Season 2 Episode 3: I'll destroy the Holy Sword!

A/N: Guess who's back! ...I really need to stop being lazy and update. But anyway, here's the next chapter!


A/N: So for this one, I'm only gonna be focusing on the battle against Amy, cause tbh i don't really wanna write the full fight out.

We see (Y/N) and Amy standing from each other, in their ready stances.

(Y/N): Here we.... GO!

(Y/N) blazed off towards Amy, who swung her hammer, as the screen faded before they clashed.

[(Y/N) is seen running through a blazing hot world. He turns to look at the camera with a wide grin as he dashes past, his trail revealing the title.]

[Rias then opens the club window as she stares deeply into the starry sky. The scenes then cut to a bunch of swords sticking out of the ground, Sona and her peerage.]

[Irina, Xenovia, and a 3rd hooded figure are shown. It then cuts to (Y/N) running forward as Azazel appears. An image of a white haired person is shown in front of the moon, then shown in dragon armor. Akeno is then flashing her lightning, Koneko punching, and Asia with (N/N). Kiba is then shown with a sharp glare, as he pulls out a sword and slashes. Rias is then shown in a snowed forest.]

[Issei is then shown battling Irina and Xenovia as (Y/N) is battling a girl with a hammer and dodging her swings. Issei is then shown glowing with power as both Irina and Xenovia's clothes come off. Kiba is shown with tears as a sword is shown. We then see crystal like pieces falling, then we cut to a door that's locked with someone with glowing eyes staring. Asia with nothing but an apron, Koneko, and Akeno are shown. Rias the sticks her hand out in the air as (Y/N) appears and grabs it.]

[(Y/N) is then seen running again as he turns again with the same grin as multiple scenes flash. With it all ending with his smirk displayed.]


The screen continues, as Amy swung her hammer towards (Y/N), who dodged to the side of the swing. He grinned, then kicked her back away. When he landed he spindashed towards her, as Amy found her footing on the ground and dodged his attack. (Y/N) circled back around and tried to dash again. Amy quickly smacked him away with her hammer, which begun a cycle of doing the same thing over and over again.

Eventually, Amy swung her hammer up, knocking (Y/N) up, then swinging him into a tree.

(Similar to this)

(Y/N) couldn't get up fast enough before Amy hit him again into another tree. This time though, he got up alot quicker, and sweepkicked Amy up in the air before homing attacking her into through a tree. He then tried to rush her with an attack only to be dodged and then hit into the forest.

(Y/N) quickly got up from the attack and looked around. He kept quiet to try to hear Amy approching. He then heard a very soft but loud enough sound to dodge Amy's sneak attack, then hit her with a combo.

Amy then hit a tree and swiftly got up. Amy then broke the tree in half and used her hammer to bat it towards (Y/N) who was currently running towards her. (Y/N) was surprised but barely managed to dodge over it.

(Y/N): Woah! That was-

(Y/N) was then swung to the ground by Amy's hammer. He quickly got back up and tried to hit Amy as she parried his attacks.

(Replace Mario with Amy and you can imagine the differences on what he does.)

After some time, (Y/N) manage to go too fast for Amy to react to, and hit her with more combo's.

(Replace Mario with Amy)

As a finisher, (Y/N) kicked her foward and sped ahead of her flying. He then jumped in the air and spun really fast before using his Sonic Eagle attack, smacking her into the ground. As the smoke piled up, he ran back to gain distance since he didn't know if that knocked her out or not.

After a while of waiting, he went to walk away when he got hit with Amy throwing her hammer at him.

(Y/N): OW! What the-

(Y/N) saw Amy standing with this pink aura around her. His body froze up from the amount of Holy energy revolving around her. He shook this feeling off and charged up a lightspeed attack. Once he was charged, he tried to attack her from behind, when Amy swung her hammer at him anticipating this.

(Y/N) fell down since it hurt 10x more because of the Holy energy. He couldn't get up before Amy attacked him with a punch combo of her own.

After landing, Amy immediately appeared behind him and slammed her hammer on him three times before launching him into a tree. She then twirled her hammer around a bit before swing it at (Y/N), launching him through 4 trees before breaking through a rock and falling down. (Y/N) tried to get up but Amy then launched him away again.

As (Y/N) flew through the air, Amy jumped up at him then slammed her hammer at him, making him fall to the ground at high speeds.


Rias and the others are wondering where (Y/N) and Amy are at since Kiba and Issei already finished their fight (and lost). Suddenly, something falls from the sky and creating a dust cloud. When it clears, we see a beat up (Y/N) trying to get up before falling unconscious as Amy stands behind him.

(Replace Shadow with Amy)

Rias and the others look in shock as they see (Y/N) fall in defeat.

Amy: He was a good opponent. Unfortunately, he underestimated me. It seems this is the end, right Miss Gremory?

Rias: Yes, as their master, I'm glad they weren't dealt the final blow with the Holy weapons.

The trio then put their cloaks back on, as Asia healed the group up.

Xenovia: Well then, please remember what we talked about before.

Xenovia was about to leave before Rias spoke.

Rias: Just out of curiousity, did you ever find out which fallen angel stole the Holy swords?

Xenovia: The one who actually did it was the leader of the Grigoris, Kokabiel.

Issei: Um, who are the Grigoris?

Akeno: A group of fallen angels also known as the Ones Who Watch Over The Children Of God.

Rias: You're taking on a leader class with only the two of you? Are you planning on dying?

Xenovia: If it's to keep the fallen angels from using the Holy swords, I'll trade my life to annihilate them.

Irina: We understand the danger. Someone's already died-- a priest who came to this town to check things out ahead of time.

Kiba: The one who did it was... Freed Sellzen.

Issei: Freed?!

Rias: That stray priest?

Kiba: I happened to be there when he died. He definitely had a Holy sword.

Amy: A stray priest? I see. Thank you for sharing this info. We shall be off then.

Amy then leave with the group.

Irina: Issei, if you ever want to be judged, let me know! Amen!

Later that day, the group returned to the ORC club room as Kiba was going to leave the room before Rias stopped him.

Rias: Wait a minute, Kiba. I won't let you leave me. You are a knight of the House of Gremory.

Kiba: President, I'm sorry.

Kiba quickly left the room as Rias looked down in sadness.

Rias: Kiba... Why?

(Y/N) looked deeply at where Kiba left and glared slightly.


Later that night, Irina, Xenovia, and Amy took refuge in the abandoned church, as Irina was currently taking a bath.

Irina: I can't believe I can't even take a bath comfortably! This must be a trial from God.

Xenovia: Is this really a trial? You were the one who spent all of our money for expenses on a strange, suspicious-looking picture!

Xenovia pointed at the picture that Irina bought that was in the corner.

Irina: Wh-What are you trying to say?! There is a Holy person in that picture! The person at the exhibition said so, too!

Amy shakes her head in disappointment that Irina was so easy to manipulate.

Amy: Irina, Irina, you foolish soul. Regardless, we need to do something about this. Starting with...

The girls stomach growled from not eating in a while.

Amy: Getting something to eat.

Irina: You're right. In that case, do you want to threaten people from other religions to get money? If it's people from other religions, God will forgive us, right?

Amy whacked Irina on her head with her hammer.

(Replace the girls with Amy and Irina)

Irina: OW!

Amy: We're not doing that.

Xenovia: Then stealing a temple's offering box or something could also work.

Irina: That would be easier!

Amy then whacked both Xenovia and Irina at the same time as they hold their heads in pain.

Both: Why..

Amy: Robbing is out of the question and that's final.

Both: But Am-

Amy rose her hammer in the air threateningly.

Amy: That's. Final.

They both backed off in fear of getting hit again.

Xenovia: So then, what's your plan?

Amy: Hmmm... I don't know.

The girls collapsed in defeat. Amy looked up in the sky and wondered.


Issei, Asia, and (Y/N) were outside talking with Aika and Matsuda and Motohama.

Aika: I've decided to go to karaoke with you guys.

Motohama: Asia too?

Asia: Yes, please.

Matsuda: Woo! Nevermind Kiryuu, I'm glad Asia's coming!

Asia turns around and see's (Y/N) and Issei staring off into the distance, as Asia get's worried.

Asia: Guys...

Out of nowere, Saji appears holding Asia's hand.

Saji: You'll become dirty if you are with these guys for too long.

Asia: ...Oh, hello, Saji.

Saji: Oh, Asia, good day.

Matsuda: Shut up!

Motohama: I don't wanna be told this by the Student Council secretary.

Saji: Well everyone, I'll be taking my leave now.

Issei looks towards him and realizes.

Issei: That's right, he's here too. Yo, (Y/N).

Issei then started conversing with (Y/N) as Koneko looked at the two from a distance.

Later that day, (Y/N) and Issei were sitting in outside drinking soda's when Saji approached them.

Saji: Hyoudou.

Issei: Hey, sorry for calling you out here.

Saji: Don't worry about it. Well?

Issei then explained the situation to Saji, who looked incredibly out of the idea.

Saji: A-Are you serious?!

(Y/N): Yep.

Issei: Please, it's as I said!

Saji: Don't be ridiculous!

Saji stood up in anger and fright, then sitting back down noticing he was disturbing other people.

Saji: The president will punish us just for being involved with the Holy swords-- but to destroy them? That will definitely get us killed. Your Rias is strict, but kind. My president is strict, then stricter! I absolutely refuse!

Saji then got up to leave, but couldn't go far. The three looked around the bush and found Koneko holding on to Saji's shirt.

All: Koneko?

Koneko: You were thinking of helping them, as expected, huh?

Skip some time and Koneko was also briefed of the idea. Saji tried to leave a couple times, but Koneko stopped him.

Koneko: Cooperate with the church?

Issei: Those guys said they would rather destroy the Holy swords then to have the fallen angels use them, right?

Koneko: Even if they have to destroy them, they want to recover the swords.

(Y/N): Kiba wants to get revenge by overcoming Excalibur. They want to get Excalibur back even if it means destroying it. Different goals, same result. That's why we're asking for cooperation between the both of them.

Koneko: I don't think they will do just what you say, though.

(Y/N): Well, no harm trying. I don't want Kiba going stray because of his revenge.

Koneko: Well first, we have to look for those two. It hurts my heart to keep this a secret from the president and Akeno, but it's for our friend.

The four then walk down the streets to find the trio.

Saji: Hey, I don't have to be here, do I? The invincible rook is participating already.

(Y/N): Dude, stop being so scared. The stronger we are, the better.

Issei: It'll probably be hard to find them. First of all, for there to be girls in white robes on the street.

(Y/N): (sweatdrop) Yeah uhhh, I doubt finding them will be a problem.

The four quickly found them as they were begging for money.

(Imagine Amy is next to them looking embarrassed)

(Y/N): Just... Wow.

Issei: Did not expect that.

Koneko: Yeah.

They then took them to a nearby restaurant and order them a lot of food. They started wolfing all the food as the others looked in astonishment.

Saji: It's amazing to watch them eat.

Issei: I guess they were really hungry...

After eating and getting full, Xenovia looks disappointed.

Xenovia: What just happened? Even if it's to build faith, the world must be ending to be saved by a devil.

Irina: We've sold out souls to the devil.

Issei: That's the thanks i get for paying for your food!?

Koneko: Issei.

Issei: Eh? Oh. (Great, now I made Koneko upset.)

Irina: Lord, please have mercy on these kind devils.

The quad immediately held their heads in pain.

(Y/N): We don't need God's blessing!

Irina: Oh sorry, i just did it out of habit.

Xenovia finishes the last of her water and glares at the 4.

Xenovia: Well? Why did you contact us?

Issei: We want to help destroy Excalibur.

Xenovia: What?

They then explain the situation to the three.

Xenovia: I understand the situation. I don't mind letting you guys take care of one sword.

The group was very surprised she accepted this.

Irina: Hey, wait a minute, Xenovia!

Issei/(Y/N): Really?

Saji: (groan) I thought you'd refuse us in a heartbeat.

Xenovia: (to Irina) The other side even has the leader of the fallen angels, Kokabiel, with them. Honestly, it will be difficult for us to recover all three swords on our own.

Irina: I understand that, but--

Amy: There's a very low chance of coming out alive. The more help, the better.

Irina: But we came knowing that!

Amy: It's still better to get help then do it on our own.

Irina: ...(sigh)

Later that day, they find Kiba near a fountain and tell him their plan.

Kiba: I see. But honestly, it's regrettable that an Excalibur user would approve of their destruction.

Xenovia: You're one to talk. Didn't you leave the House of Gremory?

Kiba looks at her with a glare.

Xenovia: We can consider you a stray and execute you here if you want.

Xenovia slightly pulls out her Excalibur as Amy glares at her for doing so.

Amy: (warningly) Xenovia...

Kiba: There's that way of thinking, too.

Kiba creates a magic circle in his hand but before anything happens, (Y/N) stops them.

(Y/N): Woah woah! We're not starting another fight here!

Xenovia: I can understand why you would resent the Holy Sword Project. That incident is viewed with great repugnance even among us. That's why the person responsible for it was branded as a heretic and excommunicated.

Irina: Valper Galilei. The man called the Archbishop of Annihilation.

Kiba: Valper... That man... Was responsible for...

Xenovia: I told you that among his tools was a stray priest, right?

Issei: Freed, huh?

Xenovia: It's not uncommon for there to be collusion among those banned from the church. There's a high possibility that Valper is also involved in the events this time.

Kiba: After hearing that, there's no reason for me to not cooperate with you.

Irina: Then it's been decided, right?

Xenovia: We'll return the favor for the food someday, Red Dragon Emperor Hyoudou Issei.

The trio then left.

(Y/N): Well then, i say that went well. Right, Saji?

Saji: It's not great! Not only could we have been killed, but we could've started a war with the church!

(Y/N): Geez, stop being such a downer.

Kiba: (Y/N).

They all look at Kiba.

(Y/N): Hey, you helped us before. It's only fair we return the favor.

Kiba: I want you guys to stay out of this matter. This is for my own personal revenge. I can't involve you guys--

Saji nods in agreement. (Idk why but i found that funny.)

(Y/N): Oh my gosh, stop trying to fly solo. Revenge this, revenge that, We're supposed to be a team, right?

Kiba: ...You're not wrong, but--

(Y/N) chopped his head.

(Y/N): Shut it. You doing all this alone crap is making all of us worry. We're a team, we stick together. So stop looking at it like you have to do it by yourself and look at those who's willing to help you out. Besides, what do you think Prez would think about you going stray?

Kiba: ...Rias. That's right. I met her because of the Holy sword project. Day after day, we were involved with experiments. Our freedom was taken away, and we weren't even treated as people. Even so, everyone believed that they were chosen by God, and bore it desperately with the hope that one day, they could become special. However, not one of us were able to wield a Holy sword. The experiment was a failure. We were disposed of soon after that in order to conceal what happened. Even vomiting blood and writhing on the floor, we looked to God for help.

We then see the kids stalling the executioners to save Kiba as he took their help to run away. He made it far enough but couldn't go further because his body lost all strength. He kept trying to go further until a younger Rias saved him.

A/N: Can we take a moment to appreciate this kids for saving Kiba tho? They are some real ones for that.

Kiba: I thank the President from my heart for taking me in as a part of her House. However, I was able to run away because of my comrades. That's why I will destroy Excalibur with a devil sword filled with their feelings. That is my atonement and duty as the only survivor.

Saji then busted out crying, scaring (Y/N).

Saji: Kiba, I had no idea you had such a tragic past! In that case, I don't care about the president's punishments. Hyoudou, I'll help you with all my strength!

(Y/N): O-Oh, well thanks Saji.

Kiba then turned to see Koneko holding his shirt.

Koneko: I will also help.

Kiba: Koneko?

Koneko: I will be sad if you aren't here, Yuuto.

Kiba: Heh, I guess I've lost. If even you say so... There's no way I can do anything rash on my own, can I?

(Y/N): So that means?

Kiba: Besides, we know who the real enemy is-- Let me accept your help.

(Y/N): Yeah! The gangs all back together now!

(Y/N) zoomed all over the place in celebration as the others watched in laughter.


(Skipping shower scene because I can)

It's now nighttime and the bros are back home. (Y/N) was in his room when Asia came in with a nurse outfit.

(Y/N): A-Asia?!

Asia: W-What do you think?

(Y/N): Why are you wearing that?

Asia: I thought... maybe you'd be disappointed since you lost your fight... And after asking Kiryuu for advice...

(Y/N): Kiryuu?


Aika: You want to make the depressed Hyoudou feel better?

Asia: Yes. Is there anything I can do?

Aika: Let's see... Oh, I have one that I was saving. I just happened to get it recently...

End of flashback

Asia: And so, I borrowed these clothes from Kiryuu. She said wearing this has a restoring effect on men...

(Y/N): (Good grief...)

Asia: Um... Did it make you feel any better?

(Y/N): Uhhhh Sure! Totally. (No.) But don't worry about me. A loss like that wont bring me down. Besides, I have to stay optomistic for Kiba's sake.

Asia: Kiba... Is he alright?

(Y/N): He's fine. You're not doubting us, are you?

Asia: Nope!

(Y/N): Anyways... Please go change.

Asia: Huh? But you haven't been restored yet...

(Y/N): Oh trust me, I've been restored enough.

After that fiasco, (Y/N) goes to leave the house to meet up with the gang.

Asia: Thank you for all your hard work so late.

(Y/N): I gotta do my job after all. If prez calls, tell her I'll say where I am.

Asia: Okay. I'm glad you got a regular customer.

(Y/N): Yeah. Anyways, I'll be back soon.

(Y/N) then runs off to meet up with the others. He then calls his client to tell him he wont be there.

(Y/N): Yeah sorry man, I won't be there this time.

Client: Well, okay, if it's an emergency. No problem, don't worry about it. I'll call for you again some other time. Later. (ends call) A last minute cancellation from a devil, huh? Yo.

The man then addresses the male that appeared next to him.

Client: Have you come to keep lonely little me company?

???: Hmph, your the kind that gets lonely easily?

The man looks at the person with a smirk.

A/N: Okay 3 things.

1: I am sorry this ended up taking longer than intended. I recently went on vacation with the family, then got a job so I've done a lot this June. (Tho I still had a lot of free time so it was still my laziness that was the issue but) I hope you enjoyed regardless

2: How did you enjoy the Amy fight. Imo I think I did alright. (Tho a bit short, but fight scenes are hard to write okay?)

3: Oh lord episode 4 is up and is notorious for a scene 99% of the population despise. Don't worry tho. I have an idea that will make that scene all the much better.

Other than that, hope you enjoyed and are ready for the next chapter! (Also thanks for 60k reads! So close to 100k!)

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