(Season 1)Prologue: Kenji 'Sonic' Sokudo's Origins

Hello readers! Hope everyone is doing a wonderful day. I know you all waited for this story forever. Well, don't worry now as this story is finally ready. Hope you enjoy and please leave a vote. Now, let the adventure begin!

[Opening 1]


[Narrator Pov]

Family, Friendship, Love, and Peace. The things we wanted in life. Wanting a loving family to always be there with you, a best friend to share secrets with, to love someone that makes you smile, and a peaceful life without chaos. However, a lot of people don't usually have that. Either their family abandoned that person or died, that one friend betrayed your trust, love you were getting is suddenly fake, and peace was being ruined because of someone or something. The world isn't fair and all sunshine and rainbows. If anyone wanted peace in their life, someone or something will always get involved in someone's peaceful life and destroy it. Nothing is fair, life is very hard for us. In the end, we'll end up losing someone or something very important to us in the future and their is nothing we can do about it has history already happened.

In this story, a young and powerful hero will soon rise up to become a legend, but in doing so, every legend needs to lose something and someone very important them and in this story, Kenji will lose everything because of a monster.

[Third Pov]

(7 hours until Chaos and Destruction happens...)

In a universe, very far away, in a different dimension all together, lives a new world, a planet different from a normal Earth altogether. This planet is called Mobius, home of both mobians and humans, who both live together in peace.

Yes, both humans and mobians all live in peace together. No matter how you are different, you are still welcomed into this world. As the camera zooms into into the planet, we can now see a beautiful green island into view.

(Again, I know it isn't Christmas Island. In this au, it is)

This island is known as Christmas Island and no, it's sadly isn't covered in snow yet. This island is home to many mobians, from women, men, and children. It's pretty much populated with mobians, no humans as they mostly lives in cities. Anyways, as the camera zooms in closer, we can see that a blue blur zooms pass the camera at high speeds through the green hills.

It was pretty fast, faster than anything we saw. As the camera zooms in closer, the image of a blue hedgehog child was shown to us as he was blasting through, not even reaching top speed yet.

As he zooms passed the camera, blasting through the wind, an elderly male mobian was caring a fruit basket, minding his business. However, a blue blur sped passed him, having the wind blow hard and making him drop his fruit basket to the ground. This anger the elderly male mobian as this is the 5th time this week this happened, all thanks to the blue troublemaker.

Elderly Mobian: {Angered} Oi! Watch were ya going, you blue brat!!!

The titled troublemaker didn't hear what the old man has said as he was already far ahead, still running at the speed of sound. Right, let me introduce you all to the so-called troublemaker blue hedgehog. Readers, meet the main protagonist and legendary hero of this story; Kenji 'Sonic' Sokudo, or rather known as Sonic the Hedgehog as everybody calls him.

Kenji 'Sonic' Sokudo

He isn't a hero just yet as his main story hasn't even begun yet. Anyways, Kenji, or known as Sonic, is a blue mobian Hedgehog, born with unimaginable untapped power and extraordinary speed. Oh yeah, I didn't mention that, did I? On planet mobians, since humans aren't born with any powers, mobians are a different story. However, there is only a rare chance for mobians to be born with some sort of power and Sonic was one of the lucky ones to be born with extraordinary super speed and the only one to have power on the island. However, considering that Sonic is a child and having extraordinary power, he tends to be reckless with it and very unresponsible, getting into a lot of trouble with the other older mobians. Even most of the kids don't like to hang out with Sonic because they think he's weird and being such a nerd. Sonic just a 7 year old kid, who doesn't know any better and people are already saying that he is a problem. Poor kid is pretty lonely, but he was lucky enough to have someone very special to take care of him.

Anyways, Sonic continued to speed through the island, having tons of fun, until he ran into a village, dodging the villager mobians so he won't crash into them. However that did stop the villagers for saying some comments since Sonic accidentally blew down some of their stuff.

Male Mobian #1: {Annoyed} Watch it you damn brat! Slow the hell down!

Female Mobian #1: {Angry} You ungrateful troublemaker! You got mud on my new dress! Ugh, it's now ruined!

Male Mobian #2: {Angry} Hey, you stupid kid, you almost blew my cake away!

Female Mobian #2: Tch, what a bothersome child.

Again, Sonic didn't hear any of their rude comments since he was already out and far from one of the first village. Sonic continued to run and curl into a ball, speeding through another village, passing through the other villagers, heading towards the top of the tree houses, that are connected to many bridges. In the next, Sonic has slowed down his speed greatly, and have himself gently rolled into an owl mobian, who was busy sleeping a bit while she was standing up. However, since Sonic gently bumped into the female owl mobian, she suddenly woken up, only to see Sonic and sighed.

???: {Sighs} Sonic sweetie, are you using your powers again? I told you to be careful as I always get many compliments about your recklessness. Plus you can't be using your powers as I fear that someone evil will want it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, and fans from the first Sonic the Hedgehog Movie, meet the caretaker and mother figure in Sonic's life; Longclaw. She has fed and raised Sonic as her own, even though she never pictured herself as a mother, she can at least give him a home. Besides, Sonic never called her mother before. Longclaw has been trying to keep Sonic out of trouble and to not use his powers, but like any other kid, he does the exact opposite. Well, he is a kid who doesn't know any better, but still.

Back to the story, all Sonic did was smirked and shrugged off what Longclaw said.

Kenji: Heh, relax Longclaw. There hasn't been any evil around since this island has been peaceful for years, plus I'm just having fun around the island and I'm not hurting anyone. Besides, I'm too fast and I wanted to bring you this.

Sonic said as he brought out a small sunflower he had stashed away behind his head somehow. Longclaw picked it up and awed at Sonic as she gave him a tight hug.

Longclaw: {Hugs Sonic tightly} Aw Sonic, this is wonderful! Thank you sweetie.

Kenji: {Hugs back} Hehe, no problem Longclaw. 'Aw, hugs are so nice.'

Both of them then finally released the hug as Longclaw went to put the sunflower in a pot and began watering it a bit. As we can see, she has many different flowers in other pots, all thanks to the adorable Sonic as he ran around the entire island looking for different flowers to give to Longclaw. After Longclaw was done, she then turned to Sonic.

Longclaw: {Smiles} Y'know, I can never stay nor be mad at you. I know that you are but a child, still learning and having fun. Now, about some lunch? I know that you haven't ate yet as you did skipped breakfast.

At the mention of food, Sonic's stomach then growled a bit, having him blush a bit and rubbed his stomach. He let out a nervous laugh.

Kenji: {Nervously chuckles} Hehe, now that you mention it, I actually haven't eaten all day and it's actually a bit passed noon. I could go for some food please.

Longclaw: {Smiles} Hehe, no worries my little hedgehog. I will cook you some delicious steamed meat buns.

Mentioning streamed meat buns made Sonic's mouth watered as he really love the special steamed buns that Longclaw always cook. After an hour or so, Longclaw prepare Sonic some delicious steamed meat buns and let me you, it looks very delicious.

Sonic rubbed his hands together, ready to dig in the delicious meal that Longclaw set on the table. As Sonic stood on top of the chair, reaching for a steamed meat bun, Longclaw stopped him.

Longclaw: Did you wash your hands?

Kenji: ...

With his speed, Sonic ran to to bathroom and quickly washed his hand then got back to the table, ready to reach for the bun again, only for Longclaw to stop him again.

Longclaw: With soap?

Kenji: .......

With his speed again, Sonic zoomed to the bathroom and washed his hands again, with soap this time and came back to reach over and grab a meat bun, only to be stopped by Longclaw...again!

Longclaw: Did you dry them...?

Kenji: {Pouting}.........

Aw, how cute~. Ahem! Anyways, with his speed, Sonic quickly dried his hands by rapidly flicking his hands and began eating his meal as Longclaw gently smiles as she begun eating as well.

After finished eating his meal, timeskip for a few hours, we can see Sonic outside, laying down by the trees, just a bit outside of the village. He was actually reading his favorite comic books, a made up superhero known as The Flash. Sonic was very fascinated about the hero as he was know as the fastest man alive and can reach up to unimaginable speed levels that Sonic can only dream of to be able to reach one day.

Kenji: {Fixes glasses} Wow, The Flash is so cool! I seriously can't get enough of this coolest hero ever! I wish I can be like him one. Being the most strongest and fastest hedgehog alive. {Sighs happily} Oh man...what an amazing dream to have.

As Sonic was busy daydreaming, he was kicked out of his thoughts as a soccer ball landed next to his feet. He put his comic book down and grabbed the ball. He was wondering where the ball came from, until he saw some other mobian kids coming towards him. Sonic smiled and went up to the kids, hoping to actually play and make some friends.

Kenji: {Smiles} Heya friends, here is your ball! I was wondering if I can-

Male Mobian Kid #1: Ugh, is this freak again.

Kenji: H-Huh?

Male Mobian Kid #2: Give us our ball back!

Female Mobian Kid: Ew, he probably have germs!

Male Mobian Kid #1: Listen here, you ugly blue freak! Give us our ball back if you don't want any trouble.

Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing. The words were hurting Sonic deeply. He hasn't done anything hurtful to these kids and they were being so rude to him. Sonic's ears flattered as he was close to crying. Here's the thing, even though Sonic has always had powers, he wasn't all that strong nor much of a fighter. Before Sonic can even say anything else, the mobian boy #2 pushed Sonic to the ground, making him drop the ball.

Male Mobian Kid #2: We said to give our ball back you blue rat!!

As Sonic crashed on the ground, tears began to pour out his eyes, making his bullies chuckles. I swear bullies are the worst in humanity.

Female Mobian Kid: {Giggles} Hehe, look at crybaby here! He's crying now.

Male Mobian Kid #1: {Giggles} Are you gonna cry for your Mama? Oh wait, you're adopted~.

Male Mobian Kid #2: Haha, what a loser!

Kenji: {In tears} W-Why are you bullying m-me...? I-I just wanted to p-play and be friends.....

Female Mobian Kid: Tch, who would want to be friends with a loser like you?

Male Mobian Kid #2: Face it, freak, you will never fit in like the rest of us kids. {To his friend group} Let's get out of here.

Just like that they all left. However, before they left, the mobian boy #1 turned around and gave Sonic a twisted and sickening smile, which scared Sonic.

Male Mobian Kid #1: {Twisted smile} You know blue rat~, if you want some friends...good luck in your next life and take a swan dive off a cliff~. Hahaha!

As he left, Sonic felt his heart shattered in pieces. He never asked to be different from everyone else. Sonic secretly hated when he was always treated differently by everyone else, but he still held on hope that he'll be able to make friends and be just like everybody else, but all that hope was gone now.

Kenji: {Crying} Why....? Why does my life have to be this way...? I always try to ignore them and see the good, but it's no use. I will always be treated differently.

Sonic then finally got up from the ground and began wiping his tears.

Kenji: {Sniffs, wipes his tears} N-No Kenji, no tears. Heroes don't have tears. I-I need to be strong. They won't hurt me anymore.....I need to be strong.

After Sonic finished wiping his tears and fixed his glasses again, he then took off in the opposite direction, dashing through the island.

Kenji: {Dashing} Just like Longclaw said, I need to just ignore them. Maybe a good run around the island will get my mind off of them. Gotta Go Fast!

Sonic then zoomed off, away from the screen, leaving a blue trail behind. He needed to get his mind off of the bullies. At this point, Sonic came to accept the fact that he'll be different and any other mobians and...he's okay with it. If he's different than anyone else, he'll be even better. He was actually tired of being picked on for being different and decided to be on his own for awhile. Timeskip a few hours later, we can see that Sonic was leaning against the tree, in the shade, eating a fresh apple he got from the tree. He was enjoying his peaceful relaxation, forgetting about the bullies earlier. Just then, he saw some animals from the island surrounding him. Don't worry, these animals weren't harmful as this little adorable creatures are very harmless and are actually the friends that Sonic made.

Sonic smiled as the little animals playfully bounced onto him, making him giggled.

Kenji: {Giggles} Hehehe, easy there fellas! Haha, I missed you too.

Sonic was having a fun time with the little critters as the cute blue bird began to nibble on Sonic's ear. Sonic wasn't even bothered by the blue bird who was nibbling his ear in a playful way. Sonic ended up playing some tag, hide-and-seek, and other games with the little critters that he could think of. Sonic has been playing with them as it was now getting dark. As it got dark, Sonic noticed that it was getting late and he needed to head back home.

Kenji: {Smiles} Okay my friends, I need to go home. Don't worry though, I'll return tomorrow again to play.

The little critters jumped for joy, excited to play with Sonic again one day. Sonic then finger salute to them and sped away. Playing with little critters really made his day even better. He enjoyed his peaceful time with them.

Kenji: {Dashing} Heh, this day has actually been better. I'm already cheered up now. Those bullies are the bad guys and I hope they be nicer in the future. Hm, probably not. Oh well, I wonder if Longclaw has-

Before he can finish his sentence, the ground shook roughly, almost making him lose his balance. Sonic quickly stopped in his tracks and began looking around.

Kenji: W-What? An earthquake?!

Suddenly, an explosion can be seen in the distance, following by screams of terror and in horror.

Sonic's eyes widen in horror as he knew where that explosion came from.

Kenji: {In horror} O-Oh no, the village!

Sonic then quickly sped off towards the village, hoping that Longclaw was okay. However, as he raced into the village, he quickly came to a halt as his eyes widen in pure horror. The village was on fire, many mobians were screaming and running away in all directions, dead bloody corpes are everywhere, and the fire were spreading quickly through the island as the little animals were running away. Sonic was completely frozen in fear.

Kenji: {Scared} T-This isn't happening... T-This has got to be a nightmare...r-right? T-This isn't real!

???: Oh, this is very much real, kid.

A chill ran through Sonic's spine as he heard this voice right behind him. Slowly, but surely, Sonic turned around in fear and to see some sort of monster standing there menacingly. He also looked like a mobian, but that wasn't the case. Terror was in Sonic's voice, but he began to speak.

Kenji: {In fear} W-Who are y-you? W-What even are you....? D-Did you do this...?

The dark figure just chuckled darkly, staring into the soul of Sonic.

Omen: {Chuckles darkly} My name is Omen and to anwser your question, Sonic, I did cause all this destruction...just to draw you out~

Omen the Celestia Time Hedgehog

Sonic was even more scared and a bit confused. How did Omen know his name? What does he mean by drawing him out? What the hell was going on?! What was his goal?!

Kenji: {Terrified} H-How do you know my name?! W-What are you even talking about?!

Omen: {Chuckles darkly} Hehe, no matter boy. None of your questions will matter....once you die~.

Sonic's heart dropped as he heard those words. He was consumed by pure fear and with no hesitation, Sonic used his max speed to escape and yelled at the top of his lungs, calling for Longclaw.

Kenji: {Dashing, Terrified} Longclaw, please help me! He's gonna get me!!

Omen: Yes...run little hedgehog~, call for help~. It's all hopeless in the end.

Kenji continued to sped through the village, running for his life, calling for Longclaw for help as tears poured from his eyes. Sadly however, he hadn't gotten far as Omen suddenly teleported in front of him and punch Sonic very hard in the jaw, making him spit blood, following by a roundhouse kick through many trees. Sonic then crashed onto the floor, shattered glasses, coughing up blood, bruised, and extremely hurt. Keep in mind that Sonic, in the very beginning of this story, isn't very strong or has high durability. He's extremely weak as he never fought nor trained.

Anyways, Sonic tried getting up, but it was no use. He was too hurt to even get up. Omen then teleported next to him and grabbed Sonic by the neck, chocking him in the process.

Omen: Hmph, weak, just as I expected. Don't worry little brat, I'll make sure that your death is very slow and painful. Your power and life will be mine~, and your future won't ever start~. Goodbye hedgehog~.

Kenji: {Tears falling} 'I-Is this it...? I feel so cold.....Am I gonna die....? I-I don't want to die....Please, Longclaw...save me!'.

Before Omen can even drive his hand into Sonic, his arm got cut off, making him drop Sonic as he screamed in pain. With such speed, Longclaw saved Sonic and flew away.

Omen: {In pain} AH! THAT DAMN FUCKING OWL!!! Ngh, I can't believe I let my guard down and she, of all people, caused me pain! Grr, I'll kill her! She can run...but SHE CAN'T HIDE FROM ME!!!

Just then, Omen's arm quickly regenerate as he used his unimaginable speed to chase after Longclaw. With Longclaw, she was caring Sonic as she flew towards the other side of the island that was on fire. As she landed, she quickly shook Sonic as tears were in her eyes.

Longclaw: {In tears} Sonic, please wake up! Come on, son, open your eyes!

Sonic then groans in pain as he opens his eyes a bit. His vision was a bit blurry, until he was able to see fully. His eyes widen to see Longclaw as he quickly her and began crying.

Kenji: {Crying, hugs Longclaw} Longclaw! I was so scared! H-He was gonna kill me! H-He knew my name a-and....

He couldn't even get the words out as he hugged Longclaw tighter and continued to cry. Sonic was very terrified and possibly traumatized from what happened earlier. Longclaw fully understand that no child should've gone through this experience. She then hugged Sonic and rubbed his back comfortably.

Longclaw: {Comforts Sonic} Shhh, it's okay sweetie, I'm here. It's all gonna be okay.

Longclaw then had a very serious look as she stared in Sonic's eyes.

Longclaw: {Serious} Sonic, look at me. You need to understand this. You have very massive untapped power and that means that someone or something will try to get it. The reason that no evil came to take it from you was that I made sure to deal with them, but now, I won't be able to protect you because of that monster. That's why, you must escape and must stay hidden from any evil who wants your power.

Longclaw then let go of Sonic and grabbed a ring from her pouch and threw it, having a portal open up. However, this portal was a bit different as it had a form of yellow electricity surrounding it.

Longclaw: Listen carefully Sonic, this portal will take you to a different dimension altogether and should keep you safe.

Kenji: {Scared, Crying} B-But I don't want to go without you...p-please come with me! I-I don't want to be left alone....

Longclaw had a sad look on her face. Seeing Sonic so sad really hurts her, but she has no choice but to stay behind.

Longclaw: I-I'm sorry Sonic...but I must stay. I'm sorry, little one. Now, before you....please take this...

Longclaw then gave Sonic a big brown satchel. When Sonic looked inside, he was shocked to see the 7 mystical gems known as the 7 Chaos Emeralds inside of the bag.

Kenji: {Shocked} T-The Chaos Emeralds...? Why are you giving them to me.

Longclaw: I am afraid that the monster will also get his hands on these Emeralds if he discovers them. Sonic, I now trust you these Emeralds. You are their new protector. Please guard them with your life and remember, if you encounter a powerful evil villian, use the Emeralds power to save yourself and never ever stop running....NOW GO!

Longclaw stomped her foot the ground and yelled at Sonic, hoping that it will be enough to get him to the portal. Of course it did work as Sonic held onto the Emeralds that was in the bag and ran through the portal. However, as he did ran through the portal, a voice called out, making both their heads snapped into that direction.

Omen: {Flying at high speeds} YOU WON'T ESCAPE ME!!!!

Omen was flying at high speeds towards Longclaw as she turned around and opened her wings, blocking his way as the portal began to close.

Kenji: {Eyes widen} LONGCLAW!!!

Sonic quickly dropped the Emeralds and turned around, running towards the portal at full speed. He didn't want Longclaw to die....he didn't want his mother to die. Longclaw turned her head towards Sonic and gave a sad smile as tears ran down her face.

Longclaw: {In tears, sad smile} Goodbye my son.....

Kenji: {Crying} No!!

However, Sonic was too slow and too late as the portal fully closed. Sonic fully stopped as he fell onto his knees and began crying.

Kenji: {Crying} No....No....Longclaw....M-Mom....please don't go! W-Wait, the chaos emeralds!

Kenji quickly ran back to where he dropped the Chaos Emeralds, digged into the pouch and grabbed a green emerald.

Kenji: O-Okay, please emerald, help me save Longclaw....save my mom!


Kenji: H-Huh? Chaos Emerald....please, anwser to my call! I-I need to go back and help Longclaw.....

Nothing again....

Kenji: {In tears} W-Why aren't you working!! Please anwser me...!

Nothing was working. Sonic doesn't even know why the chaos emeralds weren't responding nor how to work them. Sonic fell onto his knees and cried.

Kenji: {Crying} M-Mom....I'm so sorry....

Just then, he heard a stick snapped from within the dark forest he was in. Sonic flinched at the sound and turned his head, only to see another mobian, but she was way older looking, purple, and a female. However, to you readers, her image won't appear until way later in the story.

???: Oh my goodness. Sweetie, what's wrong? Are you lost? Oh my god, you're hurt!

Sonic began to crawl back, in fear, thinking she was a villian.

???: Oh, w-wait, it's okay, I won't hurt you.

Sonic then back into a tree and cowered in from of the female mobian adult. The female crouched in front of a scared Sonic and gently held out her hand, making Sonic look at her.

???: {Motherly voice} Shh, it's okay dear. I won't hurt you, I promise. Take my hand.

With a bit of hesitation, Sonic grabbed the female adult's hand as she gently picked up Sonic and began carrying him back to her home as she grabbed the bad the held the Chaos Emeralds, thinking that this must be very important to the kid.

???: Come on dear, let's get you healed up. You're probably hungry as well. {Wipes his tears} Don't cry sweetie, it's all gonna be okay from now on. I'll take care of you.

(6 months later...)

It's literally been 6 months after Sonic came to this new dimension. The female adult took Sonic in her home, treated his wounds and fed him. Sonic even explained what happened to him and the female mobian felt so horrible and sad for the kid. She couldn't believe that Sonic went through a very terrifying experience. Since Sonic didn't have nowhere to go, the female mobian decided to raise and take care of Sonic, which made him happy and knows that he doesn't need to struggle all alone. For the sake of story and from now on, we'll just call the female mobian; Mom. Anyways, at one point, the new adopted mother of Sonic digged into his memories and was horrified and pissed off to what she saw. She understood the power of the monster that caused destruction in Sonic's dimension and needed to train him. However, more on that later.

It was around 9 o'clock in the morning in Sunset City. The birds were singing, flowers were blooming, children were playing, and the city was very busy. The camera then zooms in a very beautiful home.

Yes, this house right here is were our little blue hero is living at. The scene then changes as we can now see a room, a room that Sonic is sleeping in. He was sleeping peacefully on his bed. Suddenly, he woken up as a delicious aroma hit his noise.

Kenji: {Yawns, stretches} Mm~, hm? What is that delicious smell?

Sonic then sniff the air a few times until his eyes widen with stars in them. This delicious smell was also making his mouth watered.

Kenji: {Star eyes, drooling} Are those.... Chili Dogs?! For breakfast in the morning?! Yay!

Sonic then quickly got out bed and quickly got dressed, putting oh his favorite blue hoodie, red sneakers, and his new pair of glasses, and finally sped downstairs towards the kitchen. He then saw his new adopted mother cooking his Chili Dogs and putting them on the plate. She then finally realized that Sonic was in the kitchen, she smiled as she was finishing putting the 12th Chili Dog the plate.

Mom: {Smiles warmly} Good morning sweetie, how was your sleep?

Sonic then hopped onto the chair and sat down before replying to his mother.

Kenji: {Smiles} My sleep was really good mommy. :D

Mom: {Smiles} I'm so glad honey. I'm very happy you had a very goodnight sleep. Now, here are your 12 fresh Chili Dogs with extra chili and jalapeños, just how you like them.

The mother then put the plate full of 12 Jalapeños Chili Dogs in front of Sonic, making him drool.

Kenji: {Drooling, Smiling} Thanks Mommy!

Sonic began to eat his Chili Dogs, savoring each bite. It was so good that he felt he was in heaven. His new mother's cooking were so amazing. The mother then smiled as she began to eat her steamed meat buns, and she has around 20 plates of them. Yep, she eats a lot as she has a Saiyan like appetite and surprisingly, Sonic was used to this, plus he was slowly developing an appetite like her. When Sonic was eating his Chili Dogs, he noticed his mother eating steamed meat buns and seeing that made him stop eating his Chili Dogs. The mother also noticed that Sonic was staring after she finished 5th plate.

Mom: Hm? What is it sweetie?

Kenji: C-Can I have one steamed meat bun....please?

Mom: Oh sure honey.

The mother then gave Sonic a single meat bun as he took and took a bite. However, when he took a bite, tears began to fall from his eyes, alerting the mother.

Mom: {Worried} Sweetie, what's wrong?!

Kenji: {Sniffs} I-It's just like...h-how Longclaw would make them....I-I miss her.

The mother then got up and went over to Sonic and comfort him in a hug, helping him wipe his tears away.

Mom: {Comforts Sonic} Shhh, it's okay sweetie. I understand your pain, but we can't do anything about it. The past happened and you need move on.

Kenji: {Sniffs} I-I know Mom...I-It's just I wish I was stronger....I wish I could've done something....but I was too weak....I couldn't do anything but only freeze completely in fear.

The mother then suddenly looked very serious as she made Sonic look into her eyes. Sonic's eyes widen a bit, making him nervous as he never see his mother like this.

Mom: {Serious} Okay, listen very closely, boy. Let's finish our meal and when you're done, change your outfit and meet me outside on the north side of the forest.

She then began walking as Sonic nervously spoke again.

Kenji: {Nervously} W-What for mom?

All the mother did was give Sonic a side glance, a serious and cold glance, making Sonic gulp, still being very nervous and possibly a bit scared

Mom: {Side cold glance} Training...

[Prologue End...]
[To Be Continued...]

[Ending 1]


There we go! Oh man, this took forever, but I ain't done yet. Hope you all enjoyed the prologue. This took lots of time and planning. This is probably not my best prologue, but I believe it's a bit better than my "Smg4 Harem: A New Face" prologue. I'm not even done yet as I have a few more episodes for you all to enjoy after I post this one.


MonarchChaos (Omen) [I want to say thank you so much for making Omen as he is just the perfect villian of total destruction. Plus, I'm starting to like him more. Everyone, please go follow him and his other accounts. Show him some love and support. Thank you♡.]

"H-Hello everypony/everyone. If you enjoyed this chapter, please feel free to vote, comment, share, and add this story to you reading list. Please? I-I won't force as it's totally free to do it. If you really do love my stories, then please feel free to give me a follow if you want more story updates, new available stories, and notifications from me. It would mean so much to me if you do. Now...c-can you please stop staring..."



February 24, 2024


Time: 8:13 pm

Words: 5,415

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