Season 1 Trailer

Hello Smg4 and Sonic fans. Hope you're having an amazing day. Here is the trailer remake from my old "Smg4 Harem: Gotta Go Fast" story. Hope you'll love it.

[Trailer Start!]

The scene begins on a beautiful island on a lovely sunrise. This island was named Christmas Island, and no it wasn't covered in snow.

(Yeah, I know this isn't Christmas Island, but in this au, it is. There are literally no images of Christmas Island and when I searched it up, it lead to this image. So, bare with it please.)

The camera then zooms in further on Christmas Island as we can see a blue blur speeding through the island. This blue blur went through the loop-de-loop, then began rolling down this hill, until the creature ran into a straight line as we can now see the creature in full view.

Meet the little 7 year old blue hedgehog, known as Kenji Sonic Sokudo, or rather Sonic the Hedgehog as everyone's else calls him. Our little blue hero continued to run as he jump off the ground and did an adorable pose.

Kenji: Oh yeah! :D

Fanfiction Story|Wattpad|Oc Description by StoryTeller_Tari

In the next scene, we can see little Kenji running, using around 50% of his true speed.

He was speeding through the village, passing many other mobians who lives there. He was running so fast that the wind either blew women's skirts up, knock people's basket of goodies out, etc.

Female Mobian: {Holding down skirt} Kya!!!

Male Mobian: {Annoyed} Hey, watch it kid! My fruit basket was almost blown away!

Kenji: {Smiling} Sorry, can't stop! Gotta go fast!

A young Hedgehog, born with extraordinary power and speed...

In another scene, we can see Kenji relaxing at the beach area, having him resting up against the palm trees. He was definitely enjoying his peaceful and calm life.

Kenji: {Yawns, stretches} Man, this is the life. I can definitely get used to this. A peaceful and relaxing life and plenty of room to run around. This is so cool.

Was living his best and peaceful life to the fullest without a care in the world...

Again, in the next scene, we can see Kenji speeding through the village, heading a bit up onto the other tree houses as he rolls into a ball and gentle bumps into someone, slowing his speed down a lot. This other mobian he bumped into woke up from her nap, which she was doing while standing up, and looked at Kenji, who was on the floor giggling a bit. This mobian was known as Longclaw and she was the caretaker of Kenji.

All Longclaw did was sighed at Kenji.

Longclaw: {Sighs} Sonic, sweetie, you gotta be more careful when using your powers. Someone evil could've seen you.

Kenji: Hehe, relax Longclaw. This island has been very peaceful for years, plus I'm too fast. Also, I wanted to bring you this.

Kenji said as he took out a small sunflower he picked out just for her. This made Longclaw awed at Kenji as it touched her heart on how adorable Kenji is being.

Longclaw: Aw~, it's lovely Sonic. Thank you~.

Longclaw then picked Kenji up and hugged him tightly, making Kenji giggled cutely as he hugged back.

Kenji: {Purest smile} Aw, hugs are nice. 'I hope this life can stay forever'.

However, that one fateful night, everything has changed for the worse...

It was almost midnight on Christmas Island, however it wasn't peaceful as the scene shows the entire island on fire, houses are destroyed and burn down, people are screaming in fear and running for their lives, and sadly...there are many dead corpes of mobians and blood spilled everywhere. Poor Kenji was in the middle of all the chaos, shaking in pure terror as tears was leaking from his eyes.

Kenji: {Terrified, In tears} N-No...No, t-this isn't real. T-This is a n-nightmare.... W-What's even happening....?

???: Oh my dear boy~, this is all real.

Kenji slowly and shakily turned around as his fear worsen and plenty of tears leaked out his eyes as he has saw the monster responsible for this carnage.

???: Now hold still and your death will be quick and painless. Your power will be finally mine and nobody will save you.

Kenji: {Purely terrified} 'L-LongClaw...please save me! I-I don't want to die...'.

After losing his home, our hero has found new home, a new home to start a new life...

It's been a few months Kenji was thrown into a new dimension, a new world all together and he is still trying to get used to the craziness. Kenji was also healing and trying to move on from the traumatizing experience that he went through and was almost killed. He is in a new home, being taken cared by someone who is like him, and she is a purple mobian Hedgehog. As Kenji was sleeping, a smell suddenly got him to wake up a bit. He sat up from his bed, yawns, and sniffs the delicious scent his nose picked up.

Kenji: {Sniffs the air} I-Is that....Chili Dogs?! For breakfast?!

Kenji then quickly sped off from his room and headed into the kitchen, as he can't wait to stuff his face with his most favorite dish.

Born for greatness, our hero sets out and begins his most wacky and epic adventure

In the next scene, many years has passed as we can now see a 16 year old Kenji, speeding through the city at high speeds.

He has left his home not to long ago, telling his now adopted mother that he always wanted to explore and go on adventures on his own, which his mother trusted him and bid him farewell, hoping he'll be safe. As he was speeding through MK City, he to the top of the tallest building and looked at the view the was in front of him.

Kenji: {Smiles} Ah yeah, this is happening!

Meet new and old friends...

In the next scene, Kenji was finally reunited with one of his old friends he hasn't seen in a very long time. The one and only Smg4!

Smg4: {Hugs Kenji} Heya Kenji, it's so good to see you again! I can see that you're still small, haha!

Kenji: {Smirks} Yeah, Yeah, and I can see that you're a bit on the tubby side, hehe. It's good seeing you again.

Smg4: Haha! Oh, you have to meet the others! I can see that you already met Saiko. Let me introduce you to my other friends.

One by one, Smg4 introduce Kenji to Mario, Luigi, Boopkins, Bob, Meggy, and the rest.

And having a very way past cool of a time

In another scene, a month later, we can now see that Kenji was outside of the castle, resting under the shade of a tree.

Kenji: {Softly sighs} This is totally the life. Just peace, nature, the free wind, and adventure. I can get used to this peaceful and wacky life. Nothing can ruin this~.

Unfortunately, his peaceful life has come to an end...

The screen was pitch black as we can suddenly now hear a dark laughter in the dark, a laughter we all know too well.

???: Wah hah hah...!

A new evil has risen...

In a new scene, we can see that the evil mastermind known as Waluigi, held out his rejection staff and shot out purple magic into the sky, laughing evilly.

Rejected!Waluigi: Wah hah hah! Who can stop me now?! I'm now the most powerful in the world!

A virus began spreading across the world...

In the next scene, Kenji was painfully watching Meggy, Bob, and Boopkins playing a Yu-Gi-Oh card game, only for Bob and Meggy to get the game confused. However, that wasn't important as Mario and Luigi came rushing upstairs in panic, being chased by T-posing zombies. Boopkins became their next victim as Bob ran off. Now, it was Meggy and Kenji against them.

Meggy: {In battle stance} Are you with me, Sonic? It looks like we have to fight.

Kenji: {In battle stance} I agree and it looks like they aren't in control anymore. It's either fight or become one of them, and I rather go down fighting then do nothing!

A powerful new threat has arrived

In the next scene, we can see that Kenji was confronting Waluigi in his new lair, surrounded by his T-posing army. Kenji was all alone since his friends were too afraid to even fight back, making Kenji be completely disappointed in them, so he went in alone, defeating most of the T-posing army that stood in his way. Kenji was on a mission, and that mission is to save Meggy, Luigi and everyone that Waluigi turned into a slave.

Rejected!Waluigi: {Chuckles evilly} Wah hah hah! And who might you be, blue rat? You do look quite familiar.

Kenji: Uh, dude, I don't know if you're blind or not, but I am not a rat! Look closely, I'm a hedgehog. Hedgehog!

Rejected!Waluigi: Ha! Doesn't matter, you animals all look the same! Now, why are you even here, to play hero? Wahahaha! Don't make me laugh, boy!

Kenji: Heh, you know it, Mustache! I am here to save Meggy, Luigi, and everyone else you have turned into a stupid T-posing slave! Now, remember this name, as this name will remind you of your failures. The name is Kenji Sokudo, by everyone calls me Sonic the Hedgehog. I am the fastest thing alive and I'll be the one to defeat you.

Rejected!Waluigi: {Smirks evilly} Wah, you are far too young and too early to challenge me boy. Very well, this will be your grave!!!

Will Kenji's power be enough to stop this new evil?

In the next scene, we can see that both Waluigi and Kenji at high speeds. Yes, Kenji was at his max speed, but it looks like Waluigi hasn't even gone full power yet. Waluigi then suddenly smacked Kenji away from him by his staff and as Kenji was flying back, he did a few spin backflips and landed on the ground, stopping to a halt. Kenji was catching his breath as Waluigi was laughing at Kenji's display.

Rejected!Waluigi: Wahaha! Is that the best that the "hero" can do? What a joke! I haven't even used my full power yet. Although, I am a bit impressed that you managed to make me use almost 50% of my power. You got potential kid, unfortunately you skipped way to many levels trying to beat the final boss early.

Bruised and a bit beaten, Kenji stood tall as he wiped the blood that leaked from his mouth. All Kenji did was smirked.

Kenji: {Smirks} Hehe, I must admit, you are very strong and this is actually my real fight. However, I am far from done. I was gonna use this new technique against my mother when I fight her again. However, I believe this is a good way to test it.

Kenji then began spin-dashing in place. Waluigi was a bit confused as he was thinking that Kenji was going to try the spin-dash again, which didn't work for 10th time. However, something different happened Kenji's body began to glow light blue a bit and golden rings were being summoned out of nowhere and being lead to Kenji as he absorbed them. As he was done, Kenji's body was all sparkly as a light blue aura has appeared around him and his eyes are now golden yellow. Kenji has now entered his Power Ring Boost Mode technique.

PRBM!Kenji: {Smirks} Hahaha! Let's see you if can now handle my new technique!!

Rejected!Waluigi: Tch, bring it you blue rat!

Or will he fail and fall like all the others...

In the next scene, we then suddenly saw Kenji getting thrown into a wall, as the crash took the air out of him.

Kenji: Gah!

Kenji then fell towards the ground and landed on his knees, coughing up a bit of blood as the air in his lungs has left him and it seemed that it was hard to even get back up. Both Sally and Sash, the 2 girls who decided to help out Kenji in rescuing everyone, were in horror to see Kenji almost easily defeated. The 2 girls were almost in tears, seeing their crush extremely hurt.

Sally: {In tears} P-Please Sonic, get up! Don't die, please!

Sash: {Squeezes fist, in tears} Sonic, don't you dare lose! {Glares at Waluigi} So help me, when you I get my damn hands on you!!!

Rejected!Waluigi: {Laughs evilly} Wahahaha!! Look at you, a hero wanting to save everyone, only to fail miserably. Hah! What a joke!

All Kenji did was chuckled as he slowly, but surely, got back up on his feet, shocking the girls and surprising Waluigi a bit.

Kenji: {Wipes blood from mouth} Hehe, I know that beating you is nearly impossible, but I refuse to give up. Giving up isn't in my nature. I'll keep fighting until the end!

Just then, Sash jumped next Kenji and got into battle stance as of this time, both her and Kenji will work together. Sally wasn't a fighter nor have any experience, so she stayed back for safety.

Sash: {In battle stance} That's it, I'm tagging in! Kenji, I'm going to fight with you as we may stance a better chance.

Kenji: {In battle stance} Heh, fine with me. Let's do this!

Rejected!Waluigi: Tch, the results will be the same. So be it, get ready to die!

Buckle up for a brand new adventure...

In the next scene, we can that both Kenji and Sash ran at full speed as Waluigi flew at full speed towards them as well, having the three of them let out a battle cry as their fists slammed together, creating a strong shockwave around them.

Because a new hero has risen

In another scene, both Kenji and Sash was injured, but Kenji was even more injured, but had a weak smirk on his face as Sash was on her knees panting in exhaustion.

Kenji: {Weakly chuckles} Heh...I can do this all day...

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the completely remastered version of "Smg4 Harem: Gotta Go Fast! (Season 1)"

In the final and last scene, Kenji smirked at Waluigi as he pulled out a fire flower, shocking him and surprising the gang, who finally got here.

Kenji: Hehe, since you've powered up since the very beginning of this fight..... {Eyes turned bright yellow} then I guess it's time to level up myself!!!

As Kenji absorbed the fire flower, a powerful and firey aura burst around him as he became to scream into the sky. His power begins to rise, his hair spikes up, and his blue color body turns red as his shoes turned yellow. After his transformation was done, Kenji was glaring at Waluigi with a smirk as a flaming aura surrounds him. Everyone, meet Fire!Kenji.

Fire!Kenji: {Smirks} Hehe, it's time to feel the burn!

[Trailer End!]

(...Coming Soon around March...)

So, how's the trailer? Took me awhile, but I finally got it done! Hope you all love it!

Remember to please leave a vote, comment, share, and this story in your reading list. Pretty please and thank you♡. If you all want more story updates, notifications, and more stories for me to write, please give me a follow, um...if you want to that is, I won't force you.

I'm a bit exhausted, so I'm gonna sleep after posting this. Goodnight everyone/everypony.


January 19, 2024


Time: 9:38 pm

Words: 2,628

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