Season 1 Episode 9: I've begun my training!

Talking: Gotta go fast!

Whispering: He's an idiot.

Yelling: Hey! You!

Thinking: (Oh boy)


Issei was panting as he carried a big bag full of rocks. Rias, Akeno and Asia were up at the top drinking water.

Rias: Come on, Issei. Hurry it up.

Akeno: It's so refreshing.

Issei: Right...!

Asia: U-um, I can take some of that baggage

Rias: That's okay, Issei has to be able to manage that much.

(Y/n): Excuse us.

(Y/n) and Kiba passed Issei with slightly bigger bags.

Issei: Damn it! They're so relaxed!

Koneko: Pardon me.

Koneko passed Issei carrying a huge bag. Issei fell on his back.

Issei: I've had it!


(Imagine him human and outside.)


(Y/n) was sitting on the couch being healed by Asia.

Grayfia: Is everyone clear? It will be held in ten days.

Rias: Ten days?

Grayfia: In light of Lord Riser and Lady Rias's experience and strengths, I wonder if there ought not been an appropriate handicap given.

Rias: I hate to say it, but i can't help but admit it. I will gladly accept that time as a training period.

Flashback end.

Issei got back up and walked towards the group. Rias looked at (Y/n).

Rias: ((Y/n), Issei, With this training camp, I will make you two... much, much stronger.

[ A naked Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia Appear on-screen until the screen is hit with the title screen. Rias stands on top of a roof. A magic circle appears with the title screen.]

[(Y/n) runs and turns to see Rias sitting on a mountain. They stare at each other with happy gazes. (Y/n) smiles brightly. Koneko is shown, Then Kiba, Then Akeno.]

[Asia is seen standing by a pool of water. A Raynare is shown, then (Y/n) battling with someone. Sona is shown, Than a naked (Y/n) being held by a naked Rias.]

[It shows (Y/n) turning around with a sad gaze as his power is briefly shown. A naked Rias is shown as well. Brief pictures of Rias are shown.]

[Riser is seen battling (Y/n). Then Rias's peerage is shown. It shows (Y/n) bruised and falling as Rias catches him and they look at each other and smile.]

[ Akeno grabs (Y/n) and looks at him with a lustful gaze. (Y/n) blushes as Asia comes and hugs (Y/n) as the screen pans out showing Rias smiling. Chess pieces are then shown.]


Rias led the group to a training camp.

Asia: Wow, fantastic!

Rias: Okay, head inside and let's start training right away.

Issei: Training right away?! President, you really are a fiend.

Rias: A devil.

They went inside and started changing clothes into training uniforms.

Issei: Hey, Kiba... Before, when we were fighting at the church, you said something about hating fallen angels and priests. What was all that?

Small Flashback.

Kiba: I have a personal dislike for fallen angels and priests. You could even say i hate them.

Small Flashback end.

Kiba: Issei, You, (Y/n) and Asia were all saved by the president, and we're in a similar situation. And so, we have to win this, for the president's sake. Okay?

Issei: Yeah, of course! Absolutely!

(Y/n): (He dodged the question...)


Everyone stood outside while Kiba and Issei faced each other holding wooden swords.

Kiba: Lesson 1...

Issei: That being said...

Issei yelled and rushed at Kiba, trying to hit him, but Kiba blocked every strike easily.

Kiba: Not like that. Don't just watch the swords movement, watch your opponent and your surroundings, too.

Issei did a downward strike but Kiba knocked the sword out his hand.

Issei: That's a knight for you...

Kiba: You next, (Y/n).

(Y/n) picked up the sword. He rushed at Kiba and began attacking. Kiba blocked most attacks and dodged some. He went in for a strike, but (Y/n) dodged and swept Kiba off his feet, pointing his sword at him.

Kiba: You know how to handle a sword?

(Y/n): I just went with it. I never used a sword though...

Issei: (Of course he did better than me.)


Akeno, Issei, Asia and (Y/n) were in the meeting room.

Akeno: Lesson 2: Take the magic power of the aura that surrounds your body, and stream it to a focal point.

(Y/n) held his hand out as Akeno walked behind him and drew her hand against his.

Akeno: Focus your attention, and feel the surge of magic power.

Asia: I did it! 

They look over and saw Asia with a ball of green magic energy.

Akeno: You might really have a talent for magic, Asia.

(Y/n): Hey, I did it too.

Akeno: Very good, (Y/n)!

Akeno brought a bottle of water and froze the water, breaking the bottle.

Issei: Whoa, awesome!

Akeno: Once you're familiar with it, you will be able to control fire, water, lightning, and so on, out of nothing at all. Asia, (Y/n), please practice this next.

Asia/(Y/n): Right./Got it.

Akeno: Issei, you keep practicing concentrating your magic power.

Issei: R-right.

Akeno: Visualization is the source of magic. The most important thing is to make whatever comes to mind materialize.

Issei: Whatever comes to mind...

Akeno: That's right.

Issei tried to focus but ended up visualizing Akeno naked. He shook his head to get rid of his thoughts.

Issei: W-what am i thinking about?!

Akeno: What's the matter, Issei?

Issei: Nothing! Nothing at all! I'll do my best!


An explosion happened in the forest.

Koneko: Lesson 3...

The explosion knocked Issei into a tree. Koneko stood there.

Koneko: Weak.

Issei: I'm not done yet!

Issei got up and launched at Koneko, but she kicked him in the head and got him in a head lock with her legs.

Koneko: Aim your blows at the body's central axis, and strike with precision, right to the heart.

Koneko let go of him and ran at (Y/n), who stood there. (Y/n) quickly dodged her strikes.

Koneko: Focus and look for an opening.

(Y/n): (An opening...)

(Y/n) saw one and kicked Koneko back. Koneko smiled.

Koneko: Good job.

(Y/n) smiled, but didn't expect Koneko putting him in her headlock.

Koneko: Always keep your gaurd.

(Y/n): Oh come on!

Issei got sent out the forest and landed on the ground.

Issei: Damn, I'm no match at all for Kiba or Koneko. I'm worse than Asia and (Y/n) at magic, too. There's nothing i'm good at!

Issei slumped in defeat. (Y/n) and Koneko came out of the forest.

Koneko: That's because we each have our special properties.

Issei: Special properties? What do you think my special property is?

Koneko: Perversion.

Issei sighs.

Koneko: And one other thing.

Issei looks up at Koneko.

Koneko: You're a hard worker.

Issei: Y-yeah! I will work hard, Koneko!

Koneko: Right.

Issei chased Koneko back in the forest and got defeated again. (Y/n) laughs.


Rias: Lesson 4!

Issei, Asia and (Y/n) were in the kitchen with aprons.

Issei: Now, use our magic power...

Asia: ...To cook?

Rias: As best you can, of course, Well, good luck.

Asia: Okay water, please boil.

Asia held her hand over the water as it heated up and started boiling.

Issei: (Ugh, even with Akeno's lesson, it was all i could do to produce on the size of a grain of rice. But i have to admit, just thinking about Akeno's cleavage...)

The onion he was holding peeled itself as the group looked in surprise. Issei picked up a potato and thought of the same thing, and the potato peeled itself.

Issei: Wow, the potato's are no sweat, either.

Asia: You're amazing, Issei.

Issei: Hmph, I was just off my game earlier, but this is what i'm capable of.

Asia: I'm so impressed!

(Y/n): He peeled vegetables. What's impressive about that?

Issei kept peeling more potatos and onion until it started to get everywhere.

Asia: Issei...

Issei realized he made a mess.

(Y/n): Great, now what do we do?


Everyone sat at the table and was eating. Issei visualized the girls naked. Koneko noticed his face.

Koneko: You seem to be leering at me.

Issei: N-no, not at all!

Issei laughed awkwardly.

Rias: Issei, (Y/n)... What did you think, after training all day?

Issei: Yes, well, I am the weakest one.

Rias: Yes. That us much certain. However, Asia's healing, (Y/n)'s power, and your Boosted Gear are important assets. The other side will be conscious of that, as well, so I want you to gain at least enough power to get away, so that you don't slow down the others on our side.

Issei/Asia/(Y/n): U-understood/Right/Got it.

(Y/n) looked at Asia and she looked back. 

Rias: Okay, now that supper is over, let's all head for the baths.

Issei stood up abruptly.

Issei: The baths...!

Rias: Oh, Issei, do you want to watch us bathing? Then would you like to join us? I don't mind. How about you, Akeno?

Akeno: I would like to wash a gentleman's back.

Rias: Asia, you're okay with Issei, right?

Asia nodded.

Rias: Koneko?

Koneko: No thanks.

Rias: Well, that's that. Too bad.

Issei fell back in tears.

Koneko: If you peek, i'll resent it.

Rias: (Y/n), would you like to join us?

(Y/n): Huh?

(Y/n)'s face burned red.

Rias: Akeno?

Akeno: I don't mind.

Rias: Asia?

Asia: I'm okay with it.

Rias: Koneko?

Koneko: ...Sure.

(Y/n) looked shocked.

Rias: Okay then! What do you say?

(Y/n) dashed out of the room. Koneko got up and brought him back in and took him to the baths.


Hot water rushed in the hot spring, and light smoke filled the area. 

Akeno: The hot springs sure are nice, huh?

Rias: I do hope that this helps melt away some of the fatigue of training.

Akeno: It will melt away, no doubt about it.

Asia stared at them and sighed.

Koneko: They are extravagant...

Asia: U-uh...

Koneko looked at (Y/n), sitting in a corner, washing himself. She got up and sat next to him. (Y/n) noticed and looked away in respect. Koneko leaned on his shoulder and smiled. Asia looked in slight jealousy.

On the other side, Issei stared at the wall, dividing each side.

Kiba: Issei, what is the purpose of doing that?

Issei: You be quiet! This is part of my training!

Kiba: Is Issei trying to learn x-ray vision, or something?

Issei stared at the wall remembering his special trait.

Issei: That's it! That's my power! This is my power!


Grayfia was talking to a man.

???: So that's how it went, after all.

Grayfia: Yes.

???: That sounds like Rias.

Grayfia: I do not think that she has any chance of winning.

???: No, she doesn't.

Grayfia: And knowing that, you still...

???: I did nothing more than give her the right to choose. This was Rias's own decision... As the next head of the House of Gremory.

Grayfia: Yes.


The ORC was sleeping, while (Y/n) stayed awake. He got an idea, and summoned Chip.

Chip: You need something?

(Y/n): I'm thinking of a new move.

Chip looked in confusion.

They both went outside and stood in the forest. Chip created a magic barrier as (Y/n) rushed backwards. Once he felt far enough, he rushed back and rolled in a ball, shattering the barrier on impact.

The next day.

The ORC were in the dining room as Rias explained the war.

Rias: Yes, since long ago, over a time that could be called an eternity, we devils, fallen angels, and the God at the head of the angels, have a great, three-sided war. Ultimately there had been neither victory nor defeat, and the battles have ended with all of our efforts wiped out.  Since devils have very low birth rates, the cost of having life spans that are nearly eternal, our continued existence as a species is at risk due to the impact of the last great battle. Following the fighting, almost all of the great family lines, consisting of pure blood, upper-class devils, which makes up what are known as the 72 pillars, were extinguished. 

Rias: Mine, the House of Gremory... 

Rias: Sona's, the House of Sirti...  And Riser's, the House of Phoenix, are the only surviving remnants of the 72 pillars. This is the reason why devils are turning humans, and increasing their households with them. The Rating Game came about during this. Through the game, the devils who are the masters of the households, are able to provide them with combat experience, as well as show off their own abilities. Now, one's record in Rating Games has come to have a huge influence on one's nobility and status. What do you say we take a break here? You must all be tired.

Akeno: I'll make some tea.

Asia: Ah, well, i'll help.

Issei stopped her before she left.

Issei: Asia... Sorry about last night.

Asia: Oh, it's okay. That was incredible of you, Issei. The way you--

Issei: Shh! This is still a secret between the two of us.

Asia: The two of us?

Issei: It's still not done, and i'm a long way off from using it in actual battle.

Asia: Oh, all right. I will work with until your new move is ready.

Kiba: New move?

Asia: It's a secret.

Rias: Oh, yeah, Asia... I'd like to hear your story, too, as a former Sister.

Asia: Oh, okay.

Asia grabbed some holy water and a bible and came up to the front.

Asia: There are two indispensable things that exorcists must have. This is one of them--holy water. As devils, please make absolutely sure not to touch this.

Issei: What happens if we touch it?

Asia: Something awful will happen.

Issei: Awful how? Vague declarations make it even more dreadful.

Rias: Asia, that goes for you, too. You are a devil, after all.

Asia: That's right... I don't know if it will be useful or not, but i will tell you how to make it later. Now, the other thing is... the Bible. I've read it ever since i was little. But i'm stuck now, since if i read even one verse, i get a terrible headache.

Rias: You are a devil, after all.

Kiba: You're a devil, you see.

Koneko: A devil...

Akeno: A devil is dealt great damage.

Asia: Yes, but this one verse here is a very good one...

Asia opened the Bible and got a headache immediately.

Asia: Ow, my head... Oh Lord, please forgive me for not being able to read the Bible.

Asia tried to read but got another headache.

Asia: Ow, it's just no use.

No matter how hard she tried to read, the headaches wouldn't let her.

Issei: I'm having a really hard time deciding if she's serious, or just pulling our legs here. (But I don't even have the same level of talent that Asia does. 


It was nighttime as (Y/n) was in the kitchen drinking water. He then left and saw Rias coming down the stairs.

Rias: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Oh, president. What's up?

Rias: This is perfect. Would you like to chat for a bit?

(Y/n) followed Rias outside to a shrine. 

(Y/n): Is that a plan of attack?

Rias: Yes. But going by this manual, honestly, it doesn't offer a lot of comfort.

(Y/n): I mean, you're up working this hard...

Rias: But we're up against a Phoenix here. You know what that is, right? The saintly beast, known as the immortal bird. A devil, who also bears the name "Phoenix", and is a marquis, counted among the 72 pillars. His ability is the same as the saintly beast-- immortality.

(Y/n): Is that really possible?

Rias: Yeah. He's virtually indestructible. He regenerates immediately following attacks. Riser's win record is 8-2. However, those 2 losses were out of respect to a family he is close to. He lost to them on purpose. Ever since the Rating Game has come to be played, the House of Phoenix seems to have risen up dramatically. That's to be expected, though. If your immortal, there's no way you can lose.

(Y/n): Sorry about that.

Rias: About what?

(Y/n): I shot my anger out on Riser and got you into this mess.

Rias: Oh, no. In fact, thanks to you, I'm happy to say things came right to the point. From the outset, my father and the others anticipate me losing, which is why they set up this Game. In chess, it's known as a trap move-- a swindle.

(Y/n): If you don't mind me asking, why are you turning down this marriage proposal?

Rias got up and leaned on one of the poles.

Rias: I am the heiress of the House of Gremory. No matter what happens, I'll never be my own Rias, but always Rias Gremory. The name Gremory forever hangs over me. It is something that i take pride in, though I would at least like someone who wants to marry me, but not for being the heiress to the House of Gremory. I want to be with someone who loves me for being Rias. They may be conflicting wishes, but even so, i'd like to at least have that small dream.

(Y/n): I like you, regardless of all of that.

Rias gasped.

(Y/n): I may not get the House of Gremory or devil business, but i only care about helping you out of this.

Rias blushed.

(Y/n): Did i say something wrong?

Rias shook her head.

Rias: It's nothing. Anyhow, if we're going to fight, we fight to win.

(Y/n): I heard from Kiba that your known as the Ruin Princess-- the empress of annihilation. And your first fight is against a guy like that...

Rias: No. My powers we're not granted from above, but a crystallization of what the House of Gremory has been cultivating for generations. It is mine and the House of Gremory's. That is why I cannot lose. If i fight, I win. I have to win.

(Y/n): You really are amazing, president. By comparison, it's by a long way. Even with this power i tend to mess things up. That's why i'm training so hard. To become as great as you one day.

Rias put (Y/n)'s head between her breasts.

Rias: YOU'RE amazing, (Y/n). Doing all this for me... I'm thankful. For now, get some rest. Both body and mind, if even a little bit. I will stay by your side until you fall asleep.

(Y/n) started tearing up.

Rias: Take it easy, (Y/n).

They sat there for a while.


Outside, the ORC was doing another training session.

Rias: Use your Boosted Gear, Issei.

Issei: Huh? But President, you said not to use it during this training camp.

Rias: Not without my permission. I wonder if Yuto would mind being your partner.

Kiba: Yes, President.

Kiba walked in front of him and held out his wooden sword.

Kiba: I won't hold back against you.

Issei: Boosted Gear!

Issei brought out his Gear and boosted.

Gear: Boost!

Rias: One more time!

Issei: Boost!

Gear: Boost!

Rias: One more time!

Issei: Boost!

Gear: Boost!

Rias: Keep it going!

Issei: Boost!

Gear: Boost!

Issei boosted multiple times.

Akeno: That's 12 times he's powered up now.

Rias: Stop! Issei, do you get it? Before now, you couldn't have endured this much stepping up. The results of your training are clearly revealed in you.

Issei: Hey, yeah...!

Rias: Begin.

Issei: Here goes! Boosted Gear!

Gear: Explosion!

Issei was surrounded by a yellow aura.

Asia: What's that?

Rias: By using that call, Issei is able to fight momentarily with all of his enhanced power in place. Yuto!

Kiba rushed at Issei, jumped in the air and flew towards him for an attack, but Issei blocked it with his Gear and kicked Kiba back. 

Rias: Issei, fire off a mass of magical power.

Issei created a small ball of magic power.

Issei: Is this all i can manage?

Kiba rushed at him again.

Rias: Fire it!

Issei: Why, you...!

Issei hit the ball making it shoot a big red magic blast at Kiba. Kiba barely dodged it as it went for the mountain, blowing it up. A huge line dented into the mountain.

Akeno: Oh, my goodness...

Koneko: The mountain...

Asia: It's... all gone...

Issei: Th-this is my... power...?

Issei fell on his knees as Asia rushed to him.

Asia: Issei!

Rias: It looks like he's used up all of his strength.

Kiba: Yes, well, he honestly surprised me. That blast was truly a high-grade-devil-class blast.

Kiba's wooden sword snapped.

Rias: (Y/n), you're next.

(Y/n): Okay then.

Rias: Koneko?

Koneko: Yes, President.

(Y/n): Time I try my new move i've been working on!

Rias: New move?

(Y/n) rushed away from the group.

Rias: What's he doing?

Once (Y/n) felt he was far enough, he got in a runner's position.

(Y/n): Okay, you can do this.

(Y/n)'s body sparked with his power.

(Y/n): Let's go!

(Y/n) rushed ahead.

The ORC were wondering where (Y/n) ran off too when they felt him speeding back fast. 

(Y/n) sparked more power and curled into a ball. He hit Koneko at full force and created a big explosion.

The ORC braced the wind that had occurred and looked at Koneko holding (Y/n)'s spindash.

(Imagine Koneko is Knuckles.)

The ORC looked shocked at (Y/n)'s power display. (Y/n) slowed himself down as Koneko put him down. He uncurled and looked at the shocked members.

(Y/n): What did you think of that?

Rias: (Y/n)... What was that?

(Y/n): A new move i'm calling the Spindash!

Rias: Spindash?

(Y/n): Yeah!

Issei: That was sick!

Rias: Anyway, (Y/n)! Issei! You two are the linchpins of the Game. You're attack power will critically affect the way the game is moving. Believe in us, and most of all, believe in yourself.

(Y/n): Believe in you... and myself...

Rias: ((Y/n)...)

Rias remembered what (Y/n) said to her last night and held her chest blushing.

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