Bloody Night


It was a bone chilling and windy night, when Gray entered his neighborhood. He walked across home after home after home, and before he knew it, he made it to his own. "Natsu, I'm home!" He, shouted into his house.

Gray had just gotten back from his late night work, and what he had expected was a bouncy-ball-of-sunshine, with a large smile, running towards him, and shouting, "Welcome home, Gray!"

With the promise of a passionate kiss; that'll last for minutes. And then, after that, Natsu will being him to the kitchen for a ready prepared dinner, for him.

What he did not expect, however, was a quiet and dark house. It was too quiet and dark. Where was his Natsu? Where was boyfriend? He grew worried, by the second. "Hey, Natsu?" He called out. When he got no answer in return, his worry grew.

He, quickly, searched for the lights, and when he found it, he immediately, turned them on. What he saw was a empty house. Where was Natsu!?

After closing the door, Gray went deeper into his house; to search for his boyfriend, when he suddenly felt something rub itself on his pants leg.

With a startled, jump, he instantly looked down and saw to his relief; it was their little, black kitten: Happy.

But, Happy was strangely covered with something wet. Bending down and looking closer, Gray saw to his horror. Blood. There was a lot of blood on the kittens black fur. It was dripping on the kittens face, paws, and some were, even, on his back.

"H-Happy, why do you have so much b-blood, on you?" Gray questioned, nervously. He'd expected to get an answer back, but all he gotten was a "mew", instead.

Gray got up, and followed the trail; the trail the kitten, had left behind in his awake. It lead deeper, into the silent house.

After following the trail, it had suddenly stopped at the ending of the bathroom's door. The door was, thankfully, closed. Seeing this, Gray questioned why the kitten's trail had ended here, and when he looked down; he saw to his horror, a large amount of blood, was leaking through the door's, floor.

He dreaded, what was behind the close door. He didn't want to accept whatever cruel, reality, was behind it. He didn't want to think, nor imagine that Natsu. His Natsu. His lovable and friendly, boyfriend, was behind the suffocating and bloody door.

Gray, hesitantly and shakily, opened the door. Dismissing the blood on the floor, completely. He tried not to think about it. His other hand, was gripping his phone; already, prepared to call 911, just incase; that whatever he sees next, isn't what he's thinking.

Gray swallowed, nervously. He felt his hand; that was opening the door, shake in fright. He tried not to close his eyes, when he finally, managed to open the door, completely.

Peeking his eyes, opened, he only saw darkness. He held his breath; scared to see what he'll find, next. Gray searched for the lights, and when he finally did; he hesitantly, flickered them on. What he'd saw, terrified his to no end. A harsh sob, overtaking him.

Before him, the tiles; the mirror; the sink; the walls; and the... T-tub, was filled with gallons of blood! Within the bloody tub, laid, none other than his younger lover, Natsu.

The pinkette was facing towards the opposite wall to Gray. Both of his bloody hand's, were hanging off of the crimson tub; lifelessly.

Immediately, Gray didn't hesitant to run towards his side. "Natsu!?" Gray cried. Tears, running thickly down his face. He shakily and hesitantly, tried to turn Natsu's head around; wanting to see him. But when Gray did, he immediately, regretted doing so.

The first thing Gray saw, was the large, bloody slit; that ran across his entire throat.

Then, Natsu's once bright and beautiful, green eyes, were now and forever, gouged out. Gray could see the depth of emptiness, and yet; the bloodiness and scraped skin, inside of it.

Both sides of his pale cheeks, were ripped apart; it became a glasgow smile. The bloody rip's weren't too deep. Not enough to rip it, completely, but just enough to make Natsu go through an extensive of pain.

It was a gruesome sight, to behold. Suddenly, a massive scream, ripped, throughout Gray's lungs. "NATSU!!!" He didn't stop, screaming. He didn't stop. He didn't stop. He didn't stop.

He didn't stop, when he felt himself shake. He didn't stop, when loud shouts were heard. He didn't stop, when he felt himself being pulled and into warm arms.

He didn't stop, when he felt himself be rocked back and forth. He didn't stop, screaming Natsu's name. He didn't stop, when he felt warm hands, suddenly appear, on his teary face.

He didn't stop, screaming, when all he could see was Natsu. Dead. But, he did, however, stopped, when Gray suddenly and unexpectedly felt familiar, warm lips on his own.

Now that, made him stop. Gray turned to the person; who had dared, kiss him, in such a critical situation. Only to find someone, he hadn't expected to see... At all. Natsu.

"Na.... N-Natsu?" Gray managed to say, through his damaged voice box. He stared in disbelief and shock at the smaller male. Was this a j-joke? How!? How was Natsu... Alive!?

No scars. No blood. No eyeless. No... No, nothing. "Gray, are you okay?" Natsu looked perfectly fine. Those green eyes, stared into his; in worry and fear. Gray knew, then and there, that this wasn't a fake. That Natsu wasn't... D-dead.

With a strength, Gray, wasn't aware of having; he pulled the younger boy into a bone-crushing hug and sobbed, again; but on the younger's, shoulder.

"Natsu!!!.... I... I-I'm so h-happy t-to see y-you!!!... You're not d-dead!!!... Oh, thank g-god!!... I-I thought y-you were r-really d-dead!!... D-Don't you, ever, scare me like that! Don't ever! Don't leave me!! I love you! NATSU!"

He blabbed and wailed. Not caring, that he might be hurting the younger boy in his tight, embrace, and his loud shouting.

He was just SO happy! SO happy, to see Natsu. NOT. D-dead! He was alright. Natsu's not gonna die. He's not gonna die, and leave him, behind. No. Natsu's alright, and he's... He's, A-Alive! Gray couldn't be, anymore, happy!

He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. He was unaware of the warm hands, rubbing his back and hair; smoothly. Until Gray had, suddenly, stopped, altogether. But, Gray didn't let go of their tight embrace. No. If anything, he tightened it, more.

And it looked like Natsu wasn't uncomfortable from the strong hug, in the slightest. In fact, the pinkette looked more, worried, then anything. 'Gray, thought I-I was d-dead?', he thought, horrified and in concerned.

His death, must've, really effected him; if Gray had cried like that. Natsu didn't want to imagine the horror, the other had seen. An instant thought, passed through his mind, before, he suddenly tried to comfort the former.

"Shush... It's okay, Gray... It's okay... I'm here, I'm here... Shush... It's okay... I'm not going, anywhere... I'm going to stay with you... Forever... Shush... It's okay, Gray... P-Please, stop crying. Or you're going to... O-Or y-you're g-going t-to m-make m-me c-cry!!!" Without any warning's, he suddenly, burst into, massive, tears.

It hurt to see his boyfriend, crying; it was so unlike him. It pained his heart, to know that his death had effected Gray, this badly.

If he does, dies; one day; he didn't want to imagine, how Gray will go with life, without him. And that thought made him cry. Gray will be, all alone! It hurt! It hurt, so much!

The sudden; of the tears, made Gray stop, crying, and look at the younger boy in his arms, in shock. N-Natsu. Unaware to Natsu; he had said, what he had thought. 'D-did Natsu care, that much? Well, that was a stupid question. Of course, he does!' He thought. When Gray had, bluntly, said those words; he wasn't aware of how, it'll effect Natsu, too.

Death had come for them, both. More then once, actually. They knew what the pain of losing someone, had felt like. To think, Gray, had somehow, imagined seeing Natsu die; it must've hurt him. Not the same way, as Gray is. But the thought, of what Gray had went through; had effected Natsu.

They knew what seeing, someone, that you love; suddenly die, has felt like. It's heart breaking. It made you feel, emotionally unstable. It effects you, dearly. And the worse part, there's no returning back. Never.

But to know that Natsu wasn't, actually, dead; that, gave them some comfort. And with that little comfort, it had made Natsu's tears, stop.

They both were, currently, siting in Gray's bed; staring at, one another. Fear and dread, had disappeared; leaving behind, comfort and longing.

Their embrace, tighten. If that was, even, possible. Tear marks, stayed in their cheeks; leaving trails, behind. Their faces and eyes, were swollen and red. They looked like a complete mess. But, they didn't care and mind.

With a silent, agreement; they both suddenly, laid back down, and onto the bed. It was silent, for a while. They stared in each others, eyes; basking in the love and affection, through them.

The tranquility, lasted, only for a few more minutes, before a tried yawn, had suddenly, interrupted, their peacefulness; from Natsu.

"'M sorry," He mumbled, sleepily, and rubbed a tired eye. Gray, chuckled, at the adorableness, of it all. It wasn't everyday, that the bouncy-ball-of-energy and sunshine, was exhausted.

But when he is, it was a adorable sight to see. However, no one, gets to see this sight, but Gray. He won't allow it. Natsu's his and only his!

"It's okay. Let's go to sleep... Again." Gray, gently, reassured his shorter lover. Smiling, softly, at the small and sleepy, mumble, he had gotten in return; Gray pulled the smaller boy, closer.

Instantly, feeling the warm hands curl up against his cold chest. Gray's arm's had wrapped itself, in Natsu's waist, securely and tightly.

Mentioned person, however, didn't mind on bit; he loved it, actually. Their legs were, also, tangled with each other, and with the blanket. And they fell asleep, in that position.

In each others arms. In their presence's. Not by themselves; they weren't alone. No. Not ever. No nightmare's, could ever, separate them. Nothing could.


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