The Halloween Bash
Hey everyone! I've been extremely busy lately! The weekend of 19th 20th and 21st was Portland's Retro Gaming Expo and I went to that all three days XD It was so much fun! You can check out my pictures on Instagram under the same name.
October 27th 2012
I've never met 'Aiden's' parents, what do I say? Oh I really hope Bill answers...Crap, did I knock already? If I have should I do it again? Or would that be rude? Crap crap crap!'
Despite my better judgement, I knock. Soon, a man greets me. 'It's the dad! Even worse! Gah!'
"Um, hi." I awkwardly wave. "Is Bi- Aiden here?"
"One moment please."
"O-" the door slams, "-kay."
Not knowing what to do, I resort to teetering on my feet and awkwardly looking around. The house stands next to others, kinda like mine, in a simple, stereotypical neighborhood. It seems like hours are going by before the front door opens back up and Bill answers.
He looks pretty annoyed, remorseful and uncertain. 'Are these good emotions? I'm not sure...'
"Erm...this is the time you invite me in...?"
A shocked look of realization settles in on the 7th grader's face. "Oh! Uh-er, I mean...come in?" He doesn't move out of the way.
I giggle, thanking him and brushing passed him. Then, turning around, I expect for my former enemy to do something, but he just stands there, avoiding eye contact.
"Um, could we speak? In your room?" I shyly ask.
He starts guiding me through a nearby hallway, pointing. "Sure... it's over here."
From my brief appearance in Bill's house, I gather that, although it looks to be two story from the outside, it's actually a simple one story but with a big attic. I know this because from the outside look...and the string I just ran into hanging from the ceiling with a visual door implanted there.
The walls are littered with family photos and the occasional Christ portraits and other religious things, like a crucifix.
'Bill wasn't joking...'
"Every time I'm in this house, it gives me the shivers... I'll bet the AXOLOTL put me here on purpose..." I give the boy a pat of pity on the back.
Curious, I ask, "Does this stuff usually do this to you regardless the form?"
"Yeah, most of the time. I've been trying to drown it out... but" Bill doesn't finish his sentence, instead, violently shivering.
I silently laugh through my nose, making sure he doesn't see. "So what brought on the random visit? I'd prefer going to your place for obvious reasons."
"Well..." I tilt my head, "You kinda just...fled without reason so. Plus," I lean in to whisper nervously, "your dad is kinda scary."
"Tell me about it!" That Bill Cipher flare starts back up a little. "He's super big and scary but then sometimes he's super nice and soft! Who does that! This is some chaotic good over here and I'm not liking it. I'm the chaotic evil type of guy."
"Yeah. I got that already," I deadpan.
"Ugh, they're so strict, too! 'Aiden' has to go to bed at nine o'clock sharp! I'm a being of pure energy and no weaknesses, except tickling, who has a bedtime! A bedtime!"
This time, I full blown laugh. Bill whining, like the kid he is, is entertaining and joyful.
Unbeknownst to me, Bill stares at me with a genuine smile.
"Anyway," I stop laughing, "here's my room," and enter the boy's room. It's pretty typical for your average middle-schooler. Simple desk- no computer-, a bed- of course!- and wall posters of a mixture of fandoms.
"Cool room."
"Thanks..." Bill rubs his neck, "it's not that cool, though."
"I like the aesthetically pleasing triangles written on the walls. Oh and don't think I didn't see the giant Cipher Wheel drawn on the ceiling." I laugh and point a finger up without looking.
His cheeks flush ferociously to a deep shade of red that would put Hookfang to shame.
"Sh-shut up! What is it you wanted anyway?" He pouts and slams down face first onto his bed. 'So cute! Bill Cipher pouting like a child!'
"I wanted to see if you were okay since you just poofed out so quickly before we could do anything..."
Shooting up, Bill has his eyebrows furrowed, surprising me into taking a step back by how angry he looks. "You came to check on me?! I'm the one that scared you three! I was so mad that I didn't think! I yelled at you guys and you're checking on me to see if I'm okay!? really are something, Ring..." he spits, sitting back down.
"Bill," I step carefully, my tone of voice on the down low. "I came to check on you because we're friends and Dipper, Mabel, and I were worried. You got mad because we were teasing you and on behalf of all of us, we're very sorry. We shouldn't have done that."
He sniffs and wipes his nose, "Well...I was just so worried what you guys would do since I did that and got scared... And when I got to my room, I thought to myself, I'm Bill Cipher! How and why did I get scared!? All of these emotions are so confusing!"
Giggling, I sit next to him and pat his back. "That's called being human, Bill. It's not so bad once you get used to it. Take it from me. Since being REBORNed, I had to sort out all sorts of new emotions. What made it better was getting to be in my favorite show!"
"Gravity Falls is your favorite show?"
"It's up there on the list!"
"Awwww, Ring! Who's your favorite character?"
'Should I be honest and burst his bubble or...? Nah, look at his face!'
"WHAT!? Oh crap, sorry! I mean, what?!"
"I'm sorry! Well, okay, technically he and Mabel are. But you're my second fav if that's any consolation?"
"Mmmm," he ponders, "Yes. Yes it is." Laughing, we share a meaningful hug.
"Awww, you said my actual name!"
"Don't push it."
~~Time Skip brought to you by: ME! Actually writing more of this story. I'm so lost it's not funny :( ~~
After Bill and I made our way back to my house, Dipper and Mabel told us they've been researching the Reverse Falls AU. Dipper doesn't want to do it but Mabel insists since she loves the outfits they wear. Of course Dipper can't argue for long, so Mabel goes and writes down what we need.
Bill's on board, too, saying something about being the opposite of himself could be exhilarating and or terrible but wants to find out anyways. "So we'll need those amulets. Three." I lean over my sister as she lists things off.
Dipper points at our friend. "Bill, you're in charge of getting things we cannot, like the amulet."
"Done." With a snap of his fingers, three crystal blue amulets fall onto our necks.
"Pretty!!" Mabel gushes, lifting hers up to inspect.
I nod in agreement, the blues are beautifully mixed together.
"Wait." I look at a picture of the twins from the AU. "Mabel!" She turns around. Somehow, she looks like she already knows what I'm gonna say. "Only Dipper's supposed to have an amulet!"
She sighs, pouting, "But, Macie! They're so pretty I wanted all of us to have one!"
"I'm staying out of this. But let me tell you, Mace," I turn to my brother, "I've already tried to reason with the girl about the costumes but she doesn't care."
"Ugh, Mabel! I thought we were gonna do everything authentic!"
"But it's not like anyone would know if it's not authentic!"
"Shooting Star's got a point..."
"Can it, Bill!" After that I burst out laughing. It's really no use in arguing over something so little. "Alright alright, we all have an amulet. I really like it anyway."
"Whoopee! What's next? Oh! Me, you, Dipper, and Bill should go back to Phantom to get the rest of the clothes!"
"Ehhh," I shake my hand, "Do I have to? Do we have to? Bill can just do everything!"
"Could I see a picture of my reverse self?" Bill shyly asks as he walks up to me at the table.
"Yeah, here." I get one up. I go back to talk about the plan when a sparkly sound effect goes off. We all turn to the only one who can do magic and gape, jaws hanging low.
Bill's standing there in an entire new look. Blue hair, same top hat and eye patch. Perfect interpretation of human Bill's clothing except it's now blue. And, to top it off perfectly, instead of his cane, he has light blue glowing, almost translucent, shackles on his wrists.
Mabel's the first to speak, of course, "OH MY GOOOOSH! YOU ARE SO FREAKING ADORABLE I CAN'T EVEN!!!!!"
I face palm. 'Mabel, please don't say that again...'
"Dude you look really good, Bill," Dipper compliments with a smile and crossed arms.
"Ah, thanks, Pine Tree, Shooting Star... I wasn't really sure about the shackles, 'cause even though this isn't me, I feel like the great...Will? Will Cipher wouldn't be shackled like an animal. But I guess it does look good, huh?" he turns to me with the final question.
I smile, giving him a thumbs up. "Yeah. You look amazing. We just have to win the contest!"
"Our turn! Let's go guys!" Ignoring the girl, I silently give a couple hand motions to the dream demon in the room, who then gets what I'm insinuating and snaps his finger. "BILL!"
The last thing Dipper and I hear is a banshee's screech and an adolescent boy's shrill screams as the two run out the front door.
~~Time Skip brought to you by: Time for the Halloween Bash! Are ya ready kids?~~
It's finally time for the party and my siblings and I, plus Bill, are standing outside the large doors. "This is gonna be great!" Bill throws his fist in the air.
'I'm glad to see Bill enjoying human customs.'
Being able to do this with Dipper and Mabel is all I need and their smiles are the best part.
As soon as we enter, Halloween music blasts, the whole place is dim but nicely lit up with an assortment of lights, and various decorations littered around. "This place looks great!" Mabel jumps ahead to take in everything as we wait in line to buy tickets for games.
"Do you wanna go on ahead and enter us in the contest, Mabes?" I ask, shoving my hands in my skirt pockets. 'It's pretty chilly even in here and I'm in a skirt!'
"Sure! Aiden, come with me!" She drags the poor boy away with her superhuman strength. Dipper laughs as she does so.
The line moved along quickly so we wasted no time in getting to the front. Of course Dipper pulled out his wallet and spoke for the two of us, ordering forty tickets for twenty bucks.
'I always thought these kinds of things were super overpriced, but Dipper doesn't seem to care what with that giant smile on his lips.'
"What do you wanna play? We each get ten tickets so don't worry about not having enough." He hands me my share and I pocket them.
"Thank you. Hmm..." I look over at the games and such. "How about that one? That way the others can spot us when they come looking." I point to a giant crafted tree with what looks like lollipops sticking out of a hundred some holes.
"Good idea!"
When we get close, I recognize the aim of the game. "Oh! They had this when I was little! You pull out a sucker and depending on the colored tip of the end of the stick, the better the prize!"
"That's awesome! How many?" Dipper asks the volunteer running the table.
"One ticket each please." The lady smiles, a mummy mask plastered over her eyes. I hand over one, as does Dipper, and reach out to grab a piece of candy.
"I don't like much flavors, so I'll pick the blue raspberry," I announce, pulling it out and spinning it around. Green.
"Green? That's a free bag of chips at the snack table. Here you go." She hands me a coupon for exactly what she said.
"Thank you. Go Dipper."
"Alright, I'll take the butterscotch one." He flips it over. Orange.
"Ooo! Orange! A king size candy bar for you, young man!" Dipper's eyes light up as the woman holds a basket of large candy bars. My brother quickly picks his and thanks the adult.
"That was fun, we should do it again later."
"Mmm." I nod 'yes' as we make our way to the dance floor. "Aiden! Mabel!" I holler the two names, gaining unwanted attention but also the intended attention.
"Hey guys," Mabel pants, "sorry we didn't come back. I was showing Bill some dance moves."
"Shooting Star!? Am I doing it right?!" Bill shouts over the music.
"Oh my gosh..." I cover my mouth. "Is he- is he whipping? Mabel what did you do?!" I double over in laughter. Dipper's having a hard time containing himself, too.
"Shhh!" Mabel shushes us then turns to the struggling kid. "You're doing great, Aiden!"
"Goodness... So the contest, when is it?"
"Uhh, about an hour and a half," she answers me with a flip of her hair. The costumes look great on everyone. It's even better looking seeing the real deal in fan made AU clothing.
I even look great if I do say so myself. And I usually dress lazy.
"Oh! Here's your share of tickets, Mabel. I'll give these to Aiden." The male brunette hands his female counterpart her tickets and leaves us for Bill.
"Any cool games?"
"Yeah," I point to where they are, "I saw bingo, too, wanna play that? We can teach Bill how to play!"
She gasps, "Yeah! That'll be so fun!"
Soon after Dipper gathered Bill, the four of us made our way to the bingo area, where many kids and parents alike were sitting down with playing cards in hand and a bag of candy corn as markers. We wait for the current game to end and take some seats, cards, and markers. "Do you know how to play bingo, Aiden?"
"Of course I know how to play bingo! Who do you think I am?! Some caveman? And don't even think of comparing me to them, I've watched them before, they're gross." We all laugh.
"Good, that means we can focus and not have to deal with your cluelessness for once," I tease with my tongue sticking out.
Bill mocks being offended while he leans back with a gasp and a hand to his chest.
"Alright is everyone ready?" The announcer man doesn't let us answer before he says the first letter and number. "B four."
'I don't have that one...' Looking over, I see Mabel does but the others don't. She's kicking her legs while off to the side she's making a smiley face out of candy corn.
"Oh one."
'That one I don't have either!' Bill and Dipper do, though.
"B seventeen."
Someone springs out of their seat. An adult quickly sits the child back down and apologizes, bending down to scold the kid. 'Phew... It was just some little kid...'
"You look tense, Mace. You okay?" I startle and stare at Dipper.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just want to win something for once, heh..." I sheepishly laugh while rubbing the back of my neck.
"BINGO!!" This time, it's Bill who jumps up.
"What the what?!" Mabel cries, looking as confused as I am.
"Bill!" Dipper leans over and whispers harshly, "How did you win we've only gotten three calls so far?"
"I conjured some candy corn, hehehehe.." I face palm. He looks genuinely smug and happy with what he did so I'm not even gonna say anything.
" wouldn't need to make anymore candy corn appear..." Mabel points out, gesturing to her bag, "You'd have plenty to fill an entire board."
"Uh..." Bill's eyes go downcast.
I look to the playing board he has in his hand, where, I'm not even surprised anymore, candy corn seems to magically be sticking on. 'Wha...' "Those aren't even the correct color pallet for candy corn!" The candy he poofed up were green, purple, and blue. "Not even one color was right..." I sigh, "Never mind! It was a mistake!"
The announcer seems to grumble but continues. "I want to win, too..." The boy grumbles with a pout and sits back down.
Sometimes this dream demon is too cute to get annoyed at.
FINALLY a real bingo was called out. I was only one away, too! Some kid dressed in a superhero costume had the biggest smile, though, so I guess I'm okay with losing to him.
As we wander to find something else to do, Mabel jumps in place. "That kid was so freaking cute! I just wanted to pinch his cheeks!"
Dipper laughs, "I don't think his parents would have liked that, Mabel."
"They would've loved it..." She waves them off. "Oh! Let's play one more game or two before the contest!"
"THIS ONE!" Bill Cipher startles all of us and a few kids in the vicinity with his excitement. He's pointing to what looks like a bean bag toss. Who knew an evil triangle would get over excited about beans in a bag.
"Four tickets." We each hand one over to the man running it. Bill goes first and- 'Oh wow, he made it while totally not levitating it a little bit...'
"Boom! Gimme candy!" he demands, making grabby motions like a four year old. I decide to ignore him while Dipper goes. His bag only make it a foot in front of him.
"Aw..." he sighs.
"Hahaha, it's like when you threw that water balloon at Mabel back in Gravity Falls!" I giggle.
"It's not funny..." 'I'd like to think the small smile forming on your lips begs to differ!'
"You can have what I win." I switch to baby talk, "Would that make you happy Dippy wippy?"
I laugh and throw my bean bag, easily scoring the win, handing over the prize to my brother as Mabel goes.
Of course with her powerful arms she makes it in no time.
"Can we do the contest yet?" I ask, growing a little bored.
"Yup," Shooting Star confirms, "follow me!"
~~Time Skip brought to you by: Halloween is coming up! What are you guys going to be? I don't even know who I'm being yet...~~
"And now! Our next contestants! Aiden and the Pines triplets, Mabel, Dipper and Macie!" An average sized audience claps as we step up the small makeshift stage. So far, a lot of people have been up here. Mostly little kids wanting attention, but there were some costumes that looked like they were going to be hard to beat!
'I feel bare...' I subconsciously cross my legs in attempts to hide my bare knees.
We only had to answer a couple questions before going back to sit down and await the results.
"You nervous?" My sister asks as she swings her legs giddily.
"No. Maybe? I dunno, I shouldn't be." I feel my forehead. It's hot and sweaty. 'Man, what is wrong with me?'
"It'll be okay! If we don't win first, I'm sure we'll win another place! Our costumes are awesome thanks to Bill, and you showing us in the first place!"
"Thanks Mabel. How do you always know what to say?"
"It's a gift!"
"In third place is... Aiden and the Pines triplets!" We meet each other's faces with shock written all over.
Mabel jumps up first, running up the stage and twirling, causing more applause. Dipper follows suit almost immediately, though more bashful and shy than his sister. Bill practically drags me up.
"Third place prize for this lovely group, I love the costumes by the way! So unique and beautiful! Third place prize is a thirty dollar gift card to frozen yogurt!" The man hands Mabel a plastic gift card.
"Woo! I love frozen yogurt! You're gonna love it, Aiden!" I laugh since Mabel must have caught the same confused look on Bill's face that I had.
Time sped by fast as it was getting close to closing. Most people already left while the select few stayed behind to enjoy more festivities. Like us. We played more games, won more prizes; nothing big unfortunately.
We're down to our last ticket each and decided to play the lollipop tree for the final time.
"Okay, this time, one of us has to win!" Dipper pumps his fists, picking his sucker first. "Blue..."
"Oh come on! I got nothing...again!" Bill throws his hands in the air. I stifle a giggle. The last few times we played this, Bill kept getting no color on the end of the stick.
"Black! That's the second best!" 'I wonder what I'll get!' The adult- different from before- pulls out a small envelope.
"Congrats! I know you guys already won a gift card from the contest, but the gift for pulling a black is a five dollar gift card to the same frozen yogurt place."
"No," I grab it and pocket the card, "it's totally okay. Thank you. Mabel," She looks up from her phone. "your turn."
"Come on, come on, gimme the big win!" she chants, looking from only about four suckers left sticking from the tree.
"How has nobody won the grand prize yet? Seems super unlikely.." Dipper comments with a finger to his chin. "I would think a lot more people would use all their tickets for such an expensive prize."
He's right, it is an extravagant winning. Especially for a school party! Why did they decide to give away a small TV? Oh well, I hope Mabel wins it because the ticket stand is closed and this is our last chance.
Annnnnnnnd *Pop* Out came the lollipop. The color is...
~~Time Skip brought to you by: Cliffhangers! Can I get an OOF?~~
~~Diary Entry~~
Today was amazing! Spending time with the twins and Bill was a lot of fun. Especially dressing up like we did. Bill's really good at making stuff appear! It's so convenient! Right no___w
Ugh, Mabel bumped my elbow. I shouldn't be writing with a pen...
Right now, Mabel won't settle down as she's way too happy she won that TV. She kept going on about how lucky she is on the way home. Bill got all pouty saying he should have won since he didn't get a TV in his room.
Mabel, being Mabel, cooed at the kid and promised him he could watch with her sometime together.
How cute.
You should have seen everyone's faces back at the party when she turned the sucker stick around. Even the volunteer looked shocked! What if they planned it to not have a purple colored stick? That way no one would have won and no money would have been lost!
Meh. I don't think the school would do that... would they?
It's getting late and Mabel keeps switching the TV channels. I keep telling her we already have a TV, but her excuse is saying 'Why have one when we can have two!? AND it's on the ceiling!'
Yes, the TV is on the freaking ceiling. Not to mention the boy laying next to her munching on popcorn, yelling at her to keep it on one channel.
"Bill! Mabel! Shut up! I'm trying to write!"
-I should probably stop for now anyways. I'm running out of paper, hah.
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all enjoyed!
So since I wrote this bash, I'm not going to write out an entire Halloween chapter. Macie and the twins will reference it and what they wore on Halloween night but I've decided to skip right into November, sorry!
Also, Bill and the triplets won third place in the contest because that's the place my brother and I got in the Mario Kart Double Dash tournament at the Expo!
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