Determination is definitely the key to success. Education without determination is pointless.
What do y'all think?

I heard someone mention my name only to turn and find out that it was Edwin.
"Hey Edwin. How are you?"
"Good," he answered. "You seem so bright this morning, what is the occasion?"

Before i could reply,i felt a hand slide around my waist  from behind. No one needed to tell me it was  Elton. I just knew.

"How are you doing this morning baby," Elton said kissing my neck right in front of Edwin who had his jaw dropped.

"Behave yourself Elt," i said smacking his arm..

The moment his gaze met Edwin's, i realised that all was not good.
Eddie's expression wasnt calm either and i began to panick.

I squeezed Elton's arm assuringly trying to get him to calm down.

Surprisingly, Elton extended his hand for a handshake.

"Hi Edwin," he said. Damn my guy could be full of surprises.

"Hi," Edwin said forcefully shaking him.
"I'll see you later Drey," he hurriedly said and quickly pecked me on the cheeks before he run out of sight.

I was shocked. Why would he do such a thing and more so in front of Elton?

"I guess ive really been missing a lot then," Elton said out of the blue.

"Meaning?" I asked pretendinv not to know what he was talking about.

"I just thought aside Chanelle,  i was the only one allowed to call you Drey." H2 said.

"Oh so that was what he was thinking about. Such relief! I was actually thinking the peck from Edwin got on his nerves. But actually why wasnt he furious about that. Is he not suppose to be jealous or something?" I said in thoughts.

"Huh! I just wish i could smash that guys face. He had the guts to actually touch you." He added.

Just when i thought my jealous boyfriend was no more. "He was just trying to be nice," i murmured.

"Nice you say?"he asked surprisingly.
"You claim to be hurt when you see fucking videos of a stupid girl kissing me huh... how do you think i feel seeing another guy touch you right in front of my very eyes," he said hurt but then, he was right. I would probably not be standing next to him if a girl had done as Edwin did.

"Im sorry," i whispered and gave him a hug.
"Ive not trusted you enough, Im extremely sorry," I said and he gathered me into hus arms.

"Its ok, dont cry" i cant stand it.
"Shall we skio our last class in college then,Miss Khinn," he asked and I laughed.

We walked hand in hand to the parking lot where he had hus car. I called our driver to come pick up my car from school since Elt offered to drop me off after our hangout.


Finally, the week ended. We were out of class. As i got out of the exams hall, i saw Elton and run to hug him.
"How did it go?" He asked.
I didnt need to answer for him to know how it went. I was too happy for my paper to have gone bad.

"Come with me," he extended his hand and i took his happily. We hadnt had enough time for each other, the free week before our exams. As we walked hand 8n hand, i saw Edwin with a hottie whom i later recognized to be Drusilla. The Delilah of my relationship.

They were walking right towards us making Elt and I look at each other questionly.

"Hey Elt," Drusilla said.

"Hi Drey, " Edwin said.

"Hi," Elton and i replied in unison causing us to giggle.

"Ermm...we were on our way to lunch, do you guys care for a treat?" The devil,Drusilla, herself queationed.

Elt and i exchanged looks. This was much awkward than i had thought. Why were both of them together in the first place? Why were they behaving nice towards Elt and i today especially Edwin. He was unbelievably cool with Elt today.

"Ermm...we were on our way to get Chanelle and we dont want to waste your time so lets make it another time," Elt said.

"No need to worry. Chanelle already went home witb Derrick. I saw them leave as we walked in.," Edwin said right after Elt had finished his statement.

"Shall we?" Drusilla asked extending her hand in front of us.

"O-k-a-y," i said after realising that there was no way we could escape these two.

Elton pulled me close to him as we walked in the hallway, right to the parking lot with Drusilla and Edwin following right behind us.

As we drove to the restaurant the two had suggested,Elton held my hand, smiled at me and then fixed his gaze right onto the road.

The drive was  quite short and soon we got there. Being the gentleman Elt was, he got out of the car and opened the passengers door even before i could.

I smiled at him and received a peck from him. I could see the other two stare from where their car was parked but i couldn't give a fuck about who was and wasnt watching.

Elt had a call so i was few steps ahead of him because i didn't was to unintentionally eavesdrop.

He ended the call later on and before i could turn my attention to him, Drusilla was all over. Was this girl such a whore. Didn't she get the fact that Elt and i were back together. Did she have to stoop that low? Urghh! It was funny how Elt was ignoring her and walking towards me.

"Leech.." i mumbled.

Meanwhile, Edwin was also trying to get my attention. I hadnt even realised because the whole time i was focusing to that parasite called Drusilla.

"What is all this about?" I turned towards Edwin and asked.
Definitely, these two were up to something. With both of them acting all clingy to Elt and I, there definitely had to be something up.

"What do you mean?" He asked all innocent.

"Well maybe he was innocent. Maybe Drusilla was only using him to get to Elt, " i thought.

"Nevermind," i replied and went to the table where Elt and his admirer were already seated.

Elt being fedup with Drusilla's bullshit, by-passed me and walked into the restaurant.  I guess me talking to Edwin also added up to his frustration because  he didnt even glance at me.

When we got to the table, Elt stood up and made me sit in his seat. It was really smart, id say. Now i ended up sitting with Drusilla on my left and Elton on my right... pretty much better than having Edwin sit by Drusilla and Edwin me.

I could see Drusilla's face boil with anger but could she voice out her feelings? No! She dug her own grave and i was glad seeing her slip into it slowly, i giggled.
Hi loves❤
Could you believe that out of 4000 books today my book is ranked #34 with the tag mistake😁😁 Im happy. ty

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