Season 1 Episode 8: I pick a fight!

Talking: Gotta go fast!

Whispering: He's an idiot.

Yelling: Hey! You!

Thinking: (Oh boy)


In a wedding hall, Motohama and Matsuda were crying over (Y/n). 

Motohama: Damn it, this is impossible!

Matsuda: This has to be some kind of mistake!

(Y/n): What are you two whining about?

(Y/n) looked down and noticed he was wearing a tuxedo. He was shocked.

(Y/n): What is this?!

Motohama: (Y/n), you're getting married?!

Matsuda: This is some kind of conspiracy!

(Y/n): Married?!

(Y/n) turned around and saw his parents and brother there.

Mom: (Y/n), I want our first grandchild to be a girl.

Dad: How far you've come, being the better son than the other one.

Issei: I'm... right here. Anyway, treat her well, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): What are you talking about?!

Rias: No wandering eyes now, (Y/n).

(Y/n) turned to his left and saw Rias next to him in a wedding dress.

(Y/n): P-president?!

The girls squealed in delight.

Girl 1: Miss Rias, you look so pretty!

Girl 2: Ah, Lady Rias is perfect for someone like (Y/n)!

(Y/n): (I-i'm getting married to Rias!?)

The wedding officiant starting reciting.

(Y/n): (When did this even happen?! I mean... I don't mind it but, aren't we too young for this?)

Wedding Officiant: You may now kiss the bride.

Rias turned towards him and leaned forward.

(Y/n): W-what?!

(Y/n) suddenly woke up panting. He looked around and saw he was back in his room. Chip woke up and looked at (Y/n).

Chip: Is everything alright?

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah... It's alright.

(Y/n) looked outside in wonder.

(Y/n): (What was that?)

[ A naked Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia Appear on-screen until the screen is hit with the title screen. Rias stands on top of a roof. A magic circle appears with the title screen.]

[(Y/n) runs and turns to see Rias sitting on a mountain. They stare at each other with happy gazes. (Y/n) smiles brightly. Koneko is shown, Then Kiba, Then Akeno.]

[Asia is seen standing by a pool of water. A Raynare is shown, then (Y/n) battling with someone. Sona is shown, Than a naked (Y/n) being held by a naked Rias.]

[It shows (Y/n) turning around with a sad gaze as his power is briefly shown. A naked Rias is shown as well. Brief pictures of Rias are shown.]

[Riser is seen battling (Y/n). Then Rias's peerage is shown. It shows (Y/n) bruised and falling as Rias catches him and they look at each other and smile.]

[ Akeno grabs (Y/n) and looks at him with a lustful gaze. (Y/n) blushes as Asia comes and hugs (Y/n) as the screen pans out showing Rias smiling. Chess pieces are then shown.]


In class, (Y/n) yawned out loud. Issei walked up to him.

Issei: You seem tired.

(Y/n): I had a dream and didn't sleep very well.

Issei: What was it about?

(Y/n): It's... confusing.

Asia: I'm so sorry, (Y/n). If only i had come to call you a little earlier...

(Y/n): It's alright.

Issei left with his friends leaving (Y/n) to think about his dream.

(Y/n): (What was that all about? Me getting married to Rias?)

Later on, (Y/n) walks in the club room and saw Issei's beat up face with Asia healing it.

(Y/n): What happened to you?

Koneko: He had it coming.

Rias: Good grief, how can you be so...

Issei: Oh, some friends invited me along, and i couldn't help it.

(Y/n): Of course you couldn't.

The ORC beside Akeno and Rias, were walking out of the building.

(Y/n): I'm thinking about getting some chili dogs.

Asia: Chili dogs?

(Y/n): Oh, they're like, the best food ever. You should try some.

Rias watched them from outside the window.

Akeno: It's odd, isn't it?

Rias: Huh?

Akeno: The questionnaire from where (Y/n) was summoned to say good things about him. Like "It was fun," or "I had a good time." This despite the fact that except when you accompanied him, he failed to get a pact signed. This is a first. He may not be the best devil, but he's pleased all of his clients. I wonder how to interpret that.

Rias: Good question.

Akeno: Still, in his unique way, (Y/n) is-

Rias: That's not what i meant

Akeno: Huh?

Rias: As with the case with the familiars earlier, this is going to cause (Y/n) to lose confidence in himself, isn't it? So I have to look after him for a little longer.

Akeno: Oh, my, how unusually assertive.

Rias: What are you trying to say?

Akeno: Up to now, I thought your style was more laissez faire, but i'm not sure what to make of your commitment to him. Rias, you really-

Rias: It's not a bad thing to have my best friend worry over me, but this is my own problem. Also, in the club room, it's "President," right?

Akeno: Yes, president.

Akeno stood up.

Akeno: Well then, i'll be off.

Rias: Yes, good night.

Akeno left the room and Rias looked out the window again. A magic circle appeared in the room and Rias turned around and saw somebody come out. She looked at them with a glare.


(Y/n) laid on his bed and stared at the celing.

(Y/n): That dream... I only wonder. Eh, no point in worrying about it now. I might as well take a bath.

(Y/n) went out the room and opened the bathroom door but saw Asia in there naked. (Y/n) blushed bright red and covered his area and Asia looked embarrassed and looked away.

(Y/n): S-sorry! I didn't know you were in here!

Before (Y/n) left, Asia grabbed his arm.

Asia: I-i'm sorry. I-i've... never seen a man's... you know, before, so... I'm all aflutter.

(Y/n): It's okay. I should've knocked first.

Asia: But... It's alright now.

(Y/n): What is?

Asia: I heard that in Japan, there's a rule about being naked in the tub together,

(Y/n): Rule?

Asia: Yes. By interacting over a bath, it's said that you come to understand each other more deeply.

(Y/n): (That's not the right understanding, Asia!)

Asia: I-I would like to understand you more deeply, (Y/n).

Asia pressed herself against (Y/n)'s back making him blush.

Asia: Besides, (Y/n), you don't mind seeing others naked, right?

(Y/n): (The complete opposite!)

(Y/n) slowly pushed Asia away from him.

(Y/n): Asia, you can't-

Mom: Asia, I'm leaving some bath towels here for you.

She spotted them both naked.

(Y/n) sat in his bed thinking. He saw a magic circle appear in his room and Rias came out of it.

(Y/n): President? What's up?

Rias walks up to him.

Rias: (Y/n)...

She pushed him down on the floor.

Rias: Take me!

(Y/n): What?

Rias: Take my virginity from me. Quickly, please.

(Y/n): What?!


Rias started taking off her clothes as (Y/n) looked away.

(Y/n): (What is happening?!)

Rias: Am i not good enough?

(Y/n): That's not it!

Rias: I've thought it through, and there's no other way.

(Y/n): Other way?

Rias: If it's an established fact, then there shouldn't be any problem. You have a lot of potential.

(Y/n): What are you talking about-

Rias: Besides, a few minutes after asking, we'll have ourselves a love affair.

(Y/n): What?!

Rias pushed (Y/n) down on the bed.

(Y/n): President, what is going on?!

Rias ignored him and started taking off her bra.

Rias: (Y/n), is this your first time?

(Y/n): Y-yes.

Rias: Neither of us may have much experience at this, but we'll manage to accomplish this somehow. It's alright. You just put yours into mine, right here.

Rias grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and put it on her breast.

Rias: Understand? I'm nervous about it, myself.

(Y/n) looked down.

(Y/n): Rias... I...

Rias: Are you going to bring shame upon me?

(Y/n): ...What's really going on?

Rias face looked stern.

Rias: What do you mean-

(Y/n): You know exactly what i mean.

Rias's face looked sad.

Rias: It's nothing.


Rias was shocked.

(Y/n): It was never "nothing"! This happened the last time! I need to know!

Rias: (Y/n)... I-i'm-

Before she could answer, a magic circle appeared in the room. Rias sighed.

Rias: Looks like i'm a little too late.

A woman in a maid outfit came out the circle.

???: With this lowborn? The master and Sir Zechs will be saddened.

(Y/n): Sir Zechs?

Rias: My older brother. 

(Y/n): Older brother?

Rias: My virtue belongs to me. How is it wrong for me to give it to whomever i will? And another thing, I wont allow you to call my dear servant a lowborn. Not even you, my brother's queen.

The maid picks up Rias's clothes.

???: In any case, you are the next head of the House of Gremory. Please have some respect for yourself.

The maid walked up to (Y/n).

???: How are you? My name is Grayfia, and i am in the service of the Gremory family. Pleased to meet your acquaintance. 

(Y/n): Yeah... (Who is this?)

Rias ruffled (Y/n)'s hair and looked at him with a sad smile.

Rias: I'm sorry, (Y/n). I wasn't in my right mind. Let's just both forget about this.

(Y/n): Forget about it?! What-

Rias: Please.

(Y/n): ...Fine.

Grayfia: (Y/n)? You mean, he is...

Rias: Yes. He's one of my pawns.

Grayfia: The one who holds unspeakable power, is this boy?

(Y/n): Yeah, is that a problem?

Rias: I will hear what you have to say at my headquarters. Akeno may join us, right?

Grayfia: The Priestess of Thunder? I do not mind. Those who are upper class devils always have their queens at their side.

Rias looked at (Y/n).

Rias: Sorry to have put you out, (Y/n).

(Y/n): It's alright.

Rias kissed his cheek, making him blush.

Rias: Please excuse me for the night.

Rias left the room as (Y/n) stared in wonder.


The next day, (Y/n), Issei, and Asia was walking to school.

(Y/n): (What was with the president? And why won't she tell me what's wrong?)

All of a sudden, Motohama punched Issei in the head knocking him on the ground.

Matsuda: Damn you!

Issei: W-what? You two are awfully hotheaded this early in the morning.

Motohama: Up yours! Miltan my ass! That was a cage fighter's arch-rival by any stretch of the imagination!

Not wanting to hear their argument, (Y/n) left with Asia following.

Later on, they were reaching the club room.

(Y/n): What's up with president?

Kiba: Probably something involving the House of Gremory.

(Y/n): Do you think Akeno might know?

Kiba: She is the presidents right-hand lady, so she might.

Kiba stopped walking as they looked at him confused.

Issei: What's the matter?

Kiba: I can't believe this is the first time i've noticed since i've been here.

They entered the club room.

Issei: Sup guys?

(Y/n) saw Grayfia standing next to Rias and Akeno.

(Y/n): Grayfia?

Rias: Everyone's here, huh?

Grayfia: My lady, may i begin speaking?

Rias: As it happens...

Before she could start, a orange magic circle appeared in the room burning with flames as a blonde haired man came out of it.

Kiba: Phoenix?

???: Hmph, I haven't been to the human realm in a long time. I've come to see you, my beloved Rias. 

(Y/n): Who's this guy?

Grayfia: This gentleman is Lord Riser Phoenix. He is a pure blooded upper-class devil, the third son of the House of Phoenix.

(Y/n): House of Phoenix?

Grayfia: And the fiance of the next head of the House of Gremory...

Issei: The next head of the House of Gremory? You don't mean...!

Grayfia: In other words, he is Lady Rias's betrothed.

(Y/n): Betrothed huh?

Riser sat down and drunk Akeno's tea while playing with Rias hair and caressing her thigh.

Riser: Ah, the tea prepared by my Rias's queen is most delicious.

Akeno: Very much obliged, sir.

(Y/n): (So i'm guessing that he's the problem she didn't want to tell me about? I can see why.)

Rias stood up out.

Rias: Enough of that, please. Riser, i've told you this before, but i am not going to marry you.

Riser: But Rias, I think that your family's circumstances are desperate enough not to allow you to be so inconsiderate.

Rias: I do not intend to bring my house to ruin. I intend to make you part of mine. But i will marry whomever i wish.

Riser: It is a matter for all devils to keep pureblood devils, whose numbers all but vanished in the last war, from dying out. Both your father and Sir Zechs decided on this arrangement with the future in mind.

Rias: My father, my brother, and my whole clan are in too great a rush. I won't say it again, Riser. I will not marry you!

Riser grabbed Rias's chin.

Riser: I too, Rias, bear the reputation of the House of Phoenix. I can't have you besmirching our good name.

Issei: President!

Riser: Even if I have to incinerate all of your servants, I will take you back to the underworld with me.

They're eyes glowed as they stared at each other.

Grayfia: Please bring an end to this. My Lady, Lord Riser, since I am here by order of Sir Zechs, I will not hold back one iota.

Riser: When told such a thing by the one known as the ultimate queen, even I become fearful.

Grayfia: My master anticipated that something like this would happen. As such, he has assigned me a last resort, should things break down.

Rias: Last resort? What do you mean, Grayfia?

Grayfia: If My Lady is that insistent on following through her wishes, she is to settle this with Lord Riser via a Rating Game.

(Y/n): Rating Game? Sona said something about that.

Kiba: It's a chess like game that noble devils engage in where they have their servants compete in battle.

(Y/n): Like chess?

Akeno: This is why those of us called Evil Pieces, are given powers modeled after chess pieces.

(Y/n): So that's why.

Riser: I have played through the game time and again, and have secured many wins; far from any experience, on the other hand, you have not even qualified for an official game.

Rias looked annoyed from that statement.

Akeno: Only mature devils have ever been able to take part in a Rating Game.

Issei: Then, we're at an incredible disadvantage.

Koneko: That isn't our only disadvantage.

Riser: Rias, just to be sure, I have to ask, are these all your servants?

Rias: So what if they are?

Riser laughed and snapped his fingers. A magic circle appeared burning with flames as multiple women appeared.

Riser: I have 15 pieces, which is to say, a full set of them.

Issei: 15 of them, and all pretty women and girls? What a fiend! What a man!

Issei started crying from jealousy, with (Y/n) facepalming.

Riser: H-hey, Rias, your servant is looking at me and weeping.

Rias: His dream is to have a harem. 

???: Disgusting.

Riser chuckled.

Riser: I see. Yubelluna...

Yubelluna: Yes, Lord Riser...

They started making out as the ORC looked in disgust. Riser started fondling Yubelluna.

Riser: You'll never be able to do this as long as you live, lower class devil.

(Y/n): Doing something like that in front of your "fiance." You really suck, don't you?

Riser looked annoyed.

Riser: Are you aware of your place when you speak to me so?

(Y/n): I don't care who you are!

Rias: Stop it, (Y/n)-

(Y/n): You don't do something like that to someone!

Rias looked shocked. (Y/n) gripped his fist as his power flowed through it.

Rias: ((Y/n)...)

(Y/n): I should kick your butt for that!

(Y/n) rushed at Riser.

Asia: (Y/n)!

Riser: Mira...

A blue haired girl jumped in front of Riser.

(Y/n) glared at her.

(Y/n): Better get out the way before you get hurt!

Mira hit her staff on (Y/n)'s stomach and sent him up making him hit the ceiling, and crashing back down.

Asia: (Y/n)!

Rias: (Y/n)!

Rias rushed towards (Y/n), but before she could try to help, (Y/n)'s eyes glowed blue and his body sparked before rushing towards Mira, faster than she could react, punching her back, being caught by Riser. (Y/n) got into a fighting stance, with his eyes crackling with power as he glared at Riser.

Riser: Impressive. Your servant is very powerful.

Rias: All right. We will decide this with a Rating Game.

Besides (Y/n), the ORC gasped.

Grayfia: As you wish.

Riser and Yubelluna walked towards their group.

Rias: Riser... I swear, I will wipe you out!

Riser: I look forward to it, my beloved Rias. I will see you at the game.

They disappeared in their magic circle with Riser laughing. Rias looked at (Y/n), seeing his eyes still sparking.

Rias: ((Y/n)...)

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