Episode 1: Two Heroes Appear!

It was a beautiful night in the planet Mobius as we see a big purple cat fishing with his frog in front of him until he heard an alarm nearby. Then we see lights turn on at a base as we see two sets of legs running. Robots starts rolling out of the base as the two set of legs kept running towards the base. The robots get in front of the base as a steel gate closed behind them while the robots guns were loaded and ready to fire at any intruder while other machines in the base had thier weapons ready. Then we see two creatures running, a blue hedgehog and a (F/C) armadillo. The robots fired their guns at the two as they run past every single bullet.

Armadillo: [Heh] Egghead needs to step his game up!

After he said that, missiles were fired at them as they dodged every single one of them. One of the robot got in front of them as the blue hedgehog jumped on top of each of them as the (F/C) punched through them like they were paper-mache.

The two hop over the gate and ran through the base as the robots fired at them. While that was happening, giant robots were activated to take the two down. We see the two run toward the control tower as two of the robots bursts from the ground, causing the two go towards the left as on of the robot chased after them. They ran through the hallway as one more bursts through the wall as they went left. The two ran off as they were being chased. Then they stepped on a circle with a man's face on it as sprung them in the air as one of the robot smacked them further in the air.

After that happens we see a orange fox and a pink hedgehog in a plane. Flying towards the other two.

Fox: SONIC! F/N!

As the plane flies through, it gets shot at and gets hit, causing a small explosion and the pink hedgehog to yelp.  The plane flies away from the base as it catches on fire.

Pink hedgehog: SMOKE! (Looks at the fox) DO SOMETHING TAILS!

Tails: DON'T WORRY, AMY! (Pulls a lever) THIS FIRST!

Tails fired a missile at the two as it opens and a ring appears. The armadillo known as F/N noticed this.

F/N: SONIC! (Reached out his hand) GRAB MY HAND!

Sonic does as he says and grabs his hand. 

F/N: (starts spinning around then tossed Sonic towards the ring.) ALLEY-OOP! DONT WORRY I'LL CATCH UP WITH YA!

As Sonic grabs the ring, F/N balls up and starts spinning while a tree catches him and tossed him towards Sonic as the two spin dash towards the base.

They bounce off a bunch of robots, causing them to explode, then bash through the steel gates while bashing through two of the giant robots as they exploded. Finally one of the robots tried to stop them by bashing them towards the ground, but the two bursted through and crashed through one of the lights of the control tower.

Meanwhile with Tails and Amy, we see them go for a rough landing.

Tails: HANG ON, AMY!

Then we see them heading towards a rock.


Tails: TOO LATE!

Then all of the sudden, we see a glove with spikes on it destroy the rock before Tails and Amy crash towards it. The plane stops as tails turns around to see a red echidna.

Tails: Knuckles!

Amy: Thank you!

Knuckles: (turns away) [Hmph.]

Tails: Knuckles...

Amy: What's with him?

We see Knuckles looking off in the distance towards the base as we hear explosions coming from it.

Knuckles: Hey, hey... You two are going overboard...

We see the inside of the command tower going on lockdown as we see a yellow robot looking at a screen.

Yellow robot: Dr. Eggman, I closed all the walls nearby.

Eggman: Damn! Why does that Sonic and F/N always get in my way?

Then we see a little rabbit and a chao with a bowtie in a pod.

Rabbit: Why else, Dr. Eggman! (Eggman turns towards the two) It's because you always keep doing bad things.

Chao: Chao!

Eggman: [Phooey!] Too late already, anyway. (Holds a red chaos emerald) when I put this last chaos emerald into this machine, my machine will have limitless power!

Rabbit: Don't!

Chao: Chao, chao, chao.

We see a white bat on the roof watching this as the rabbit spoke.

Rabbit: Right, Sonic and F/N would never allow for something like that!

Eggman: [Nyehehehe] All the walls have been closed! (Shows Sonic and F/N spin dashing) It wouldn't be easy even for those two to... (An explosion came behind him as he turns around) break it down.

The smoke clears as we see Sonic and F/N cracking his knuckles.

Rabbit: Sonic! F/N!

Chao: Chao!

F/N: Hey there, Egghead. Missed us?

Eggman: Oh no... (Smirks) However! (Placed the emerald into the machine, pressed a bunch of buttons and grabs a trigger button) I guess you two were a bit two late... [Heheheheh!] All I gotta do now is push this switch. [Ohohoho!]

Sonic: So. All I have to do is to take it away from you first while F/N punches you in the face.

F/N: Oh, I like the sound of that.

Eggman looks worried after hearing that until two gun bots appeared behind his foes.

Eggman: [Hehehehe] Why don't you two give it a try then?

The robots fired at the two as they ran off.

Sonic: Catch me!

F/N: That the best you can do?!


We see the bat woman hide for cove as the bullets shot past her.

Eggman: That's it fire, fire, fire!

The to jump in front of Eggman as the guns was pointing at them.

Eggman: WHAAA! NO!

Eggman ducks as the two jump away next to the rabbit an her Chao while the robots fired at the machine. Eggman stands up to see he accidentally pressed the button.

Eggman: I'm pushing the switch!

Eggman turns around to see that the machine started to malfunction.

Eggman: What the...?! It's broken!

The machine started to glow as we see the yellow robot and a grey robot.

Yellow: What the...?

Then we see the bat woman, then Sonic and F/N in front of the rabbit and Chao as a bright light covers them along with the base.

Meanwhile we see Knuckles, Tails, and Amy watching this happen.

Amy: What is it?

Knuckles: Chaos Control.

Then a huge light covers the three along with the purple cat and frog as we hear Sonic and F/N screaming.

Then we see Sonic and F/N on the ground with their eyes closed. Then the two opened thier eyes.

Sonic: Damn it. This is no time to be passing out. (Looks at F/N) Are you okay, F/N?

F/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Nothin' broken. (Looks around) Where the hell are we anyway?

Then the two see two bright lights coming towards them as they run off.

Sonic: What?!

F/N: Oh shit!

Then they see two more bright light coming towards them as they run off. Then more lights came in front of them as we see a car stop. Then we see a bunch of cars surrounding them and people honking the horns. They look around to see a bunch of tall buildings and people staring at them.

Sonic: Where are we?

F/N: I Don't know, but where ever we are, it's definitely not Mobius judging by those beings. What are they exactly?

Truck driver: Just what do you think you two are doing there?!

Then we see two officers go towards the two.

Sonic: Talk about noisy.

F/N: No kidding.

Officer 2: What are those things?

Sonic and F/N look up to see the officers in front of them.

Officer 2: A hedgehog and an armadillo? Too big.

Officer 1: Of all the damn things to throw them out in a place like this. (Lowers himself in front of them) Hey there! Good boys, come here.

Officer 2: Won't they bite?

Officer 1: No sweat. I have three cats at home. Come on... (Makes tisking sounds)

Sonic and F/N crossed thier arms as they humphed.

Officer 2: See they have a cheeky look.

Officer 1: Hey, you two better listen or...

The officer leap towards them as F/N quickly move towards the left as Sonic quickly moves towards the right.

Officer 2: (grabs his stick) why you.

Then the chef stops the officer before he does anything drastic.

Chief: Hey, hey. Police officers aren't supposed to threaten animals.

Officer 2: But...

Chief: Block off there sides.

Officer 3: Yes, sir!

Chief: When I signal, we all grab them. Got it? (Lowers himself for a pounce) I'll close in quietly... NOW!!

All of the officers pile the Two.

Officer 3: Hey, I got one of thier legs!

Officer 1: I got one of their arms!

Chief: All right, pull them out on the count of three! One two three!

All of them pull to find out they grabbed each other, causing them to spin around in a circle then fall on thier asses. Then we see Sonic and F/N on a car as the officers were arguing with each other. The two shrugged at each other as an officer caught them with a big net.

Officer 5: Boss! I got them!

Then the two ran off with the net still on them as the officers held on to it. A police car stops sideways as the two jump on the hood of the car and dragged the police into window of it as the two takes the net off of them and ran of.

Chief: (grabs the car radio) Reporting an emergency! Reporting an emergency! A giant blue hedgehog and a giant (F/C) armadillo are going wild in town! Please close off all the roads and don't let any cars inside the highways!

Meanwhile we see a chubby officer and a skinny officer inside a police car as they heard the chief's call.

Chubby officer: Is there such thing as a blue hedgehog and a (f/c) armadillo?

Skinny officer: [hahaha!] If I ever catch them, I'd sell them and make millions! I bet they're just some suped up cars.

Chubby officer: I see. That's why they're given such fancy names like hedgehog and armadillo.

Then the two see Sonic and F/N on the hood of their car. Sonic and F/N look at the readers.

Sonic: We've been blown somewhere...

F/N: There's no doubt about that...

The two jump off the car and ran, leaving the officers dumbfounded.

Skinny officer: At what speed are we doing now?

Chubby officer: 120 kilometers an hour... (74.6 mph)

Skinny: I see.

We see a police chopper flying over the freeway as we see officers inside.

Chopper officer 1: What? Not even a police car can't catch up to them? Aren't they running on the road?

Chopper officer 2: Isn't that them?

Then the light from the chopper shines over them as we see them running at super speed.

Chopper officer 1: We've found the targets! They're heading up north along central street and are going into freeway 101!

Then we see some people in a command center.

Command center: Rodger! Patrol 85, the targets are headed your way. Are you ready?

Then we see a bunch of cop cars with some barricades in front of them.

Officer 6: We're in position! To get through this, you'd either have to dig through the ground or fly!

After he said that, Sonic and F/N ran towards them and leaped over them as the police were shocked to see this. They landed behind them and bolted out of there.

Officer 6:... Or you could try a 100 meter jump. (328 ft) [ehehehe]

Chopper officer 1: Ah, chopper no. 3 here, this is chopper No. 3. (Shows command) We've been pursuing the targets full speed, but it will soon, rather, has already...

Command: Don't tell me?! You lost them?!

Chopper no. 3: Bulls eye!

Command: (turns to someone) Leader!

We see a man with orange hair green eyes wearing a red jumpsuit as he chuckled.

Orange head: This is great. It's been a while since we've had some excitement. S Team, let's go!!

We see S Team suit up and do into their speed cars. The leader goes towards his car and talks to his pit crew.

Leader: What's the temperature of the road surface tonight?

Pit crew 1: The highway is 15 degrees (Celsius). (59 degrees Fahrenheit) it's completely dry!

Leader: How about the wind from the west?

Pit crew 1: No wind today!

Leader: No sand either, I hope. (Puts on ski mask)

Pit crew 1: No, sir!

Leader: Ok! Give me the five groove medium soft!

Pit crew 1: Yes, sir!

The pit crew but the tires on the leader's car as he puts on his helmet.

Leader: Okay! Everybody to your vehicles! (Gets in his car)

His crew buckles his seat belt and hands him a special steering wheel as he placed it on. He looks at a screen over him to see everything in his vehicle was on.

Pit crew 2: I've set 5 and 6 to freeway speed. Oh and about that milk. I put something special in it without telling the higher ups.

Leader: (gives thumbs up) Thank you!

The leader starts up his vehicle as the door to it along with his team.

Command: Chief, I lost track of the hedgehog and armadillo by post 58, north of highway 101.

Leader: Okay, I got you. (To team) You heard him. Let's go!

S Team drive off from the police station. We see three red lights go green on at a time.

Leader: Go!

S Team speed off to go look for our heroes.

Meanwhile we see Sonic sitting on a street lamp while F/N was standing on another one with his arms crossed, looking at the moon.

Sonic: The sky looks the same... So do the stars and the moon.

F/N: And yet... It feels so different.

Then we get a flashback from what happened in Mobius.

Sonic: Could this be the power of the chaos emeralds? Are we in a different place? Did we travel through time and space.

F/N: (thoughts) Are we the only two here? Or is everyone else here too? (Out loud) Welp, no use to over thinking it. (Looks at Sonic.) Cause with the two of us together, I'm sure we'll figure out something.

Sonic: (stands up) Yeah, guess we'll soon find out.

The both of them jump down as we see S Team stop right in front of them. The leader gets out of his vehicle.

Leader: Hi there, blue hedgehog and (F/C) armadillo! Thanks for causing all this commotion. (The two start to walk off) Hey, hold it! (Takes off helmet and  ski mask) listen 'till I'm finished talking, you two. This town is so peaceful that we weren't getting enough stimulation. The only arrest we had this whole year was one person... The dumbass brought his formula racer here and acted out being a race driver. I was thinking of having fun with him, but it was only about two minutes or so... That the guy managed to run around. A mere 2 minutes is not even enough time to make instant ramen. Hey, you two are supposed to laugh!

The two look at him while hmphing.

Leader: close enough. Well, this town became a boring town as it is now... Mainly because of us, the special highway high speed squad, the S Team. I'm the leader. They call me the Highway Star! It turned out to be a long introduction. From now on, it's going to be fast!

The S Team start thier engines, causing Sonic and F/N to run while they chased them. The Highway Star stayed behind for a little bit and put his ski mask and helmet on.

Highway Star: (thoughts) Please keep it up... Until I catch up with you two.

We see the S Team chasing our heroes.

Sonic: So they want to play chase with us?

F/N: [Heh] Sounds like fun!

The two speed up as we see S Team behind them.

S Team member 1: The hedgehog and armadillo accelerated speed! Boost up  rear wing to 20 degrees! 1.7 kilometers. I'll align!

They pressed a button as thier vehicles starts to speed up. They start to surround our two heroes.

Sonic: You're better than the ones before.

F/N: Yeah, they were too slow.

The four S Team members surrounded the two from every corner.

F/N: (Sarcasm) Oh no, we're traped! What ever shall we do?

Sonic: (Sarcasm) We're gonna get crushed!

F/N/Sonic: Yeah, right!

The two speed up, as if they disappeared.

S Team member 2: T-they vanished?! Did I run over them?

Then they got on the other side of his vehicle as Sonic knocked on his window.

F/N: Yooohooo~!

S Team member 2: (looks at them) What the...?!

They speed up again as the S Team member sees the two get on top of his vehicle.

S Team member 2: Hey! Stop playing around! It's dangerous! You two are gonna take responsibility if kids decide to copy you two!

Then Sonic and F/N look at the readers.

Sonic: You guys, don't ever get on top of a moving car, okay?

F/N: Yeah, you can get hurt doing that.

The two jump off the vehicle and speed off.

S Team member 1: How dare you two make light of the S Team! I'll teach you a lesson! (Pressed some buttons) Let's go everybody! Full boost. All wing 0.5 degrees!

S Team: Roger!

S Team's vehicles start to speed up after the two.

S Team member 1: Full throttle!

They start going full speed until they noticed something.

S Team member 1: What the?!

We see Sonic and F/N running backwards while "Sonic Drive" starts playing.

S Team member 1: This can't be happening. They're playing with us. What are they anyway? Chief! Please do something! How frustrating!

Highway Star: Everybody... Open the center line. It's about time I feed milk to my machine.

After he said that, the team cleared a path for him. I didn't think that I would ever have to be using this. However... I will not have anybody speeding in front of me on my highway! (Pulls a lever) Super nitro, on!

Then we see the Highway Star go at full speed as he passed everyone, including Sonic and F/N.

Highway Star: I won't ever have anyone being faster than me here! If anyone wants to be faster, they'd have to be faster than the speed off sound!

Then we see Sonic and F/N running past him on both sides as they broke the sound barrier.

Highway Star: Sonic boom?!


An explosive sound made by an aircraft, bullet ect. Traveling faster than the AT which travels.

Highway Star: This is on ground...

S Team member 1: Chief!! Point D!

After hearing that, the Highway Star pulls the break as Sonic and F/N launched themselves at the end of an unfinished highway, causing some power windmills to speed up and the city's lights to glow bright. We hear Sonic and F/N whistle as they're over the city.

F/N: Wow, what a veiw!

Sonic: It's quite beautiful. There was an amusing guy too.

The two look back as we the Highway Star watch them.

F/N: Guess things won't be so boring here after all.

Then we see the two over a pool.

Sonic: A pool!

F/N: (Look at reader with a worried look along with Sonic) Oh shit.

The two try to run off until they realized it's no use. They fall into the pool, causing a big and loud splash. Causing a boy in the house to wake up. Meanwhile in the pool, we see Sonic and F/N land in the bottom and try to jump out. Only to sink back down. They look around as F/N sees a latter and points at it while getting Sonic's attention. But it was far away. They try to run toward it, but they weren't moving anywhere. We see the the boy turn on the lights and open the curtains to see Sonic and F/N in the pool, so he runs out towards the pool to save them. Meanwhile we see the two still trying to get towards the latter, but they're still in the same spot. As they were about to give up, the boy jumps into the pool, grabs thier arms and pull them out. The two started to cough as they got out.

Boy: Are you two all right?

Sonic: Yeah, thank you!

F/N: We would've drowned if it weren't for you.

Boy: You two can talk?

F/N: Yeah.

Sonic: Naturally, why not?

Chris: Wow, you two are really talking. I'm Chris! And you two are? What's your guys' names?!

Sonic: I'm Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog!

F/N: And I'm F/N. F/N the Armadillo. Nice to meet you!

(A/N: And done! What do you guys think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the Comments! And be sure to spin dash on that vote button so others can see this book! And I'll see you guys in the next episode!)

Next episode: Infiltrate! Area 99.

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