sorry too Lily. I overreacted. But you have to admit that it was pretty stupid of you to sit with Potter and his friends.'

Lily did not think that it had been stupid at all, and even if she hated it when Mary was angry, she didn't want her to talk about James and his friends in that way. 'Not that stupid,' she said. 'I have something I've got to tell you guys.'

'What!' Alice asked curiously and jumped of her bed to rush over to Lily's. 'Tell us Lils!'

Lily smiled and she told them about what had happened after the three broomstick. 'I... I think I like him,' she finally said with a big smile on her face. No one said a word until Mary spoke.

'You've got to be kidding me Lily!' she said angrily. 'What is it with you?! I mean, I always thought you were different, that you weren't like all the other girls, but obviously I was wrong. I would never believe that you would fall in love with someone just because of his appearance!'

Lily looked in chock at her friend. How could Mary say that? How could she believe that about Lily. 'It's not because if his appearance! He's changed! He's nice and caring and- and-'

'Oh shut up! You know, I used to like you Lily!' Mary yelled. 'But now I'm not so sure anymore! Not now when you fall in love with stupid boys who'll only use you! He's bad for you Lily!'

'How can you even say that!' Lily yelled with tears in her eyes. How could she ever have thought that Mary and the others would understand. 'I can't believe that I EVER liked you!!!'

Then she looked strait in to Mary's gray eyes, that was filled with anger before she rushed out. What she didn't know was that it wasn't anger that filled Mary's eyes. It was jealousy.

She was walked down the spiral staircase that lead to the girls dormitory and stopped in the middle if the empty common room. She wanted to speak to someone who she knew would listen, someone who would understand her, someone who had been so nice to her earlier that very same day. Though did she really have the guts to go to him?

Lily walked over to the couch near the fireplace and sat down in it. She absolutely didn't want to go back to her dormitory because then she would have to face Mary again. But on the other hand she didn't really want to sleep in the couch. She looked at her clock. It was half past eleven. Maybe the marauders were asleep. Then she would be able to go in there, wake James up and tell him that she needed to talk, he would understand. Or would he really?

Maybe he wouldn't understand at all, maybe he would just think that she was a stupid weirdo who wanted to talk about that kind of things with him. But still, it seemed as though he had understood earlier that day.

Without really thinking she rose from the couch and as though in a dream she walked up the spiral staircase and stopped outside the door to the seventh year boys' dorm. She knocked.

Lily could hear people whispering on the other side of the door so obviously they weren't sleeping. Crap.

The door opened a little and Peter's head stuck out. He saw Lily and then closed the door quickly with a little squeak. 'It's the head girl!' Lily heard him say terrified. 'She's here to tell us that we're not allowed to play-'

'The head girl's Evans you idiot!' James interrupted. 'Sirius! Put on a shirt, I'm quite sure she's not interested in your stomach.'

'Of course she's interested in my stomach! Who isn't! At least more interested than in yours.'

'My stomach is way more fit than yours.'

'Dream on. My stomach is the meaning of fitness.'

'Oh shut up.' Then the door was pulled open and James stood there, smiling widely. 'So, what brings you here my lady?' he asked. It was probably showing that she had been crying, because his smile fell of his face. 'What is it?'

Lily just shook her head. This wasn't something that she would tell everyone. She wanted to be alone with James.

She had never seen the boys' dormitory before, but it looked pretty much like the girls', only a bit messier. In the bed under the window sat Peter Pettigrew with a pillow in his knee. To Peter's right side sat Remus. His bedside table was filled with books. Sirius sat on the bed to the left from Peter's bed. He hadn't put a shirt on.

'I... um... I think I should go,' Lily said and turned around to leave, but James took a hold around her arm.

'No, come in,' he said, then he turned to Sirius. 'Put on a shirt. Lily don't want to see your stomach nor do us.'

Sirius didn't obey.

James told Lily to sit down on his bed, and that he could sit next to Sirius if she wanted (Sirius argued) but Lily said that he could sit next to her, because after all, she had been sitting next to him a number of times before, so he sat down next to her.

'Um... what are you guys doing?' Lily asked as she sat down.

'Well,' James said, she could feel him breathing next to her, 'We were playing poker.'

'With money?' Lily asked.

James looked at her confused. 'No, what do you mean? Or, well it doesn't matter, because after a few minutes be understood that we didn't know the rules. So since that we've been playing exploding snap,' he explained. His arm touched her arm.

'We decided that'll we feed the one who looses with more Bertie Bott's every flavored beans than what is good for you,' Peter said and smiled.

'Which probably isn't that many but...' Remus muttered but Sirius gave him an angry glare.

It was very fun to watch, and Lily didn't notice that she all the time got more and more tired, that she all the time drifted more and more towards the land of dreams, until she finally fell asleep with her head against James' warm shoulder.

When Lily woke up the following morning the sun wasn't up yet. She was a bit confused. Why did she sit in James' bed with her head against his shoulder? Then she remembered everything that had happened earlier that day. Beside her was James sleeping in a sitting position, he was quite cute when he was sleeping actually. He wasn't smiling, or frowning or anything like that, he was only being himself which Lily found cute, because it wasn't often she saw James only being himself.

'Hi there Evans,' James suddenly muttered and opened his eyes in that way that everyone do when they've just woke up. 'Slept well?'

Lily didn't answer. She thought that now was maybe the time when they could talk, and he would understand. He seemed to notice that something was bothering her, because he took is glasses from the bedside table and looked at her seriously.

'I know that you didn't come here to watch us play exploding snap,' he said. 'Fancy going out for a bit?'

Lily smiled. 'I don't really think that we're allowed to go out this early.'

'Lily,' James said and sighed. 'You obviously really don't know me. I believe, that rules are made to be broken.'

Lily smiled again. 'Ok, but if we get caught, it's your fault. Let's go.'

'Lily, shouldn't you have like, a jacket or something?' James asked. 'It's November. It's probably cold outside.'

'No,' Lily said shortly. She didn't want to go to her dorm again. Not now.

'You're gonna catch a cold.'

'You sound like my dad.'


'No. I don't want to go up to my dorm so you can forget that I'll take a jacket.'

'Then take one of my jackets.'


James took one of his jackets and gave it to Lily. She sighed and took it. It was way too big but at least James was happy.

Then he took some sort of silvery cloak and smiled at her. 'Here,' he said. 'Put this on you.'

'James I already have your jacket,' Lily argued. She absolutely thought that she would be warm enough without James' silly cloak.

'I'll also wear it,' James said, 'Cone on Lily, it's just so that no one'll see us.'

'Then why would this weird cloak help?' Lily asked skeptically.

'Because it's an invisibility cloak,' James answered quickly and disappeared under the cloak. She couldn't see him or the cloak any more. 'Come!' she heard James' voice from somewhere in front of her.

The walked down to the common room and out of it to the dark corridors of the castle. It was actually quite nice, very peaceful.

We came out in the grounds and James took the cloak of. The moon was still up, it was almost full and it lit up the grounds in a more than beautiful way. Everything looked so different. The trees, the castle, the lake and the mountains. Everything seemed to sparkle in a magical, dreamy way.

'So,' James said and stuffed the invisibility cloak in his pocked. 'What was it you wanted to say?'

Lily sighed. The smile that had been on her face disappeared and she remembered everything horrible that had happened the previous evening.

'Well, I just thought that you were so nice yesterday in Hogsmeade. After me and Mary's argument you know, and I thought that maybe you could be nice again.'

James face went pale. He probably hadn't expected to talk about Lily's friends. 'Um Lily, I don't know anything about that kind of stuff. It would just be stupid to ask me.'

Lily felt sad. Of course he found it weird. Who wouldn't find it weird if she wanted to talk about her fight with her friend, with the boy she had hated for so many years but now liked. It was just simply odd. But she really needed someone to talk with and she wanted this someone to be James Potter.

'Please James,' she said. 'You did a great job yesterday.'

He smiled weakly at her. 'Um... Ok you can tell me, but don't expect me to give you super awesome girl advices, because I don't know anything about that kind of stuff. I'm a boy.'

'I don't know anything about it either,' Lily said with a little faked laugh. 'And I'm a girl.' James smiled at her. A sweet smile that wasn't the same as he always smiled at her. This was something new, something that made Lily's heart melt.

Slowly the started to walk towards the sparkling lake and Lily started to tell him about everything. As she talked it felt as though everything was getting much more real, as though it would be impossible for her and Mary to ever be friends again. The tears came again, and she felt stupid because she was always crying even if she didn't want to, but James didn't seem to think that it was stupid.

They had reached the lake now and James put an arm around her shoulders. 'I'm sure it'll work out Lily,' he said. 'You'll just have to give it some time. And you can always hang around with me, Sirius, Remus and Peter during the brakes. Sometimes Ashley join us too, so then you'll have a girl to be with. But um... if you and your friend were fighting about you and me being friends... I mean, if you want to leave me I swear that I'll let you.'

Lily smiled and wiped her eyes. The voice inside her was screaming that she loved him. It was screaming to her to hug him, to kiss him, and she decided that maybe it was right, maybe it was time to listen to it, and she took one step closer, and kissed him.


What'll now happen? I hope you liked it and please comment if you did. I'll try to update soon:)

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