how rich?

Hassan looked at his brother in disgust, "You must've lost yo' mind. I'm going where the food at. Hell you talkin' 'bout."

Josiah was trying to convince Hassan to go home with him, and not to Celina's house where Grace would be.

No matter how old they were, their mama was one of those people who wanted them to stay together if they left together.

So Josiah couldn't go home without his mama being extra and asking where Hassan was repeatedly, even after he told her.

The question was did he want to go to Celina's house and possibly end up having sex with the girl who was obviously placed here to fuck with his head, or go home and listen his nagging ass mama?

That decision was easy.

"We ain't staying long then." Josiah told Hassan as he started the car, "Better make a plate to go."

While driving to Celina's house, he thought of how he had the worst luck. What are the odds that she ended up knowing his best friends' baby mama?

Shit like this only happens to him.

• • •

"So y'all rich rich then?" Malik asked Grace, leaning forward interestedly.

It'd just been disclosed how Grace knew Celina and Brielle, with her telling him that Celina was her then nanny, now housekeeper.

"I wouldn't say rich rich." Grace lied, "Just kind of well off."

Brielle snorted quietly to herself, knowing exactly how much money Grace's family made since her mom had told her.

Depending on your definition of 'well off' The Simmons were easily that and more, with their father not making under 4 million dollars a year for as long as Grace can remember.

Hassan joined the conversation, "What's ya' last name? I'm finna Google y'all."

She shifted uncomfortably, not really one to brag about money that she hadn't contributed anything to, "Huh?" She asked, acting like she didn't hear him.

Sensing that Hassan was making her feel weird, Josiah interrupted the conversation by speaking for the first time since they'd been there, "You a weirdo."

"How? I'm just tryna see if I'ma let her get me pregnant."

Grace laughed, the uncomfortableness forgotten, "I'd definitely get you pregnant. We love a gold-digging king."

Josiah watched the two of them do what seemed to be flirting on Grace's end. It was confirmed when she looked at him, a small smile on her face before asking Hassan, "How old are you?"

"17." Hassan responded quickly, liking the attention from an 'older' woman.

"So legal then?"

There was no way Grace would actually have sex with Hassan, but that was the only way Josiah seemed interested in what she was saying, as he stared at her with a facial expression that could only be described as anger.

A reaction.

"17 ain't legal." Malik replied, not catching on to the real question she was asking  "You got a couple more months don't it bro?"

Before Hassan could confirm or deny, Grace interrupted him, "The legal age of consent is 17."

The room went deathly quiet and Brielle looked at Malik, who looked towards Josiah, who was glaring at Grace.

"What's wrong?" She asked, feigning innocence.

Celina came in the living room carrying a bowl, "Grace I made banana pudding for you. It's in the kitchen."

Whereas in their home Celina served them everything, whenever Grace came over, she had to get her own food, as she should.

While in the kitchen she heard footsteps and knew who it was before they even said anything to her.

"What the fuck wrong with you?" Josiah demanded.

She replaced the smile on her face with a look of confusion and turned to look at him, "I'm sorry?"

"Gone with that shit. You know what you doing."

"I was having a conversation with someone and told them how the law works." Grace said with a shrug.

"It don't matter how the law works. You not touchin' my fuckin' brother."

As he talked, she watched his lips move, remembering the softness and picturing them making their way across her body, eventually ending in between her legs.

"I don't want to." She replied, keeping her hands against the counter so she wouldn't touch him.

Josiah blew out a breath and turned around, leaving Grace in the kitchen alone.

That was fine with her because she wanted to come up with a plan to get him to take her home.

As she stood plotting in the kitchen, Malik, Hassan, and Brielle quietly argued over if Grace meant she wanted to have sex with him.

"Why else she asked?" Hassan whispered, "She want some of this schlong."

"Dude she fucked ya' blood brother. That's foul."

Celina was too interested in what Noah was showing her to pay attention the conversation going on right in front of her face.

"She had sex with Jo?" Brielle asked in shock, "Why they act like they didn't know each other then?"

"Shit they don't. First nighter."

Yes Brielle knew Grace, but she didn't know her well. Not well enough to know what type of person she was.

"I didn't even know she was like that. First night?"

"What's wrong with that?" Malik questioned, "She know what she want, and she got it."

"I mean it's not my business, I just didn't think Grace would let somebody first night her."

Their whispers died down when Josiah came back into the room, wiping his hands on the napkin and looking irritated.

"Ian gone take ya' girl bro." Hassan joked, "Calm down."

Josiah looked at his phone, "How much longer you tryna stay?"

"Dang don't act like you just didn't eat like 3 plates now you tryna leave." Brielle laughed.

"I just ain't feeling it right now."

She could tell he was in a bad mood, so she let it go.

The only person talking was Noah, who was still showing Celina what he had gotten from daycare.

Grace was in the hallway, practicing how this conversation was about to go, before re-entering the room, "I'm ready Josiah."

All of their eyes went to her as he made a face, "What?"

"You said you were taking me home?"

Everyone sat still, awaiting his response.


thanks for reading 💕

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