Episode 3: Freddy's Ultimate Custom Spaghetteria
Hello again, my lovely readers. Here is the 4th episode. Well, technically it's 3rd episode, since the prologue counts as episode 0. Eh, you get the picture. Alright, let's get this show on the road!
[Opening 1]
[Narrator Pov]
On the last episode of "Smg4 Harem: Gotta Go Fast!", Luigi and Waluigi was playing tennis, competing for the upcoming Tennis Aces, with Waluigi being the best of the best. However, Boopkins wanted to play and try out tennis, only to embarrassingly lose. After crying on the way home, both Mario and Sonic decided to help out Boopkins, so he can win...and get the prize money for Mario's hospital bills. Sonic was just there for plot purposes. After putting Boopkins through some training, he was ready and went up against Waluigi. Boopkins managed to beat Waluigi, but still lost as he did sent the ball around the world. Boopkins was very upset for being rejected as Waluigi felt his pain and was sad too. After changing Jeeves' mind about Boopkins joining the Tennis Aces...with a sad song, both Waluigi and Boopkins went to go get ice-cream and completely forgetting about Mario's hospital bills of his broken legs.
Now, Sonic's wacky adventure still continues into the future. Now let's rock n' roll!
[Third Pov]
(4 days later...)
It's been almost half a week since the Tennis Aces episode and today was a beautiful and sunny day at MK City. The wind was blowing nicely, birds are singing, children are playing, and everyone was doing there own thing. With Smg4, he was on the internet as usual, looking at his YouTube channel's comments. As he was looking through the comments, he noticed that many, and I mean many of those comments are the same. Something about another Freddy Spaghetteria episode and let me tell you, he was about to go insane with so many of the same comments.
Yep, and he totally snapped after seeing too many requests.
Smg4: {Snaps} FINE! I'LL DO IT!
Smg4 began screaming his insanity off as he began running out of his room. Sonic, who was enjoying a Chili Dog on the couch, saw Smg4 screaming.
Kenji: {Raised an eyebrow} Huh, Smg4? Why are you-
Sonic didn't get to finish his sentence as Smg4 suddenly tied up Sonic and began dragging him with him, and also making him dropped his poor Chili Dog.
Kenji: {Eyes widen} HEY, SMG4! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Smg4 didn't listen has he continued to scream and ran all the way to Mario's house, while also dragging poor Sonic through the ground. Mario was just enjoying a very nice breakfast of Spaghetti, until Smg4 barged into Mario's home, grabbed him and dragged him and Sonic somewhere. Mario was hella confused until Smg4 threw both him and Sonic through a window. Smg4 continued to scream his insanity off as he ran somewhere else. In the next scene, we can see that Smg4 was at a warehouse, talking to a guy in purple, well, more like depending him to give him everything of something has he pays for it.
The man in purple began to laugh in a demonic way...until Smg4 told his ass to hurry up with his delivery.
The man in purple was a bit sad to be ordered like that, but nevertheless, he did has he was told. Smg4 quickly got into a truck that was loaded with many animatronics. He began driving them to a place called Freddy's Family Diner and dumped them all onto the floor inside the restaurant. Smg4 then got out of the truck and turned to the viewers, or the readers...since this is Wattpad, not YouTube.
Hey! I'm the author of the story, you jerk!! >:(
[12 Am]
Back with Mario and Kenji, they soon got up, seemingly a bit dizzy from being thrown through the window. Kenji quickly got out the rope by spin jumping pretty fast.
Kenji: {Rubs head} Oh my head....Damn, I think Smg4 lost it.
Mario: Exactly...oh...Smg4 needs to calm his boobies. Where am we, anyway?
As Mario turned around, a broke record scratch can be heard in the background as Mario quickly realized where they are as Sonic had no clue.
Kenji: Uh dude, where are we at?
Kenji: Mario dude! Chill out! Where are we at?!
Mario: The most scariest place on Earth! This damn Spaghetteria place with those killer animatronics!!!
Kenji: ........Really? (-_-)
Yeah, Sonic doesn't believe in that. Plus, if it was real, Sonic believed that he can handle them.....right? Seriously, how bad can they be?
Mario: Maybe...Maybe they're gone! They have to be...
Suddenly, the phone began to ring, making Mario jumped. Mario just kept staring at it.
Kenji: Uh...are you gonna answer it-
Sonic didn't get to finish his sentence as Mario shot the phone with a shotgun he pulled out of nowhere.
Kenji: Nevermind then.
The phone began to ring still, making Mario jump again as Sonic's eyes widen a bit. That's a tough phone. Suddenly, a man on the phone began speaking about being quite awhile as a animatronic bear suddenly appeared on the camera.
Freddy: Watz up!!!
Sonic's eyes widen as Mario screamed. They then turn their head to the left as they heard a noise, only to see Chica by the window.
Chica: Pizzaaaaa....
Mario began to rapidly press the door's button to close it. He was scared shitless.
Yeah, Sonic wasn't too sure anymore about this. He wants out. He was not a fan of horror.
Kenji: Okay Mario....I believe you because I want out now! This is not the adventure I wanted!
As the door close, Sonic noticed the purple animatronic known as Bonnie the Bunny by the window on the right side. With no hesitation, he went to shut the door...only to not work.
Kenji: OH COME ON!!!
Suddenly Freddy was now blocking the way, staring down at both Sonic and Mario, who was staring right back. Mario screamed and tackled Freddy out of the way.
Both Mario and Sonic began running away together (though Sonic is running with Mario's speed).
Kenji: Nope, nope, so much nope!!
Suddenly, they were stop by Chica.
Chica: Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, PIIIIZZAAAAA!!!!
This made both Mario and Kenji run away from Chica, only to be blocked by Bonnie.
Bonnie: Stop! I love you.
Mario: {Annoyed} No! Imma give you 5 across the ass!
Kenji: Yeah! Don't make me spank you as well!
Bonnie: Hey~ that's pretty good~.
Mario: .....Wut? (▪︎_▪︎)
Kenji: ......Come again?
That didn't sound too good. Bonnie then jumped towards them, trying to give himself to them, making them run for it and screaming as well.
Kenji: {Running for his life} Forget scary, these things are weird!!!!
Mario: {Running for his life} Just shut up and run!!!!
Bonnie: SEDUCE ME!
As Mario and Sonic began running for their lives, Foxy was in the background playing the piano and singing.
Foxy: ♪Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. Hide yo kids. HIDE YOUR WIFE! And hide your husbands-♪
Foxy didn't even get to finish as Bonnie was thrown into Foxy and it was none other than Mario who threw him. Both of Mario and Sonic were laughing as they ran to the bathroom. Suddenly, they saw a vent, meaning it was a way out.
Kenji: A way out! Finally!
Mario: Let's-a go!
Mario and then opened the vent and began walking in while flipping the double bird to the animatronics, the same with Sonic.
Mario: Suck my dick! :D
Kenji: Later bitches! :D
[1 Am]
It was now 1 am and the duo was finally about to be out of this hellhole, only to be in the second location, aka: the FNaF 2 location. They both saw Balloon Boy playing Minecraft on the security monitor, as this alert BB as he finally noticed them.
Mario panicked and tackled BB to the floor, to shut him up as he pretty much alerted an animatronic nearby. Kenji then quickly hide as he heard someone coming. It was Toy Freddy, coming into the office to see what was all that noise. Suddenly, Mario came out of hiding...dressing up as BB? Okay then.
Mario: How you doing?
Toy Freddy gave Mario a suspicious look, making Mario say something that made Sonic almost laugh and blew his cover.
Mario: Look at me, I'm a little piece of shit!
Kenji: {Holds in laughter} Pfft!
Toy Freddy: Nah, it's probably nothin'.
Toy Freddy then left as Mario and Sonic jumped into the next vent as the peeked out from the other vent that was connected to the dining area. Looks like the animatronics were having some sort of singing competition as Withered Chica was singing....horribly.
Withered Chica: ♪Yeah. You wanna play with your Mario games? I had a big raims, is a big taims. Cause Mario might be super, but I'm super duper. With a big tuper. Cause noone gonna hit it like me, cause Mario has a big 'c'! But I got the A+ on that test cause it's a big mess.♪
......Wow, that song was shit. Even Toy Bonnie wanted to die it was so horrible. Anyways, Mario and Sonic was trying to open the door...but to no use as it was locked. Mangle was up next for Karaoke Night and...let's just say it was so painfully awful that it got copyrighted! Mario was screaming in pain, Sonic's ears were bleeding, Withered Freddy's head exploded, the Puppet was on fire, and somehow Foxy loved it.
Mangle: Did you guys like it? :D
...Everyone was on fire and it was painfully horrible as nobody answered. Mangle didn't like the silence.
Not wanting to face her wrath, the animatronics cheered. Mangle then turned to Mario and Sonic.
Mangle: HEY! How about you both!? Did you like it!?!!
Yep, that's pretty much their anwser to Mangle's crappy performance. Mangle didn't like that one bit.
Mario: ...Uh oh.
Kenji: ....Well, fu-
Kenji didn't get to finish his sentence as Mangle came charging at them. Leaving the BB costume behind, Mario and Sonic ran, only to run into a dead end as Mangle came charging at them.
Kenji: Welp....it was nice knowing ya, Mario.
[2 Am]
Wow, 2 am already? Anyways, it was pitch black for Mario as he continued see anything.
Mario: Where am I? Mario can't see a thing!
As Mario opened his eyes, he saw that his whole body was now an animatronic. He was screaming in pure horror.
Just then Mario realized that no robots are nearby.
Mario: Huh...No crazy robots trying to kill me?
Mario also realized that Sonic wasn't with him.
Mario: Huh? Where is Kenji at?
Mario definitely heard a familiar voice and that voice belong to Sonic, who was just outside the door. Mario then ran to Sonic.
Mario: Kenji, I'm so happy you're- Oh my god, what the hell happened?!
Just like Mario, Kenji also went into a new transformation, a form of an animatronic as well.
Kenji: That's what I like to know!! What's with this permanent smile?! This is torture!
You fans must've heard of "Five Nights at Sonic's", right? Anyways, Sonic then fully turned his head towards Mario, only to have his eyes popped out.
Kenji: {Eyes widen} OH MY GOD, MARIO, YOU'RE SO MUCH UGLIER THAN BEFORE!!! Now, the ugliness is in 3D!!
Mario: ....Okay, first of all, fak you, second of all, we need to find a way out of here.
Kenji: Okay, lead the way.
Both Mario and Kenji were now carefully exploring the hallways, making sure they careful to not get caught. Mario was doing a kung-fu pose, or Mario-fu, as Sonic was crawling after him.
♪Making my way downtown, with kung-fu. I'm ready to kick people in the throat♪
...Okay, I'll stop. However, Mario then bumped into Phantom Freddy, having them both turn around to face eachother...and screamed in fear, until Phantom Freddy ran the opposite direction and exploded. Sonic was speechless on what just happened, same with Mario as they both decided to shrug it off.
Springtrap: What was that noise?
Springtrap suddenly popped out from the other room, making both Sonic and Mario face him. Oh God, Springtrap is checking them both out, wolf whistling and such.
Springtrap: Dear god...They're EXTRA THICC!
Mario: Uhh...
Kenji: .....I beg ya pardon?
Springtrap: DAT ASS!!!
Springtrap said as he casual slide towards them and pulled out a rose.
Springtrap: Ey gurl, wassup, do you wanna f*ck?
The duo looked at the rose, then towards eachother, then back to Springtrap, giving him their anwsers.
Mario: Ahhh, no thank you please.
Kenji: No.
Of course, Springtrap didn't take this too kindly and backhanded both of them through the wall as they both ended up in a different area and surprising got their body back....but lost unconscious after.
[3 Am]
Suddenly, Mario woke up, noticing that he was in a different room and Sonic wasn't with him.
Mario: A bedroom?! What is this crap!? Where the hell is Kenji at?!
From the left side of the door, Nightmare Bonnie appeared, singing about him wanting the booty as Mario quickly shut the door. Suddenly, he heard laughter coming from the bed as he saw 3 little Freddy's (which I forgot the name of) appeared. Then Nightmare Chica appeared on the right door, laughing as well. This wasn't Mario's day at all.
Mario: {Scared} AHH! It's just a nightmare!!!! This isn't real!!! Imma just shut my eyes and they'll be gone!!!
As Mario did that and opened his eyes back up, they were indeed gone. He then heard Luigi's voice behind him.
Mario: Luigi?
Luigi: Too bad Mario's not around to eat his dinner. Oh well, I'll eat it for him.
Mario then heard Boopkins in the same room as him, watching a new anime, that definitely looked a bit odd.
Boopkins: Yay! This is so much fun! Oh hey Mario, check out this new...bear anime!
Bowser then appeared behind Mario with a board, saying that Toad is his new best friend.
Mario was losing his mind as he needed to quickly get out of this crazy place. However, as soon as he opened the door, Meggy was there.
Meggy: Sorry Mario, but you've been replaced on my team.
It was Baldi from Baldi Basics, wearing Mario's cap and mustache. Yep, horror for Mario and that's not all as Smg4 was there as well.
Smg4: Hey Mario, have you exercised yet?
Yep, total horror.
Mario: Oh God!! It can't get worse than this!
Oh, but it can! Mario then heard creaking and noises from the bed, making his head turn to his complete horror, Sonic popped his head from the covers, along with Peach.
Kenji: {Smiling} Oh, what's up fatty~. Don't worry about Peach~, she's mine now~. She just loves her Chili Dog with extra sour cream~.
Peach: I love furries! :D
Another scream as Mario ran into the closet, hoping the coast was clear, sadly it wasn't as Bob appeared behind him.
Bob: {Whispering} Damn that's a nice ass you got there...
Mario suddenly woke up, screaming, making Sonic jump as Mario looked around.
Mario: Oh thank god, it was just a nightmare!..
Kenji: Finally you're up! I have been waiting forever!
Mario: O-Oh, Kenji?! Damn you, I should kick your ass for making love to Peach!
Sonic had a very disgusted look on his face.
Kenji: {Grossed out} Ew! Me making out with Peach?! I don't even like her! That was probably just your nightmare! Besides, mine was worse!
Mario: How was it worse than mine?
Kenji: I was being chased by Orcas! On a long endless bridge on the ocean, with no land! It was scary, dude. Plus I hate water!
All Mario did was rolled his eyes, until he saw his surroundings as it looks like an elevator that they are in.
Mario: Ooh...is this an elevator to go home?!
Kenji: Oh man, I hope so.
[4 Am]
It was already 4 am already as Mario was looking over the elevator buttons while Kenji was sitting up against the wall. Just then, a hand unit suddenly popped up from out of nowhere, surprising both of them.
HandUnit: My name is HandUnit and welcome to the Sister Location ripoff.
Mario: What?!
Kenji: This....can't be good.
HandUnit: Please select elevator music.
Mario: {Panicking} I don't know. Just tell me what I'm doing here! I don't give a damn. I'm so confused! ;^;
Kenji: Well...maybe Casual Bongos?
HandUnit: Casual Bongos selected!
Kenji: ....I was just kidding....
Just then, Donkey Kong appeared behind them and began playing bongos...which really sucked.
HandUnit: God damn! That's Mozart shit right there! Oh yeah, please insert name here.
As Mario began typing his name, it automatically corrected to "ThiccBoi", making Kenji laugh.
HandUnit: Okay. Your name is ThiccBoi.
Mario wasn't happy at all. Now it was Kenji's turn.
Kenji: Ha! Move aside "ThiccBoi".
As Kenji has began typing his name, only to be auto corrected.
HandUnit: And your name shall be Blue Rat.
HandUnit said as it pushed them into the next room, from the elevator.
HandUnit: Okie dokie. Welcome to your first day on the job. I don't know why we got a plumber and a hedgehog do some electrician work. But whatever life-
HandUnit didn't get to finish on what it was gonna say as Kenji and Mario ran towards the vent.
HandUnit: U wot m8? Where do you think you're going? I am not paying you both to play with your dingle dongle.
Kenji had enough of this annoying HandUnit as he grabbed the entrance of the vent and threw it at HandUnit before the duo entered the vent.
HandUnit: OW MY TITS!
The duo then entered the vents, flipping HandUnit and pretty everything off.
[5 Am]
Just one more hour of hell to go through. As both Sonic Mario exit out of the vent, they noticed that the next they're in is pretty dark.
Mario: Hmmm...Hey...why is it so dark in here...
Kenji: I can barely see anything.
Suddenly, across the entire dark room, both Sonic and Mario heard some music playing in the background, like it was coming from a music box.
Mario: Uhh...hey! Who's playing that Harry Potter music?!
Kenji: I think it's a lullaby, Mario.
That music wasn't going anywhere as it was raising some red flags. Mario then got an idea.
Mario: Time for Mario's super sneaking technique! Kenji, get ready to hide!
Kenji: Uh, okay.
In the next scene, we can see that Sonic and Mario began sneaking through the dark, having their disguise...be absolutely garbage. No joke, Mario's disguise is a literal trash bag as Sonic's disguise was a trash can, dubbing himself "The Trash Man" as he calls it. They were trying to be very sneaky bois, but it didn't really work as the animatronic known as Ballora was there, looking at them.
Mario: ....Shit!
Kenji: ....Fuck!
Both Sonic and Mario made a run for it towards the exit. However, they didn't got close as the light from the exit suddenly turned off and turned back as a new animatronic known as Circus Baby was now blocking the way.
Circus Baby: I don't recognize you. You are new. I am curious what events would lead people to want to spend their nights in a place like this.
Mario: Ahh, I'm-a looking for ass!
Kenji: ....I just want a Chili Dog at this point.
Circus Baby: Maybe curiosity? Maybe ignorance?
Mario: ♪Maybe you should shut the fuck up! Nobody even wants you here!♪
Kenji: ...Congratulations Mario. I think you just killed us both.
Baby's eyes were glowing very red, alerting Sonic as she suddenly got close to them.
A claw suddenly fires from Baby's stomach, grabbing onto the duo and pulling them towards them. Mario was screaming bloody murder as for Sonic...just accepted his fate.
???: Stap right there!
The duo then suddenly heard a voice as they turned around, only to see the trash gang.
Circus Baby: {Confused} Dafuq?
Mario: {Confused} What?
Kenji: I'm...confused as you are.
The trash gang then jumped Baby, beating her up as Mario and Sonic just shrugged and walk towards the exit. However, Mario wasn't paying attention to where he was going and fell down the stairs.
Kenji: {Eyes widen} Mario!
Seeing this, Sonic got rid of his trash can disguise and spin dash down the stairs, going after Mario. In the next scene, we can see the Rockstar animatronics of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy performing on stage as the audience were none other than the rest of the animatronics and even HandUnit. Suddenly, Mario came crashing from the side of the stage, crashing into Rockstar Freddy, making everyone gasp. However, Sonic also came zooming down the stairs, but crashed into Rockstar Freddy, making the audience gasped even more.
Nightmare Bonnie: Oh hell no!
Mario then got up, feeling a bit dizzy, but suddenly on high alert as every animatronic was glaring right at him. Mario's head shrink in fear as Sonic got in front of him, getting ready to take on every animatronic while protecting him.
The animatronics roared and charged at them, making Mario scream as Sonic was ready for these weird animatronics.
Kenji: {In battle stance} Bring it on!!
Suddenly they all stop as a familiar jiggle was heard. 6 am has finally arrived. Sonic and Mario was confused as Smg4 suddenly came down from above in a clown car.
Kenji: {Confused} 'What? Chapter...?'.
Smg4: WELP, Hope you enjoyed that. I don't think I can take this chapter any longer, not even the author can take it.
Kenji: Dude...who are you talking to?
The readers, what else.
Smg4: {Ignoring Kenji} How are you feeling Mario?
Mario was hugging himself as he cried on the floor. Man, he can't catch a break from these animatronics. Smg4 then turned to Sonic.
Smg4: How about you, Sonic?
Kenji: Look Smg4, as much as I love adventures and danger, I have to say this was the weirdest and crappiest adventure I ever had. Long story short, I hate it.
Smg4: {To the readers} Alright! I hope you're happy. That's it. We're never doing this crap ever again.
Kenji: I am now concerned....
Suddenly, Lakitu whispered something in Smg4's ear.
Smg4: Welp...uhh...scrap what I just said...CAUSE SCOTT JUST REALESED 7 MORE GAMES!!!
Mario was screaming his entire insanity off as Sonic was long gone.
Kenji: {Running} Nope, nope, so much nope!!!
[Episode 3 End...]
[To Be Continued...]
[Ending 1]
Oh....my...goodness!! Finally! All 4 episodes are done! You must be wondering why I haven't stopped at only 3 episodes. Well....I just don't believe in odd numbers...and I'm stubborn. Oh my god, I am so done right now. I want to rest...I need to rest, but I know that I am not done as my other stories needs to be updated. Making these 4 exhausting episodes took almost a full month! I started on the 3rd of February. Can I have a break...please? No?...Okay. I'll start on the Anime Arc of "Smg4 Harem: A New Face".
"H-Hello everypony/everyone. If you enjoyed this chapter, please feel free to vote, comment, share, and add this story to you reading list. Please? I-I won't force as it's totally free to do it. If you really do love my stories, then please feel free to give me a follow if you want more story updates, new available stories, and notifications from me. It would mean so much to me if you do. Now...c-can you please stop staring..."
February 24, 2024
Time: 8:35 pm
Words: 4,157
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