Season 2 Episode 2: The Holy Sword is here!
A/N: For those questioning how Amy's personality is... She's kinda a mix of the Amy's of Sonic Prime. More of Rusty Rose, Thorn Rose, and OG Amy. Just so you know.
Kiba stood across from Freed, who swung his sword a bit so it glows.
Freed: Die, i say!
Freed suddenly charges at Kiba. who quickly blocks his strike. They clash swords as Kiba glared hard at Freed.
Freed: Your pretty face is getting twisted! Are you trying to become a more suitable prey for the Holy Sword Excalibur?
Kiba: Don't be f*cking stupid!
Kiba parries the clash sending Freed backwards.
Freed: I didn't think something so crude would come out of such a pretty mouth. Just kidding!
Kiba: Holy Eraser!
Kiba's sword turned pitch black and covered Freed's holy sword. But almost immediately, the sword broke free.
Freed: That's useless. Too bad!
Kiba: I was just testing to see if that sword was real or not. Now i can tear you apart without reserve, sword and all!
Kiba then started rushing Freed with swings, as Freed blocked them all.
Freed: That's it! That's the spirit!
Freed then cut Kiba's arm, making him drop to the ground.
Freed: Didn't i tell you? This Holy Sword absolutely hates devils. I won't let you--
Kiba: I know. There's no way i'd forget!
Kiba then took Freed by surprise and swiped his legs at him, making him trip and fall.
Freed: That's cheating!
Kiba: Isn't that what devils do?
Kiba swung at Freed, who dodged it and ran to the opposite side.
Freed: I see.
Suddenly, a small green magic circle appeared next to Freed's ear.
Freed: Huh?
Kiba tried to attack him, but Freed easily dodged it.
Freed: Oh, someone's calling me. And so, people, good bye!
Freed took out a flash band and used it too escape. After he disappeared, Kiba stood here blank.
[(Y/N) is seen running through a blazing hot world. He turns to look at the camera with a wide grin as he dashes past, his trail revealing the title.]
[Rias then opens the club window as she stares deeply into the starry sky. The scenes then cut to a bunch of swords sticking out of the ground, Sona and her peerage.]
[Irina, Xenovia, and a 3rd hooded figure are shown. It then cuts to (Y/N) running forward as Azazel appears. An image of a white haired person is shown in front of the moon, then shown in dragon armor. Akeno is then flashing her lightning, Koneko punching, and Asia with (N/N). Kiba is then shown with a sharp glare, as he pulls out a sword and slashes. Rias is then shown in a snowed forest.]
[Issei is then shown battling Irina and Xenovia as (Y/N) is battling a girl with a hammer and dodging her swings. Issei is then shown glowing with power as both Irina and Xenovia's clothes come off. Kiba is shown with tears as a sword is shown. We then see crystal like pieces falling, then we cut to a door that's locked with someone with glowing eyes staring. Asia with nothing but an apron, Koneko, and Akeno are shown. Rias the sticks her hand out in the air as (Y/N) appears and grabs it.]
[(Y/N) is then seen running again as he turns again with the same grin as multiple scenes flash. With it all ending with his smirk displayed.]
It is now morning, and (Y/N)'s alarm clock starting ringing.
Alarm: Good morning! Splash! Just kidding...
(Y/N): Mm... Why do i feel so much heavier...
He opened his eyes to see Rias and Asia laying next to him naked. (Y/N) face quickly grew red and he yelled out.
(Y/N): RIAS?! ASIA?!
Both of them quickly woke up.
Rias: Morning, (Y/N).
Asia: Good morning, (Y/N).
Asia: Last night, you fell asleep without telling us...
Rias: So we decided to be fair and take one arm each other to use as a pillow.
Asia: Yes.
(Y/N): (Why?)
Asia: Oh, we have to start getting breakfast ready!
Rias: Oh, yes.
Rias then took (Y/N)'s covers to use to cover her body.
Rias: Well then, (Y/N). We'll see you later.
Asia also got up and put back on her outfit.
Asia: Sorry for intruding, (Y/N)!
They both left his room. (Y/N) sat frozen until he realized.
(Y/N): H-hey! My covers!
(Y/N) just fell forward in defeat.
(Y/N): Because of Rias, Asia has gotten more daring. It's hard enough dealing with Rias's pushy attempts, but Asia too?
(Y/N) sat on the edge of his bed think about what happened.
After that fiasco, everybody started heading to Kuoh academy. Sona and Tsubaki walked there as well, when Sona suddenly paused.
Tsubaki: President.
Sona was directly staring at the three figures in white cloaks as they stared back.
Sona: The Holy Swords.
After school, (Y/N) and Asia explored the ORC as they admired how clean it was.
Asia: Oh, it's so shiny!
(Y/N): No kidding.
Asia: Oh?
(Y/N): What is it?
They both turned the corner to see a door with police tape and a lock on it.
Asia: What's that room?
(Y/N): I dunno. Though it's best we leave it alone.
They both headed back to the main room.
Rias: The schoolyard has gotten a lot cleaner, so it's like we have a fresh start.
Issei: Oh, where's Kiba?
Koneko: It seems Yuto is taking the day off from school.
Asia: Really?
(Y/N): Does it have to do with yesterday?
Rias: You remember when i told you Kiba was a survivor of the Holy Sword project?
(Y/N): Yeah.
Rias: Besides him, there was a number of others who were raised to wield Excalibur.
Rias: Right now, there are seven Holy Swords with the name Excalibur.
(Y/N): Seven?
Rias: Pieces of the original Excalibur were scattered in a war long ago. The church gathered the pieces and used alchemy to make the seven new swords.
Issei: So Kiba is supposed to be able to use those swords?
Rias: None of those being trained were able to adapt to Excalibur. The project ended in faliure. And those in charge of the project decided to dispose of Kiba and the other test subjects.
(Y/N): Dispose? No...
Rias: They were already on the verge of death.
We see scenes of young Kiba laying in the snow as Rias appears.
Rias: But that child was able to run away alone while near death, and swore to get revenge. I wanted to let him use his passion in a meaningful way as a devil.
Issei: So that's why you made Kiba a devil...
(Y/N): And that's why he acted like this when he saw that picture.
Rias tried to up the mood.
Rias: We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Suddenly, the front door opened as Akeno walked in.
Akeno: Oh my, it looks like everyone's here.
Rias: Akeno, you're late.
Akeno: It's because i brought some guests.
Sona and Tsubaki then walked in.
Sona: Please excuse us.
Issei: Student council president and vice president?
(Y/N): Hi Sona!
(Y/N) waved as Sona waved back.
Akeno: They said they have something urgent to discuss with you, Rias.
Sona: Yes. Rias, will you come with me to my house right now? No one will be able to intrude there.
Rias: It sounds like a very complicated situation.
Sona: Yes. Very.
(Y/N), Issei, Koneko, and Asia walked to their homes.
Issei: What in the world was that about? The student council president seemed strange, too.
Asia: Who knows?
Issei: What do you think, Koneko?
Koneko: I don't know. There's nothing wrong with what the president is doing. However... I'm more worried about Yuto.
(Y/N): Same. It doesn't sit right not doing anything about this.
Koneko: Yes. Well, see you tomorrow.
Issei: See you, Koneko!
Asia: Bye! See you tomorrow!
(Y/N): Later!
Issei: Koneko and Akeno...
Asia/(Y/N): Hm?
Issei: I was just thinking they must have reasons for becoming devils too. Like us and Kiba.
(Y/N): Hmm...
They then took the trek back to their house, but they stopped because the felt something bad.
Asia: F-For some reason, i just got chills.
Issei: Yeah, i felt it too.
(Y/N): This feels familiar.
Asia: Really?
(Y/N): Yeah... When i met you when you weren't a devil. So that could only mean-
(Y/N) then remembers the same feeling with freed.
(Y/N): MOM!
(Y/N) immediately rushes towards the house, while Issei and Asia follow behind. He slammed open the front door and ran in.
(Y/N): MOM! Huh?
Issei and Asia finally caught up and ran inside. But they all stopped when they heard (Y/N) and Issei's mom chatting with someone. They walked to the room to see their mom talking with 3 other people.
(Imagine Amy is next to them, but also in a cloak.)
Issei: Mom?
Mom: Oh, welcome back you three. What's wrong? Why are you making that face?
Issei: (These guys were the source of the chills, huh?)
???: It's been a while, hasn't it guys?
Issei/(Y/N): Eh?
???: Oh, you don't remember? It's me!
Both: Who?
Mom: Look, it's this girl, Irina Shido.
Issei: What? Huh? But-
(Y/N): Irina!
(Y/N) ran up to her and gave her a hug, which she gratefully returned.
Irina: Oh my! You've grown so much taller!
(Y/N): It's been so long! How ya been!
Issei just watches them with a confused face.
Issei: (They're so casual...)
Mom: At the time, she looked like a boy, but now she's become so ladylike, that i couldn't tell who she was at first.
Issei: What? I always thought she was a boy!
(Y/N): Bruh! I told you she was a girl!
Mom: That's so rude!
Issei: Well that's-
Irina: I don't blame him. I really was boyish back then.
Issei: Uh, sorry.
Irina: But it seems a lot has happened since we've been away. You really never know what will happen when your reunited!
Issei: But wait! How did you know Irina was a girl, (Y/N)?
Both (Y/N) and Irina blushed as they remembered how he knew.
Flashback (for the record, this is around 2 months before she left so they're kinda young.)
(Y/N) was laying in the house watching TV. At the time, Issei and the others we're having a pool party in the backyard. (Y/N) didn't participate though, for obvious reasons. His mother walked in grabbing some soda's and juice.
Mom: Oh by the way, could you go and see what Irina is up to? I wonder what's keeping them.
(Y/N) (young): Uh, ok.
(Y/N) got up from the couch and walked upstairs. He went to his room where he knew Irina was and opened the door.
(Y/N) (young): Hey Irina? What's taking you so lo-
(Y/N) paused as he saw Irina naked while trying on some bikini's. When she turned around and looked at him, she paused and blushed bright red. (Y/N) blushed harder since he saw her (you-know-what) and bolted from the room.
(Y/N) (young): I-IM SORRY!
Irina looked away and continued to change. (Y/N) ran downstairs and fell on the couch.
End of flashback.
(Y/N): UHHH- S-She told me! (In more ways then one.)
Issei: (clueless) Uhh, okay.
After they all left, (Y/N) went to his room as Asia followed him. When they got there, Rias immediately hugged them.
(Replace Issei with (Y/N))
Rias: I'm glad your safe! I'm sorry, i should have been paying more attention. I was prepared for the worst when i came back. I'm really glad you're okay. I'm gonna take better care of you from now on.
(Y/N): Uhh, Prez?
Rias: What is it?
Since Rias pushed both of them into her breasts, it was kinda hard to breath for him.
(Y/N): Your breasts are in my face.
Rias: All right, i understand.
Rias, completely missing the point, starts undressing.
Rias: Your really are a spoiled child.
(Y/N): (blushing) WAIT NO!
Asia got in between them, stopping her.
Asia: You can't!
(Y/N): Yeah! What she said!
Both Rias and Asia then sat on his bed while (Y/N) sat on his chair.
Rias: They were just talking to Mother?
(Y/N): Yeah, nothing happened aside from a reunion. Though i bet they know we're devils.
Rias: That's fine. I don't know what they're planning, but we'll see them tomorrow.
(Y/N): Why tomorrow?
Rias: Apparently, they will be coming to our clubroom tomorrow after school.
Later that day, (Y/N) chilled with his contractor, fishing. However, (Y/N) was in deep thought, therfore he wasn't really paying attention.
Man: What's wrong, devil boy?
(Y/N): Nothing. Just some thoughts.
Man: A devil shouldn't look so down in the dumps. Things in this world usually turn out okay. There's no point worrying about the future. Oh, devil boy, you got a bite!
(Y/N): Huh? Woah!
The next day after, the ORC gathered with the 3 people from before.
???: Thank you for agreeing to speak with us. My name is Xenovia.
Irina: I'm Irina Shido.
???: Amy.
Rias: I wonder why the followers of God would want to meet with a devil.
Irina: Of the 6 swords with known whereabouts, the church still has three of them, but three of them were stolen by fallen angels.
Issei: Stolen?!
Xenovia: The ones we have are from the ones that are left... The Holy Sword of destruction, Excalibur Destruction.
Irina: And the one i have here, the Holy Sword of mimicry, Excalibur Mimic!
Rias: Well, what would you like us to do?
Xenovia: The problem at hand is between the fallen angels and us. We don't need the devils in this town to intervene.
Rias: Is that a accusation? Are you saying that we'll side with the fallen angels and do something about the Holy Swords?
Xenovia: For a devil, a Holy Sword is a detestable thing. Don't your interests match up with the fallen angels?
Rias's eye glowed crimson red as she was getting noticeably more annoyed.
Issei: (The president is getting angry!)
Xenovia: If that's true, then we will completely annihilate you, even if you are the Great Devil's little sister.
Rias: If you know me that well already, then let me tell you this: There's no way I'd ever join with the fallen angels. I would never do anything to besmirch the name of the House of Gremory or the Great Devil.
Xenovia: Hm. It's just enough hearing that. I was just relaying the thoughts of those at headquarters. I didn't think the little sister of the Great Devil would be that stupid.
Rias: Then you also understand that i will not aid your side, either?
Xenovia: Of course. I'm fine if you promise to not intervene with anything that happens in this town.
Rias: I understand.
Xenovia: Sorry for taking up your time.
Rias: Since your here, would you like some tea?
Xenovia: No thanks, i'm not here to make friends with devils. We'll take our leave then.
Before they did leave, Xenovia spotted Asia beside Issei.
Xenovia: I thought it was possible when we visited Hyoudou's house.
Irina: Huh?
Xenovia: Aren't you Asia Argento?
Asia: Yes?
Xenovia: I didn't think i would meet a witch in a place like this.
Asia: (gasp)
Irina: Oh, so you're the former saint that became a witch? I had heard that you were banished because you could heal fallen angels and devils, but i didn't know you'd become a devil.
Asia quickly grew very nervous and started shaking.
Asia: U-um.
(Y/N): Asia?
Xenovia: But for someone who had been called a saint to be a devil... There's no saving a rotten egg.
(Y/N): Hey!
Xenovia: Do you still believe in our God?
Irina: Xenovia, she's become a devil.
Xenovia: No, there are those that remain pious even in the midst of their betrayal. She seems like one of them.
Irina: Oh really? Hey Asia, do you still believe in God? Even after becoming a devil?
Asia: I-I just can't give it up. Because i have always believe in God.
Xenovia: Then you should let yourself be executed by us right now. Even if you are sinful, our God will reach out his hand in forgiveness. At least let yourself be convicted by my hand, under God-
Amy: Stop it, Xenovia.
Everyone turned towards Amy, who finally started speaking.
Amy: That's enough.
Xenovia: Amy, she's-
Amy: That's. Enough.
Xenovia backed off but gave her a glare.
Amy: We came here to make amends, not enemies. you're fighting a pointless battle. We've wasted enough time as is. Let's go.
???: This is perfect. I'll take you all on.
They turned to see Kiba standing at the doorway.
Amy: Who are you?
Kiba: I'm your senior.
Rias: Kiba...
Everybody went outside and Issei, (Y/N), and Kiba stood across from Xenovia, Irina, and Amy. The others watching them.
Xenovia: Well then, let's begin.
The three took off their cloaks. Xenovia and Irina in skin-tight bodysuits, while Amy wore casual clothes.
Akeno: Is this alright? Fighting with people from the church without permission...
Rias: This is just an informal bout.
Irina: If the higher-ups found out, we'd all be in trouble!
Irina unraveled the cloth around her arm as it transformed into a sword. Xenovia dispersed the cloth around her sword, while Amy pulls out a chip containing her hammer.
Xenovia: Let's have fun... without killing each other.
Amy: I won't lie, this could be fun.
Kiba then started laughing.
Xenovia: You're laughing?
Kiba: Yeah, because the thing i wanted to destroy more than anything is right before my eyes.
Kiba then used sword birth making multiple swords appear.
Xenovia: Sword Birth? I remember now. There was a test subject in the Holy Sword project that escaped disposal.
Irina: Hyoudou Issei!
Issei: W-What is it?
Irina: I can't believe a boy from my past became a devil! Cruel fate is teasing me. I thought i would learn to use a Holy Sword, move far away, and become helpful. Oh, this is a trial from God! But if i can overcome this, i will be another step closer to true faith!
Issei: This girl is completely obsessed with herself...
Irina: Now Issei, i will judge your sins with my Excaibur!
Amy: I must say, it's almost an honor to be able to face the person that beat Riser Phoenix.
(Y/N): You know about that?
Amy: There's not a single person that probably doesn't know who you are. But don't think you will win easily just because you bested him!
(Y/N): Trust me, i won't get overconfident, or pull my punches!
(Y/N) then got in his running stance and glared at Amy, who got in her battle stance.
(Y/N): Here we... Go!
(Y/N) blazed off towards Amy, who swung her hammer, as the screen faded before they clashed.
A/N: Took a month but i got it out. Hope you enjoy!
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