Episode Four 'Pirates of the Who Caresabean.'

"Today Gravity Falls is graced with a very average temperature. It seems all signs of the alien from yesterday have also vanished. Hopefully, this will allow us a regular summer day in Gravity Falls. This is Chandra Hernandez, signing off." The TV reported.

"A normal day, now that's what I'm talking about!" Stan grinned and kicked back on the couch.

"Well I have work to do. The Shapeshifter is still loose and I must track him down. Hopefully then HSGUGE doesn't blow up the planet." Ford said.

"Please let me come with your uncle Ford!" Dipper pleaded.

"Dipper it's far too dangerous. How about you enjoy a day at the pool?" Ford suggested.

Dipper shook his head. "I think I'm still banned from there."

"Well, you know where we aren't banned? The lake!" Mabel jumped up.

"Last time we went there Old Man McGuckett almost killed us with his robot." Dipper reminded her.

"That was totally crazy! Plus my boat got totaled!" Soos remembered.

"Too bad we didn't find the real Goblewonker," Dipper said. "Or else we could've paid to fix it."

"Enough of your gobble-whatever! We already agreed that spending time with me is way better!" Stan broke in.

"Fiddleford made a robot Gobblewonker?" Ford asked.

"Long story involving a lot of pictures of beavers," Dipper said, waving it away.

"Well anyways I must go. Dipper do not follow me, it isn't safe." With that Ford walked out of the house.

"Maybe we should go to the lake. I've been improving my fishing skills and bad jokes and I want to test them out." Stan said. "My wife still loves me. Sorry, I meant my wife still LOATHES me!" Everyone groaned in response.

Theme Song.



Mabel, Dipper, Soos, and Stan arrived at the lake. Which was surprisingly empty, only McGuckett's son was there, sighing with boredom. He looked over at them and waved.

"Looks like everybody decided to go to the pool," Dipper said.

"Well, that's perfect! More room for us!" Stan said, dropping their bags onto the sand.

"Alright! What adventures await us in the lake? Mermen? Sea monsters? Magic Dolphins? Bring it on!" Mabel shouted. "Fishing?" The Pines family and Soos were sitting in a boat in the middle of the lake.

"It's really cool dudes! If we're lucky we could catch some giant crazy man-fish." Soos said, casting his line in the water.

"You kids need to learn that not every day has to include a life-or-death adventure. Sometimes you need to just kick back and relax. I've been doing that plenty, and look how I've turned out!"

"I choose life-or-death." Dipper decided.

"Besides, we only had around forty or so life-or-death adventures." Soos reminded them.

"I don't think that time with Mermando was life-or-death," Mabel said.

Stan scoffed. "Only forty. Listen to you kids! Most of my life was wasted away by that portal, I don't want that for you guys. The guilt of Stanford almost made me lose my hair!"

"Almost?" Dipper questioned.

"Dudes! I've got a bite!" Soos shouted, the line being tugged on.

"Well come on, reel it in!" Stan said. Soos began to pull it in, clearly struggling to bring in his catch.

"This is gonna be huge!" Dipper muttered.

"Fish-man! Fish-man! Fish-man!" Mabel began chanting.

Soos finally reeled it in. The catch was a very small sunny. "I did it! I caught a fish!"

"That was anticlimactic." Dipper sighed.

"See, Soos is already better at this than you two are," Stan told the twins.

"What? No way! That fish is so tiny." Dipper protested.

"It's one more fish than you." Stan pointed out.

"He has a point dip," Mabel added.

"I don't see you pulling in any fish," Dipper told her.

Suddenly a thick fog settled over the lake. A cold wind began to blow over the water.

"Where did this come from?" Stan wondered.

"Yes! Finally some weirdness!" Dipper cheered.

Mabel stood up. "I've got my money on fish-men. Any bets?"

"Oooh! Oooh! Ghost pirates!" Soos said.

"Definitely Shorks." Dipper stated everyone looked at him. "Sharks made of shorts. Come on you all know it's real."

"Whatever it is, it's not ruining our fishing trip. I'm not leaving until I get a good catch, and you kids aren't leaving until you hear all my jokes. My wife still wants me back, but her aim is getting better!" Stan began laughing.

"You just reused that joke, but it makes even less sense now." Dipper told him.

"She wants my back, but I was talking like a pirate. Mabel, Soos. You got that right?"

"Nope." Mabel shook her head.

Soos shrugged. "Sorry, Mr. Pines."

"Well I've got three dozen more, so get ready!"

"Please let the fish-men come soon." 

Ford was walking through the woods, searching for the Shapeshifter. "I know you're out here Shapeshifter. You can't hide forever. I've got my methods for seeing through your tricks." His glasses were tinted purple as he looked around.

"It's too bad that our prisoner refused to cooperate. His soul will still be quite useful. As for the scientist, our revenge will come in time. But our plans will be futile if those aliens attack, so we must give them what they want, even if it is a mere shell. Create a dummy, I must ensure that the new arrivals aren't a threat to us." A voice informed another in the bushes, then it flew off.

"Yes, master." The other voice said it closed its eyes and a fake Shapeshifter materialized in front of Ford.

"There you are! Don't try any tricks, I know everything about you." Ford said, removing a  gun from his coat pocket and pointing it at the shell. The husk said nothing. Ford pulled the trigger and a ball of electricity shocked the Fakeshifter. The fraud fell to the ground. "Strange. Well, hopefully now I can save our planet." Ford dragged the Fakeshifter back towards the Mystery Shack.

Meanwhile back at the lake, the breeze had picked up considerably, the fog still hadn't lifted.

"Gruncle Stan can we go back now. I'd rather watch Ducktective than sitting here and do nothing." Dipper complained.

"Sorry kid, I've still got jokes and bait so I'm still fishing." Stan told Dipper.

"Don't worry Dipper, you can just play charades with us." Mabel offered Dipper.

Soos was doing the robot. "OK Umm, robot!" Soos made a gun with his hand and fired it. "Gun. Robot gun. Shootbot!" Soos shook his head, then he gave a thumbs up. "Good robot gun? Uhh, Ironman!"

"Come on Mabel, it's Terminator!" Dipper blurted out.

"Hey kids, I think  I've found your weirdness." Stan said he was staring at a giant pirate ship.


The pirate ship had multiple holes in the hull, the sails were torn and seaweed was everywhere. Blue ghosts flew around the ship, wailing. Standing at the edge was an actual pirate. He had soulless white eyes and scars up and down his face. The pirate had a long beard, a peg leg, a hook, and just about every bit of pirate gear you could have. His entire body was blue and flickered like he wasn't even there. Next to him was a small blue ghost with arms and a little wisp for a lower half.

"We have come for Stanley Pines!" The pirate boomed.

"There he is! The old guy with the big ears!" The little ghost pointed at Stan.

"Hey! At least I have ears!"

"Yes! I was right! Ghost pirates!" Soos cheered.

"We're not ghosts! We're wayward spirits! Get it right!" The ghost hissed.

"Who are you guys? I've never heard of pirates in Gravity Falls." Dipper said.

"What if they were killed by fish-men?" Mabel proposed.

"That's because we aren't from Gravity Falls. We are from the Who Caresabean!" The pirate corrected.

Dipper titled his head. "You mean the Caribbean?"

"No, I mean the Who Caresabean. But we wouldn't have been there if you had made good on your promise Stanley! Now we've come for revenge!"

"I didn't promise anything to pirates! I don't even know pirates! Well, this kind of pirate. I get those Dizney movies from somewhere after all."

"I thought Tinderella was different from the stories!" Mabel said.

"Dudes this is so crazy! Ghost pirates!" Soos was still in shock.

"Stop assuming our status! We are WAYWARD SPIRTS!" The blue ghost corrected.

"Enough talk! Stanley is coming with us!" The pirate snarled.

"Do you mind telling me why you want to kidnap me?" Stan requested.

The pirate scowled. "He doesn't even care to remember! You promised that if we helped you get parts for your fancy quantum whatsits you'd free us from our eternal punishment in the Who Caresabean. Instead, you just left and never returned. Now we have found our own way over, and we're here for our revenge."

"This sounds a lot like my brother." Stan sighed.

"What if Ford used your identity?" Soos proposed. "Like how you took Ford's name, Ford took your name."

"What! There's no way we'd have the same idea!"

"We beg to differ." Dipper and Mabel said at the same time.

"STOP TALKING!" The pirate stomped his peg leg on the deck of his boat. "Seize them! The Spirit Master commands it!"  The ghosts all stopped and locked their eyes on the boat. They all swarmed at the group at once.

While they tried to fight back, the Pines family and Soos were outnumbered. Not only that but when they landed a punch their fists just went through the ghosts. Soon enough they were all restrained and on the pirate ship.

"Look I don't know who you are or what you're doing but you need to leave my family alone!" Stan warned. "Bad things happen to people who mess with my family."

"Is that a threat? How about I kill one of them right now? Hmm, which one. I know, the sweater girl. Welcome to my army." The Spirit Master took a knife from his belt and held it to Mabel's throat.

"No! Leave her alone!" Stan screamed, struggling with the ghosts. More moved to restrain him.

"Mabel!" Dipper cried out, trying to break free as well.

"Dipper, Gruncle Stan,  I'm scared!" Mabel said tears filled her eyes.

The Spirit Master then moved the knife and tapped Mabel on the head with the side. Her eyes closed and her body went limp, the ghosts dropped her. Suddenly a blue transparent Mabel floated out of her body.

"I'm... a ghost? So does this mean I have magic powers now? Magic Blast!" Mabel thrust her hand forward but nothing happened.

"Hahahaha! I like this one! She's stupid! Good entertainment!" The Spirit Master laughed.

"Don't call Mabel stupid!" Dipper snarled.

"So what are you going to do now? Huh?" Stan asked.

"Kill you, banish you to the Who Caresabean, then try what you people call: fast food."

"Go ahead and try." Stan narrowed his eyes. The Spirit Master shrugged and tapped him on the forehead with the knife, the same thing that happened to Mabel happened to Stan. But instead of fooling around Stan punched the Spirit Master in the face. Forcing the pirate to drop the knife.

"Ack! Get him!" The ghosts swarmed towards Stan, but he was now able to hit them.

"This is great! I can finally do what I've been dying to do for ages!"

"Alright Soos, let's see we need to figure out how to help." Dipper said.

"I got it, dude. The knife." Soos motioned to the knife, which was now on the ground.

"Right." Dipper shoved free from the ghosts and grabbed the knife, the two ghosts moved to restrain him but he swiped the knife at them, the knife grazed one of them and they vanished. Then Dipper stabbed the other and he vanished to. Dipper repeated the process for the ones guarding Soos.

Stan was losing badly to the ghosts. Dipper began slicing them with the knife but he was kicked down by the Spirit Master.

"Blupin. Get the knife!" The Spirit Master commanded, the ghost that followed him moved to snatch the knife from Dipper but Mabel shoved it away, Dipper tried to stab the Spirit Master but the pirate swiftly dodged.

"I hate ghosts!" Stan shouted, now buried beneath them. Blupin moved to attack Dipper again but he stabbed the ghost with ease. Then he continued to hack through the ghosts why Soos distracted the Spirit Master.

"Be careful not to hit Stan." Mabel reminded him. At this point, most of the ghosts had started to retreat since they were aware their lives were in danger. Stan got up and brushed himself off.

"Kid we need to keep that knife. Just think of the profits we could get for a 'Ghostly Tour!'" Stan said.

Suddenly the Spirit Master pinned Dipper down with his foot and grabbed Mabel with his hand.

"Gruncle Stan, catch!" Dipper tossed the knife to Stan.

"It's a good thing after all my years of living on my own I learned how to use a knife!" Stan grinned. He and the Spirit Master began fighting, Stan kept missing his stabs but the Spirit Master was tiring. Then the Spirit Master struck Stan in the shin and he fell down.

"It is over Stanley. I have won!" The Spirit Master grinned.

"Not just yet!" Stan stabbed the Spirit Master in the ankle.

"NO! I FELL FOR HIS BAIT!" The Spirit Master dissolved.

"We are free from the master's control! Hoorah!" The ghosts all flew away cheering.

"Should we do something about them?" Dipper asked.

"Nah." Stan said.

"But dudes, what do we do about you guys being ghosts?" Soos asked. Dipper took the knife from Stan and touched his forehead with it. He vanished and moments later his body awoke. Dipper did the same for Mabel.

"Wow, I'm finally realizing how much my back hurts!" Stan said.

"Man now I don't have ghost powers." Mabel sighed.

"Gruncle Stan, sorry we complained a bunch. Maybe next time we shouldn't ask for trouble." Dipper apologized.

"Yeah. Fish-men don't seem as cool as they did before." Mabel said.

"It's fine kids! This town is weird and that can be exciting, but it's also really dangerous. And I just want you two knuckleheads, to stay safe. Bring it in." Stan hugged the twins, then Soos awkwardly join in on the hug.

"I love group hugs." He said.

The family returned to the shack to find Ford waving goodbye to HSGUGE.

"What happened here?" Stan asked.

"I found the Shapeshifter. So we don't need to worry about him anymore." Ford said.

"Well, we fought ghost pirates!" Mabel said.

"Ghost pirates?" Ford raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, they were looking for a Stanley Pines. Looks like I'm not the only identity thief in the family." Stan said.

"Ah well...um... who wants ice cream?" Ford asked, trying to change the subject.


End Credits

Bill sighed, viewing Gravity Falls from above. "I hate being trapped in this statue. All I can do is occasionally create some monsters to mess with the Pines and send over some old enemies of Ford. I need more. And meanwhile, those darn freaks are getting away with their plans. Ford may think he's ahead of his enemies, but little does he know, they're plotting something that will wipe him out for good. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here. I have enough energy for another new monster. Hm, I think this time we'll go for something... Medieval."

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