The beginning

The Grand Guignol's angel.

Kelly was in awe, as she entered the large room, having followed after her new friend Liz. Well, she wasn't sure if she was her friend, but the point stands.

Let me give you a recap. Kelly Ferguson, a young girl who had been called monster girl for most of her life, all because of the fact that she used to have massive nightmares as a kid. She had been asked to babysit this kid, Jacob, on Halloween. It sucked, because she had wanted to go to a party, but it paid well so.

But then Jacob got kidnapped by this creepy guy and some small monsters. Kelly had watched in horror as her childhood nightmare took Jacob away into the ground. Luckily Liz, another babysitter, had showed up and had taken her with her to find Jacob.

So that's where they were now. Babysitter headquarters. Apparently, they hunted monsters.

The room was huge and was divided by multiple shelves, couches and memorabilia. There seemed to be a desk filled with plants and weird objects, a wall covered in monitors displaying rooms of children, a chill corner with red couches and even a laboratory of some sorts.

And about in the middle of the room stood a large clear cylinder, metal tubes rising on the sides and a metal control panel at the front.


Kelly followed after Liz and walked with her around the room, meeting the other members of the agency. Finally, she was told to sit down, so they could 'pick her brain' as Liz explained.

Liz opened a greenish vial and blew some of the dust at Kelly, making her blink as she was pulled back into her memories, towards the night she feared the most.

The night she met the boogeyman.

"Do as you're-" She hummed, her eyes glazing over. "What a gift ... For the darkest of dreams ..."

The other's stared at her wide eyes, seeing her face turn blank. "Maybe I used too much beet root?" Curtis, the alchemist frowned, shrugging at them.

"You'll surrender to ..."

"You'll surrender to sleep. Do as you're told" They all jumped, even Kelly, as a soft voice mirrored the words Kelly had sung. It sounded sweet and soft, the voice defiantly female.

They all rose and walked over to the cylinder, the babysitters seeming a bit wearier than Kelly. Grey smoke has started to circle in the tube, almost like a dance. Liz rolled her eyes and pressed a button on the console.

There was a flash inside the tube and the smoke seemed to shake, like it had been hurt. The noise stopped and the smoke seemed to move slower, reminding Kelly of water.

"What was that?"

"This is the index. We can ask it questions and it will answer them."

"So, like a magic 8 ball?"

"Pretty much, though it gives us more information. Most of the time it's pretty vague though"

Liz, who seemed to ignore the entire conversation was glaring at the tube. "What is the monster we are looking for?"

The smoke started swirling again, and before their eye's swirly words appeared. Almost like the information in a book.

"The Grand Guignol?"

The text explained everything, from distinguishing features to strengths though no weaknesses.

"He's the Stealer of Dreams, the Bringer of Nightmares. Legend has it he's collecting bad dreams from kids to build a nightmare army. Others say he is looking for his long lover"

"Who could ever love a monster like that?"

Kelly nodded. "That's him."

"What do you mean?"

"That's the monster who tried to take me when I was a little girl!"

"No. No way."

"Liz, those prints I found. They were tail marks, just like this." She pointed up at the image of a tail that had appeared. I think he's what took Jacob." Liz clenched her jaw and remained silent. "The Grand Guignol travels in the Nightmare Realm."

"The Boogeypeople are almost impossible to locate when they are in there."


The text changed, now showing these multiple humanoid shapes. Seven shapes, ranging from a human looking man, to a spider and a wolf.

"They're like a monster mafia."


While waiting for the others to look up the recipe for something called, angel fire. Kelly found herself back in front of the cylinder, just staring at the small wisps of smoke that were drifting about. She wondered what it was, and what it could tell her.

"You might not want to get too close" She jumped and turned around to see Liz next to her, the usual scowl back on her face. "This is nothing compared to a toadie."

"I wasn't- I was just looking" She stuttered, feeling caught. Liz didn't really seem to care and stepped beside her, glaring at the puffs of smoke. Glancing between her and the cylinder, Kelly mustered her courage and spoke up. "What is it?"

"It's a monster caught by the agency a hundred years ago. Something like a siren. Pretty deadly outside the tube, but harmless inside." As if on cue, the smoke started twirling more aggressively, slamming against the glass once, making Kelly flinch. "Though you do not want to test that theory. Luckily for us, they tagged it with this device that makes it a little more complained" Pressed the small button on the console again, though a little bit longer this time. The light inside the tube flashed again and a growl sounded from the top of the tube. The smoke twitched until the button was released and then it settled back to small puffs.

"You're electrocuting it?"

Liz shrugged and stepped away from it. "We have to keep it contained somehow. So, if you see it move or try to break out, feel free to hit the button. But come, we're nearly ready"

Casting a concerned look at the tube, Kelly walked after Liz. For some reason she felt bad for the monster.


The two returned after their failed Toadie hunt. They had tried to track it, hoping it would go back to its master but it seemed smarter than anticipated and had taken the tracker out. So not only had Kelly made a fool of herself at the Halloween party, she was no step closer to finding Jacob.

They were now back at the agency, needing to find a next lead. Though as the others wandered off to their library, Kelly found herself lingering behind. The others didn't neem to mind, knowing she might need a breather.

Though as Kelly wandered through the room, being careful not to touch anything, she found herself back in front of the cylinder. She stared back at it, realizing it looked darker than before, the smoke even smaller than before. "Hello?" She asked, her eyes focused on it. "Could you.... Show me the location of the Grand Guignol's layer." The smoke drifted back up, swirling in the center. It remained there for a second, before the smoke drifted back down, no answer to give.

Kelly frowned at it. "Come on. I need to find Jacob. Please" Slowly, as if thinking about it, the smoke rose back up, swirling around. Letter by letter, the same text about the Grand Guignol appeared, making Kelly frown.

"You've shown me this already." Her eyes drifted down to the button and she debated for a second. Taking a slow breath, she shook her head. "I don't want to hurt you. But I need to find Jacob"

The writing drifted away and Kelly sighed, thinking there was no answer. But with a small puff of smoke, new letters appeared.

'A babysitter that doesn't want to hurt monsters.... don't let the others know you think this way'

Kelly's eyes widened, realizing this wasn't information but the monster communicating.

"I don't know what you did. But electrocuting you seems wrong" The words drifted away and she sighed. But again, new words drifted up.

'You have a heart. Not many would think the same way. They only see the monster, and not the person behind it'

Kelly nodded. People judged her as well, called her monster girl without even knowing her.

'The Grand Guignol is being driven by hate. Just like the humans. Though while he has taken a child, they took his heart' Kelly frowned at the words.

"His heart?" She gasped in realization. "You mean his lover? But I thought she was lost?"

'Not lost, taken. The humans took her a long time ago and he is getting his revenge'

Looking down, Kelly's mind started formulating a plan. If she could find her, she might be able to trade her for Jacob.

"Where would I be able to find her?" She called, smiling. She felt hopeful. Her smile disappeared as the words vanished, and the tank turned dark once more. "Hello?"

"Kelly" Swirling around, she saw Liz smirking at her. "We found a lead. You coming?" Nodding her head, Kelly glanced back at the tank.

She knew she couldn't tall Liz about what she had discovered. She would want to capture the woman and not trade her for Jacob. It felt wrong but she knew this would be her best option. So, with a nod to herself, she turned and ran after Liz.


The cat's eye. An amulet that could make anyone fall asleep if they stared at it long enough. Apparently the Grand Guignol wouldn't make Jacob fall asleep, which was good. But that meant he would start using different methods of getting someone to sleep.

The amulet itself was kept by Peggy Drood, a class five witch who had teamed up with the Grand Guignol last year. She seemed to be quite the cat lady. She was holed up in this abandoned theater.

They entered silently, noticing all the cat statues around the place. They would he quickly, draped over a cat like couch on the middle of the stage. Though as they got closer, Liz got into a coughing fit, being allergic to cats. She handed Kelly the perfume they had brought to freeze the witch and fell to her knees, coughing.

Kelly, trying to ignore her shaking knees, made her way over to the grinning witch, but froze, as blue smoke appeared and a man stepped out. Ragged clothes, stringy hair and green cat like eyes. He smirked as his feet hit the ground.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

The witch let out a giggle, hiding it behind her hand.

"Mercy me. The Grand Guignol. What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

He strode over to her and bowed, his hand pointing at her neck. On it the amulet was shining brightly. "Your amulet."

"You're a monster!" Liz shouted, but fell back as she caught again. The Grand Guignol smirked, twirling to face them.

"And the sky is blue. Tell me, do you have any more brilliant observations, sister of the year?"

"Where is he?" He turned his head, his grin widening as he noticed Kelly. Her eyes were on the floor, not daring to look at him. It felt like that night all over again. Silently, tears drizzled down her cheeks.

"Who do we have here? Scared little Kelly Ferguson." He let out a scoff, stepping closer. "Long time no see. I bet you didn't think you'd see me again."

Kelly trembled, hearing the familiar song ring through her ears.

"Did you really think you'd killed me? That takes Angel Fire to the heart, and I don't suppose you brought any. Whatever is the matter?"

"Cat's got her tongue." Peggy smirked, making him look at her. Nodding his head, he strode back over to her, holding out his hand.

"Now, Peggy, if you please..."

"If I give you this" Seeming not to care about the amulet, she ripped it off and dangled it in front of him. "...that makes up for Cat-mandu and the cat-astrophe I caused there?"

"Absolutely, yes." he nodded, getting bored. He had more interesting things to do. "And, as a bonus, I'll let you keep... her." He smirked, pointing at Kelly.

"Oh. Very well." With that she dropped the necklace in his hands. He curled his fingers around it and nodded his head in thanks.

"This one, however, is mine." He turned to Liz, advancing on her.

"No! I'll get you your lover!" Two steps away from Liz, he froze.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, girl" His voice was lower than before, and Kelly felt her knees lock up. Though she didn't stop.

"She was taken from you, by humans. I could help you get her back. Just let Liz and Jacob go!"

"Kelly! No!" Liz shouted; her eyes wide.

Raising one hand, the Grand Guignol snapped his fingers and Liz felt her lips snap shut. With his head hung low, he turned towards Kelly, his eyes darker than before. Like a snake, he stalked towards her, his eyes never leaving hers.

"There is just one problem, sweet Kelly." he muttered, venom in his voice. "How can you give her back, if she's no longer here. Your babysitters killed her. They took her from me! And killed her!" He was full on shouting now, his eyes flaming yellow. "My angel." His voice lowered and he blinked, as if remembering what he was doing. With a shake of his head, he smirked, one more dark than before. "And I'm going to avenge her" Stepping back, he took hold of Liz and disappeared in a puff of blue smoke.


"It really wasn't wise to mention her, dear." With wide eyes, Kelly turned to look at the witch. She was smirking at her, though it seemed less than before. "Oh, I can still hear her sing. There's nothing like it" She closed her eyes, as if remembering.

"You... you knew her?" Kelly swallowed, hoping she wouldn't be shouted at again. The Grand Guignol was scary before but this... seeing him so angry was pure terror.

"I met her a couple of times." Peggy stretched in her chair, really reminding Kelly of a cat. "I had the pleasure of watching her perform once. Though the Guignol was always so protective of her"

"What happened to her?"

"No one knows. One day the Guignol just came in, alone, his eyes ablaze, angrier than I had ever seen him. He asked for my help to avenge her, and I was glad to help" Slowly, she rose from her chair, her smirk widening. "But now, Kelly. You are to join her. Send her my regards." Kelly's eyes widen, seeing more and more cats appear around her. "Dinnertime"

She didn't need to be told twice. She turned and bolted off.


Kelly arrived back at the hideout not much later. She had been lucky Liz's motorcycle had still been there or she would have been cat food. She was quick to explain the situation to the team and they set out, trying to track Liz. This left Kelly alone in the main room, and her eyes immediately drifted to the cylinder. Glancing around to see if anyone was paying attention, she jogged towards it.

As she neared it, she noticed the smoke had lessened even more, only a soft stream remaining.

"The Guignol said she's dead. How am I supposed to find her?"

Slowly, the stream of smoke seemed to grow, words forming. Though the words didn't seem to solidify. The smoke drifted down to the floor and twirled there. Seconds passed and the smoke clotted together, forming a sitting figure.

Long black hair with white streaks in it. A round face with sunken in grey eyes. A long light blue dress that was torn and dirty at the edges. On her neck was this collar with a small box. It reminded Kelly of one of those dog collars they use for training.

The woman looked tired, like she hadn't slept in a long time. She was seated against the side of the cylinder, the one that faced the wall. Her steel grey eyes met Kelly's.

"He thinks I'm dead?"

Her voice was raspy, making Kelly swallow. Though her accent was defiantly British, just like the Guignol's Her eyes widened and she crouched down beside her, the glass separating them.

"You... you're her! You're his angel" Nodding her head, the woman winched. Kelly looked down to see these thick heavy bands around the woman's wrists, connecting her to the floor of the tube. "Are you alright?"

"I'm tired. Being locked in a prison does that to you" Standing up, Kelly glanced at the tube.

"I have to get you out of here. So, I can get you back to the Grand Guignol so he can give Jacob back" She turned to the console, glancing over the buttons and cursing herself as none of them were labeled.

"You would really get me out of this?" Kelly nodded. "You really are the strangest babysitter I've seen."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She scanned over the buttons and nodded. "I think I've got it." She glanced at the button and stopped herself. Instead, she glanced at the woman. "How do I know you're not going to attack me the second I get you out."

"Well, for starters. I'm pretty sure I can't even get to my feet. Second of all, I am not as evil as your friends make me out as"

"But you're the girlfriend of the Guignol, shouldn't you be like, the same level of evil as him?"

"He wasn't always as evil as the world makes him out as. He used to be kind and loving, at least towards me." her eyes drifted closed and the ghost of a smile appeared on her face. "He asked me to dance when we first met. He held me close and didn't comment as I stepped on his toes." She let out a chuckle, ending in a cough. As she doubled over, Kelly frowned as she spotted the skin under box that was attached to the collar. It was red and blistered. It had even scarred over, like a small burn wound.

"He sounds very different than what I know. But if you make him better, than" With a click, the tube lowered into the ground. The woman's looked at her, her eyes widen, actually surprised Kelly let her go. "I'm willing to take my chances." Kelly watched, her hand still on the button, as the woman shakily stood up, her knees actually shaking from lack of use. With her hands in front of her, in case she would fall, the woman met her eyes and smiled.

"Many thanks" Already, the woman looked a little less pale. Though as she stood facing Kelly, she noticed the small details that distinguished her from a monster. A little glow in her eyes, sharper canines and small freckle like dots around her eyes that gave off a small glow. Stepping a little closer, Kelly took hold of the cable on the manacles and nodded.

"Let's go"


They entered the lighthouse, the seeming layer of the Grand Guignol. The lady, or Angel as Kelly had started calling her, had pointed her too it, more than happy to lead her towards it if she was accompanying her.

They snuck through a long hallway, leading them towards an even larger room, one filled with multiple glass cylinders. Almost like the ones Angel had been in with. Though these seemed to be filled with red smoke and menacing shapes.

"Your friend is this way" Glancing back at her companion, Kelly followed her eyesight to see an archway. Nodding her head, Kelly ducked her head and snuck towards it. Angel had no choice but to follow, even though she could hear movement in the other chamber. She was sure her heart would beat out of her chest if it beat any harder.

After a hundred years of being alone in prison, she longed for nothing more to be reunited with her loved one.

But seeing as her hands were still tied to a thick rope that was knotted at Kelly's backpack, she walked after her.

They entered the next room, something that resembled a library. In there stood Liz, her back to them as she faced the bookcase.

"Liz!" Kelly smiled and jogged closer, though as she placed her hand on her friend's shoulder, she was twisted around, Liz looking at her with a blank face. "Auw. Oh no, he hypnotized you" She twisted out of Liz's grip and jolted away, but not before Liz took hold of her backpack, ripping the handle on it. Liz took off after her, tripping her. "Please don't do this. Remember Kevin!" the plea fell to deaf ears as Liz took hold of her foot, dragging her in the opposite direction.

"Come, little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment.

Come, little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows."

The voice was soft, almost like a whisper, but Liz froze up completely. Kelly was quick to scramble out of her grip and stood up. Near the door stood Angel, her eyes on Liz as her eyes shone lightly.

"Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrows.

Weep not, poor children, for life is this way, Murdering beauty and passions."

Raising her hands, still bound together, blueish most flew from it and Liz blinked, stepping back. She shook her head, holding it with her hand. "What happened?" Kelly frowned at her, glancing at Angel.

"How did you do that?"

"It is how my magic works. Where do you think the Grand Guignol got his song" Kelly nodded her head. That makes sense.

Liz's eyes cleared and they fell on Angel. Her eyes widened.

"What is she doing here?" She pushed Kelly behind her, glaring at the woman. Kelly frowned.

"She helped me get here. We can trade her for Jacob"

"You brought her?!"

Glancing between the two with a boring expression, Angel glanced around the room, noticing more and more items she recognized.

"She's not as bad as you think she is"

"She's a monster!"

"Liz! Come here. I need you to deliver a message to my sister" Angel's eyes lit up at the voice, turning her head to the source.

"He believes your still under his spell" Kelly realized. Liz nodded, realizing the same. Her eyes shot to angel though and she glared.

"We have to tie her up" Kelly shook her head in protest but Liz turned her glare to her. "No arguing, she is dangerous and I want her out of the way. I'll send a message to Curtis for him to come pick her up" Taking the rope in her hands, she pulled Angel with her towards the fireplace, binding the steel rope to one of the pillars. Angel glared at her, really not wanting to go back to her prison. Her eyes fell on Kelly and she scoffed.

"Thats what you get for helping humans. Not even a thank you" Kelly stared at her, knowing she was right but knowing she couldn't do much about it.


Angel growled in frustration as she tugged at the rope. She was so close to freedom, and yet so far. The rope burned deeper in her wrist and she released the tension, lowering her head. She hated being so useless. She couldn't even get herself out of a stupid rope. Monster proof rope but still.

"Did you really think you could sneak up on me? Sneak up on the Boogeyman? I invented the sneak." His voice echoed through the room and she felt her heart beat faster again. He was so close.

Letting her hands flame up in blue smoke, Angel started to pull once more. There was a gurgling noise next to her and she stopped. There, two steps away stood a blue toadie, its eyes wide as he stared at her.

"Snaggy? Is that you?" The monster's eyes filled themselves with this pink liquid and he hurried towards her with a wail, wrapping his tiny arms around her. "You've grown so much" She didn't even know Toadies could grow this big. Last time she had seen him, the creature had been just still small blue ball. "Snaggy" The creature pulled away from her torso and looked at her. "Could you help get this off" His eyes dropped onto the rope and he nodded furiously. He took the rope in his hands and started biting it, creating small tears. She nodded her head, encouraging him.

"Angel fire? Who do you think you're dealing with? I'm not the Tooth Fairy. I'm the Grand Guignol."

Angel fire. Angel's eyes widened, glancing at the doorway. This was not good. She knew how clever the babysitters were, and with angel fire in the room, the one thing that could kill the Grand Guignol, her fear grew.

She wanted to scream, shout at him to come find her, but she knew her voice was so raw right now, limited by the band around her throat.

"- Toadies. Open the chambers."

Snaggles stopped in his movements, glancing at the door. His eyes moved back to Angel and she shook her head. "Just keep going" Nodding his head in determination, he continued biting the rope, halfway through it already.

"Oh, for... We've rehearsed this for six months!"

With her eyes glued on the door, there was this snap and Angel felt the weight disappear from her wrists. She turned her head and indeed, the thick bands around her wrists had fallen off, leaving only the sore blackened skin underneath. "Thank you Snaggles" She clenched and unclenched her hands, feeling the blood return to them. Turning on her heels, she set off down the hallway.

"Playtime is over. Babysitters.

You didn't really think you had

a chance to defeat me.

Didn't you?"

The Grand Guignol smirked at the girls as they sat on the large nightmare filled chamber. Did they really think they could defeat him? Him? The lord of darkness.

He watched with gleaming eyes as Kelly stood up and faced him. She had tempted him again with the talk about his angel. Saying she wouldn't want this. What did Kelly know? She didn't know her.

He tossed the bottle of angel fire up once more, taunting them.

Though, he hadn't expected Kelly to jump up from the container, this rainbow of color erupting from around her. She soared towards him, her face changing into the monster visage. Still in the air, she took hold of the bottle and threw it at him, aiming straight for his heart.

The Grand Guignol closed his eyes, knowing this was it. At least he would be reunited with his angel again.

A hand took hold of the bottle, making Kelly drop to the floor, backing away. They're stood Angel, her eyes hard as she glared at Kelly. The bottle of angel fire was grasped firmly in her hand, though it trembled.

"You really should have listened to me" She clenched her hand, the bottle shattering with a snap. Though the large explosion they expected, didn't come. Instead, the flurry of colors seemed to echo around her hand, like it was kept back by an invisible barrier. The glass dropped to the floor with a clatter, the flame gone.

"No" A voice whispered behind her, making Angel turn around. The Grand Guignol stared at her, his eyes wide. He shook his head, his face pulled in a scowl. "This is a sick joke. You're not real" Tears appearing in her eyes, Angel raised her hand, reaching out to place it on his cheek. It froze in midair as a scaly tail encircled her wrist, keeping it from moving closer. It burned against her damaged wrist, but she ignored it "Please"

Their eyes were locked onto each other, and Angel noticed the tears appearing in his. Instead of placing her hand on his face, she moved it towards his heart. His tail gave no resistance as she placed her hand on his chest, right over her heart. Feeling the soft, but heavy beat underneath her palm.

The Grand Guignol stared at her, wanting to believe his eyes, but fearing that they betrayed him. He took in her eyes, the small flecks under her eyes, the blush on her cheeks. She couldn't be here. He had watched her die. And he had been powerless to stop him.

Her hand appeared on his chest in an almost featherlike touch and he felt his breath leave him. The gesture was so familiar, yet so foreign.

"I'm so sorry" she said in a near whisper, and he felt himself break. This had to be real. If it wasn't... he... "They took me. Kept me prisoner. I tried so hard to come back, but I-" Her voice was caught in her throat as she froze, letting out a pained groan.

His eyes widened, taking a firm grip on her shoulders as she sunk to the ground, gripping her neck.


"Liz!" His eyes shot up to see Liz glaring at them, a remote in her hand. Kelly was staring at her friend in shock. Clenching his jaw, he held out his hand, the small device shooting towards it. Liz let out a gasp as the device was taken from her. The Grand Guignol stared at the device in his hand, feeling Angel shock under his grasp.

Clenching his fist, the device shattered. Immediately, Angel stopped shaking and he felt her take a slow breath. Glancing back up at the teens, he clenched his jaw, feeling his eyes flare up again.

"Leave. Now!" Thrusting his hand out, red energy flew out, sending them all flying in the opposite direction.

Kelly let out a grunt as er back made contact with the floor. She quickly got to her feet and stared at the two, noticing how gentle the boogeyman was holding Angel as the woman struggled to breath.

The Grand Guignol frowned as he held onto Angel, her shoulder still shocking slightly. His eyes were on the collar around her neck, and the box that hang from it.

"What is this" taking it in his hands, he let his energy pour into it. With a snap, it released, taking the collar with it. He flicked it behind him and let his fingers ghost over the burn mark on the side of her neck. He felt her tense for a second before she relaxed, his cold fingers soothing the burn.

Releasing her neck, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling herself towards him. He felt his breath leave him once more, feeling her warm form against his chest. Her hair brushed against his nose and he let his eyes fall closed, the smell of rainwater filling his senses. He slithered his arms around her middle and relaxed, feeling like he could breathe for the first time in a hundred years.

They remained there, and while he was sure the humans had left, he didn't feel like moving. He felt Angel's weight push against him and he opened his eyes. Her soft and even breath caught his ears and he felt himself smile. She had fallen asleep.

Moving around, he heaved her in his arms, looking at her face once more. She looked dead on her feet; her eyes sunken in as well as her cheeks. He cursed himself, he had been so caught up with getting revenge that he had ignored the idea that she might have been alive. If he had found her sooner, she wouldn't be looking like this. She wouldn't have suffered.

Passing hall after hall, he entered a room he hadn't in a while. Their bedroom. He ignored the stared of the toadies as he passed them and closed the door behind him with his tail.

The room looked nearly untouched, apart from some thrown over or busted furniture. Let's just say, sleeping didn't come as easy for him anymore. Sleeping was something boogeypeople rarely did. Their bodies were used to sleeplessness, it kept them on their toes as his mother had told him.

But he had found, that after meeting Angel, that sleep was one of the best things ever. With her beside him, his dreams were filled with happiness. He felt content as he slept with her in his arms.

So, with her gone, he hadn't slept much. To be honest, apart from the nodding off, he couldn't recall the last time he had fallen asleep.

He placed her down on the soft bed, pulling the thin covers over her body. He carefully lifted her arms off him and placed her down comfortably. Immediately, she curled up in a ball, her face towards the empty side of the bed. Smiling to himself, he tugged off his tie and kicked off his shoes before slipping into the bed beside her, pulling her back into his arms.

Like a reaction, her hands found his chest again, grasping the fabric and holding on for dear life.

He felt his eyes drift closed, his need for sleep taking a toll. Within seconds, he was out.


When he opened his eyes again, he found himself alone. He closed his eyes again, cursing himself. Had it been another dream of his. A lie his own mind had created.

But as he opened his eyes again, he noticed the tussled sheets next to him. He frowned and sat up, feeling his mind still clouded. Letting out a yawn, he turned his head, his ears catching the sound of running water. Immediately his shoulders sagged, realizing Angel had probably gone and taken a shower. He shook his head, trying to wake up more.

The door opened and smoke puffed out of it. In the doorway stood Angel, a towel in her hands as she dried off her hair. She looked a lot better than yesterday. Her skin was back to being pale, which was normal. Her salt and pepper hair were damp but clean. But the thing that made his smile widen, was the fact that she was wearing one of his blouses, along with a pair of pants that were both way too big for her.

Her eyes met his and her face lid up.

"Good morning."

"You had me scared for a second, love. I thought it had all been a dream. A very nice dream" Smiling at him, Angel sat down next to him, placing the towel over a chair as she passed it.

"Sorry, but I had to take a shower." wrapping his arms around her, he buried his nose in her hair, smelling the flowery soap in her hair.

"Hmm" He felt her chuckle. "Do you feel better?"

"Much" Wiggling around, Angel faced him, placing her hand on his cheek. She smiled softly as she felt him lean into her hand. Softly she traced the scars underneath her fingers. Placing his hand over hers, he pressed a kiss to her fingers, smirking as he noticed the specks under her eyes glow brighter.

"I do love this look on you, though I'd rather see that blouse on the floor" Letting out a gasp, Angel pulled her hand back and shoved him playfully. He let out a bark of laughter, holding up his hands in surrender. "I kid, I kid" Angel narrowed her eyes at him, a smile on her face. She knew he wasn't kidding, but it warmed her heart to hear him laugh.

Letting out a content sigh, The Grand Guignol laid back down, hoping she would as well so he could hold her close again. He knew there were a hundred things he had to do today, but he tried his best to forget them. He would much rather lay in this bed all day, with Angel in his arms.

Instead of laying down, Angel pushed herself towards him and took his head in her hands, placing it in her lab. Now staring up at her, Angel met his eyes, sending him another toe-curling smile.

Taking a strand of hair between her fingers, Angel inspected it, moving onto the next one. He closed his eyes at the feeling.

"Your hair has gotten long, Thomas."

A memory flashed before his eyes and he surprised a shudder. As a boogeyman was born, they were given two names. A title and a human name. One would be used as a way of praise, while the other was used as a punishment. Humans were seen as weak, so the human name would be used as a form of shame. And it was on the boogeyman to make the others forget the human name. Achieve something so great, no one dared to remember it.

He had been very close to that. No boogeyperson had dared to use his anymore. Being born as one of the big 7 was a big advantage. But he had proven himself, becoming something to be feared.

That was, until he had met Angel, a woman who didn't bat an eye at his visage. A woman who held his heart in her hands, and cherished it.

Oh, people still feared him. They just grew to fear her as well.

But he had told her his name, as it was accustomed in their culture. It was the first step in courtship. That way, when they would break apart, they would be able to scold each other using the worst name possible.

And of course, Angel made herself the exception. She had never used the name to scold him, hurt him. She used it with love. He hadn't been used to it at first, but after a while, he had grown to love the way his name left her lips. It was something only she could.

"I could cut it"

"No. I like it this way" She took another strand between her fingertips and chuckled. "Are these tinsels?"  Opening one eye, he send her a small glare, making her glance down at him. "What? They are cute"

"Ha-ha" Shaking her head at him, she took another strand of hair, just looking at it for a while. 

"Are there any plans for today?"

"You are staying in bed, you need the rest" He breathed, his eyes remaining closed. He imagined her rolling her eyes and he smirked. He let out a groan though, events of yesterday. Everything had become a blur after Angel had appeared.

"I need to go check on something"

"You mean Jacob" Opening both his eyes, he stared at her, his smile disappearing. Noticing this, Angel smiled knowingly. "Kelly wouldn't stop nagging about him. 'where is Jacob?' 'How can I find Jacob'." She stuck out her tongue, annoyed by the girl.

Sitting up, he turned to face her, looking solemn. "How much do you know?"

At this moment Angel noticed that the resonation that she had heard in his voice yesterday, was nearly gone. He had sounded so menacing, his voice almost hypnotic as he had spoken. Now, it was a lot softer. Mind you, just as much British as it had been, but it was a lot more human. Vulnerable.

"Not a lot. I know you have taken special children. Using them to create an army of nightmares. I guess Jacob was one of them" He nodded his head. He had half expected her to look scared, disappointed at what he had done. But then he realized, this was his angel. She would never. "Is this a plan of your sister?" Shaking his head once, he sighed.

"No... Well, for the first part, yes. But, apart from the monsters, I believed. If I'd found a child powerful enough, they might have been able to bring you back to me. It was just a theory, but it was a chance I was willing to take. Even if I had to deal with hundreds of insolent children. Having you back, by my side. It would all have been worth it." he muttered, looking down at his hands as he clenched them. Just thinking back at it made him so angry. The amount of work and time he had spent, hunting down these children, taking them and then finding out they weren't strong enough. Jacob had been strong enough; he had known it from the second he had entered the boy's chambers.

A hand softly took his, and he blinked, snapping out of his thoughts. He raised his head and blinked as he noticed Angel smiling at him. "Thank you. For everything you have done. I'm here now, and I am never leaving. Well, for as long as you'll have me"

"Forever" Their faces were so close now. Angel stared in his eyes, noticing the small specks of gold in his green cat like eyes.

Thomas blinked, realizing how close they were and rose to his feet, his cheeks turning a moss green. "I- umm. I should go check on the child" Letting out a chuckle, Angel stood up as well.

"I'll go. I need to stretch my legs. You go and take some time off." He opened his mouth, about to tell her to stay here, when she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him, making him sit back down.
"I'll be fine. If anything goes wrong, I'll holler. Alright?"

Taking a slow breath, he nodded. "Fine, but you'll better make it quick" Nodding her head, Angel smiled wider and reached down, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. His eyes drifted close, feeling the feather light touch. As he opened them again, she was gone, her footsteps fading away.

He let out a sigh, placing his head in his hands.

What this woman did to him.

He slowly looked back up and crinkled his nose. He thought for a second before he rose to his feet and headed towards the bathroom. He could go for a shower as well.


"Rosco, put that down before- damn it... go clean that up." Smirking to himself, the Grand Guignol found himself striding though the hallways of his hideout.

His hair was still damp from the shower. He felt cleaner than he had for ages. He had even pulled on a clean blouse.

He passed the dream nursery and shook his head as he noticed the bed was empty. Of course they had taken him.

"Get off that counter! Snaggle, I'm telling you only once." He finally arrived at the source of the noise, the kitchen.

It was a nice and cost kitchen. Lots of brass and stone. The first thing he noticed was Angel. She stood next to the counter, Snaggle in her arms as he clung to her. The other two toadies were standing at the other counter. Rosco was in the process of cleaning up what looked like the remains of a cookie jar. Jimmy was glancing at him, a cookie in his mouth.

"Everything alright, love?"

Her head snapped towards him and she smiled. "Peachy" she heaved Snaggle higher up in her arms. He really seemed to be content in his arms. Thomas felt some strange jealousy towards the creature. "There was this huge stack of glasses here as well. Care to explain?"

Leaning against the side of the wall, he let out a huff. "Warm milk. That insolent child was harder to get to sleep than expected"

"Hence the cat eye amulet. Noted" she tickled her fingers under Snuggle's chin, making him laugh. "We need to visit her again."

"I can think of a list of people who would love to see you again"

Meeting his eyes, Angel felt her heart speed up at the sight of him. Not only did he look well rested, he looked a lot better in general. To her, he always looked handsome, but she had to admit, yesterday he had looked death on his feet. From the stringy hair, to the worn clothes.  But now he looked well taken care off and she was just so happy for him.

And well, he smelled a lot better too.

"You better put him down before I get too jealous" he pushed off the wall and walked closer to her. Smirking, she tickled the creature a little more, making him squirm.

"Slaggle deserves some love. He did help me yesterday. Without him I wouldn't have been free in time to catch that Angel fire"

And she had been there in the nick of time  as well. A second later and he would have died.

"He did?" Raising an eyebrow at the creature, he smirked as he noticed the fear in the creatures eyes. "Well, I guess I could let him off easy this time."

"Good, cause he's such a good-" she laughed as she tickled him. The laughing turned to coughing and she hunched over. Concerned, Snaggle slipped out of her arms, looking at her in confusion.

Something cold was placed in her hands, and she quickly raised it to her lips, taking a slow sip.

As she opened her eyes again, she noticed the concerned eyes of the Grand Guignol staring at her. "I'm oke" she croaked, taking another drink.

She had tried to hide it, the pain in her throat, but he had noticed it. The way she was talking, a lot softer than he had been used too. And of course, she hadn't sang or hummed the entire day. Something that was very off if you knew her.

"I will make them pay for hurting you" he vowed, clenching his teeth.

"Not if I get them first" she smiled, her eyes flickering dangerously. Oh he loved seeing this side of her.

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