Chapter 2: the start of story mode

Los santos Pacific Bluffs isiah clinic 10:00 AM

It's been 2 days since he fucked Amanda in Michael's house so he booked a appointment with Isiah friedlander to talk about it.

Isiah: and so your worried that the husband will come after you if he finds out?

Y/n: i hope not but i mean it's sound ridiculous a man with a company that can take over the world is paranoid of one retired bank robber.

Isiah: yes and you still haven't told on how did you know my next visit is Michael?

Y/n: now that my friend you wouldn't even believe me if i told you.

Isiah: well then enlightened me.

Y/n: Alright then here goes, i was reincarnated by cris formage when I was shot from my world in los angeles that is identical to los santos and gave me a phone with cheat codes like those in a video game.

Isiah was silent after hearing that.

Isiah: well i guess your right on that i don't believe you.

Y/n: see told ya i can't find the correct words for you.

Isiah: hmm yes well then i believe that's all we have time for... so same time next week?

Y/n: yep see you later, oh and be careful with your tv show.

Y/n leaves the office.

Isiah: wait how does he know that?

Outside of the office y/n just was about to leave when he sees Michael de Santa

Y/n: (oh boy) good luck in there sir.

Michael: heh thanks kid.

Y/n breaths for relief as he exited the building and gets in the car but then he gets a phone call from Simeon.

Y/n: hey Simeon what's up?

Simeon: y/n my boy i want to thank you those exotic cars you got for me.

Y/n: It's no problem sir.

Simeon: nonsense my boy why don't you come back to my shop i have something for you.

Y/n: oh really? Great I'll be there soon.

Y/n starts driving to the car dealership and sees the car dealership shop

Y/n parks at the back entrance and enters the shop and sees Simeon walking out of his office.

Simeon: Ah y/n my boy your here welcome.

Y/n hey Simeon so you said you got a gift for me?

Simeon: ah yes indeed after what you done for me i want to give you this!

It was jimmy's beejayxl well not yet then we saw Jimmy looking inside with his face smudge against the window.

Y/n: oh boy.

Simeon: oi OI Fat kid what the hell are you doing?!

Jimmy: what? I'm just taking a look inside see if i can buy it.

Simeon: Absolutely Not it's a gift for my partner.

Jimmy: who that blonde British guy? he looks like a street hustler.

Y/n cringes what jimmy just said to him.

Simeon: you know what? I don't like you.

Jimmy: I don't get you, bro.

Simeon: You are a racist and I don't like you, and I will not sell you this car, I will not. You make my skin crawl, you neo-nazi. Ah, you are all the same, you are disgusting.

Then lamar and franklin just enter the autoshop.

Y/n: oh hey Frank, hey lamar.

Franklin: hey wasup y/n.

Lamar: yeah wasup homie?

Simeon: this racist insulted Y/n.

Lamar: Ay, what's up fool? Who you callin' a nigga?

Jimmy: No, no, I'm not callin' nobody a...

But y/n put his hand on his mouth shutting him up.

Y/n: now now this kid didn't mean it right?

Jimmy: yeah man I really didn't mean it I'm sorry for calling you a blonde British guy.

Lamar: You're fuckin' right, and you better keep it right, 'cause these men right there, they're are international businessmen, The multicultural leaders.

Y/n: I wouldn't go there far.

Simeon: That I could not have said it better myself heh.

Y/n: True so what's your name kid?

Jimmy: I'm Jimmy sir.

Y/n: okay Jimmy do you like this car?

Jimmy: um yes sir.

Y/n: and you want to drive it?

Jimmy: yes sir of course.

Y/n: well maybe I can give it to you... for a price off course but since I'm not the manager here, my partner here can manage a deal.

Simeon: but y/n it's a gift to you my son.

Y/n: nah don't worry about.

Then y/n leans in close to Simeon and Whisper in his ear.

Y/n: (Whisper) just get him going and reel him in.

Simeon smirks liking the idea.

Simeon: my friend is right maybe you're not a racist, but i don't think you're man enough for a car like this.

Jimmy: W... wait a second.

Lamar: haha This guy right here? Him? Get himba hybrid. That's a real man's car.

Simeon: I think you're also right, Lamar. You'll get a tax rebate. I understand, money is an issue, eh.

Jimmy: Money isn't an issue.

Y/n: (Bingo)

Lamar: This is the best part, watch as they reel him in, they gonna get all this fool's money. watch this.

Franklin: Look, i gotta go. Hey, Simeon, Y/n, I'm out, I'll holla at you's, homies.

Y/n: see yah lads.

Lamar: keep it real y/n, it's the best part, man.

Both Lamar and franklin left for home.

Simeon: so y/n want to test his driving skills?

Y/n: Thanks but no I got work next door see you later.

Y/n exited though the front door.

Simeon: So, jimmy, are you man enough? Take the wheel, show me.

Jimmy: Uhh, sure, uhh, okay.

Y/n enters the front entrance and a security guard greets him.

Guard: hey boss.

Y/n: hey James anything happened when I was away?

James: nothing much just the Duggan family again demanding to speak to you.

Y/n: Fucking Hell those Texans again any trouble with them?

James: Nah one of the Duggan family members wearing a black hat left with no trouble.

Y/n: must be the reasonable one well thanks jame contact me if they come back.

James: no problem sir.

Y/n enters the elevator to the top floor

Jamie sees y/n exiting the elevator.

Jamie: hey boss.

Y/n: hey Jamie what's up?

Jamie: well you got three missed phone calls.

Y/n: cool thanks jamie.

Y/n walks upstairs to his desk and plays the message bank.

Phone: you have three new messages.


Amanda: hey y/n baby i missed you so much love, Michael's being a drunk dick please take me away in your tower and make me feel young again.


Trevor: hey y/n i want to say thanks for my birthday and can you source me a box a meth for me? Thank you.


Agent 14: hey just want to let you know that the scientists have finished the the prototype, head to the Pyramid to check it out if you have the time.

Y/n smiled knowing that the prototype is now ready.

Y/n: hey Jamie get my helicopter ready please.

Jamie: yes sir and where to?

Y/n: The Pyramid.


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