Weirdmageddon Part 4: See You Later

"Previously on Gravity Falls, the Mystery Shack crew banded together to try and stop Bill, and there was some mad action. Bill needed Y/n to take over the world, but we rescued her and Ford showed us Bill's secret weakness—till the Stan Bros messed it all up, which kind of brings us up to date. I'm Soos and I'm on the edge of my seat!"

Bill laughed smugly, kicking his feet in the air. "This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't hold hands?!"

The two Stans shared a guilty glance.

"And what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy circle!"

The demon extended his arms, conjuring a line of fire that ignited the highly flammable paint on the ground.

"Oh no!" Dipper exclaimed in panic.

Suddenly, two ropes wrapped tightly around Stan and Ford, lifting them into the air at Bill's command. They struggled to free themselves.

"Hah, you two... you wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?"

McGucket, Gideon, Wendy, and the others tried to intervene, but they were no match for Bill, who could do anything with a snap of his fingers. With a flick of his wrist, everyone except the two sets of Pines twins were instantly turned into banners.

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the older twins dangle perilously close to Bill. He was a messed-up god, capable of conjuring anything in an instant.

"Looks like it's too late for your friends, Daisy!" Bill taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. Y/n felt more trapped than ever. Bill raised his hand, and a triangular cage enclosed them. Stan and Y/n screamed in unison, their voices echoing in the vast chamber.

Two opposing forces faced each other, but it was clear who was winning. Bill had the people she cared for in his grasp, and she felt utterly helpless. "Now, I know how much you care for this obstinate family," Bill said, one eye half-lidded with feigned sympathy. "And since I'm a generous dealer, I'll let you save them."

Her stomach churned. To Bill, this was just a game of chess, and he was the only one moving the pieces. He would allow her to save the Pines? It seemed every choice would lead to a disastrous outcome.

"Don't be so damn difficult, Daisy," Bill hissed. "Last chance: tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global, and I'll spare the precious family!


"No! Y/n, don't do it!" Dipper's voice pierced through the room.

"Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!" Mabel followed, defiance in her tone.

Bill's patience snapped, approaching Mabel with malicious intent. "Don't you toy with me, Shooting Star. I... SEE... EVERYTHI—!"

His threat was abruptly cut off when Mabel sprayed paint into his eye. "O-OW! NOT AGAIN! WHY?! EVERY TIME!"

"Nice shot, pumpkin!" Stan praised from above, before he and Ford were released from their restraints and fell to the ground.

Dipper pulled out the height-altering crystal flashlight from his vest and activated it, enlarging their cage with a blue light. The younger twins jumped out as Bill continued to writhe in pain.

"Y/n, save yourself!" Dipper instructed, pointing to the direction of the exit, but she wasn't looking anywhere but him. "Keep them out of here! Mabel and I will take care of Bill!"

"What?!" Ford exclaimed in a panic. "That's a suicide mission!"

"Trust us," Dipper reassured them. "We've beat him before..."

"... and we'll beat him again!" Mabel finished his sentence, sharing a fist bump with each other. "Hey, Bill! Come and get us, you pointy jerk!"

Bill growled in anger at the taunt and saw the younger Pines twins run off into the halls of the Fearamid. Before leaving, Mabel stretched her lips to blow a raspberry, and that sent him to the edge even more.

Y/n reached out a hand. "You guys! No!"

"It's too dangerous!" Ford yelled after them.

Stan prepared to strike a blow onto this guy. "Hey! Get away from my niece and nephew, you isosceles triangle from hell!" The older man stupidly charged towards the demon with his fist reared back, as if he could reach him. "I'll send you back to wherever you came from, you son of a—"


Stanley only got in ten steps before his entire body was engulfed in a red glow, and it sounded as if he was choking from the lack of air.

"Stanley!" Ford exclaimed, his voice hoarse from desperation.

"NO! BILL, STOP!" Y/n's screams resonated throughout the entire room. "It's me you want, don't touch him!"

"I would, but he's getting in my way and it's annoying me!"

In a snap of his fingers, Stan's body twisted and contorted, morphing grotesquely. With a final, agonizing scream, he was transformed into an inanimate potted cactus, his fez perched mockingly on top. The cactus bore a face frozen mid-scream, capturing Stan's terror and agony.

"And as for you two," Bill sneered, moving his hand to slam Y/n and Ford into each other. A triangular cage enclosed them. "Wait here! I've got some children to turn into corpses!"

In a flash, Bill transformed into a literal nightmare, with six arms and a long, slithering tongue. His voice was deep and gravelly as he mockingly added, "SIXER! CHANGE HER MIND FOR ME, WILL YA?" His false sweetness made his words more venomous.

When Bill left the room, Ford paced around the cage, his hands tangled in his hair, pulling it out of frustration and regret.

Y/n stood still, watching Ford slide to the floor. He looked like a man drowning in guilt. His elbows rested on his knees, and his six-fingered hands clutched his head. "This is all my fault," he said, breaking the silence. "Not only did I mess up the Cipher Wheel, but I'm the one who started this by shaking Bill's hand in the first place."

In the oppressive silence, he questioned himself. What could he have done differently? He imagined countless scenarios where different choices might have led to different outcomes. Had he not met her... would things have been different? Could they have avoided Weirdmageddon altogether?

Yet, even after all the internal questioning, one thought remained clear and unchanging.

"This is all my fault."

Y/n clenched her jaw in frustration, kneeling beside him. "Okay, I get it! You messed up big time!" she snapped, her brows drawn together. "But right now, I need you to stop with the blame game and come up with a plan!"

He paused, taking in her words. After a moment of contemplation, he looked at her intently. "Do you know how to open the barrier? Tell me the truth."

"I do," she said softly, her eyes avoiding his.

He needed more details. "Since when?"

"For as long as I can... remember," she replied, her voice steady but vague. Ford noted the lack of detail but pushed it aside, thinking deeply.

"We visited the edge of the border before," he recalled. "You were the one who mentioned the magnetism. I thought that mathematical equations might work. Why didn't I—"

"Because I told you it wouldn't work," Y/n interrupted, her voice sharp. "So you stopped working on it completely. There are no mathematical equations. Bill wants me because I'm the only one who can unlock the barrier!"

Her eyes were filled with desperate hope, clinging to the slim chance they had left.

Ford's mind raced with the what-ifs. If he and Y/n had never met, Bill might have already conquered the world.

That was the only confirmation he needed.

"Then we'll just have to take his deal," Ford said, his voice heavy with resignation, even though he still hesitated. He had another plan in mind but couldn't bear to think about it.

"No, we can't let him win," Y/n insisted, her gaze resolute. She softened when she saw Ford's hesitation, noticing him biting his lip in frustration. "Ford... there has to be another way, right?"

Ford avoided her gaze. "Bill's only weak in the mindspace," he admitted, sounding defeated. "We could use F's memory gun to erase him once he steps in. I wanted Bill to enter my mind instead of yours, but..." His voice trailed off.

She immediately understood the implications. The memory gun wouldn't work on Bill due to the metal plate in his head, and Bill wasn't likely to make a deal with Ford anyway.

"I'll do it," she said firmly, without hesitation. Ford didn't like how easily she accepted the idea.

"Y/n, please," his voice was barely a whisper. "You don't understand. Erasing Bill means erasing your memories too. It means erasing you."

Even Ford knew that trying to change her mind was futile. Her resolve was unshakable.

"We don't have any other choice, do we?" she said, her smile wry. He couldn't return the smile. Y/n sighed. "If it means defeating Bill once and for all, it's worth the risk."

He sighed deeply, finally accepting the reality. He placed a hand on her shoulder, a smile of pride breaking through his worry. He couldn't begin to express how much she meant to him. She had been his assistant, his right hand—his closest friend.

As he was sucked into the portal, fearing for his life, his calming thought was of her. During his travels across countless dimensions, he wondered what she was doing without him. And he realized that out of every being he had ever met, the only person he could truly trust was Y/n, his first friend in Gravity Falls.

Overwhelmed by his emotions, he pulled her into a heartfelt embrace. He was treating it as a goodbye, but she saw it as a "see you later."

After a moment of calm, they pulled apart. Ford patted Y/n comfortingly on the shoulder. "Punch him in the eye for me."

Y/n's eyes sparkled with determination. "With pleasure."

Bill re-entered the room with Dipper and Mabel now in his hands. "Alright, Daisy. Time's up! I've got your friends!"

Her resolute expression faltered as she saw the younger twins struggling to break free.

"I think I'm gonna kill one of 'em now just for the hell of it!"

Desperation sharpened Y/n's voice as she cut through his threats. "You don't have to do any of that," she said, her attempt to sound steady wavered. "I'll shake your hand, Cipher."

"Ah, good choice!" Bill replied with a mocking tone, dropping Dipper and Mabel onto the ground with a thud.

"Don't do it, Y/n!" Dipper shouted, reaching out towards her, fear and desperation evident in his eyes.

Bill's fingers snapped, causing the cage to drop and ropes to appear, restraining Ford once again. Y/n stood firm, her voice unwavering as she addressed Bill. "My only condition is that you let the Pines and all the inhabitants of Gravity Falls go."

He narrowed his eye at her, rolling the pupil in exaggerated annoyance. "Such a martyr," he sneered. After a moment, he shrugged. "Fine."

Ford struggled against his bindings, his voice strained with urgency. "Y/n, don't do it! It'll destroy the universe!"

"Oh, cut your assistant some slack, Sixer," the triangle addressed the older man in a bored expression. "She'll finally be useful!"

She didn't let that get to her, stepping closely.

"IT'S A DEAL!" Bill declared triumphantly, extending his hand enveloped in blue flames. Y/n took a deep breath and extended her own hand, meeting his in the middle. Instantly, Bill's physical form was encased in stone, crumbling as Y/n fell to her knees. Her eyes fluttered shut as Bill fully entered her mind in the mental realm.

He found himself floating in a white void with a single door. "Oh wow, for once you actually managed to clear your mind—!" He flew near the door, expecting the formula to greet him but instead, the room was also void, it was a room of nothing.

He growled, snapping his fingers, making Y/n appear in the mindscape as well. She was holding a book and looked annoyed as she crossed her arms. "What do you want? You interrupted my mind reading. Ha! Get it?"

Bill rubbed his eyelids, his patience running out. "Show me where you've hidden it."

"Um? Why can't you find it yourself? You're in my mind," she retaliated, closing her eyes in mockery.

"Come on, don't make this any more difficult than it has to be, Daisy," he warned. "Just give me the key! And maybe, if you do that soon enough, I can give you back something of yours— or something better!"

She narrowed her eyes. "What could you possibly give me other than you leaving our world and never coming back?"

"Well, I can give you money, fame, your own galaxy even! Surely better than your own weak powers. Hey, fun fact! I've been keeping them inside me ever since I took them away from you! Man, it makes me substantially weak sometimes, but your healing can be quite helpful!"

"What, my what?"

He was rambling too fast, but did he say that he took her powers away?

Bill continued, ignoring her confusion. "It's so funny how you can be insanely smart and infinitely dumb at the same time. Listen, you can heal, stupid. You've been healing Sixer and Specs all those time without you realizing. I simply took it from you on the day I first came to your dreams. I even reworked some of your memories that way you won't remember having those powers in the first place! Pretty slick, huh?"

"How can you do that?" She demanded. "We didn't even have a deal."

"What am I, the exposition guy?" Bill huffed. "Figure it out yourself! First trial test, getting sucked into the portal, exposure to the other side, you passed out. I only had a small amount of time to enter your mind and do something with it while you were unconscious."

She was silent, looking down at her hands.

His demeanor shifted, his eye gleaming with a calculating look. "You know, Daisy, you're not just some ordinary player in this game. You helped create the portal in the first place. You knew it was dangerous, and yet you restarted it with the other twin. Why?"

She didn't reply.

Bill smirked, floating closer. "Surely it wasn't a mistake. Or maybe... just maybe, you had ulterior motives. You secretly wanted to dominate the entire galaxy with me and the gang. You technically are one of the key proponents of Weirdmageddon. So, guess what? I'll give you a spot."

Her expression faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "I will never join you. You and I are not the same."

"And right you are!" Bill added smoothly. "You're different, Y/n."

He continued, but he noticed the way she was contemplating. Was she going to change her mind?

"You have been an excellent apprentice and research assistant..."

That seemed to have struck a chord, her eyes widening. A flash of recognition crossed her face. Ford had once told her something similar, back when they were first working on the portal. How dare he reuse the same line for a different purpose?

"But it's time for better things!" He said. "You don't belong here, you don't belong with them."

Bill noticed her reaction and pressed on, his voice dripping with manipulation.

"Think about it. You're not like them. You're smarter, stronger. You don't belong in this small, insignificant world. You're destined for greatness. With me, you can achieve it."

"No," she whispered, shaking her head as if trying to dislodge the thoughts. "I belong here. They're my family."

"Family?" Bill sneered. "They're holding you back! Everyone had been holding you back! They don't understand you like I do. They never will. You're meant to rule, not to follow. Imagine the power, the control you could have. All you have to do is give in."

All of this sounded enticing...

But when was Ford going to shoot her already?

As if on cue, they were being encircled with blue fire, and their surroundings were getting blurry. "What?!" he exclaimed, looking around. The two landed on the hard ground, "What's happening?! The deal's OFF!"

The walls around them were cracking and breaking, glitching to different places. Bill tried to desperately get out with his powers, but he just realized it was too late. "LET ME OUTTA HERE! LET ME OU—! WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?!"

"Bet you didn't expect this, huh?" She said, approaching him. "You thought you had me in your grasp? Think again, Cipher."

The triangle grew distraught, "Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind, too?! Everything about your existence, all those centuries, all your experience— erased!"

"If it means taking you down, then it's worth it," she replied resolutely. She channeled her mentor, stalking him down and looking down upon him. "You think you can outsmart me just because you stopped my age? I'm not as gullible as you believe. Kids are smarter than you ever gave them credit for, Bill."

At that moment, the walls around them shattered into nothingness, and a blinding light engulfed the space. Bill's confident facade crumbled as he realized he was truly out of options. "No! I won't let this happen! NO! NO!"

She looked down at her fist, clenching it tightly. With her pursed lips, she channeled her other mentor and funneled all of her energy into her hands. These hands that once healed, hands that once felt, and hands that will finally put an end to this dream demon's chaos.

With a roar of defiance, she delivered a powerful punch to the side of Bill's face, causing him to glitch violently. "Agh!" he screamed, his voice splintering into static.

"This is for hurting my friends!" she shouted, her voice filled with raw fury, as she followed up with another crushing blow to his other cheek. "And this is for torturing Ford!"

He was glitching all over the place, trying to scream something but only coming out in static.

She continued, "This is my final warning for you, Bill—"

Bill's form flickered and twisted uncontrollably, his attempts to escape nothing more than futile gestures. Desperately, he began chanting an incantation, his voice a jumbled mess of desperation. "Nruter yam I taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni i! Nrub ot emoc sah emit ym! L-T-O-L-O-X-A!"

Y/n stood firm, her eyes cold and unfeeling as she watched Bill's frantic glitching. The fight was over. With every ounce of her remaining energy, she drew back her elbow, her fist poised for the final strike.



Her fist collided with Bill's eye in a decisive, thunderous impact. The moment her knuckles connected, Bill's entire form began to unravel, his scream a fading wail of desperation as he was consumed by the blinding light. His body disintegrated into a cascade of glitching pixels and flickering fragments, dissolving into nothingness with each passing second.

She steadied her breath, letting her knees fall on the ground as the blue fire engulfed her. Memories flashed before her eyes: Soos and Wendy's antics, Fiddleford's lessons, Waddles' oinks, Mabel's boundless energy, Dipper's joy of being a kid, Stan's familial care, and Ford's mentorship. In those fleeting moments, she embraced it all, finding solace in the life she had lived and the people she had loved.

Ford had always wanted to share this with her, but he struggled to find the right moment and the right words. The eleven symbols weren't the only things he discovered in that cave. Among the markings and ancient prophecies inscribed there, he uncovered a deeper history.

The ancient texts spoke of a shaman, a guardian of his people, known only as Modoc. Wise beyond his years, Modoc once encountered a powerful entity—an otherworldly being who offered knowledge in exchange for an alliance. But Modoc, with his deep connection to the spirits and the earth, saw through the being's deceptions. He uncovered the entity's true nature, a force of chaos and destruction that would bring ruin to the world.

In a bold move, Modoc severed all ties with this being and led his tribe to safety, far from the valley where the entity held sway. With this act of defiance, he cast a banishment upon the being, barring it from ever entering the valley again. But Modoc did not stop there. He prophesied that one day, when "eleven cosmic symbols align," a great force would be sent by the Great Spirit. This force, he declared, would cleanse the world of evil and protect those it loved.

The prophecy was carved into the walls of sacred caves, a message for future generations. And so it was, that after many years, the great force arrived—sent as a child, vulnerable and innocent, to grow and learn among the people. The child would face trials and hardships, but in time, would rise to fulfill the prophecy and stand against the darkness.

Modoc's actions and foresight paved the way for this force's journey, a journey that would ultimately bring about the downfall of the entity he had once defied.

Outside her mind, everything that Bill had done to the town was unraveling. His Henchmaniacs were being pulled back into the sky, returning to the Nightmare Realm from where they had come. The Fearamid was deconstructed and was absorbed into the rift. As it vanished, a restorative wave spread across Gravity Falls, reversing the chaos of Weirdmageddon.

The once-dreaded landscape was now vibrant with lush grass, shrubs, and blooming flowers. Floating gently down to the forest, the Pines family—two sets of twins—found Y/n lying peacefully among a meadow of daisies. She slowly stirred, yawning as though waking from a long, restful nap. As her eyes adjusted to the brilliant green hues of the forest, a contented smile spread across her face.

"Y/n!" A voice to her left caught her attention. She turned to see a man in a red turtleneck and beige trench coat. "Aha, you did it! You defeated Bill!"

He knelt down, grasping her shoulders and shaking them in excitement. His enthusiasm made her smile, but she had no idea who this man was or what 'Bill' he was talking about.

She placed a hand on his wrist to stop him. "Um, say, mister. Where am I?" she asked innocently. "I... I think I'm lost." She looked around curiously, and when she turned back, she noticed tears welling up in the man's eyes. He sniffled, stepping back to give her space.

Her face morphed into pity as the man in the trench coat turned away to hide his tears. Another older man, who looked similar to him, came to his aid, patting his back with a sad expression. She furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering if she had done something to make them sad.

Two kids who looked identical came running up to her, looking relieved. She received another embrace from a girl in a pink sweater. "You did it, Y/n!"

"Whoa," she smiled, appreciating the warmth from the stranger. "Whoever this Y/n was, they must have done something great to get this many hugs! Tell me, who is this 'Y/n' fellow?"

"It's you," the boy said, looking at her with eyes full of pity. "You're the one who saved us."

"I did?"

"What gives?" Stan exclaimed, his voice hoarse and desperate. "Why can't she remember us?!" He knelt down to her height. "Come on, sweetie. You can stop pretending now! Okay? It's over! It's us! It's me, Stan!"

His lips wobbled as she looked at him with doe eyes, not a trace of recognition on her face.

He tried not to cry, wanting to be strong for his family, but the girl in front of him had sacrificed her entire life for the world's safety. Every second that passed, he regretted letting his anger overcome him and refusing to shake his brother's hand. Now, losing Y/n was the price they had to pay.

Ford removed his glasses, wiping his eyes before putting them back on. "We had to erase her mind to defeat Bill. It's all gone, and she has no idea that she saved the world. She saved... us."

Mabel sat down on the grass as Dipper comforted her. They began to cry, mourning their best friend's memories.

The girl furrowed her brows, seeing the four people in front of her shedding tears. "I... I don't know who you all are, but part of me doesn't want to see you all sad. How can I help you guys?"

The Pines choked back a sob. Even with her memories erased, her heart remained kind and compassionate.

Eventually, they helped the girl up to her feet and guided her towards the Mystery Shack. Ford grabbed her left hand while Stan held her right as the younger twins led the way. Dipper was at the front door, tackling it until it came down. Ford and Stan led her inside, and she looked around in wonder.

The Shack was broken down, barely holding on, but some of the objects inside were still in place. They let Y/n take the chair and she sat on it, making herself comfortable. "Y/n, don't you remember anything?" Ford asked with a deep frown on his face.

At least she responded to her name when she perked up to him. "Am I supposed to?" she asked, making Soos break down in the corner more.

From their right, they heard a creak in the floorboards and Ford saw Fiddleford entering the Shack. The moment he stepped in the room, his eyes shifted to meet the girl on the yellow chair. He removed his hat, trifling with it as he stared at her somberly.

"Fiddleford..." Ford began, frowning as he watched his former partner observing the girl. The corner of his lips were pulled down, as he couldn't help but see himself in her.

"This girl went through so much," McGucket said, his voice filled with sorrow as he looked at the girl who, despite everything, showed no sign of recognition. "She saved us from the end of the world, and now we can't even celebrate with her because she doesn't remember any of us."

Ford tried to offer some comfort to the grieving crowd. "The important thing is that she's still alive—"

"But it's not really Y/n!" Stan erupted, frustration evident in his voice as he turned to his twin. He started pacing the room, his hands gesturing wildly. "Where's the girl who used to laugh at my terrible jokes? The one who'd hum songs under her breath without noticing? The same girl who'd randomly bash her head against the wall just to mess with you?"

"Hold on, McGucket," Dipper said as he hurried over to the older man. "You built the memory gun. Isn't there some way to restore her memories?"

"Let me take a look at that memory gizmo," McGucket replied, walking over to Ford. Ford handed him the gun, and McGucket carefully examined it. He opened the canister with a hiss, but all he found was an empty chamber. "Oh, no."

"What? What's wrong?" Dipper asked, peering over McGucket's shoulder. When he saw the empty canister, his heart sank. He exchanged a worried glance with McGucket.

Her memory wasn't saved in a tube.

Mabel frowned, feeling clueless. "What... what does it mean?"

"Seeing your own tape helps you recover your memory, like what we did back then with my tape, you see?" McGucket explained, placing the gun on the nearby table.

"There's gotta be something we can do to jog her memory!"

Tears built up on Ford's eyes as he shakily replied. "I'm afraid there isn't. I'm sorry. Y/n is gone." Even he struggled saying that out loud. He couldn't believe it to be true.

"I know my best friend is in there somewhere," Mabel retaliated, refusing to believe it. "There's gotta be something around here that can help bring her back!"

Dipper began looking around as well. "Maybe we can remind her of things about herself. Quick! What are Y/n's favorites?"

"That's a great idea!" Stan exclaimed, dramatically pointing at his great nephew with a big smile. "Everybody! Get out of this room and don't come back until you get Y/n's favorite things!"

Soos chimed in with an excited smile. "I'll go get her a Pitt Cola and her favorite tools! She'll remember all the things she taught me!" He dashed out before anyone could say anything.

"I'll get the BABBA CD in my room!" Dipper declared, sprinting towards the stairs.

His sister quickly followed behind him. "Hey, I'm coming with you! I need to get my scrapbook!" The two basically raced each other to the room, but this time they were working together to save their best friend.

Fiddleford's eyes light up. "I remember her with a bag of blueberries when she came and visited me. I should go out and pick some out for her!" With a yeehaw, he skedaddled out of the Shack, hollering in excitement.

Stan was already out of the living room, announcing that he'll get the Ducktective tapes in his office, and proudly said that he'll be the one rummaging in her room for any personal stuff she owned.

Now what only remained was the author of the journals, his assistant, and the pig. Waddles hopped onto the couch and nestled into Y/n's lap, snoozing peacefully. She absentmindedly stroked the pig's fur, a faint smile on her lips.

Ford watched silently, his heart heavy with guilt and sadness. His shoulders shook with the weight of realization.

He didn't know what her favorite things were.

The girl noticed the older man standing there, watching her. They locked eyes for a moment, neither saying a word, before Ford finally broke the silence. He sat on the dinosaur head beside her, his movements slow and careful. "Don't you remember me?" he asked, his voice tinged with hope.

She looked at him with sad eyes and shook her head slightly. "You're new," she admitted, her hand slowing as she petted Waddles.

Ford's heart sank, but he kept his tone soft. "Do you know anything about yourself?" he asked gently.

"People seem to call me Y/n," she said quietly. "Is that my name?"

He hummed softly, nodding. "It is. You are named Y/n."

She returned the nod, her gaze drifting down to the floorboards. After a moment, she glanced back up at him. "So, what's your name? You know mine."

"I'm Ford," he replied gently, watching her closely.

Y/n repeated the name quietly, as if testing it on her tongue. "Ford..." She looked at him with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Were we... friends?"

His heart tightened at the question, but he managed to keep his voice calm. "Yes, we were. You were the first friend I made when I arrived here, in Gravity Falls. We went on countless expeditions together, exploring the strange and mysterious creatures that inhabit this place."

She smiled faintly, though there was a sadness in her expression. "I wish I could remember that."

He forced a smile in return, his mind racing with the memories they shared. "Even if you don't remember right now, it doesn't change who you are." He placed a hand on her shoulder, making her face him. "You're still Y/n, and we're still here for you."

She nodded again, though the weight of her lost memories seemed to hang in the air between them. She looked down at the pig, who was still snuggled comfortably in her lap. "He seems to like me."

"It's Mabel's pig, Waddles. He has always been fond of you. He's a good judge of character," Ford said, chuckling softly.

Her smile grew a little wider, and she continued to gently pet the pig. "That's good to know."

"OKAYYYY I'M HERE! I'M HERE I'M HERE!" Mabel burst into the room, clutching her scrapbook in one hand and a pale yellow sweater in the other.

"I'm here too!" Dipper chimed in, carrying a BABBA CD, a radio, and Stan close behind, lugging a box full of tapes, and items from their rooms. Soos followed with a messenger bag slung over his shoulder and a broken toaster in his hands, likely grabbed from his own place.

Mabel slid in beside Y/n, thrusting the sweater into her hands. "Put this on!" she urged, already flipping open the scrapbook. "Look, Y/n, this was the first day Dipper and I arrived in Gravity Falls," she pointed to a polaroid at the start of the book, showing the twins, Stan, and Y/n.

As the brunette animatedly flipped through more pages, each one filled with memories from the summer, Stan busied himself setting up the tapes by the TV.

Y/n's eyes lit up as she spotted a familiar craft. "That's a nice macaroni artwork you've got there, Mabel."

Mabel's heart leaped with hope. "I— Yes! That's my name! Mabel! Oh my gosh, Y/n, you remember!"

"It's working!" Ford exclaimed, his voice full of encouragement. "Keep going!"

"My turn now," Dipper announced, setting up the radio with the CD already in place. "Y/n, this is your favorite artist—"

Stan groaned, rolling his eyes. "Oh, don't tell me it's that ABBA again—"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Stan? It's BABBA!" Y/n smiled, correcting him with a gentle laugh.

Stan wasn't always thrilled by the correction, but he'd listen to BABBA a thousand times if it meant bringing her back.

"Disco Girl! Comin' through—"

"Oh, come on!"

The Pines family worked together to revive Y/n's memories—singing along to every BABBA song (she remembered all the lyrics!), getting a hands-on lesson in fixing the broken toaster, rewatching every episode of Ducktective, laughing at Stan's corny jokes (which she always found funny!), and enjoying the fresh blueberries McGucket handpicked (and washed!) while Ford filled her in on every rock fact he knew.



After a week of intensive memory therapy, the Mystery Shack stood proudly once again, thanks to the hard work of the townsfolk. Shandra Jimenez reported with a smile on the town's gradual recovery from the chaos that had unfolded over the past few days.

Mayor Tyler, eager to leave the past behind, introduced the "Never Mind All That" act, urging everyone to move on. The townspeople quickly agreed, embracing the fresh start. As if on cue, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland shared a celebratory kiss on stage, prompting the crowd to erupt in cheers for their favorite couple.

The Northwest family had gone broke, forcing them to sell their mansion to preserve their family fortune. Both Preston and Priscilla were crying while Pacifica was still in the state of shock over the shortage of ponies.

"In other good news, town heroine, Y/n, has fully recovered her memory and will be constructing a clinic for all of Gravity Falls with the help of Fiddleford McGucket, local maniac, who, after regaining his sanity, has made millions overnight submitting his patents to the US government.

And more on our town's victors; Stanley Pines will be throwing a party to celebrate his niece and nephew's thirteenth birthday and final day in town. But other than that, I can safely say our beloved Gravity Falls is back to normal. And now, Bodacious T. with sports."

"It's called, "Death Ball"."


"Happy Birthday to you~!"

The twins couldn't help but beam with joy as they looked at their birthday cake, surrounded by people they loved and who loved them back.

"I can't believe you all got together just to throw a party for us!" Mabel exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise.

Some of the townsfolk chuckled, and Tyler scoffed playfully, putting his hands on his hips. "Are you kidding? After all the Pines family has done for this town, it's the least we could do. You've helped everyone here!"

"You deserve it," Y/n added, stepping up behind the twins and wrapping them in a warm hug. "Happy Birthday, you two. See? I was on time!"

They giggled, returning the hug with relief and adoration as they closed their eyes.

A soft throat clearing made them open their eyes to see Gideon stepping forward, a genuine smile on his face. "Thanks to y'all savin' us, I learned to open my heart to kindness. No more evil-doin'. From now on, I'm gonna try to be Li'l Gideon, just a regular ol' kid!"

"With his best friends!" Ghost Eyes shouted enthusiastically, "HELL YEAHHHH—"

"Ghost Eyes! Language, please," Gideon chided gently.

"Oh," Ghost Eyes quickly regretted his outburst, putting his hands behind his back. "Sorry, BFF."

"Dude! Make a wish, dawg!" Soos urged, bringing the twins' attention back to the cake.

Dipper shrugged with a smile. "You know, on my first day here, if you had asked me what I wanted, I would've said, 'adventure, mystery, true friends.'" He glanced at the girl who was already smiling at him, her presence a comfort knowing they no longer had to worry about the triangle.

"But looking at all of you now, I realize that every wish came true," he added with a chuckle, realizing how sappy he sounded. He placed his hands on the pockets of his vest. "I have everything I wanted."

Mabel chimed in with her own thoughts. "If I had just one wish, it would be to shrink all of you with a shrink ray and take you home with us in my pocket! But since that's impossible..." She paused and turned to Ford. "Is that impossible?"

Ford gave a so-so gesture with a shrug.

Mabel then turned to Y/n.

She shrugged as well. "I mean, there's always the shrinking crys—"

Stan quickly clamped a hand over her mouth, earning a deadpan glare from her.

Mabel awkwardly continued, "Since that's probably possible, my only wish is for everyone to sign my scrapbook. I'll never forget you guys—wait." She suddenly pulled out the memory gun from Ford's coat pocket, smashed it on the ground, and stomped on it for good measure.

"Now, I'll never forget you guys."

The two twins positioned themselves beside the cake, and with a shared breath, they blew out the candle in unison. Wendy, grinning, pulled a confetti cannon and set it off with a pop. "I now officially declare you technically teenagers! Welcome to angst and acne forever."

Her friends joined in, chanting, "One of us! One of us!"

As the group got caught up in the excitement, chatting with the newly minted teens about what to expect in their upcoming years, Y/n quietly slipped away from the crowd. She made her way to the side of the Shack, where Ford had called her over.

She was already waiting when she saw Ford approaching with Stan in tow. "Listen, Stanley, I need to talk to you," Ford began, his tone serious.

"What's going on?" Stan asked, noticing the knowing look on Y/n's face. She met his gaze, then gestured for him to focus on Ford.

"We've got a problem," Ford said, pressing a button on his watch. A holographic map of the world projected between them. "I want to investigate it, but I think I'm too old to go it alone."

Stan raised an eyebrow, still not fully understanding. "Are you sayin' you need someone to help you sail around the world on the adventure of a lifetime?"

Ford's expression softened as he handed Stan a photo of them as kids, posing on the Stan o' War. "I don't just want someone, Stanley. I want it to be you."

Stan took the photo, his eyes lingering on the torn corners but focusing on the smiles of their younger selves. He glanced at Ford, searching his face for any hint of a joke. "But, Y/n...?"

Y/n gave a small, reassuring smile. "Ford and I already talked about it. I'm staying here," she said, her eyes encouraging him. "It's time for the Stan o' War to finally set sail."

Ford, his voice gentler now, asked, "Will you give me a second chance?"

A smile began to tug at the corners of Stan's mouth. "You think we'll find treasure? And babes?"

Ford chuckled, giving Stan a playful punch on the shoulder. "Heh! I'd say there's a high probability. But... what should we do with the Mystery Shack?"

Stan shrugged, a smirk forming on his lips. "Now that I know Y/n's gonna be busy building her clinic, I figure she's too tied up to run the Shack, right, pumpkin?" Y/n nodded in agreement.

As Y/n and the older twins huddled together to discuss plans, their voices were low and unintelligible. Unbeknownst to them, someone had accidentally wandered up behind them, munching on cake. Suddenly, the eavesdropper froze, eyes widening in horror as he caught snippets of their conversation.

Meanwhile, the younger twins had just finished opening their presents—a golf club for Mabel and a limited edition Ghost Harassers DVD for Dipper—when the sound of tapping on a Pitt Cola bottle drew everyone's attention to Stan.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," he began, pulling Ford closer. "Me and my... heh, nerdy bro over here have some catchin' up to do. We're gonna be away for a while. That's why I'm shutting down the Mystery Shack for good!"

Stan's announcement was delivered with a grin, but the crowd reacted with gasps and murmurs, clearly upset at the news that their beloved tourist trap was closing.

Suddenly, Soos, out of breath, burst onto the stage and pointed at Stan. "You shut down your mouth for good!" The room fell into an awkward silence as everyone exchanged uncertain glances, waiting to hear what the handyman had to say.

Soos, looking earnest, continued, "I'm sorry, Mr. Pineses, but this shack is the most magical place on Earth. Sure, the attractions are all fake, but dreams aren't fake!" He held up the Fiji mermaid taxidermy, his voice filled with emotion. "Like this mermaid—it's not just a dead fish butt sewn to a monkey carcass. It's a marvelous creature that makes us believe anything is possible. You shut down this shack, and you shut down our dreams!"

Soos paused, taking off his hat as his tone softened. "At least... my dreams."

The crowd murmured sympathetically, moved by Soos's heartfelt plea. The shack had been more than just a job to him—it was a place where he had grown, learned, and made countless memories. The thought of it being gone, and not seeing his father figure for who knew how long, was heartbreaking.

Stan sighed, looking genuinely apologetic. "I'm sorry, Soos. It's just—there's no one around to run it."

He glanced at Y/n, who met his gaze with a knowing smile, her arms crossed. With a subtle nod, she looked towards Soos, then back at him.

Stan's smile grew wider. "At least... there wouldn't be if I hadn't just found the perfect replacement." With that, he removed his fez and placed it on Soos's head, passing the torch from master to apprentice.

Soos stood frozen, his face a mix of shock and disbelief as the realization hit him. The older man placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and turned to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Mystery Shack is under new management!"

The room erupted into cheers, the townsfolk hollering and whooping in celebration. Soos turned back to him, his voice filled with awe. "You... you mean it, Mr. Mystery?"

Stan smiled warmly, correcting him. "You're Mr. Mystery now, Soos. Just try not to burn the place down."

Soos's grin spread ear to ear as he raised his arms in triumph. He immediately turned around for his closest friend. "Y/n! Y/n! I got promoted!"

"Congratulations, Soos! I'm so happy for you—woah!" Y/n barely finished her sentence before Soos scooped her up in a bear hug, spinning her around as he cried tears of joy.

"Yeah!!! Woo!!!" The crowd continued to cheer.


Evening arrived earlier than anyone anticipated.

The attic was now empty, but evidence of two kids living there still littered in the corners of their beds. Their bags were packed, and were now waiting by the bus stop.

"Do you really have to go?" Candy asked, holding her hands together. "There's still so much we haven't done together."

Mabel shrugged with a wry smile. "Summer's over, Candy. It's time for us to grow up."

"But not too much," Dipper added, nudging his sister playfully.

Grenda screamed in frustration. "AAHH! I hate my dumb heart for making me feel things!" she shouted, punching her own chest in exasperation.

While Grenda was busy battling her emotions, Dipper felt a familiar presence beside him. He turned, and there she was. Their eyes met, and they shared a warm, knowing smile—both understanding this would be their last moment together for a long time.

She reached up to unclasp her necklace, her movements slow and deliberate. Dipper watched with bated breath, confused—she never took it off.

The chain unraveled into her palm, her fingers curling around the worn daisy pendant. She gazed at it fondly, noting its durability, how it had held on all these years. Kind of like her.

"I want you to have this," she said softly, extending her hand.

Dipper hesitated, his hands trembling slightly as he took the pendant, cradling it gently.

"Y/n... are you sure? This is—"

She shrugged with a playful smile. "Something to remember me by."

His face flushed as he returned the smile, warmth spreading through him. He didn't need a reminder to think of her, but the gesture made his chest tighten with affection.

"Thank you," he whispered sincerely. "I'll take care of it."

She gave a small nod, eyes flicking toward the necklace in his hands. "Here, let me," she said, taking it back to help him put it on.

Carefully, she looped the necklace around his neck, her arms brushing against his shoulders as she worked. Their eyes met, and she kept her focus on him rather than the chain. After a few quiet seconds, she clasped it in place.

And then, without warning, Dipper seized the moment.

Before she could step back, he leaned in and quickly kissed her on the cheek.

It was brief—just a soft touch—but enough to send heat rushing to his face. He pulled away as fast as he'd leaned in, his cheeks and ears burning red. He glanced around nervously, hoping no one had noticed.

She froze, eyes widening in surprise. The kiss felt like a spark, a sudden jolt of warmth that sent a shiver through her. Her lips parted slightly, and for a split second, she could hear nothing but her own pulse pounding in her ears. The world around them seemed to slow.

Mabel suddenly burst in with her usual energy. "Okay, it's my turn now!" she declared, shoving Dipper aside with a playful push, causing him to yelp. "Step aside, Hug Train coming to the station!"

Y/n laughed, bracing herself for the incoming embrace. Mabel threw her arms around her, and the two spun slightly from the force, giggling as they twirled together. "I'm gonna miss you, Mabel."

"I'll miss you more, Y/n!" the brunette replied with such enthusiasm, then leaned in to whisper mischievously. "But probably not as much as my brother over there," she added with a wink.

The girl rolled her eyes, laughing softly at Mabel's playful comment. Just then, someone cleared their throat. Both girls turned to see Ford approaching. "Mabel," he said with a gentle seriousness, "I need to speak with you for a moment."

He knelt down as Mabel stepped closer. "Mabel, I... I want to thank you," he said, offering a gentle smile. "Thank you for everything."

Mabel, blushing slightly, replied, "Oh, it was nothing..."

He took a breath, his expression becoming more serious. "I'm sorry if I wasn't always there to spend time with you or if I seemed distant at times. It was never my intention to push you away. I want you to know how much I've valued every moment we've shared."

Overwhelmed, Mabel hugged him tightly. Ford returned the embrace, letting out a contented sigh. They eventually pulled apart, and Ford gently wiped away her tears with a reassuring smile. "Get ready for some travel pictures from Stanley and me. And remember, when you're on a bus, it might be equipped with modern comforts, but a good old-fashioned map can be handy for unexpected detours."

"I'm not sure I understand all that, but thanks, Grunkle Ford," Mabel said with a wide smile. "I'm really going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too," Ford said, smiling back before they hugged once more.

Y/n, smiling at the touching moment, then looked over at Dipper, noticing his hat had changed from his usual Pine Tree blue cap to a trapper hat. She turned to the redhead, who was now wearing a trucker hat. Y/n smiled and glanced back at Dipper.

"Nice hat," she said playfully, adjusting his new hat and fixing his bangs. Dipper returned her smile, grateful for her tenderness.

From a distance, a bus pulled up to the stop, opening its doors with a whoosh. "Last bus leaving Gravity Falls. All aboard," the bus driver announced flatly.

Mabel let out a deep breath, placing her hands on her hips. "Guess we've said goodbye to everyone, except..."

She faltered, spotting the familiar pink pig she'd grown close to over the summer.

"Waddles..." Mabel's frown deepened. "I... I don't know how to explain this, but... Mom and Dad won't let me bring a pig home to California, so... you have to stay here!" She tried to walk away.

Y/n couldn't bear to watch Waddles' sad eyes, her heart aching. In a burst of determination, she declared, "Ugh! You know what? Forget it. Waddles is going to come with you guys whether your parents want to or not!" She scooped up the pig and marched up the bus steps. "Hey, you! This wonderful, adorable pig is coming with them!"

The driver looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "Now, hold on a second, little girl. Pets are banned on this bus. What makes you think—"

Suddenly, Stan and Ford appeared behind her. Stan brandished his brass knuckles, and Ford coolly showed his gun from his belt. Y/n couldn't help but smirk, knowing she had backup.

The driver, visibly nervous, stammered, "Wah... w-welcome aboard! You can sit in the front row, pig."

Stan knelt in front of the twins, holding them by their shoulders. "Kids, you knuckleheads were nothin' but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of ya," he said, though his voice wavered and tears began to form in his eyes.

Mabel and Dipper struggled to hold back their tears. They stepped forward and embraced their grunkle, who, despite his gruff exterior, had been their steadfast caretaker. They knew, deep down, that he would miss them dearly.

"We'll miss you too, Grunkle Stan," Mabel said shakily, petting the tassel of his fez. They eventually let go, stepping back from his embrace. Stan remained kneeling, watching them with a slowly fading smile as they boarded the bus.

Mabel and Dipper stood beside each other, preparing themselves to end their summer vacation. With a deep breath, he faced his sister. "Ready to head into the unknown?"

"Nope," she admitted, but she knew that anything was possible. "Let's do it."

They got on the bus, situating themselves on their seats and immediately looked outside to see the faces that made up their summer. As the bus drove away, everyone ran after the bus, shouting their farewells. "Bye! I'll miss you, guys!"

"We'll miss you!"


"Bye, dawgs!"

Stan looked somber, watching those kids that he loved over the course of the summer go home had his heart aching, but a hand on his shoulder surprised him— and when he looked over to who placed the hand, he felt slightly better, knowing that they had some more catching up to do.

From his left hand, someone grabbed it. He looked down and saw the girl who had saved everyone, the girl who had never left his side, and would probably finally be able to grow up and start her life— properly, this time.

With a grin, Stan lifted his hand and placed it on top of the girl's head, smoothing her hair playfully, making her smile.


If you've ever taken a road trip through the Pacific Northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls.

It's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. Some people think it's a myth. But if you're curious, don't wait.

Take a trip. Find it. It's out there somewhere in the woods. Waiting.

Inside the bus, Dipper decided to bring out the letter that Wendy had given him, trying to think of what might be the contents of the letter. With a huff, he opened it, to see...

Dipper smiled.

He looked out the bus window, the familiar sights of Gravity Falls slowly fading away as the bus began its journey home.



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