Episode 2: Stupid Mario Tennis Aces.

How's it going, readers! Here's another episode. Hope you'll love it. Now, let's jump into the story.

[Opening 1]


[Narrator Pov]

On the last episode of "Smg4 Harem: Gotta Go Fast!", Kenji Sokudo, or rather known as Sonic the Hedgehog, has left home in pursuit of his own adventure that he dreamed to have since forever. After leaving his hometown, Sonic sped off towards MK City, going to meet his old friend, known as the meme lord himself; Smg4 (or just Glitchy). However, Sonic bumped into the Mario Bros and met a pink headed tsundere named Saiko, who was feeling pretty down. Both Sonic and Luigi tried their best to teach Saiko the way of kindness, but didn't work at the end as everyone was scared of her.

Next, Mario got a heart attack from inhaling all 500 hotdogs without chewing them. Panicking, both Luigi and Sonic tried get Mario to a hospital, only to be no use as he was too heavy. Surprisingly and shockingly, Saiko came to the rescue, chained Mario to her motorcycle as all of the race off to the hospital. They all made it, saving Mario's life and in the end, made Saiko happy when Luigi and Sonic said that they will be her friends. However, Sonic probably did a little more then made Saiko happy, with his way of words~. Anyways, after leaving Luigi with Mario, Sonic made it to the castle where Smg4 is living at. Both friends have finally been reunited and Sonic has finally joined Smg4's crew of non-normal people. This is definitely gonna be very fun for Sonic has he was dying of boredom for adventure and entertainment. Now, let's blast through into this story and see what our hero is doing.

[Third Pov]

(1 week later...)

It's been a week since our blue hero has arrived in MK City and joined the Smg4 gang (I'll be calling them that for now on). During the week of his stay, Sonic has met the others that has been with Smg4 and apart of his wacky adventures, such as, Bowser, Bob and Boopkins, and Toad. Sonic has yet to meet the others, but we'll get to that some other time. As of right now, the scene changes to a tennis court, seeing both Luigi and Waluigi practicing tennis. Poor Luigi was scared to go up against Waluigi, as Waluigi himself was excited. Waluigi the smacked the tennis ball with his racket, having Luigi hit the ball back high in the air. All Waluigi did was smirk, drank some........gasoline (that made his nose grow for some reason), and transformed into his buff form. Much to Luigi's horror, Waluigi jumped up into the sky and hit the ball back towards Luigi, which he totally missed.

Waluigi: Wahahaha! Waluigi numba one!

Just the, a wild Boopkins appeared, seemingly watching both of them playing tennis and he really wants to try it out.

Boopkins: {Excitedly} Oh, that looks like fun! Hey guys, can I join? I wanna play!

However, before Boopkins can make his way further in the tennis court, the man himself, or fork more like it, Jeeves appears and stops Boopkins in his tracks. He seems annoyed.


Boopkins: Oh, I saw you guys playing, can I play too? :D

Jeeves: Play!? We are practicing for the Aces Competition dear boy! We only accept the best of the best!

He said as he pointed at Luigi, who looks so tired at this point as Waluigi was enjoying his victory.

Boopkins: But I think I can be really good!

Jeeves: Hmmm...Ok, you have ONE chance!

Boopkins: Yay, oh my god, I'm so excited! Wahoo!!

Boopkins said as he was cheering to be finally playing tennis, only for him to get smack in the face as a tennis racket.

Boopkins: Ow...

Boopkins was now going up against Waluigi as Luigi takes a break. Oh boy, let's see how this plays....

Jeeves: Ok, just one score against Waluigi and you're in!

Waluigi: {Laughs} WAHAHAHA! You want this stubby green thing to join the Aces, Jeeves?

Jeeves: This lad claims he's good at this game. Everyone deserves a chance old chap!

Waluigi kept laughing as he got on the floor, slamming the ground in laughter.

Waluigi: {Laughing} WAHAHAHA! This is gonna be over fast!

...You are right about that, Waluigi. You're number 1.

Boopkins: Hey, I'll have you know that I'm a very good tennis player, I practice all the time-

Boopkins didn't get to finish his sentence as a tennis ball smacked him in the face, making him fall onto the ground as his ears began ringing.

Jeeves: Sorry bud, maybe next time...

Jeeves then turned towards the tennis court.

Jeeves: Now let's get back to practicing! Luigi! On the court, NOW!

Poor Luigi didn't even want to play. As Waluigi was celebrating his easy victory again, Boopkins was crawling away in sadness. Then....he began to cry, in a very ugly way.

Boopkins: {Ugly crying} WAAAHHH!

Boopkins just continued to ugly cry all the way towards him home. My god, I never fully liked Boopkins and I still don't like him now. Anyways, Boopkins continued to keep crying, even annoying people on the on the bus. After he arrived home, that was under water, opened his fridge and grabbed a bucket of ice-cream, he began to eat his sadness away, with his Hastune Miku body pillow. As he was busy crying, he suddenly heard a voice above him.

???: So you want to be in Aces huh?...

Boopkins suddenly heard a voice out of nowhere, but we fans all know on who's voice we're are hearing. Seriously, we watched this episode already.

Boopkins: {Eyes widen} Huh? Wha? Who's that? Who's there?

A light suddenly shined from about the water.

Boopkins: Oh Naruto, is that you?

Nope, down came Mario...who was in a wheelchair.

Mario: Wahoo. Hello, what's up?

Boopkins: {Disappointed} Eh, Disabled Mario? But I wanted Naruto.

Mario: Boopkins, We are gonna teach you to be number one at tennis!

Boopkins: {Happily} Really? Yay!! Wait, what do you mean by "we"?

Mario: Oh, Sonic is gonna help us!

Boopkins: Oh really? Where is he?

Kenji: I'm up here, dude!

Boopkins then looked above the water, only to see that Sonic was in a metal barrel with a pad, floating above the water. Kenji looked at the readers with a nervous look while sweatdropping and giving a half hearted shrug.

Kenji: (💧) {Nervously} Heh, what? You really think I was gonna get in that water...? Ha, nope! I can't even swim.

Boopkins: Um, okay? Wait Mario, why are you in a wheelchair?

Mario: Oh Mario, had a tennis accident...

A mini flashback played when Mario was playing tennis and he went up against a chain chomp of all people.

Mario: Can you believe they let a dog play Tennis!?

In the flashback still, the chain chomp then jumped towards Mario, crushing his legs while Sonic was in the background, laughing his ass off. The mini flashback then ended.

Mario: It's good news actually. Mario now gets to sit down all day and yell at people instead.

Kenji: Talk about lazy...

Mario: SHUT UP!!!

Boopkins: Uh, okay? But why do you want to help me?

Mario: Mario needs you to win so I can use the prize money to pay for my hospital bills! :D

Kenji: And the reason I'm helping is because of plot....that's all.

Boopkins: {Happily} Okay, hooray! So what do we do first?

Kenji: {Mumbles} By not being such a lame ass character....

Mario: You can start by giving Mario the ability to breathe underwater. Any longer and I might die. :D

....And Mario died, not a big surprise. Cut to the next scene, we can see that Sonic, Mario, and Boopkins were at a tennis court. Boopkins training begins now.

Mario: Ok Boopkins, let's see your serve!

Boopkins then picked up the ball and looked determined.

Boopkins: {Determined} Okay, let's do this.

...All Boopkins did was toss the ball a very tiny bit in the air and did nothing, that's pretty much it.

Kenji: ....Well that was shit.

Mario: Uhh...ok...

Boopkins: {Complaining} Aw, it's no use. My arms are too small and stubby!

...More like you're a bit too fat...Ahem, moving on.

Mario: {Thinking} Hmmm... Maybe pretend it's a rock and use that huge mouth of yours?

Kenji: That might possibly work...

Boopkins: {Confused} My mouth? Is that even legal?


Boopkins: Alright, I'm gonna do it!

Boopkins then inhaled the tennis ball, aim up and shot it into the air and smacked it. The ball went flying....and it hit a window and the old man in the wheelchair, possibly killing him. Boopkins was horrified as both Mario and Sonic didn't seem to worry about it.

Mario: Nice.

Kenji: Cool!

In the next scene, both Mario and Sonic was next to the tennis ball launcher machine (or whatever the hell it's called), as Boopkins were standing by the target. Boopkins were hitting the tennis balls away from the target and he was doing a pretty good job so far.

Boopkins: {Happily} I'm doing it! Yay! I'm actually hitting the ball.

However, this was way too easy in Mario's and Kenji's eyes.

Mario: Hmm, time to increase the difficulty I think!

Kenji: {Smiles} You got that right! It's time to make it hell!

Mario then grabbed a lot of other items that aren't tennis balls and that can be deadly. Both Mario and Sonic began throwing tons of shit towards Boopkins, who begs them to stop. They threw...a lot of things that I don't have time to name- wait a minute, they threw Baldi? Okay, Mario was even stuffing Luigi in the tennis machine (which I don't know the name of), and have him get shot towards Boopkins, who surprisingly and successfully smack Luigi back...towards the sky....poor Luigi.

[Comment F for Luigi]

Mario: {Smiling} Hey, great job! I think you're ready for the ultimate lesson!

Kenji: Is....Is Luigi gonna be okay...?

Mario: {Ignoring Sonic} Your special move, Boopkins! Everyone has a special move!

Boopkins: Aw, I don't know what mine is though...

Mario: You just gotta believe! Believe Boopkins, BELIEVE!

Mario said while feeling the machine with more tennis balls, making Boopkins eyes widen.

Boopkins: {Eyes widen} Wait, what?

Kenji: Yep....just believe dude.

Mario: Just do your special move!!!

Suddenly the tennis machine began firing so many tennis balls at Boopkins like a machine. However, time seems to slow down as Boopkin made a hilarious face when he saw so many balls coming towards him. Considering time was slowing down, Sonic just casual walk towards Boopkins, took out his phone, and took a selfie with him. Sonic was definitely gonna keep this image in his meme library as it was definitely hilarious. Anyways, as Sonic went back to his spot, Boopkins then recalled Mario's words about believing in himself and then he has awoken something from within. Boopkins then began floating towards the sky, surprisingly Sonic and Mario.

Kenji: Holy shit...he's gonna do it!

Mario: He's actually doing it!

....His special move was summoning a waifu pillow in replacement of the tennis racket....yay....moving on.

Boopkins: I've got it! Super Waifu Activate!

Surprisingly, this was working as Boopkins was hitting every tennis ball that was thrown at him.

Mario: You did it! You found your special move!

Kenji: Yep, I'm speechless.

Boopkins: {Happily} Yay, I did it.


Back at the tennis court, Waluigi and Luigi were still playing, with Waluigi gracefully winning. Poor Luigi was too scared to even play against Waluigi.

Jeeves: Bravo, Bravo! Outstanding performance Waluigi! I don't know why they didn't accept you into smash!

He said as Waluigi was flying away in the background. Suddenly, a familiar voice caught Jeeves attention as he turned around to see none other than Boopkins. Oh, and Mario and Sonic as well.

Boopkins: Fishy Boopkins is back!

Jeeves: Wah?! What are you doing here!?

Waluigi: Get lost scrub. The kiddie pool is over there.

Boopkins: I'm back to get into Tennis Aces!

Boopkins then shot out a tennis ball from his mouth towards Waluigi, who was caught off guard, but quickly used his own tennis racket to block the ball. However, the force of the ball made him got pushed back a bit as the ball then got sended to Luigi, who unfortunately got hit with it. Damn, Luigi can't catch a break, can he?

Mario: {Excitedly} Oh shit!

Kenji: Damn...poor Luigi.

Jeeves: My word...Well there's only one way to settle this isn't there!

Jeeves then holds up a tennis ball in the air.

Jeeves: First point wins!!!!!

Both Boopkins and Waluigi got into position as in the background, both Sonic and Mario were behind Boopkins, as Mario was holding a sign that says "You can do it you green turd!", as Sonic was eating some popcorn. Jeeves then threw the ball towards the 2 players, having Waluigi take the opportunity to hit the tennis ball to Boopkins....by using his pingas that's connected to the racket. How the hell does that work...? Anyways, Boopkins then smack the ball back, having Waluigi smack it back again, then Boopkins, then to Waluigi again...who was enjoying tea time. Okay, he's overconfident with his skills. Anyways, again, Jeeves were beyond surprised and shocked at this display of a tennis game.

Jeeves: {Eyes widen} Sweet heavens...Incredible!!!

Luigi: Wow! How'd you manage to teach Boopkins, you two?!

Kenji: Eh.....training??

Mario: I think it's the wheelchair. You want me to break your legs as well?

Luigi: Uh...no thanks.

Kenji: Mario...what the hell is wrong with you most of time?

Back at the tennis court, Waluigi then had something up his sleeve as he transformed himself into a Waluigi Launcher, basically it's an rpg. He then fired himself at the oncoming tennis ball, hitting back to Boopkins, who hit it back (or mostly blocked it), but it costed his tennis racket as it landed pretty far from him.

Boopkins: Oh no, my racket!

As Waluigi hit the ball back, Boopkins was trying to think of way to hit the ball back. He got an idea and used Mario to hit the ball back, as he was still holding a sign that now says "My ass is itchy". Boopkins had enough and decided to throw Mario at Waluigi.

Boopkins: That's it! Super Disabled Mario Attack!

That successfully hit Waluigi, but made the ball bounce back to Boopkins, thanks to Mario's sign. Boopkins quickly grabbed his tennis racket and used it to hit it back. Mario's sign now reads "I'm running out of cards". Yep, seems about right. Then Boopkins and Waluigi began smacking the ball back in fourth while getting closer. Well, basically they were doing this:

Yep, they were doing it so fast that Jeeves was freaking out, Luigi was shocked as Sonic was, and Mario's head falls off.

Waluigi: Are you sweating?

Boopkins: No!

Waluigi then tossed the ball into the air as he jumped in the air and spinned around. It was time for his special attack!


Waluigi then transformed into his Mexican form...or rather Taco form? I don't even know at this point. As he transformed into Taco!Waluigi, he then smacked the ball back at fast speeds. Boopkins saw this and was ready.

Boopkins: That's it, you leave me no choice! {Begins summoning} AHH I CALL UPON YOU WAIFU GODS!!! I HAVE THE POWER!!!!

Boopkins then summoned his giant Hastune Miku body pillow, shocking the hell out of Waluigi. Boopkins then smacked the ball back towards Waluigi at a very fast pace, catching the ball on fire. Waluigi didn't have time to react as the ball made him sent flying with it around the world, making Waluigi scream all the way. He passed Shroomy who was making a campfire, and old couple watching the view of the sea, and our favorite inkling girl who was on her phone looking at news about a familiar blue hedgehog defeat a view criminals and making a name for himself. The inkling girl was looking around for that screaming she just heard, but shrugged it off as she couldn't detect the noise.

Waluigi then came back from around the world and crashed out of bounce of the court, not to mention that he was on fire. Boopkins couldn't believe it that he has won.

Boopkins: {Happily} I-I think I won! I did it-

Sadly however, Jeeves cut off Boopkins to deliver the bad news. The bad news of losing still.

Jeeves: FOUL! That's out! Waluigi wins!!!

Boopkins: {Shocked} What?! Wait what?! Why?!

Jeeves: Haven't you played before?!... You need to bounce the ball in the court once or else it's out!

Luigi: Oh no!

Kenji: Well....fuck!

Mario: What!? But Waluigi was just using a taco as a racquet!

Waluigi began celebrating for another victory...as Boopkins felt hurt.

Boopkins: {The big sad} Oh no...I'm sad again. {Ugly crying} WAAAAA! WHY DO I ALWAYS GET REJECTED!?

Damn, poor Boopkins. Waluigi felt so bad for Boopkins. He then went up to Boopkins and put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

Waluigi: Fork guy, let him join....

Jeeves: What? Why? He lost! Why are you helping him?!

Waluigi: Why...? Because I know that feeling of rejection all too well..

A song parody of Hallelujah from Shrek titled "Waluigi" began playing in the background as we can see the flashback of Waluigi being rejected in Smash. Firstly, Wario got an invitation to join Smash, leaving Waluigi behind. It was from Brawl to Smash 4 and Waluigi will forever also be an assist trophy. This made Waluigi cried, having the flashback end. Waluigi kept on crying until Jeeves had enough.

Jeeves: OK FINE! HE'S IN! Just please stop that obnoxious singing!

This made Boopkins very happy to finally be in Tennis Aces.

Boopkins: {Very happy} Oh my god, really!? Oh thank you so much! Come on Waluigi, let's go get ice-cream. That'll make everything better.

Waluigi: Waluigi would like that.

Boopkins and Waluigi began walking away together. Kenji and Luigi were happy for them, as Mario really wasn't.

Mario: HEY! Where's my love?! I need some money! My legs are broken!

Mario, Luigi, and Sonic just kept watching as Boopkins and Waluigi walked down the road together, until Mario broke the silence.

Mario: Luigi broo....Remember when I lended you 1 coin 5 years ago...

Luigi: Mario, I'm not paying for your hospital bills.

Mario: Shit! Um, how about you my best friend, Son-



[Episode 2 End...]
[To Be Continued...]

[Ending 1]


Another chapter finally completed. I swear I'm losing my mind trying to get these out! But, I'm doing this for all you! You are all my motivation!

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February 24, 2024


Time: 8:21 pm

Words: 3,268

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