The Adventure Begins
"I still think we should've prepared more..."
Four young people, all around 15 years old, were in the middle of walking and exploring inside the cave, one of the four was a blonde girl, who wore church like clothing and held a staff in her hand, she was a Priestess and she couldn't help but voice out her concern and worry about what they were doing.
"Oh please, you got a brave Warrior, strong Fighter and of course me, the all powerful Wizard, me, what more can we possibly prepare?"
The other member, who was also a female, but somewhat wore more normal clothes, though the large hat on her head made her stand out, she was some kind of Wizard, and she seemed to be oozing with confidence and slight arrogance, the blonde girl didn't know if this made her feel better or not.
"Don't worry, in my first quest I was scared to, but after we complete these Goblin exterminations, you will realize how capable we really are, so be more confident in us and yourself."
The third member of the group, was another female, but unlike the last two, she seemed more fit and strong, and while she was confident, she was more reassuring and kind, she must be a Fighter, judging by her martial arts like clothing, she gave a comforting pat to the worried healer.
The Priestess did feel a little better after those encouraging words, and from seeing her teammates being very optimistic and not afraid, though she still felt uncertain, but for now she will trust them and just pray for the quest to go smoothly.
"Less talking and more monster hunting!~"
The last of the four was a young boy, he seemed the most excited and raised his sword in the air, which hit the roof of cave, nearly knocked it out of his hand, but the one dressed as a Warrior was able to catch himself and regain his grip, after bit of fumble, which definitely lightened the mood, the four continued to walk through the cave, it was definitely a cramped area, forcing the group to bunched up, but it was also like a maze that never ends, going through a few tunnels and even found a few dead ends, luckily they were able to leave marks to find there way back, but it was still a bit frustrating since it felt like they were going in circle, but luckily for them, they were able to make some kind of progress, and it was a type of progress that took the shape of a certain adult male lying unconscious and hurt on the ground.
The Adventurers wasted no time running up to the unconscious man, the two magical girls made sure that the man was still alive and how injured he was, while the two combat ready members guards them and prepared themselves to defend them when needed.
"How is he?"
Warrior couldn't help but ask while holding his torch in different directions, seeing if any enemies were nearby.
"He will survive, but he won't be able to move without help."
The Wizard explains the man's conditions, while helping the blonde with bandaging any bleeding spots.
"Can you heal him at all, Priestess?"
The Fighter kept up her defensive stance, but couldn't help but look back in worry, especially when she saw the injuries of the man.
"I can, but then we would only have 2 more [Miracles] afterwards."
Priestess was confident in healing the man, but was concerned about not having enough spells left once doing so, which definitely put the group in a tight spot, they might be overconfident in taking this quest, but they weren't stupid and knows that without any of the blondes support abilities, they could be seriously hurt with any way to recover.
"What do you say guys, a temporary retreat?"
Warrior looks at everyone, wanting their opinions on what they should do.
"We can't protect the man and fight at the same time, we should at least take them back to the carriage... And maybe go back to buy some potions."
The Wizard clearly hated the thought of falling back so early, especially without even killing a few enemies, but she had to swallow her pride for this moment, which actually made the healer smile and sigh in relief.
"Alright then, Priestess, at least heal the man, Fighter, you and me will carry him, Wizard, will you be ok leading us back out?"
Once everyone nods on what they needed to do, Warrior puts away his sword and starts to help his teammates, they carry the man after healing him, as both combatants helped each other carry the unconscious adult.
"I just noticed, he's wearing some weird piece of clothing."
The Fighter couldn't help but look and see the man that they were saving had some odd and very unfamiliar piece of clothing.
"He's probably some type of Adventurer like us, judging by its quality."
Wizard came up with a guest on why they dressed differently, though was honestly less curious about it.
"I know this might come off as greedy, but do you think we'll get boun-ARGHHH!"
Before Warrior could continue, he was suddenly interrupted with extreme pain, as he and the others looks to see what was happening and quickly went eyes wide in shock to see a small green creature, which were called 'Goblins', somehow sneaked up behind him and stabbed him deep in the leg with a tiny dagger, luckily he was able to kick the small monster away.
"Damn It! I Let My Guard Down!"
The Warrior was very frustrated on letting himself get stabbed by such a weak creature.
"H-Hold still, I can heal it-"
"No! Save your 'Miracles', don't waste it on this tiny injury, lets just hurry on out of here before more come!"
Warrior stopped the Priestess from wasting another healing spell on him, which made her hesitate but soon listened and did as she was told, unfortunately before the group could move forward, they quickly realized that there were more Goblins ahead of them, much to their unfortunate surprise.
"H-How did they end up in front of us already?!"
Wizard was in disbelief to see the Goblins, that they were supposed to exterminate, already be in front of them, sadly their luck keeps getting worse, as they were about to fall back, but couldn't since even more of the green monsters appeared behind them as well, the Adventurers were now completely surrounded with no hopes of escaping.
Everyone quickly puts down the man against the wall, both the Warrior, who had his sword out, and Fighter were ready to defend and fight, just in time cause the Goblins didn't even hesitate in trying to kill them, luckily being somewhat skilled enough people, that were up against some weak monsters, the two were able to handle them small horde with some effort, the sword guy swings his blade and killed a good amount of them with a single slash, and as for the martial artist, she definitely wasn't falling to far behind, punching and kicking any that got too close to herself and the group, though she wasn't strong enough to kill them, but was able to seriously injure them and forced a handful to stay down.
"S-Sagitta Inflammarae Raedius! ARROW OF FLAME, EMERGE!"
As for the Wizard, after a long magical chant, fired a ball of fire at a group of Goblins, killing a few instantly and setting a few more on fire, even though this was a serious situation they were in, she couldn't help but get a ego boost from this.
"HA! Take That You Filthy Baby Monsters!"
The very over confidant Wizard laughs in extreme arrogance as she quickly started chanting again and shoots another 'Fireball' at the Goblins, at the moment, they were handling themself quite well for themself, of course it was not easy in the slightest, but hope filled their hearts and felt sure enough to win this fight.
Priestess couldn't help but point out a very large green monster in extreme fear, said large creature, which was known as a Hob Goblin, wore an evil smirk, and even licks his lips once he saw the females, definitely made the girls shivers in disgust.
"Oh yeah, if you want them, YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME!"
Warrior, who was unfortunately filled with confident, ran towards the Hob Goblin with his sword raised high, sadly, instead of slashing the large monster, he quickly lost balanced from his injured leg, which suddenly gotten more painful, not only that, but his sword hit the top of the cave again, but this time resulting in him losing the weapon, both his footing and sword lost, he was unable to defend himself against the big creature, who just grabbed his head and crushed it instantly, this made the girls gasps in horror from watching their friend died so mercilessly and then dropped without care.
A very enraged Wizard was about to avenge her fallen teammate and shoot another 'Fireball' at the HobGoblin, but she didn't get the chance to finish her chant, cause she was suddenly struck by lightning, which came from a Goblin, though also dressed as a wizard, the magic girl spasm and yells in pain from the electrical attack before just falling to the ground, luckily she was still alive after all that, but was now out of commission, which left a very scared Fighter, who tried to put on a brave face and was still ready to fight, and a terrified Priestess, who was frozen in fear and even wet herself from this whole ordeal, the remaining green monsters, that were still alive, started to get closer, laughing and smiling with such sadistic and eager expression.
"I-I'm sorry we didn't listen, Priestess, we should've prepared more..."
"I-It wasn't your fault Fighter, please don't blame yourself for anything, especially right now..."
The HobGoblin started to reach towards Fighter and Priestess, who exchanged final words with one another, and was about to grab the two, the monster enjoys their whimpering expression and was so excited to do many 'Horrible' things to them.
Before the Hob Goblin could even touch the two girls, they noticed and heard the man, who was now awake, suddenly sitting up and aiming an unfamiliar weapon at the large Goblin, the girls didn't get a chance to question as the suddenly covered their ears, like they were told, once doing so, the man pulled the trigger of his weapon, and with a loud bang that burst all the Goblins ears, a powerful projectile came out of the weapon and blew a large hole in the Hob Goblin chest, killing it instantly and letting it drop to the floor, dead.
The Wizard Goblin quickly started to chant and about to launch a spell at the new threat, but another loud bang could be heard again, though not as loud, and another projectile went threw its head, once again the one responsible was the man, who was holding a smaller hand held weapon, less powerful compared to the other weapon but did the same, to which he used with the remaining Goblins, who quickly tried to kill them, but he expertly landed a clean headshot on every singly one of the monster, soon they were all dead, and just in time as well since he ran out of ammo after shooting the last nasty creature, both Fighter and Priestess were stunned silence, seeing the people that they were trying to save, suddenly save them.
"I-I'm sorry for your friend..."
The man managed to snap them out of their trance, he woke up around the death of the Warrior and couldn't help but feel responsible for not being able to save him.
"P-Please don't apologize! You were weak and injured, this wasn't your fault!"
Priestess quickly panics as she tries to comfort the person that saved her.
"Y-Yeah, don't feel guilty, please, you did more than what was possible!"
The Fighter joined in on trying to comfort the man, wanting him to know that he shouldn't feel guilty that wasn't his fault.
"Even so, please forgive me for causing you so much trouble."
The man after a bit of struggling, stood up and looked at the two Adventurers with guilt filled face, though before he could continue asking for forgiveness and make the Fighter and Priestress explain how it was ok, distant footsteps could be heard not to far way, which made the girls tense up, while making the man, who paused their grief, get serious again and ready to fight again, the man reloaded his weapon, but as they all looked forward, from where the sound was coming from, instead of seeing another Goblin, or some kind of monster, they instead saw a single man, covered head to toe in silver amour, with a sword and shield in one hand, and holding up a torch with the other, they were about to question on who he was, but stopped when he suddenly threw a sword towards there direction, but instead of hitting one of them, the bladed weapon instead peirced the head of the Hob Goblin, who managed to get up and was about sneak up behind them, this stranger, this Goblin Slayer, managed to kill the enemy and saved them, which also let them know that he wasn't an enemy.
I like to think Goblin Slayer and Burt Gummer would become great friends.
(BTW, takes place after Goblin Slayer meets Priestess, and after Tremors 3, ALSO FUCK TREMORS 5, 7 AND 7, they don't exist to me, so I will not be using any of that crap, only the classic 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be taken to account and used, sorry twank u wuv u all)
/Who Should Be Burt Partner?\
The Wizard
The Fighter
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