
Lily woke up early that morning. It was the first of her seventh year, the first day of her NEWT year. She couldn't wait to go to all her lessons, to meet all the professors, to eat breakfast in the great hall. Everything. She had missed it all so badly during the summer. It had been great to meet everyone, Mary MacDonald, Erin Carter and Alice Prewett. She didn't even feel terrible about seeing the marauders again. Even though she did think that it would all be nicer without them, at least without James and Sirius.

She rose from her bed and walked up to the window. She loved the Gryffindor tower. The view was amazing. She could see the treetops of the forbidden forest, the sparkling lake, the big lawns, she felt so happy. Like the sun which already was up, shone right into her and lit up her inside.

She got dresses , looked through her school bag so that she had everything she would need and walked down to eat  breakfast. She loved how quiet the castle was in the morning. Students weren't running about in the corridors, teachers weren't yelling at the students to stop running. Just the portraits' light snoring and the nervous first years' whispers.

She smiled happily at two very short girls as she walked past them a corridor on the second floor and she wondered if she had really been that tiny when she started. No, she couldn't have been...

She walked out of the common room and made her way down the old stairs and through the portrait filled corridors. She had walked there so many times that she could do it without looking, though that's nothing she would do. She loved to see the stone floor and she loved to look at the paintings.

She entered the great hall and heard the sound of students babbling. It was so alive. She sat down at the edge of the Gryffindor table and started to butter up her bread. She noticed that it was mostly the Gryffindors that had decided to not wake up earlier than necessary. Almost all the Hufflepuffs was up and so was the Ravenclaws. She looked over towards the Slytherin table. It was rather empty, though there were still not only first and second year students. She could see a boy with black greasy hair and a long nose. He looked up and their eyes met for a moment before Lily looked down quickly. It was ages ago she had told him it was too late. She hated him, but not even Snape could take away her happy feelings.

'Evans!' an unnaturally cherry voice yelled. 'What a coincidence that both of us are here.'

She recognized the voice directly. It was James Potter. The boy who wouldn't leave her alone. He had asked her out every week since third year, even during summer holidays.

'Yeah,' Lily said sarcastically. 'I didn't know that you use to eat breakfast too.'

To Lily's annoyance James and his friends sat down next to her. 'Did you get my letters this summer?' James asked and grinned.

Lily sighed. She sure had received eight letters from James. That plus a paper heart with the text "wanna go to Hogsmeade with me?"

'I did,' she answered shortly. Why couldn't her friends wake up soon. She didn't want to spend her breakfast with the boys that annoyed her the most in the entire school

'She doesn't seem very flattered,' Sirius said and patted James on the shoulder. 'I told you the heart thing was too much.'

'Hey! She hasn't said no yet!' James argued. 'When you didn't answer my letters Evans, did you mean that you wan-'

'I meant that I don't want to go out with you. Can't you just stop asking, my answer will always be no.' With those words Lily rose up and walked to sit down at the other edge if the table. She heard Remus saying something like 'bad luck prongs'. She sighed deeply. For some reason she didn't feel that mad, more, slightly annoyed. It was weird in one way, because talking to them always used to make her very angry. The annoyance had already almost gone away and she wondered if it was because she had finally got used to them.

She looked over towards the boys. It looked as though they had a drinking contest, because James, Sirius and Peter were drinking glass after glass with orange juice. Remus was not in the competition, or he had already lost. Lily didn't know. Finally Sirius won but then James directly started to talk about that Sirius was cheating.

Lily smiled. Wait what?! She smiled?! Quickly she took her eyes of the boys and pushed the smile off her face. She was not smiling!


Lily looked around to see her three best friends sit down around her. Mary, Alice and Erin were probably the nicest friends someone could have.

Alice had short dark hair and a very cute smile. She never said anything bad about anyone and she was always happy. She and a boy named Frank Longbottom had became a couple last year, but Frank was one year older so he had graduated that year too.

Mary was muggle born just like Lily and she was the "cool" one in the group, even if most people wouldn't call her cool. She was slightly taller than Lily and had blond hair that went down to her shoulders. She was the one in their gang who loved to talk about cloths and boys, though when they actually did talked about those kinds of things everyone found it quite amusing.

Erin was very shy and didn't speak much. She was always very polite and nice and also ver smart. She had very light brown hair and a small nose. She was very short and small in most ways actually.

'So, have you had a good morning?' Alice asked and started to help herself with breakfast. 'We just woke up and realized that if we didn't hurry we'd be late. I would much rather have slept another hour but, what you gonna do?'

Lily smiled. She told them that her morning had been just as it used to be, because that's what it had been. She didn't mention the marauders specifically. She was sure that her friends were tired of hearing her go on about how horrible James Potter could be.

After breakfast they had double potions, Lily's favorite subject. She was very talented in it. She and her friends started to make their way to the potions classroom.

The door was already opened so Lily stepped inside together with her friends. They sat down in the front of the classroom where they always sat. They always sat there because the marauders always sat in the back.

'Welcome, welcome!' professor Slughorn greeted them and smiled widely. 'So is everyone here now?' he looked around, way much longer than any other teacher would have done, probably only because of the effect. 'Great! Today we'll just warm up our brains a little and do something that you all should know how to do. The draught of Living Death. We did it last year and then only a few of you,' he looked at Lily and Snape. 'did it right. This time I want at least half of the class to make a very good potion. So, so, page ten in your book, you can begin.'

This potion wasn't hard, at least Lily didn't think so, after all she had succeeded with it last year so it shouldn't be hard this time either. She looked around the room to see how everyone was doing. James and Sirius had never seemed to care about their potion grades, they had simply given up. She smiled slightly when she saw James poring something that looked very much like flobber worm eggs in Sirius potion. Sirius looked angrily at James and then the war had begun. Their potions would be nothing like the recipe.

'Lily,' Alice suddenly said and Lily snapped back to reality. 'My potion is green!'

'Oh,' Lily said and started to smile. 'You did cut the Sopophorous Bean up before you put it in the potion, right?'

'No,' Alice answered truthfully. 'Was I supposed to?'

'Yes,' Lily answered and giggled. 'It's like, one if the most important parts.'

'Oh... do you know how to fix it?'


Slughorn did get about half of the class to succeed. He didn't even look at James and Sirius' potions. He had probably seen them during the lesson. He smiled sadly at Alice but congratulated Lily for making an outstanding potion.

After potions they had fifteen minutes to get down to the green house. Lily had never liked Herbology, mostly because she had never really been so good in that subject, but she wanted to become a healer and then she had to take it so she did. Though even if she hated the stupid subject it was a pretty Ok lesson. After Herbology it was time for lunch.

They sat down at the Gryffindor table and began to eat directly. 'I have something I've got to tell you,' Mary then said quietly after a while. The girls all looked at her with eyes filled with curiousness. When Mary said so etching like that, it was always about a weird love couple, or someone who had broken up. 'You know on the train, when I was going to the toilette and you asked me why I took so long when I came back.' The girls nodded and Mary smiled. 'Well, in the corridor something happened. You know that Tony boy in Ravenclaw?' Everyone except Lily nodded.

'Which Tony do you mean?' she asked. Mary looked at her tiredly. 'Lily, there's only one Tony in Ravenclaw. Back to the story, Tony came up to me, and guess what he said! He asked if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade or so something with him! I mean, he's so cute and so adorable!'

'His hair is so beautiful,' Erin said dreamingly.

'Hands of my boyfriend Carter,' Mary said and grinned. The girls looked at her.

'Since when is he your boyfriend?!' Alice asked surprised.

Mary blushed. 'Ok, he's not my boyfriend but... soon.' She grinned and took a bite of her sausage.

When lunch was over Lily met up with Remus Lupin. They was going to History of magic, a subject that neither Lily's friends nor Remus' friends had. Lily did like Remus. He was very polite and smart and a great friend.

'So, did you hear about the dementor attack?' Remus asked as they started to walk. 'It was two days ago, in a little town in northern England. It was all over the daily prophet,' he continued when Lily told him she had not heard about it.

'So... did anyone get hurt or...'

'Yes,' Remus answered. 'The demontors suck out the souls of two wizards and one muggle.'

'That's horrible!' Lily said. 'Poor muggle. Imagine how it must feel. So... sad. But what happened to the muggle then?'

'Well... they took him to st. Mungus. I guess that they'll have to fix with his memory, if he'll ever get out. I mean, can he really live without a soul?'

'Will these dark times never end,' Lily sighed. Now a days everything in the daily prophet was about dementor attacks or people who had been killed by death eaters. Never any happy news.

They entered the classroom where professor Binns was hovering a few inches over the ground. Lily and Remus sat down close to the window like they always did.

When everyone had entered the classroom Binns started talking in his usual wheezy voice. For once Lily didn't really pay that much attention. Remus kept sending her notes and she kept answering them. They were all very silly, but obviously Remus wasn't really in the mood for History of magic.

From Remus: Which do you think is the smartest way to kill Voldemort?

From Lily: Shouldn't you pay attention to the lesson?

From Remus: I think that the smartest way to kill him is something really simple.

From Lily: Remus, if you don't listen you'll miss a lot!

From Remus: Yawn.

From Lily: You sound like your friends! Did they brainwash you over summer or something?

From Remus: Probably. But I learn way much more by reading any way.

From Lily: Oh Really. Then when was the little giant war (not the big one)

From Remus: 1583.

From Lily: Hmm... maybe you're right. So what simple plan do you have to kill you know who?

From Remus: We put professor Dumbledore under a little bridge and the Voldemort will go there because he wants to get rid of Dumbledore. Then someone stands on the bridge with a really big stone, so it's just to push the stone over the edge of the bridge and whoops, he who must not be named is dead!

From Lily: That's ridiculous.

From Remus: Are you insulting my plans?

From Lily: Why, yes, I think I am.

From Remus: Eh, never mind. I promised to do James a favor by the way. Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with him?

From Lily: He asked me this morning!

From Remus: He thought that maybe you had changed your mind.

Lily smiled. Most people thought of Remus as boring but if you knew him he could be really silly, at least when he was bored. But even if he was silly he wasn't silly in the same annoying way as James and Sirius. Probably because Remus wasn't silly or pathetic all the time like James and Sirius was. Lily really liked Remus, he was a great friend, even if he passed on notes from James.


So that was the first chapter.
I'd love all kinds of feedback!

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