Club Member Interview: Eve
The following interview was compiled based on questions submitted by members and followers. We hope you enjoy getting to know one of our critics a little better!
What's your favorite color?
I like all shades of blue and golden yellow.
Cake or pie?
Definitely cake. I think eating pies can get very sticky and messy.
If you had ten minutes to live, what would you do?
Well, I would spend the first five minutes typing up a dying message to all my family and friends and confessing all the stupid things that I've done/regretted so that I can at least leave in peace. Then for the other half of the time, I would probably log onto Wattpad, quickly jot down notes on how my incomplete works were supposed to end, and publish it plus everything else I have in my drafts. There is just no way I'm leaving half-done books here. Hopefully ten minutes is enough to do all that.
Do you sneak candy into the movies to avoid paying a lot of money?
There's hardly any candy in my house at all to do that! But one time, my friends and I did go to the movies with smuggled trail mix that had M&Ms in them. Does that count?
Favorite Ice Flavor?
Chocolate. Cookies N' Cream. Birthday Cake. Orange Sherbet.
(I know the question says flavor and not flavors...but I just can't pick just one!)
Favorite Eeveelution?
I'm guessing Eevee technically doesn't count as an Eeveelution (even though it really should because that's what I would've picked). So in all honesty, I'd have to go with Flareon. It is very floofy.
What was the last dream you had?
Oh geez. I'm the kind of person who can't ever seem to remember their dreams idea.
What's your process for developing characters?
Okay, so I don't have some detailed, step-by-step process that I go through every time I want to create a character because I find that idea ridiculous. Honestly though, I'm still learning on how to develop a strong character myself. Most of my characters are inspired by numerous other pre-existing characters. So I guess you can say I use some reference to help myself out, especially in terms of the character's dialogue and distinguishing personality traits. I also frequently look back on past chapters to make sure my character stays realistically consistent.
What's your process for fleshing out the plot of a book?
All of my works originate from a single idea that my brain comes up with at the most random moments. Usually it's just a pretty vague concept like: "MC is a Pokemon who lives in a dystopian Pokemon world where all the citizens are Pokemon but they all behave like humans." (Random idea that I just came up while typing this). I find that these kinds of things come to me naturally; I can't force myself to think up of an interesting idea. And from there, I usually start brainstorming little bits and specific details of a story that branch off from that idea. The hardest part is probably tying all my pieces together into an organized plot that also doesn't have some stupid plot holes.
Do you design characters before the plot of vice versa?
Plot before characters. Always.
Dream job?
My dream job is to become the author of a well-known, classic novel that will continue to be read by people generations forward. I want my book to become a summer assignment that some teenager in the future will be forced to read and analyze BUT I assure you--at least my book will be enjoyable to read. C:
What was the last nightmare you had?
Again. I can't really remember.
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Right! (There are so many dumb puns I could make from this).
Who's your favorite character from the Pokemon franchise?
Definitely Red! I really like the silent, prodigal trainer version of Red in the games and I also like the enthusiastic and determined version of Red in the Pokemon Special manga series. There are just so many mysteries behind Red as a character (that have so much potential to become an amazing fanfiction) and his ridiculously powerful team (in both the games and the manga) really makes him the coolest character ever!
Favorite number?
Seven and two are my lucky numbers. Four is my unlucky number because in Chinese "four" and "death" are pronounced very similarly. It's a reoccurring thing in my books.
Favorite meme?
Oh geez--I have seen too many funny ones to just pick one favorite. The grumpy cat ones are hilarious though.
What's your favorite favorite?
My favorite favorite is my favorite favorite?
How long can you survive without Wattpad?
I have no idea...not very long for sure. Even though I don't appear to be very active, I actually am. I know I can't help checking my notifications every hour or so and I seriously can't stop myself from editing/rereading my WIP books (that are unpublished until I finish).
If Wattpad was to be deleted from the app/Play store, what will you do?
Well, I already have the app, so it's not like I'll be needing to download it. Besides, I have a new laptop now, so I can always access the desktop version.
How long will you survive without brushing your teeth and having a bath?
Mmm...maybe 2-3 days. No more than 5.
Do you think you'll grow out of the Pokemon community?
Heck no. There are too many amazing people here. Plus, my experience with writing Pokemon Fanfictions has been the most fun I've had in a very long time. (It's kind of stressful too, but that's to be expected.)
If Yellow would have died in the Red chapter (when he first saved her), who would you have shipped Red with?
I can't believe you pulled this card out at me, Azul. First of all, I will be EXTREMELY sad since specialshipping is one of my very few OTPs. But anyways, I would probably ship Manga Red with Misty since it is shown in the manga that Misty had some romantic interest in Red. They had some moments together in the first was kind of sweet.
If someone tells you that you can become an anime character, how will you respond?
I'm joking. I would probably just laugh and say,"Why would I want to do that?" because...I'll be honest here...there isn't a single anime world I want to live in. Not even Pokemon 'cause there's something about battling wild animals and facing ultra-evil organizations that unnerves me.
Squirrels, cats, sparrows, or dolphins?
How about all four?
Excluding Eevee, top five favorite Pokemon?
Hmmm...well, in no particular order:
Bulbasaur/Ivysaur (they're from the same evolution line so I them count as one T^T)
Do you find it easier to create male or female characters?
Female. I'm having the hardest time portraying adult males.
What's your ideal Pokemon story? Do you think you can create it?
My ideal Pokemon story...that's hard to describe. I think a lot of Pokemon Fanfiction tend to be PG-13 for swear words and teenagers and adventures and bad guys and romance and dark themes and whatnot, so I wonder if it's possible to create a whole novel without any of those? Something more light-hearted? My ideal fanfic would have a genuinely original plot with mostly humor and dramatic action? All without going overboard with descriptions?
And regarding whether or not I can create such a fanfic...maybe? I haven't really tried writing a story according to those standards.
What's one thing you wish you could do, but can't?
I would love to learn to draw digitally on a drawing tablet and pen! There's so many pros to drawing's not messy, you can click undo for mistakes, and there's certain effects that is so much easier to do with digital layers than traditional methods, The only thing holding me back from trying just that is the fact that I don't have the resources.
If you had to turn into an animal, what would you pick?
A cat (preferably a simple tabby)! I could sleep all day, climb tall things, and jump all over the place.
If you were a character in a story, would you be a hero or a anti-hero villain?
A hero definitely. Justice always prevails and I would feel guilty doing bad things. Whatever they may be.
PIck a superpower!
TIME CONTROL! The ability to speed up time, stop it, or go to the past/future. Having this ability will save me so much from stress and embarrassment.
If you woke up with an unnatural hair color, what would you want it to be?
Dang it. I've always wanted brown hair...but if I had to pick an unnatural one...perhaps blue?
What goes through your head when you write/draw? Do you look towards the end goal and weave towards it in a big picture first or focus on writing/drawing bit by bit?
A little bit of both ways. I usually do have a big picture in mind but I'm also the type of person who usually has the beginning/end planned out for a story but the middle portion is a like a blank slate. I work bit by bit with every story and I always go back to reread/ edit what I've written.
As for drawing...I cannot draw by concentrating because then I start hearing that annoying, discouraging, self-critiquing voice that roams in my head. So I usually put on my music and just go with it. I always have an idea of how I want my drawings to turn out...whether or not my right hand can get that out on paper depends on whether or not luck is on my side.
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