Godfather's Choosing
Gray Is Not All Colorless
A/N: Okay, since I don't want to bore you guys right now, let's just get on Chapter 2. Roll it!
Chapter 2
Godfather's Choosing
Branch finally made it over to the king's royal pod. He breathed out a sigh of relief upon having gotten away from Creek again. He knew that he was just trying to get on his good side to further boost up his status; possibly even his already-large ego.
Well, he desperately hoped that King Peppy wouldn't choose Creek to one day become the next leader of the Trolls, even if he might be the preferred option in the eyes of most of the other Trolls. He really hoped that whoever it is would want to protect the village at all costs, and he really hoped that Peppy would agree with that as well.
Right as he was by the door, he heard the gentle melodic chimes of a music box being heard from inside the pod. The soothing little ditty brought a small smile to his face, remembering that particular song that he would hear when he himself was a boy, and when things seemed to be much happier for him.
He slowly came up to the door and saw that it was partially ajar. He peered in and saw the wizened orange Troll sitting at a desk, tinkering with a beautifully wood carved rectangular music box, which the little melody was coming from. The top of it and the bottom were painted an ivory white, but the sides of it were painted a dark indigo purple color with shimmering silver stars on the sides. It was the perfect theme for a nighttime melody, since the song that chimes from it was a lullaby.
Then, Peppy began to sing softly to himself, having a look of longing in his withered brown eyes, looking back and forth from the music box to a picture frame on his desk. The picture contained a female Troll with pink skin, sunny yellow hair and magenta eyes, wearing an emerald green dress. In her arms was a little baby girl with pink hair that matched her father's own, and the rest; her pink skin and magenta eyes, she inherited from her mother.
Peppy: How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto;
Never easy, but we try.
Sometimes, our happiness is captured.
Somehow, a time and place stand still.
Love lives on inside our hearts,
And always will.
Branch felt his lips slightly curl up at the many memories rushing in his mind. He remembered when he was younger, about three or four years old, and when his grandmother needed someone to babysit him, she would often call for the late Queen Jasmine, until she was forced to rest until her own child came into the world.
Whenever she would put him down for a nap, much to his sleepy protests, that very same lullaby always put him right to sleep. He guaranteed that she had sung that same song for her own little princess when she was born, until that tragic day when she was taken herself.
It was a sad time for everyone at the Troll Tree, particularly for Peppy since his daughter was only a few months old at the time, who could hardly remember her mother. Branch could understand somewhat. He lost his own parents when he was very small, remembering very little of what they were like, and his grandfather was taken a year before them. And then two years later, when he was four years old, thanks to his carelessness and that Bergen who was collecting Trolls when it wasn't Trollstice yet, his grandmother was taken away, and he was left all alone.
He pulled himself out of his thoughts and lightly knocked on the door. Peppy looked away from the music box and saw his godson standing in the doorway.
"Oh. Branch." He said.
"Good morning, Your Majesty." Branch politely greeted the wizened king and entered the pod.
Peppy just chuckled. "Come now, Branch." He said. "You don't have to call me that. We're basically family, after all."
Branch just shrugged with an uneasy grin on his face. "Eh, it still doesn't seem proper." He said, coming inside all the way and shutting the door behind him. "After all, you are the king."
Peppy chuckled. "But I'm also your godfather." He added.
Branch just answered him back with a fond little shake of his head, holding back a smile. Then, he showed Peppy the basket of brownies hanging on his arm.
"I've brought some snacks, and a couple of extras."
Peppy then noticed the two cupcakes that were among all the brownies. "I'm guessing those are some of Bluebell's cupcakes?" He asked.
Branch just chuckled. "Correct." He said, grabbing one of the cupcakes and one of the brownies. He then placed them on Peppy's table after getting a plate from the cupboard in the kitchen.
Peppy just smiled. "Here, Branch." He gestured over to the chair in front of him.
Branch looked at it hesitantly, and then slowly sat down after getting the other cupcake and another brownie and placing them on another plate. Both of them ate in silence for a few seconds before Branch spoke up after he had finished his brownie.
"Um... Your Majesty, do you think I'm... odd?" He asked cautiously.
Peppy blinked at him, swallowing a bite of cupcake. "Now, where would you get an idea like that?" He asked him. "Everyone's different, yes, but odd, now that means something different."
Branch shrugged. "You know what I mean." He said. "They talk, and I know they're not saying nice things about me. I mean, look at me."
The older orange Troll looked at the younger gray one with deep, analyzing brown eyes. "I am." He said. "And do you know what I see? I see a strong, good-looking and reliable young Troll with so much more than he appears to be."
Branch felt his cheeks slightly heat up at his godfather's kind words. But he just looked away from him slightly, not really wanting to believe them.
"Besides, Branch," Peppy got his attention again, "I know that this village is small, and we might not have the best history when it comes to accepting those who seem different than us, but at least small means safe, and that we are not ones to hold grudges."
Branch just nodded before a little scowl appeared on his face. "Though we're not going to be safe much longer if these parties keep getting more wild."
"I suppose that means that you won't be attending the party tonight?" Peppy asked him carefully.
He had wanted to hope that Branch would attend this one, but he knew that the younger Troll was not one to be pushed into doing things he didn't like, nor was he really the party animal type.
Branch wanted to narrow his eyes at him, but instead just shook his head while unwrapping his own cupcake. "You know that I don't like parties." He said. "I wouldn't be near that death trap with a twenty-foot pole."
Peppy chuckled. He had gotten used to Branch's sarcasm a long time ago, and he could understand it, somewhat. But then, he remembered what he had wanted to talk to his godson about when he came to visit him today.
"Branch, there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now." He said, getting the gray Troll's attention. "And please be honest with me. If you suddenly found yourself the leader of the Trolls, and if they would listen to you, what would you do?"
Branch blinked, confused at the question. At least it was a hypothetical question, which meant that it probably wasn't going to happen. He was silent for a few moments as he thought about it, and then answered the king.
"The first thing that I would do is to make sure that they are safe and happy, making sure that they all have what they need to live. I may be a recluse, but that doesn't mean I really... hate my people. I just want them to be safe while having their fun. I may be unhappy, but that doesn't mean that I want them to be the same."
Peppy smiled softly at him, feeling proud of his wise answer, which only furthered his resolve to make his final decision.
"Branch, I have finally come to a decision about who will be my successor, and I chose to announce it tonight at the party." He said.
Branch nodded. "That's good." He said.
He was about to stand up and take his leave when Peppy suddenly took his wrist, making him look back at him as he slowly sat back down.
"And I couldn't think of a better Troll than you." He said.
Branch's jaw dropped. "M-Me?" He said hoarsely, feeling fear beginning to swell up inside of me. "Wh-Why?"
Peppy slightly loosened his grip on Branch's wrist and held it like a parent would for their child. "Branch, on that fateful day when we all escaped from the Bergens and I had lost my daughter, I thought that I also lost all will to even live. I wanted to turn gray, but it was because of you, an already gray trolling, that I found one more reason to keep going; not just for you but for our people as well. You were there to give me hope even though you were pretty scared yourself. A young child like you showed me more hope than anyone else that day."
Branch remembered that day vividly. He remembered their fearless and wise leader looking so down that he was afraid that he might turn gray, too. Just like him. He couldn't imagine it, and if that happened, then their people would most likely suffer the same fate. Branch brought his own grayness on himself, but even he knew, at a young age, that what happened wasn't Peppy's fault. He had to do something, and he had noticed that he was the only one who tried.
Then, after he had comforted the distraught king, Peppy said the words that Branch never forgot, "Never again." Those words had echoed in his mind ever since, and it was one of the main reasons why Branch had stayed. He wanted to protect his people, even if they found him to be odd. He would've left the village entirely long ago, and yet, he stayed, because he and Peppy never wanted someone to feel that sad again. They wanted them to be happy and safe.
"So, Branch." Peppy said, bringing the gray Troll out of his thoughts. "You are brave, wise, compassionate, though you put on a tough exterior," those words made the corner of Branch's lips curl up as he tried to hide his embarrassment, "and you can be a great leader. If given the chance."
The gray Troll looked up to meet his godfather's eyes. "With that said, I would be honored to name you my new successor and future king of the Trolls. What do you say?"
Branch was silent for a long moment. All the things that Peppy had said were ringing in his head. Did he really believe in him that much? He believed that he, the most pessimistic Troll in the village, can be a great leader for all of these happy-go-lucky Trolls? The idea was almost ironic, and yet, he was beginning to even dare to hope.
He took a deep breath. "I'm very honored, King Peppy." He said. "But I will voice my main concern about your decision. What would the other Trolls think about it, and would they agree with you?"
Peppy smiled. "I will explain it to all of them tonight at the party, and I do know that there are a few Trolls who don't think ill of you. Like I have said, all you need is a chance to show them that you are more than capable of being a leader. But the most important thing about being a leader is that you put the wellbeing of the people before yourself.
"You are one of the most selfless Trolls I've ever known, Branch. You could've left us and the village long ago and started a new life for yourself somewhere else, but instead you stayed."
Branch lightly bit his lip. "I just... don't want anyone else to go through the pain that I felt." He said. "By staying here and trying to keep the village safe, I feel like I'm doing that."
Peppy smiled softly at his godson and gently patted his hand before releasing it. "It's impossible to not feel negative emotions, Branch. They're a part of life just as much as happiness is, but it's how we deal with them that define who we are.
"And I know, even though you haven't regained your colors yet, you deal with your pain by strengthening yourself both physically and spiritually. You do your best to make the most out of your life. And it's that determination that will get the other Trolls to see that there is more to you than what they think."
Those words playing in Branch's head over and over made him realize that Peppy did have a point. He hadn't wasted his life away moping around in his sorrow. He worked hard to make sure that he was prepared for the inevitable, whenever it may come. And not just for him, but for everyone else.
He had enough supplies in his bunker to last him ten years; for everyone else, it would be about two weeks, which was long enough to stay in hiding to make sure that their enemies or any predators wouldn't find them. And he certainly had enough space for everyone. But maybe he should start creating a whole system, where every Troll family had a little place to stay during times of severe crisis.
Peppy could almost see the wheels turning in his godson's brain, and he chuckled. "How about a little compromise?" He suggested.
Branch blinked, looking curious. "You don't have to attend the party, but you can do a patrol the perimeter of the village until I make the announcement. Then, you'll show yourself and stand by me until I'm done, then you can head back to your bunker for the night. If you see anything that can be considered a threat, let me know immediately, and I'll call off the party early. Does that sound fair?"
Branch thought about that for a few seconds before slowly nodding his head. It was a pretty good compromise.
"I think I can try that." He said carefully. "But no promises that I'll actually enjoy it."
Peppy smiled at the gray Troll in front of him. "Thank you, Branch." He said.
He stood up from his desk and came over to him. Branch could tell that he wanted to give him a hug, but he was waiting for his permission.
He lightly rolled his eyes, the start of a smile appearing on his face, and nodded, slowly holding out his arms. Peppy then hugged his godson, and Branch returned it. Peppy was the only one that he would allow such close contact, because after all, as he had said, they were practically family.
Soon, Peppy let him go. "I'll see you tonight, then?" He asked hopefully.
Branch knew his answer, but still, he had a bit of a grumpy reputation to uphold. He playfully groaned while rolling his eyes.
"Fine." He complied, sounding annoyed.
But Peppy just smiled, seeing through the tough façade his godson was playing. He then patted the back of his shoulder.
"Thank you, Branch." He said. "And I know with absolute surety that your grandmother is so proud of you."
Branch felt a sharp pang of guilt hit his heart, but he wasn't going to break down right now. "For what?" He asked quietly, his steel blue eyes lightly shimmering.
Peppy noticed it and gently placed a hand on his godson's shoulder. "For being strong." He answered. "All that you're doing, you're doing it for her."
The gray Troll took a shaky breath. "I know that... she would've... wanted me... to not give up." He replied, trying his best to not choke on the tears that were starting to build up in his throat. "No matter what."
Peppy smiled sadly, and lightly squeezed his shoulder. "I miss her too, Branch." He said. "She was a good friend to me and Jasmine, and she raised you well in the time you had with her. But she is still with us. I can see her in your smile."
Branch lightly scoffed. "What smile?" He asked. "I hardly smile."
Peppy just shook his head, keeping his hand on his shoulder. "I can see it, Branch." He said gently. "Even if you can't. And I also know that you are more than worthy to one day become king of this village. True, you've always been different, but sometimes, being different means that you also have an advantage. You can help provide new ways to protect us and support us. People would not understand at first, until one day, they would find themselves complying without any question. That's what had happened to me."
Branch blinked. "You?" He asked.
Peppy chuckled. "I was not born royal, Branch." He said. "I was once just a normal Troll like you, most likely considered the furthest thing from royalty. Never in my life did I imagine myself king of our people. When I married my Jazzy, that's all I really wanted; not the throne nor power, just being with her and raising a family with her. Being king means that you're open to new ideas and sharing new ones, ones that can benefit everyone."
"And that's how you managed to convince everyone that we needed to escape from the Bergens." Branch realized.
"Oh, we all knew that we had to for a long time, but Jazzy and I were the first monarchs in our history to actually say, "No more," and take action ourselves to lead our people to freedom." Peppy added. "Some Trolls thought that it was suicide, but soon, they all found themselves daring to hope for liberty."
Branch almost found it hard to believe that there were some Trolls back then that didn't quite agree with Peppy's plan to escape from Bergen Town. But the story was further strengthening his belief that maybe, just maybe, he could be what Peppy wanted him to be for their people.
There were some Trolls in the village that would agree with him, including Bluebell and Amber, but they were part of the minority. He knew how the others might react to Peppy's announcement later that night.
"Don't worry about the other Trolls, Branch." Peppy said, making the younger male Troll look back at him with wide eyes. "They'll come around eventually. What really matters is what you think of yourself, and of your own abilities to help others."
Branch nodded. "This is gonna take a lot of time to process." He said.
"I know." Peppy said. "But I thought that it was best that I let you know first without springing it on you tonight. I'm sure that if I did that, then your reaction would be much worse."
Branch lightly chuckled, already picturing himself fainting from shock from where he would secretly watch the party from on top of a hill as everyone gasped in surprise and immediately began looking for any sign of him.
"Yeah, I think this would be much better than that." He agreed.
Peppy also chuckled before he released his gentle hold on Branch's shoulder. "I just wanted you to know this, and that it is yours should you choose to accept it. I don't want to force you to become my heir if it's something that you're still not comfortable with."
Branch was silent for a few more moments before he slowly took a deep breath. "I'll give you my answer before the party tonight." He said. "You can meet me outside my bunker at sunset, and I'll tell you what I've decided."
Peppy smiled. "Thank you, Branch." He said.
The gray Troll gave him a brief smile before he took his plate and washed it in the kitchen sink. After he had dried it, he put the rest of the brownies he brought and placed them on it. Then, he took the empty basket and began to take his leave.
"I'll see you later tonight, Branch." Peppy said, getting his attention.
Branch just gave him another little smile as he exited the royal pod. So much had happened in the span of ten minutes, and at first, his answer was simple and plain. But now, he wasn't so sure anymore. It was like, his whole life could change later tonight, for better or for worse. And Branch wasn't quite sure if he was ready for something like that. Well, hopefully he decides his answer by sunset.
"I'll keep going." He whispered to himself. "For you, Grandma."
A/N: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that most of you already figured out that Peppy was going to choose Branch as his successor. Of course he wasn't going to choose Creek! I mean, I sure wouldn't want a slimy snake like him running things.
I know that this chapter was a little shorter than the last one, but it's all I can do with this one scene. The song I used is "How Does a Moment Last Forever?", the music box version sung by Kevin Kline in the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast." However, I don't own it in any way. But I do know my own OC of Queen Jasmine, King Peppy's deceased wife and Poppy's mother.
There will be one more chapter before that dreaded big party, and it will kind of expand a bit more on Branch's more sensitive side, and sickeningly, there will be another scene with Creek. Why do I torment myself like this?
Until next time, y'all! Please leave a comment about what you think. They are highly appreciated. And remember to stay healthy during these crazy times.
Got to fly! ;)
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