After slamming the door in Elton's face, I went back to the kitchen, got myself a glass of chilled water and gulped it all.

Seeing him after some days made me hurt once more.

About two minutes afterwards, I peeped through the door hole only to find him still standing there, lost in his thoughts.

I was extremely angry.

How  could he still have the guts to come into my house after all what he had done.

He even had the courage to ask me why I had been avoiding him.

Under normal circumstances, he really deserved a heavy slap from me but I had decided to keep my cool.

I guess he was just spicying up his story. Well, I wished he did not waste his time thinking about how we could get back together because he didn't have any chances with me anymore.

I was so fucking done with him.

He was now free to do whatever he wanted to do. He could even fuck two girls at the same time and i wouldnt care.

I was so angry with him as well as myself to the extent that i started messing up my room.

I broke the vase and it my mirror with my fist to the extent that it bleeded.

I didn't care. I just wanted something to take out my anger out on. I just wanted something to take away all the pain i felt.

Life wasn't always fun.

Sometimes sorrow and pain just had to come in to make it complete and this was what i had learnt from Elton.

After shedding enough tears on my pillow, i deceided to get myself a drink and study a little bit.

It was going to be hard for a moment since i was filled with lots of thoughts but well, my final exams were near and i couldnt just wait to get out of the school i had once loved.

Yeah! Once loved ,because now, i didnt like it anymore. It has done nothing but just break my life into pieces.

I heard noise outdoors and wanted to find out what it was.

I rushed out only to see Derrick and Elton punching themselves to death.

They were both bleeding either from the nose or mouth.

Oh my God, they had been fighting for sometime now.

What in God's name was wrong with Elton. I pulled  Derrick away from him and help him get up.

I wouldn't deny that Elton was hurt the most and needed my help more but after hearing him threaten to beat my brother- i mean kill him, i wasnt sure if i could even look into his face.

I had no pity for him.

He looked deeper than usual into my eyes but i had to break the connection and so I looked away.

He never cared about how i felt so why should i care about him now.

With the heavy weight of Derrick leaning on me, i looked at Elton and shook my head.

Tears were falling down his cheecks and i couldnt contain it any more.

For a moment,i wanted to rush towards him, hug him and wake up from this miserable dream but i knew this was damn real.

It was really happening and to avoid my emotions taking over me, i turned with Derrick towards the door and intended to leave.

"I love you Audrey," he screamed out in frustration.

"You cheat!" Derrick said wanting to give him some more beatings but i held him back.

"Why do you want to break me Elton?" I asked stepping infront of Derrick.

Are you not tired of hurting me?

Isn't cheating enough for you? Why?

Leave my brother alone. Leave me alone. Leave us for the sake of God.

Go to Drusilla. Im tired of the lies. Im tired of being the second person in your life. I deserve better than to be treated like shit so please... i beg of you let me be.

I turned away to go when I remembered i had to say something else to him.

Squatting to his height, i whispered, "For you information,i do not love you anymore. We are now enemies so dont you dare try getting close to me because... i hate you with every fibre in my being."

After i had concluded my statement, tears started running down my cheeks.

I did not want him to see me cry.

I didnt want to act weak in front of him but i couldnt control the emotions in me.

I stood up, put Derrick's arm around my neck and the walked to the door.

Derrick had already entered but before i could take my feet into the comfort of my home, he finally spoke.


I didnt want to listen to him but my legs wont just move.

After a second, i pushed my leg inside and run upstairs as quickly as possible after laying Derrick on the couch.

He was a man and i believed he could manageto treat his wounds himself.

Right now, i needed sometime alone.

I locked my door as soon as i entered my cozy room, lay on my bed and then cried myself to sleep.

I was dreaming about Elt and I when I heard the banging on the door.
Though i was sleepy, i could still tell that it was him.My dad.

After calling Derrick several times, he finally answered.

"Hey, how are you? I've been calling you for so long. Where have you been?" I asked him.

But as soon as i heard his voice, i knew that all was not well.

"Let me call you back later hun. Got a slight headache "he complained.

Derrick! I warned.

Hope you are telling me the truth.

Ermm...he replied.

"What is going on? Do you want me to come over?"

"No!" He halfed screamed. "I promise i will get back to you okay."

"Okay, bye," i said and hanged up.

I just sat down and wondered what he was hiding from me.

Well, we were not yet an item or will never be anyways but i did not know why i felt this way.

I was angry and at the same time disappointed that he could not confide in me.

But why? I asked my worried self.
Sorry for the late update loves🥺♥️

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Love ya'😘😘

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