Chapter one: Fawns & Friends

  CHAPTER ONE: Fawns & Friends 

"Ah, Summer...."

"The time when the sun is at its hottest point of the yearand schools let out." 

A small wood sign saying: Gravity Forest, beware. Sitscovered in vines & moss. Two young servitors jump over it,the male holding the females hand as they run in panic andthe girl's hind legs hit the sign, knocking it over as they racefor their lives.

"Hi, my name is Dipper Pines, and the girl behind melooking like she's about to pass out from exhaustion is myelder twin sister, Mabel."

Next come running wild wolves growling and trying to biteat the two young fawns legs.

"Now, if your wondering why we're being chased by threeover sized wolves... Don't worry, there is a very logicalexplanation..."

(A/N: Cue the theme song & intro)

"Now let us take you to the start"

"This all started when our old all deer herd got caught inthe middle of a huge forest fire back in Piedmont Woods inCalifornia."

A huge fire ravaging an inter forest is seen with servitors trying to run from the flames, but caught in the middle, thenthe twins are seen, hiding out deep within a cave, scared &confused as their herd & it's whole town burn to the ground. 

"After that, we we were sent up north to stay with ourgreat uncle, Stan. A buck who went estranged from theherd after his twin, Ford mysteriously disappeared longbefore our dad, his nephew was even thought of, muchless born." 

An old buck, Stan, is seen chopping up fire wood in front ofhis old rickety shack of a house. 

"He had moved to Gravity Woods in Oregon. The herdthere is all horse though, well except for Stan & one swinefamily." 

The fawns walk into an old Attic bedroom. Dipper walks tohis bed & sees a small garden snake on his bed. "And, thereis a snake on my bed." He says. "Hey friend!" Mabel says asthe snake wraps itself around her deer torso. "Yes, you canhang out on me!" She says happily. 

"My sister tends to be an optimist, but I on the other hoof,was having trouble being so happy about the change." 

Stan comes up to Dipper as the boy reads a word puzzle book& scares him, causing Dipper to scream and fall on to hisback. 

"And then there was our oh so dear great uncle, thatbuck. He owns a small human museum of sorts, wherepeople come to see items only found in human towns, andto learn of human culture. It is called Human World!" 

 "And here we have pants! An item of clothing humans wearto cover there furless legs & rumps!" Stan says whilepointing to the pants that sit on a manikin what is missingit's top part. 

"And give you one guess who was made to help out aroundthe place for no pay at all!" 

The twins are seen cleaning. Dipper sweeps & Mabel dusts. 

"It seemed like we were just going to though the same oldthing every day until school let in. That is, until onefateful day..." 

"Oooh! Where is it!" Mabel throws items all around the roomas she looks for something. Dipper looks to her with a browraised "Just what are you looking for?" He asks her. "Duh!My camera! I convinced Stan to let me go sight seeing for anhour & and I HAVE to take pictures!" She answers then goesback to her search. "I see." Dipper says then opens hisdrawer. He tosses his camera to her. "Mabel!" He says andshe looks just in time to catch it. "Thanks bro bro!" She saysand he nods. "Your welcome." He says and goes back to hiscross word puzzles. Mabel rushes out for her adventure. 

Later that day when Mabel is back, the two are cleaning inthe museum when Stan comes in, with out a shirt as perusual, thus allowing his six pack to be seen by the world. "OKpeople! Look alive! I need someone to hang these signs outat the start of the rode that leads here from town!" Stan saysand the twins look at each other before each raising theirhands and saying "NOT IT!" In unison. Behind them, Soos,the handy man with a rude attitude huffs and says "Not it." Lowly. 

A mule version of a sentar, he always looks angry forsome reason. "I wasn't even asking you Soos. I already knewnot to." Stan says and the mule just goes back to his repairsof one of the attractions. "Wendy! Go put these up!" Stancalls to the cashere. "I would, but... It, it's just so, so far!" Shesays as she keeps reading her racing magizen. The teenpinto servitor looks bored out of her mind just sitting there."I'd fire all of you if I could afford to!" Stan says then looks toDipper. "Put these up or your grounded!" He says and handsthe signs to the fawn. "Wait, wha-" Stan cuts him off. "Nocomplaints! Just do it!" Stan says before walking away.Dipper walks out grumbling.

Dipper starts putting up the signs. He hammers most in theground, but puts a couple on the trees to. When he goes tohammer one to a particular tree, the nail won't go in, and ametal sound is heard. "Wha-" Dipper says then put his deerear to the tree and taps it with the hammer again, the samesound is heard. He knocks on the thing and a rusted panelfalls off, causing him to jump back in surprise. "What the...."He says when he sees a key hole. "I wonder....." He trails offand grabs a stone from the ground then chucks it at the lock.As he thought, it to, was severely rusted and fell right off aswell. In side he saw a book with a red leather cover and theimage of a six fingered hand that had a three written in it'scenter. 

He grabbed the old journal and read the first page. "I can't believeI've been here so long. I meant to just visit an old pal, but gotwrapped up in this giant conspiracy. I don't know how muchlonger I can stay hidden like this, THEY are bound to find meat some point, and I know that HE won't stop until I am dead.I must find a way to expose HIM for who he truly is." Dipperreads aloud. He gasps then skips a couple pages until onecatches his eye. "Remember, in the Gravity Woods, there isno one you can trust..." He looks down and the words: TRUST NO ONE! Is sketched out big and bold.

"Watcha doin?!" Mabel asks, coming up behind him. "Wha!"Dipper shreaks and turns around. "MABEL! DON'T DOTHAT!" Dipper yells at his twin. Mabel rolls her eyes andspots the book in her brother's arms. "What's that?" She askshim and he weighs his options quickly and quietly in hishead. "It's just some dum old thing I found. Not actuallyimportant, but it might still be good reading material untilStan lets me go to the library, so I plan to save it for latter."He says and she nods. "OK bro!" She says before boundingaway.   

Latter on, Dipper sits in the living room reading the journalwhen he hears hoof steps and quickly hides the journalbehind the TV then throws the remote under the couch justin time for Stan to walk in. "Watcha looking for?" Stan asksand Dipper smiles while pretending to be looking forsomething. "The remote." He answers and Stan nods. "Didyou try under the couch? It ends up there a lot." Stan saysand Dipper nods. "Thanks! I'll check there now!" He says anddoes so, then pulls out the remote. "Thanks Stan!" Stanhuffs. "Yeah, what ever." He says then walks away. 

Mabelcomes in next. "Bro bro!" She calls and he looks to her. "Whatis it?" He asks. "Guess what?!" She says sounding excited."What?" He asks and she starts frolicking around the livingroom. "I made a new friend!" She says and he chuckles. "Ohreally?" He says and she giggles. "Yeah! He's this colt namedStuart & he's coming over today!" She says and he smiles."Well I'm happy for you." He says. "Thanks, but I want youjoin us!" Is her reply. "Why?" Dipper asks her and she justlaughs a bit. "You dum dum! I want you and him to be friendsto! If we're going to live here from now on, then we need to atleast make one friend!" She says and he nods in agreement. "OK." He says and she smiles.

When she leaves to go tell Stan the news, Dipper grabs thejournal and races up stairs to hide it under his bed in a smallbox. He next goes down stairs to find Mabel there with ayoung colt who he assumed was Stuart. He looked the colt upand down. Stuart had a dark grey body and black hair & tail.Dipper also noted Stuart's pale skin and thin appearance &black shirt. "Hey, you must be Stuart." Dipper says parochingand holding his hand out for a shake. Stuart shakes hishand. "Yeah, and you must be Dipper?" He asks with hisoddly yellow eyes. Dipper gulps at the sight of Stuart's eyes."Yeah... I am." Dipper says and has a flash back to the TRUSTNO ONE page of the journal.

"Wanna hang in the woods? I know this amazing clearing!"Stuart asks and Dipper thinks. "Sounds amazing!" Mabelanswers. Stuart and Mabel walk off while Mabel dragsDipper along. Dipper lets Stuart get far enough ahead thathe's out of ear shot with his primitive human ears. "I don'ttrust him." Dipper tells Mabel. "Why not!?" Mabel asks him."That book I found?" Mabel stops him there. "What about it?"She asks. "It said not to trust anyone! It's someone's oldjournal and it details a bunch of cults & conspiracies aroundthis whole valley!" Dipper answers. "Well why can't you trustme & my judgment?" She asks. "I do trust you Mabel! It'shim I don't trust!" He says and points to Stuart up ahead.They look to Stuart, only find he isn't there any more as theyenter a small clearing. "Wait.... Where is he?!" Dipper saysand they look for him in panic. "What?! Wasn't he just..."Mabel says.

The next thing they know, some giant wolves havesurrounded the clearing. "Your right Dipper, you shouldn't trust me!" Stuart says as he walks through the wolves."But... Why?!" Mabel asks. "Your food, that's why!" Stuartanswers then turns into a wolf himself. The twins stare wideeyed and back away, but find more wolves behind them."What do we do Dipper?" Mabel asks him. "I... I don't know."He says. The wolves close in on them, then Dipper thinks,and forms a plan. He grabs his sisters hand and says tojump. She does and they leap over the wolves then startrunning hand in hand threw the woods.

When they finally arrive back at the shack, Dipper calls outfor their great uncle. "STAN!" He shouts and the old buckcomes out to see the wolves. Stan's eyes go wide and he callsfor Soos and Wendy whom had been helping him move acouple things around inside. The two come out and go wideeyed at the sight of the wolves. "Get inside!" Stan calls to thetwins who follow his orders then look out the window at Stanwho starts staring at the mugs with his giant antlers andSoos & Wendy use their hooves to kick at them. Soonenough, the wolves run off whimpering and Stan rushesinside to the twins. "Kids! Are you OK?!" He asks them as helooks them up & down. Mabel giggles. "We're fine." Dippersays with a smile to his great uncle. "Good, now tell me howall this happened." They explain how Stuart tricked them,leaving out the whole shape shifting part, and Stan sighs."Well, why don't I take you out for some presents?" Stan asksthem. "Sounds great!" Mabel says and they head out. 

When they get back, Mabel has a grappling hook, and Dippera cap. (A/N: His signature cap from the show)


Howdy y'all! 

@IrishGoth here! 

 Here are the pics I made of the gang.   

Mabel Pines

Mason "Dipper" Pines

Stanly "Stan" Pines

Wendy Courderoy

Jesus "Soos" Hernandes
P.S. Please exuse the smile! He is a strong silent type in this AU, I didn't notice my mistake until now! LOL, I can't belive this! Just imagine a stoic look on his face, OK? OK!

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