James had got permission by McGonagall to go home an visit his mum at st. Mungus, so he had left the very evening of the day he had found out about the terrible news. Remus was spending the weekend in the hospital wing, after a very hard full moon. Remus still looked very tired, as he always did after full moons, but he seemed to be getting better. They had all been spending most of the weekend in the hospital wing, keeping Remus company.
'Have you heard anything from James yet?' Remus asked as they sat down around him at Sunday evening.
'No,' Sirius said and shook his head sadly. 'He hasn't even written to Lily, and he would never miss a moment to do that. He's probably completely devastated.'
Ashley nodded slowly. 'We reckon he'll come back tomorrow though,' she said. 'You'll be out of here tomorrow, right?'
'Yeah,' Remus nodded and yawned. 'So, has any of you written to James then?' he asked.
'No,' Lily said simply. 'We think that he should get some private time with his mum. Maybe that will make him to feel better. I'm sure it's good for him to just, you know, get away for a while.'
'I couldn't agree more,' Remus said. 'He must feel horrible. Has anything else happened lately then?'
'Well, we'll probably don't have anymore defense against the dark arts,' Peter said. 'As you know professor Bluster went home for the week. He should come back at Friday, but he didn't. People's been looking for him, but his whole family, him, his wife and his parents, are all missing. Everyone's suspecting the death eaters.'
'At least he wasn't a good teacher,' Ashley said and sighed. 'Though it's still sad of course. But who knows, maybe he'll come back tomorrow with a very odd story about how he got lost in Sahara or something.'
'I think not,' Lily said shortly. 'But you really notice that you-know-wh- that Voldemort, is gaining more and more power. People die and disappear all the time now. It's dark times.'
'Indeed,' Remus said and nodded. 'You guys should probably go and eat dinner, it's getting pretty late. I'll see you tomorrow.'
'Yeah,' Sirius said and rose from his chair. 'Let's go. Bye Moony.'
They left the hospital wing and walked down to the great hall. It was filled with people, though most of them seemed to have finished eating. Lily, Ashley, Sirius and Peter sat down at the edge of the Gryffindor table, like they always did.
A few minutes into their meal Ashley suddenly stood up and pointed towards the door. 'Look!' she said happily. 'It's James!'
Ashley was right. It was James. He looked tired, as though he hadn't been able to sleep lately. He walked up to them and smiled weakly, it was obvious that he still was very sad, but because he was James, of course he tried to hide it.
'How are you feeling, James?' Lily asked carefully as he sat down next to her.
'I'm just fine,' James said quickly. It couldn't be more obvious that he was lying, but of course, James had never been a good lier. But at the same time Lily understood that James didn't want to dig deeper into the subject.
'So, James,' she said instead, to change the subject. 'You've heard about professor Bluster?'
James shook his head, and once again Peter told the story about the teacher.
'He'll probably show up again tomorrow or something,' James said causally as Peter was done. 'You know how he is. He gets lost in his own office, can't even find the toilet, needs someone to follow him to the staff room. He's probably Ok.'
'Finally someone who thinks in the same way as I do,' Ashley said and grinned.
'I don't think it's funny,' Lily said sharply. 'Maybe he gets tortured by a death eater right now, how would you feel then?'
'You shouldn't be so tensed Lily,' Sirius said. 'Just chill out and you'll feel better.'
Lily sighed loudly.
'Lily, I'm sorry if I offended you or something,' Ashley said and looked at Lily. 'As you said, people disappear and die all the time. But still, there's nothing we can do about it, right? So why not just try and make the best of the situation?'
'Yeah,' Lily said and looked at her friend. 'Yeah, I guess I maybe overreacted. Sorry, I was just being silly.'
Her friends simply smiled.
After a while the evening came, and Lily was the first one in their gang to go to bed. She fell asleep quickly, not dreaming about anything special, and when she woke up two or three hours later, her first thought was that it was morning, but then she noticed that it was still pitch black outside and that her friends was still sleeping. She hadn't thought much about what had woken her up, until she heard a whisper from somewhere right above her:
'Lily,' the voice said quietly.
Lily felt a wave of terror fall over her. All her dorm-mates were asleep. She had no idea who was standing next to her bed, she only knew, that she wanted it to go away.
'Who's there?' she wanted to ask, but someone had put a hand over her mouth.
'Lily, it's me, James,' the voice, James' voice, then said. 'Don't wake up the other girls. I want to talk to you.'
Lily sat up slowly and lifted her hand up in the air. She could feel a substance, it almost felt as water. She grabbed a hold of it, and pulled.
The invisibility cloak fell of James and he smiled at her. Not that proud, way too charming smile. It was a friendly smile, a smile that told her that he wanted her help.
She rose from her bed. James bent down and picked up the cloak which had fallen to the floor, then he pulled it around them and they walked out of the girls' dorm to the common room, without waking any of the other girls up.
'What is it?' Lily asked in a hushed voice, well down in the common room.
James looked around the room with an uncomfortable expression in his face. 'I wanted to talk to you,' he said quietly. 'Can't we take a walk?'
'A walk?' Lily asked confused. 'James it's the middle of the night. Can't we take a walk and talk tomorrow?'
'But I want to be alone with you,' James said. 'I don't wand to talk with Sirius, or with Remus, or with Peter or anyone except for you. Please, Lily.'
The expression on his face, the expression that looked as though all he wanted to do was to cry, the expression that was pleading to her, to anyone to understand how he felt. It wasn't a face you say no to, especially not when it belongs to the boy you love.
Lily therefor took James' hand and smiled at him. 'Let's walk James,' she said. 'Let's take a long walk and talk.'
Hi there, you lovely reader! I hope this chapter wasn't weird or anything and I hope you liked it. I wasn't quite sure what to write about so... yeah.
Next chapter'll be about the walk :)
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